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Showing posts with the label playskool

Dressy Bethy - Losing Her Stuffing

Ask Nicely & Buy Me Now Details of the nearly completed painting, may I introduce you to "Dressy Bethy," 12" square, acrylics on museum quality panel, featuring a vintage Playskool Dressy Bessy doll who's a little worse for the wear (I swear Finnigan didn't do this!), $599 to the first  asking nicely  . I realized that my creepy doll thing isn't so creepy after all. It's me coming to terms with my kids growing up, my Grandmother passing away, and a general longing for simpler times, when boo-boos could be fixed with a superhero bandaid and a popsicle. In other words, the dolls are my mid-life crises. I always thought my mid-life crises would involve a horse. Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork, Kim