"Buzz Lightyear (Toy #7)," 6" x 6," acrylics on masonite, a portrait/still life depicting another Buzz Lightyear (also a veteran of my Salvation Army!). This smiley little painting is $75 and includes s&h inside the US. Purchasing is as simple as asking . This holiday snuck up on me, but I do hope that there's birthday cake and/or fireworks in everyone else's plans for the next couple days! I'll find a couple hours each day for studio tasks - another joy of being self employed is that the work doesn't get done unless I am buckling down! But I'm looking forward to getting byte sized work things accomplished, and then getting some serious relaxing going on too!! Meanwhile, if you are considering pre-purchasing a toy painting, let me know via email Indicate in the body of your message which toy # you would like, choosing from #8 all the way up to #100. I'll confirm the painting is yours, and we will coordin...