"Nikki and Yori," 12" x 16," done in acrylics on a museum quality panel, depicting a chow mix and a German Shepherd Dog. This is a commissioned portrait, and as such, is heading to a new home next week. However, inquiries on how you can get something similar may come to me . I started this one a little before 11 am (and that doesn't count the groundwork done prior to picking up the brushes, learning about the animals' personalities, reviewing photos, and putting a composition together) and just signed it a little bit ago. Granted, there was a break to pick the kids up from school and to inhale some dinner, but for the most part, this painting was done in one sitting. One nearly 11 hour sitting. Add the 2 hours of computer work I did earlier, and that's an honest day's work!! I LOVE days like this, and have enough adrenaline to start another painting tonite, but think I'll punch out and spend some time with ...