Promise view her on my website Promise, original acrylic on panel, 30”x24”, private collection (thank you!). I always welcome inquiries - please do reach out . I thought quite a bit about parenting as I painted this bear cub. Each new life holds promise for something a parent literally cannot see - we feel that promise and also hold sacred own dreams for the child. Ultimately, though, the child learns who they are and discovers their purpose as they grow up. It’s our job to support them through their journey. I was thinking of this along with all of the promises we make to ourselves while raising kids or nurturing others. Those promises that push us to be more human, more vulnerable, more supportive of what we all are growing into. You can view Promise on my website - she is packed with nuance and details which you can view up close over there. I was so pleased that she found a home with a returning collector while still on my easel. I am blessed to have ...