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Showing posts with the label eyes


"Simon," 6" x 8", acrylics on museum quality panel, commissioned portrait of a rescued beagle with the dearest eyes, done in acrylics on a museum quality panel. This one already has a home, but I can take on a couple more pre-holiday commissions.  Just ask me nicely . Back to the dogs. And back to my regular palette, too - while I loved working with the grays all week, there was something super reassuring about having the opportunity to make decisions today. Like lime green. And pthalo blue. And cadmium orange. Those colors make me so happy. But I know it's all about finding a balance. I'm working in that direction! Meanwhile, Oliver starts of a pack of beagle faces. You can keep up with them all over on Facebook . Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork, Warmly, Kim


View In Process Photos I Want a Portrait Too "Gunther," 8" x 10", acrylics on museum quality panel, a commissioned portrait depicting a delightful gentleman, private collection (THANK YOU!). It's been busy here - unpacking from our week away, catching up on household chores, running kids hither and yon, catching up with emails and studio work, running week two of my online workshop, teaching a new journal class, and packing for next week's trip to Saratoga. Too much coming and going and not enough sitting in front of the easel time. At least that's my thinking! Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork, Kim

Lucy II

    ABOVE:  "Lucy II," 5" x 7", commissioned portrait of Lucy, acrylics on museum quality panel, private collection (THANK YOU!) - inquiries about your own commissioned pet portrait can come  to moi !    My  first version  of Lucy just wasn't quite right, so my client sent over a new batch of photos and I had a fresh go of things. I love this one even more - as does she! - and I think it's a better partner to Lily's portrait (below, 5" x 7"), too!   Thanks for following along with my paintings! Kim  


"Ball?," 12" x 12", portrait of a youthful Nita, a golden retriever (reference photo to the left), done in acrylics on a museum quality panel, $599 to the first asking nicely. Which you can do  via email . SOLD This one was painted and shared online - lots of photos are on  the studio Facebook page . Which provides those of you with questions about my process the opportunity to jump in and ask. Including how you can take Nita home. Yes, I do payment plans. I take credit cards via Paypal. I ship all over the world. And there will be prints made of this painting once the original sells. And she's more spectacular in person than on the computer! Thanks for following along, Kim