IN PROCESS: "Victoria and Camille," 11" x 14", still life painting depicting two generations of dolls (a Corolle vanilla scented baby belonging to my daughter and my childhood Madame Alexander doll), acrylics on museum quality panel, $599. Lots of in process photos are here and inquiries may come to me . Collage artist Laura Locke invited me to co-create in her gorgeous studio . (Thank you, Laura - this is me, waving furiously!) While she worked on a large scale mixed media fabric piece of her two daughters , I spent an hour playing with my dolls. I kept moving them aound, repositioning their bodies, trying different chairs/heights/surfaces, until I was happy with the setup. Then I walked past from a different angle across the studio and changed my mind entirely! Typical, right? While I set to work painting, Laura started a new piece and shared some of her treasured ephemera: photographs, magazines, love letters, correspo...