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Showing posts with the label cattle dog

30 Dos 30 Days - Finnigan

The Caped Crusader (my middle child) was enamored with dogs from the very beginning. We were so excited to welcome a puppy into our family when he was old enough to help out. We chose a cattle dog mix because we wanted a clever guy with enough energy to keep up with our boy who never stopped. Finnigan and The Caped Crusader had some pretty amazing adventures together - they got into all sorts of trouble, like any dynamic duo should. Finnigan has slowed down - at over 16, he's earned that right - but he remains eager to accompany one of the kids on whatever adventure they propose, whether it's a good couch snuggle or a drive to Starbucks. It's hard to summon up any memory of my kids' childhood that doesn't also feature this guy. Thankfully, over the years I have accumulated a number of paintings that will keep the memories bright once he is no longer welcoming us home. Pictured above are two pieces from my personal collection. I'm curious to l...

April Desktop Calendar

    Hard to believe this time last year there was no DaVinci.    And folding laundry wasn't an aerobic exercise in swinging objects through the air outside of a certain kitten's reach. And the trash can sat undisturbed in it's cupboard, along with it's contents. And I slept with my glasses on my nightstand instead of in my sock drawer. And I could leave a sandwich on the counter without second thoughts. And close a door without it getting battered from the opposite side.   He's so darned cute!   To implement this month's desktop calendar, simply download the file  directly from my website . I've set up a couple different ways to do this, either via the photo album or a direct link.   I am by no means an expert on the variety of operating systems, so I highly recommend that if you don't know how to change your desktop wallpaper, don't email me for advice. Instead consult your computer's help files - they ...

Splash, Anna and Finnigan

  "Splash," 9" x 12", acrylic on museum quality panel, depicting a certain Princess and her rather neurotic Cattle Dog partner in crime, playing together in Paint Creek. This painting was done in acrylics on museum quality panel, and is the latest acquisition by the artist. Yes, me. I'm allowed to claim one every so often, no?   This is one of my favorite memories of this summer - taking Finnigan down to the creek, and watching him play water frisbee with his girl.   What's your favorite summer memory?   Kim, who is fearing the day when The Princess will be too cool to need me for anything other than a clothes allowance, but savoring and loving every single moment between now and then, including today's emergency trip to the library for "brain food"    

What the..... ??

  "What the....??," the very first painting from the "Cherished" series, 24" x 14", acrylic on museum quality panel, depicting a cattle dog mix and a gray tabby kitten, aka Finnigan Jones and Mona Lisa, collection of the artist.   I don't think I'm ready to part with this painting quite yet, but I can create something just as fun starring your pets - email me !           To keep the composition simple, I opted to eliminate the rug (you can see  the reference here ), and I'm wondering now if it should be there. Without the rug, there's a lot of negative space and I'm not entirely convinced it's the best thing for the painting, but am content to let things sit for a bit until I can "see" how to do it differently.   I painted the shadows out and sketched the rug in, then the voice inside my head told me to take the rug back out and replace the shadows. Still, I wonder. Maybe I'll go back in with some glazes and...

What the..... ??, In Process

  You saw the reference photo  yesterday  (and it's included below, too) - here's the underpainting for the first painting in my new series "Cherish."   Working title "What the....?", this is 24" high by 14" wide, and it's in acrylics on a museum quality panel.   I don't anticipate that this one will be for sale, but inquiries may always come  to me .           For those new to the blog, this is my cattle dog mix Finnigan, who truly had no idea what the little furball kitten Mona Lisa was doing in his house. She, of course, went about as if she had always owned the place, her tail jauntily crooked above her back, her little bell joyfully announcing every move.   I want this painting to convey Finni's gentle curiousity and Mona's trust. It needs to feel warm and cozy, alluded to by the yellow undertones of the floor and rug. And once I get the shadows working properly, the composition will carry a circular motif...

Happily Ever Afters!

From the "Happily Ever Afters" exhibition, the painting "Sun Salutations," depicting rescued cattle dog Arrow, 10" x 20", acrylics on panel, exquisitely framed, $729, with proceeds going to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary . Inquiries (including booking your own pet portrait, which if you mention BFAS will also result in 20% of your purchase being donated to the sanctuary) may always come to me . Tomorrow I set off on a great western adventure. After years of longing, I am finally headed to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab Utah. Not just to volunteer and play with the animals, but to also bring the whole Painting a Dog a Day project full circle. I'm hanging my first ever solo show comprised entirely of Dog a Day paintings (and all rescues!) within the confines of the sanctuary. BFAS was one of the first organizations to stand behind my initial year long challenge of painting daily pet portraits - and here we are, 4 years later and nearing daily ...

A Multi-Colored Merle

"Multi-Colored Merle," 6" x 8", Golden Open acrylics on panel, depicting a blue heeler mix, based loosely on my shadow Finnigan. You can add this painting to your collection for $324 - shoot me an email if you are interested. It's been a long time since I last painted my boy, and I figured I would try my hand at him today and share the little stinker's face. I never tire of painting black and white animals and Finni is no exception. His glossy coat reflects all the color around him, and that merled fur resonates with blues and lavendars. And it's nice every so often to have Finnigan, even if it is merely a painted version of him, sit still and be quiet. Although the other version is currently prone on the floor, sighing at my feet. He's had a busy day herding kids, running in the sprinkler, and playing frisbee. Shhh..... don't say "squirrel." Inquiries (including booking your own pet portrait, from miniature size [4" x 4"] to ...

Maya, Inspiration Times Four

"Maya," 6" x 8", Golden Open acrylics on canvasboard, portrait of a rescued Cattle Dog/Red Heeler, $324, with proceeds supporting my local no-kill shelter. Inquiries (including booking your own pet portrait, from miniature size [4" x 4"] to larger than life) may always come to me . Maya has inspired quite a few lives. Firstly, she captured someone's eye and was pulled from a shelter and sent to a cattle dog rescue. Maya's current "Mom" learned of her via word of mouth and investigated. Living with the high energy and intelligence of a cattle dog takes a special person - these dogs aren't for everyone. But this match, Maya and her new Mom, was a perfect one. She now lives with her extended family in a home where she gets the mental stimulation, activity level and the unconditional love that these dogs thrive on. Maya then inspired photographer Beth Adams ( Candid Canine Photography ), who shared imaged from their photo session with ...

ACD Delivery Boy

"ACD Delivery Boy," from the Sunday Drivers series of paintings, 6" square, Australian Cattle Dog portrait in acrylic on Ampersand Gessobord, $299. Inquiries (including booking your own pet portrait, from miniature size [4" x 4"] to larger than life) may always come to me . Friend and fellow pet portrait artist Kim Arre-Gerber recently sent me the reference photo that inspired this painting. She remembered I was painting a series of dogs and cars for publication, and shot the photo in Mexico. I'm slowly working on the series (Sunday Driver is just one of many projects I'm currently juggling) - and I invite you to share any ideas or (non flash) photos you might have for consideration. Meanwhile, I give you this dear Cattle Dog, quietly waiting in the back of the truck for his route to recommence. And don't forget about the sale in my Etsy shop - 10% off all original artwork over there (over 100 pieces from Painting a Dog a Day). Paintings make g...

Blue Heeler (Finnigan)

"Blue Heeler (Finnigan)," 5" x 7", Australian Cattle Dog portrait in acrylic on Ampersand Gessoboard. Inquiries may always come to me . It's been a long time since I last painted Finnigan (my dog), and when I found myself facing a later painting time slot this evening and wanting to experiment with a new surface (the Ampersand Gessoboard), I thought it would be in my best interest to stick with something well known. As to the dog, those of you who don't know him, Finni is a blue heeler mix, high strung and a little neurotic, but the most honest and willing guy you'll ever meet. His inky dark mask is a little askew, and his merle shifts from violet to pinks depending upon the light. As to the surface, well, I've been looking for a museum-quality panel to replace the canvasboards I've used for the Dog a Day paintings these last few years. I may have found it in the Ampersand Gessoboard. I picked a few up this morning at Utrecht, and will play w...

Happy Sunshiney Friday

"Sun Salutation," 20" x 10", acrylic on canvasboard, dog portrait of an Australian Cattle Dog. Proceeds from the sale of this painting will be donated to my local shelter, The Oakland Pet Adoption Center as well as Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. Inquiries may come to me . After a gorgeous walk with Finnigan (my dog) this morning, I came home wanting to paint something that was all about sun worship. This piece is much larger than how I typically work, but my love for the sunshine today was enormous and could not be contained in a smaller painting. This isn't Finni but another cattle dog rescue named Arrow. Cattle dogs are an acquired taste (I think that could safely be said about a number of breeds), but once you are owned by one, you are seriously hooked. Arrow's family and ours are both caught fast. Thank you to Judy Wood (she's an artist too) for sharing Arrow's photos with me. I need to also extend a big thank you to Best F...

Sweet Dreams, a portrait of my son

"Sweet Dreams," 8" square, acrylic on canvasboard, collection of the artist. Inquiries may always come to . We really got our dog Finnigan for our son Evan. Evan's first word was "dog." My feelings were hurt, but only for a minute, because I realized I had a dog-loving soulmate. BF (Before Finnigan), we were a cat household. As much as I loved dogs, I had been unable to convince my husband of the same. All he saw was poop getting tracked into the house by little shoes, those tell-tale yellow spots in the lawn, and a housesitter (or kennel) each time we went away. But Evan persisted. And persisted. And persisted. Finni (a blue heeler cattle dog mix) has been around for years now, but from the very beginning, he knew Evan was his partner in crime. He herded Evan and his buddies around the yard, then graduated to accompanying him on hikes and bike rides. Evan's taught him to play tag football (Finni is a great cornerback) an...

Roxy, Red Merle

"Roxy (Cattle Dog)," 4" x 5", red heeler pet portrait, acrylic on board. Roxy's painting has a sale pending, but interested parties may email me - . (And that includes anyone considering booking their own Dog-a-Day portrait - I'm currently scheduling for January 2010.) Cattle dogs are an acquired taste, but, like steamed clams, they are delightfully slippery and delicious, with larger than life personalities. Being owned by one myself, I have a small bit of experience in that area (and I love steamers). From all I've heard, Roxy was no exception. Even blindness (at age 9) didn't slow her down. She's crossed the bridge now, but I know she's waiting to heartily greet only those she knows. And she'll "herd" them in the right direction when they do show. Speaking of herds, thanks to you, I've shipped close to 100 Painting a Dog a Day - the First Year books! I'll be putting together a second pre...
"Thank You (Poncho)," 4" x 6", cattle dog pet portrait , acrylic on canvasboard, not for sale. Poncho is an extremely special dog, with an equally amazing story. Of course his life intersected with Best Friends Animal Sanctuary , where he received expert care for numerous injuries. One of those injuries required multiple surgeries followed up with quiet recouperative care. Those of you who know cattle dogs know that they do not do anything quietly. Yet the staff at BFAS were able to limit Poncho's activity levels without the little guy going insane from lack of exercise. The story of his recouperation was highly entertaining - the things he would try as an outlet for his energy and the counter-actions the staff used to help curb his behavior made for great reading (although I perhaps enjoyed it more so because I have a cattle dog of my own). What warmed me the most about Poncho's story, though, was how he made it to the sanctuary in the first place. Poncho w...
"Yum III," 6" x 8", cattle dog mixed breed painting in acrylic on canvasboard, $180. Inquiries to . I painted this piece a couple weeks back, and while the client didn't fall in love with it (the tongue covered a bit too much face, I think), I sure did. I debated keeping the painting for myself, but I already have so many paintings at home that I cannot display properly, that I felt guilty. This guy, he deserves a place of honor. So consider this sweet ole' mug my New Year's gift to you all. May 2008 be full of delights, both culinary and otherwise! Thanks, as always, for looking. And for sharing these paintings with your friends and family, Kim PS I hung my show today at the Orion Township Public Library - an entire wall of framed dog-a-days, with a few dog tag paintings and one painfully larger than life chihuahua in there for added effect. The show will be up through the end of this month, so if you are in the area, do ...
“Winnie’s Smile,” 6” x 8”, mixed breed pet portrait in acrylic on canvasboard, private collection (thank you very much). I had so much fun with Katie today, painting her was like painting an old friend. When I stepped back to squint down at and view what I thought might be the final version of the painting, I discovered (duh!) that Katie bears a remarkable resemblance to my cattle dog Finnigan. She has a similar bone structure to her face, although it’s a little longer. They also share that same relaxed expression, and yet I bet if a magic word were said (“walk” or maybe “play”) she would bounce into immediate hyperdrive. Thank you to new collector Denise Gillen who purchased three favorites from the dog-a-day archives yesterday. Welcome to the group, Denise! For those of you who may not be receiving your daily dose of the dog-a-days, it has come to my attention that if you just re-subscribe, the problem is fixed. Gotta love that! The signup option is available at the top of the blog p...
“Hope (Poncho),” 5x7, red merle cattle dog pet portrait in acrylic on canvasboard, $90. Inquiries to . Proceeds from the sale of Poncho’s painting will go to the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. SOLD. Poncho’s story warmed my heart from the get go. I stumbled across it (and Best Friends Animal Sanctuary themselves) while googling for training suggestions and tips geared specifically for neurotic cattle dogs (that’s another story altogether!). But back to Poncho - here’s an excerpt from his bio on the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary site: “Poncho nearly died on his rescuer’s lap!....(he) was found with lots of broken bones, and a rope around his neck that he seemed to have chewed through. A senior citizen picked up the “stray” and rushed him to the vet, on his lap. But the limp dog kept seeming to die on him. His rescuer was terrified by the time they made it to the vet’s office. It took more than 5,000 dollars of surgery to put Poncho back together again. ...
“In Flight,” 8” x 16”, (my) Australian cattle dog/blue heeler portrait in acrylic on canvasboard, $160. I’m really tempted to keep this piece for myself, but being as I have what seems like two dozen paintings of Finnigan already and can always paint him again when the mood strikes, inquiries may come to . SOLD. People always comment on how disciplined and organized I must be in order to pull off the whole Painting a Dog a Day project, but then days like this one roll around, where I am busy scrambling to get various show applications completed by their deadline, and then, “DUH!”, realizing that I haven’t finished my entries for an online show that I’m coordinating. So that’s what you get today – my third and final entry for the Canine Art Guild’s “Dogs Just Wanna Have Fun” online exhibition (scheduled to “open” on August 1st). Among a few other neuroses, Finnigan has a serious Frisbee disorder. Thankfully there’s a horde of willing neighbor kids who l...
On top, "Charlotte," 12" x 14", beagle-mix pet portrait in process, private collection. On bottom, working title "Cat Nap," 16" x 20" cattle dog/blue heeler pet portrait, work in process. Inquiries to . It’s been one of those days where, despite accomplishing a tremendous amount, I do not have a finished piece to show you. I started out working on Charlotte’s 12x14 portrait (the beagle mix), knowing that if I put another layer of glaze down, I could use the drying time to work on another piece. Which is what I did. Then, because today is “Take Your Dog to Work Day,” I thought I would paint Finnigan (my cattle dog). But instead of choosing something new, I went back into an older 16 x 20 sized piece (see April 2nd). SIDE NOTE: By the way, this painting did get juried into the Masterpiece Arts show, which ended in May. However, I continued to be bothered by the background and how flat Finni seemed to be, and could...