The Caped Crusader (my middle child) was enamored with dogs from the very beginning. We were so excited to welcome a puppy into our family when he was old enough to help out. We chose a cattle dog mix because we wanted a clever guy with enough energy to keep up with our boy who never stopped. Finnigan and The Caped Crusader had some pretty amazing adventures together - they got into all sorts of trouble, like any dynamic duo should. Finnigan has slowed down - at over 16, he's earned that right - but he remains eager to accompany one of the kids on whatever adventure they propose, whether it's a good couch snuggle or a drive to Starbucks. It's hard to summon up any memory of my kids' childhood that doesn't also feature this guy. Thankfully, over the years I have accumulated a number of paintings that will keep the memories bright once he is no longer welcoming us home. Pictured above are two pieces from my personal collection. I'm curious to l...