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Showing posts with the label malamute
Here is Kenai, Churchill’s partner in crime. My take is that she’s smarter than he, or perhaps she’s just content to be his audience. Either way, they make for a great team. Because Kenai is the quieter partner, I averted her gaze, and set her against a darker ground. This created a self-contained space. The blues and violets echo this effect, and the result is a wonderful little painting. Kenai, 5x7, acrylic dog painting on canvasboard. Private collection. Thanks, as always, for looking. And for sharing these paintings with family and friends. Kim Kimberly Kelly Santini distinctive pet portraits & 4-legged paintings come. sit. stay. enjoy the art. Founding member of the Canine Art Guild the gateway to canine art on the web
Meet Churchill, an especially endearing malamute who excels at sneaking food off countertops and letting himself out. Now, if he could just learn to close the door behind himself…. In this painting, I blocked in the basic shapes and then blended the wet paint with a drybrush. I built several layers of translucent glaze up this way, finally going in overtop with the sharper edges of his eyes, which also carry the densest spots of color. “Churchill,” 6x8, acrylic on canvasboard. SOLD. Thanks, as always, for looking. And for sharing these paintings with friends and family. Kim Kimberly Kelly Santini distinctive pet portraits & 4-legged paintings come. sit. stay. enjoy the art. Founding member of the Canine Art Guild the gateway to canine art on the web