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Showing posts with the label spots

Sapphire, in process

IN PROCESS (and with glare, apologies): "Sapphire," 24" x 30", acrylics on panel, available for purchase to the  first asking nicely , $899 (includes s&h inside the US). Thank you so much! So here's the thing: I had an entirely different plan in mind when I started this painting. And like a toddler throwing a tantrum, Sapphire insisted on doing something else. So I decided to indulge her, spent some time studying and responding to what was there, and came up with this. It's kinda haphazard right now, but I can almost visualize the ending. For a while there today I was painting blindly, with very little idea of what was to come next. Disconcerting, but a great exercise in letting go of control. Thanks, as always, for supporting my dream, Warmly, Kim   


"Curls," 24" x 30", acrylics on panel, featuring a palomino Thoroughbred with a festive and somewhat tropically colored forelock of ribbon. $899 and the first asking nicely gets her! As always, inquiries may come to me . Wouldn't this (or any of my Beribboned paintings ) make for an incredible focal point in a nursery or child's room? Thanks, as always, for following my art, Warmly, Kim   

I'm Not Listening. Wait. Maybe I Am.

The completed painting - "I'm Not Listening. Wait. Maybe I Am," 11" x 14", velvety dark and rich acrylics on museum quality panel depicting the one and only Mona Lisa, $599 to the first asking nicely. SOLD (thank you!). VIEW IN PROCESS PHOTOS Got this one finished today AND got the initial sketch done of my ArtPrize 2014 piece starring daVinci. You can watch that project (and it's a BIG one, to match Vinnie's personality) unfold here . And learn more about ArtPrize, a fantastic art festival held in Grand Rapids Michigan each fall, here . Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork, Kim 

Four OClock

Four OClock (Mona Lisa), 8" x 10", acrylics on museum quality panel, portrait of the one and only Mona Lisa, available to the first one asking nicely for $469.  Inquiries  may come to me!!     I started Mo's latest painting yesterday (in process pics are here ), but was interrupted by two crises - one involving a broken down car and another over a missing uniform piece on game day.   My boss totally understood why I had to leave a little early!   Hope you have a wonderful weekend!! Kim