"Chippie II," 6-1/4" x 6", a repeat of yesterday's chipmunk, but this time acrylics on copper. Chippie II is $599, which includes shipping and handling to a US address. Message me if you are interested. You need to experience Chippie II in person - sections of the surface are exposed copper, and the metal reflects and absorbs the light as the viewer moves about. Here's a video short of the piece in process. You ARE Seeing Double! And I'm seeing a mess of chipmunks, too. We built a flagstone patio this summer, and it's coaxed them out into the sunshine. I've enjoyed watching their antics from all sorts of different angles inside and out. I think there might be more paintings to come. But meanwhile, continuing to think about the differences between painting on a panel vs painting on copper, I took yesterday's composition and gave it a whirl. I also worked out a way to add more glint/reflec...