"Katie and Mollie," commissioned sketch portraits of two fabulous ladies, both rescues. The image is approzimately 6" x 4" and roughly centered on an 11" x 14" piece of multimedia artists paper, done in Golden Open Acrylics. I ask my clients to share a bit of the dogs' personalities with me, just so that I get a strong sense of who they are in addition to what they look like. Here's what I learned about Katie (on the left) and Mollie (on the right): "Katie's a jumper, a barker, a kisser, and a total nut. She's also a total spaniel - where she wants to be is RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, if not on top of you - and she loves nothing in the world so much as a belly rub. Except possibly food." "Molly's got a hefty dose of Chow Zen. She's also got a lot of street smarts - which means, in part, that she knows how to catch her own food. I can number at least three occasions where I stood on the sidewalk and s...