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Showing posts with the label sight hound

September Desktop Calendar

You can download the file  directly from my website. I've set up a couple different ways to do this, either via the photo album or a direct link. I am not an expert on operating systems, so if you don't know how to change your desktop wallpaper, please don't email me - I will indubitably steer you wrong. Your computer's help files will be more concise, more knowledgeable and more responsive than I could ever hope to be.  I've sized this to fit a standard screen height of 768 - I realize there are lots of variables that could impact how the file displays on your screen. Let me know if, once you get the file installed, there are display quality issues (keep in mind, too, that options such as "stretching to fit," "tiling" and "cropping" will impact your display, so check those first!). Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork, Kim


"Austin," 11"x14", acrylics on museum quality panel, a memorial painting for a good friend starring her one and only special guy).  I can do something similar and work from your photos - just ask! . Artist Michelle Grant  was one of my earliest mentors and supporters. Over a decade ago, she relentlessly answered my questions and I spent hours studying her paintings, trying to figure out her particular form of magic.  Michelle also generously shared photos of her Austin, a gorgeous sighthound with one amber and one shockingly blue eye.  I painted him larger than life (I think his head was about 30" tall), sent him off with her blessing to an exhibition, where shortly thereafter the painting sold to a collector. In typical fashion, Michelle was thrilled for my sale. And then earlier this summer, she let on that she regretted not having Austin's painting for herself. He he he. Merry Christmas, Michelle, just a little early. Consider...