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Showing posts with the label cobalt blue


"Manic," 10" square, painting of a chocolate lab playing in water, done in acrylics on a museum quality panel, $539 to the first one  asking nicely .   SALE PENDING (thank you!) The inspiration photo for "Manic" came from those submitted for my  "Cherish" paintings . Funny how last winter dogs and water were not even on my radar. And now I can't get enough of them!   This is the piece I blocked in and started  on Tuesday . In process pics are on  the studio's Facebook page .   There's also in process pics of another dog and water piece, "One Fish, Two Fish," which I started and completed during a four hour live painting session last night at  Merge Gallery . I'll highlight "One Fish, Two Fish" in tomorrow's blog post.   Warm thanks to the staff at Merge for hosting a spectacular and inspiring night of creating, and to all the kind folks who stopped by and said hello while ...