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Showing posts with the label nightmare

Night Mare

  Night Mare view her on my website Night Mare, original acrylic on panel, 23-1/2”x24”, $1200 plus s&h. I welcome your questions (yes, I offer payment plans - details below). Just  reach out . I am a lucid dreamer. Many of the animals in my paintings come from my dreams. This lovely dark horse is an important character from them. She pulls me out of my bad dreams, quite literally - when things get too brutal, I simply think of her, reach out to touch her, and she pulls me through a veil into a new dreamscape. This particular painting is also a new iteration of a piece I did a decade back titled  Big Red . I think it’s quite interesting to see them side-by-side. It shows a dramatic, expressive shift in my work, one that I am continuing to refine with each new painting. What will my work look like in 10 years time? You may view Night Mare  on my website , inside a room setting and up close. The link to purchase her is also there.  Let me know  if you woul...