IN PROCESS: Bear's Backscratch, 12" x 20", acrylics on museum quality panel, a commissioned portrait depicting a delightfully goofy Golden Retriever, private collection (THANK YOU!). Inquiries may come to me , though, because I can make something like this starring YOUR dog especially for YOU. You've seen Bear and his sidekick Nita many times before. Daydream , Nana Nana Na Na , Cannonball , Snuggle Bunny , Snow Much Fun - the list goes on and on and on, but you can see that these two are perfect muses and I take great joy in painting their antics. Is your dog (or cat) a muse? you can always introduce us via digital photos. Shoot me an email - I paint from non-flash photos that you have personally taken (very important!) where the animal is at least 1/3 of the picture. Thanks for following along with my artwork! Kim PS...