"Kit," 8" x 10", acrylics on museum quality panel, a commissioned pet portrait of a tri-colored long haired Chihuahua. Kit's painting has a home (thank you so very much!), however do not despair - I am now accepting a limited number of special projects like this one. Please send inquiries to me . I know, I know. I've been painting a lot of things other than dogs. And dogs are what the majority of you readers know me for and want to see. But here's the thing - I love painting them just as much as I did before, they just aren't getting to the easel as often. Because I want to learn better handling of lights and darks, and focus on manipulating edges - both things that aren't always possible when working from photos on a specific likeness. So yes, I'm mixing it up a bit. Working on the 100 Toys series and doing more totem paintings , spending a lot of time journaling and sketching and reading and thinking and...