"Watch Eye," 6" x 8", from 2007, one of eight equine paintings I am auctioning off in the next couple days. Details on the auction are below and on the studio's Facebook page. In honor of Kentucky Derby Week, I've chosen a handful of older favorites starring horses for my next online auction hosted on the studio Facebook page . These are paintings I love, pieces that were exbibited/on tour up until a few years ago, when they were put in storage for one reason or another. Or maybe they were in a gallery that has since closed it's doors and returned inventory to me. Or maybe, like Watch Eye above, they were personal favorites that we have been enjoying in our home, but need to let go in order to make room for new acquisitions. These are daily paintings, acrylics done on canvasboard panels, from 2007 - 2010. Because they are older pieces and have been around the block a few times, my current galleries are not ...