"Mum," 18" x 24", acrylics and graphite on Stonehenge paper, $599 ($59/mo payments) plus s&h to the first one asking nicely. I accept paypal, venmo, personal checks and payment plans. I can ship now (via Fed Ex, utilizing their porch pickup) or, with a 50% deposit, hold the piece for later. Please reach out to me with inquiries or questions. Did you know that rabbits have been around for 4000 years? that they originated in Iberia, and the country name "Spain" actually is a shortened version of the original Phoenician name which translated to "land of the rabbits"? in 200BC ancient Romans built rabbit ranches with some difficulty, because the rabbits kept digging out of the enclosures. There's your history lesson for today. Now please enjoy this painting of rabbits whispering ancient secrets to each other. They know 4000 years worth of stories, so there's gotta be some good ones to share. Thanks for following along with m...