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Showing posts with the label auction

Derby Week - Horse Paintings at Auction!!

    "Watch Eye," 6" x 8", from 2007, one of eight equine paintings I am auctioning off in the next couple days. Details on the auction are below and on  the studio's Facebook page.   In honor of Kentucky Derby Week, I've chosen a handful of older favorites starring horses for my next online auction hosted on  the studio Facebook page .   These are paintings I love, pieces that were exbibited/on tour up until a few years ago, when they were put in storage for one reason or another. Or maybe they were in a gallery that has since closed it's doors and returned inventory to me. Or maybe, like Watch Eye above, they were personal favorites that we have been enjoying in our home, but need to let go in order to make room for new acquisitions.   These are daily paintings, acrylics done on canvasboard panels, from 2007 - 2010. Because they are older pieces and have been around the block a few times, my current galleries are not ...

A Boston Marathon Benefit Auction

      It was entirely surreal, what happened at the Boston Marathon yesterday afternoon. My heart aches for those who have been injured, family and friends trying to locate loved ones, for the athletes who should have been celebrating a m ilestone, and for yet another city that will forever be known as the site of such tragedy. I am donating proceeds from auctioning my backer board, pictured above, (thank you to Facebook fans Susan Elin Zacharius and Karin Golonka for the suggestion to sell my board!) to the Red Cross. This is the 18" x 24" masonite panel that has been my backdrop for years of painting and working in the studio. I duct tape my smaller panels onto this board and prop it inside my easel, so there may be some tape residue on the surface and there is one area when the paint is peeling off (along the underside of the "e" in Be - this all adds to the overall character of the panel. The panel carries layers of acrylic paint, ink, and other mat...

St Patty's Dog Tags @ Auction

      FROM LEFT:  "Green Heart Tag," "Gold Star Tag," and "Green Flower Tag," each 4" square, acrylic on museum quality panel, and all being sold at auction now on  the studio Facebook page .   Bidding starts at $20US. Winning bidder responsible for shipping and handling costs.   Bid via commenting on the painting you desire. Highest bid at 10pm EST tomorrow March 3rd, 2013 is the lucky dog!   One can never have enough green in one's life!     Thanks so much for supporting my artwork! Kim   PS  In process pictures of the tags are on  the studio's Facebook page .  

Spring Cleaning

    "Violet Rosie," one of eight older paintings I am auctioning off in the next 24 hours. More details below and on  the studio's Facebook page.     The last couple years have seen galleries closing down, and a number of spaces that used to represent me no longer do. I was sorting through the beautiful returned inventory when I realized something.   These paintings deserve an audience!    So right then and there I went through my archives, packed with artwork I kept for a variety of reasons - paintings from exhibitions, demos done for particular events, and the returned inventory mentioned above - and pulled out a handful of oldies but goodies that seemed especially lonely and in need of new homes.   These are daily pieces created during 2007 - 2010, done in acrylic on canvas boards.  These paintings will be auctioned off over the next 24 hours on  the studio Facebook's page . Place...