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Showing posts with the label van gogh


"Sunflowers," 16" x 20", acrylics on panel, $199 plus s&h. Inquiries may come to me . SOLD (THANK YOU!) I taught an afternoon workshop at my local library on Saturday, and we painted bouquets of sunflowers. My students did a fantastic job painting the essence and energy of their flowers. Each piece carried it's own interpretation of their sunny faces and jumble of petals. This is my demo piece, worked a bit further along today in my studio. I think it will be fantastic in a kitchen - or a powder room - or a foyer - or a guest bedroom........ I have been asked to do a repeat performance of this class in Montague, Michigan at Studio 2 . Let me know if you are interested, and we'll get you on the class list! Thanks for following along with my artwork, Kim   

Under a Van Gogh Sky

"Under a Van Gogh Sky," 16" x 20", mixed media on museum quality panel, an assignment from the online class I'm taking, Year of the Spark . This piece is not for sale (I've gotta keep it!), but I have uploaded it to FineArtAmerica so that if you are in love with it too, you can have a print (or a cell phone case or a tote bag or a duvet cover or a shower curtain or a pillow or a tshirt) . Inquiries can always  come to me , and thank you so much.  Busy Work Every job has it, right? yes, even mine. Today was spent tidying up, doing paperwork for a couple show entries, building a box for another piece heading out to a show, prepping a lesson plan for next week's grownUPs journaling class , and trying to clear off my desk. After some progress was made on the above, I pulled out the homework for Year of the Spark , and rewarded myself with some serious one-on-one unicorn time. The assignment was to work large, starting wi...

Spring, in Process

"Spring," 9" x 30", mixed media, reverse painted, on museum ULVS plexiglass. This piece will go to the first one asking nicely for $699. As always, inquires may always come directly to me . SOLD (TY VERY MUCH!) I started painting on plexiglass last month, and after a little adjustment (one has to assemble their painting in reverse, from tiny marks to bigger ones), fell totally in love with the process. Here is my latest, not quite finished, with nods to Van Gogh, Klimt and Matisse, along with other personal imagery and symbols. It began innocently enough as a doodle on the back of someone's homework, started while breakfasting with The Princess one morning. She challenged me to run with the idea (giant daffodils chasing a rabbit), and run I did! Close up details of the progression are here and a few more here . Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork! Warmly, Kim

A Walk Down Memory Lane

"Wally's Garden," 12" x 16", acrylics on an Ampersand panel, depicting Wally, a kitty from my childhood, and some special guests. You can read more about the idea behind this painting in the captions accompanying the in process photos. This painting will be heading to my childhood best friend's home shortly.   My childhood BFF lost her both parents last month. I have so much more than merely fond memories of them, because I am living a life that they actively nurtured and set me upon. You see, her Mom introduced me to the fine art of throwing a tea party. To taking pride in your work (this woman embroidered enough fabric to reupholster her entire house - and did!). To fairies (she sprinkled me with fairy dust the day of my high school graduation). She took me to my first symphony. And my first visit to a museum. Her home was my introduction to playing piano and PBS. She regularly took me to Baskin Robbins (and patiently waited for m...

Van Gogh

  The singular Vincent Van Gogh, "Bedroom at Arles", 1889 (the third version he painted), now on display at the Detroit Institute of Arts , courtesy of the  Musee D'Orsay  in Paris, France. Photo courtesy of the Musee D'Orsay.     Yesterday I got to spend a few minutes alone with one of my most favorite painters in the whole world and one of his most compelling images.   It's not just his imagery that I find so compelling. It is his voice, his ideas, shared so honestly in letters to his family and friends, that drives my infatuation (if you are so inclined, please read  The Yellow House  - it will change your life).   Van Gogh wasn't the first artist to feel as though hecouldn't capture the essence of a subject in his work. But he was one of the first to paint more than a mere likeness. He took reality, our shared reality, and infused it with his emotional energy. Some of his feelings we immediately connect with, ...

Been Busy

  It's been quiet on the studio front, but trust me, lots has been happening. Just a few highlights: The Caped Crusader graduated 8th grade and is officially a high schooler, and, far more importantly now, a high school football player. The Princess completed 5th grade with high honors, and is headed to rule middle school with a kind and gentle heart. Jetted to El Paso, Texas, to witness the baptism of the newest little Kelly, baby Dylan. The Man Child got his first job, working at his favorite place in the whole world. McDonalds. Had a sunset bar-b-q (NO hamburgers!) and counted the stars as they came out. Spent a day at Wet -n- Wild water park. A 114 degree day. But it was a dry heat. Weathered a fierce storm that brought down one of the tallest, most ancient trees in our yard. Picked - and processed - nearly 20 lbs of fresh strawberries. Had a fish fry. Walked barefoot in Paint Creek. Painted Van Gogh's Irises on my back porch floor. Enjoyed t...