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Showing posts with the label bear


  Promise view her on my website Promise, original acrylic on panel, 30”x24”, private collection (thank you!). I always welcome inquiries - please do  reach out . I thought quite a bit about parenting as I painted this bear cub. Each new life holds promise for something a parent literally cannot see - we feel that promise and also hold sacred own dreams for the child. Ultimately, though, the child learns who they are and discovers their purpose as they grow up. It’s our job to support them through their journey. I was thinking of this along with all of the promises we make to ourselves while raising kids or nurturing others. Those promises that push us to be more human, more vulnerable, more supportive of what we all are growing into. You can view Promise  on my website   - she is packed with nuance and details which you can view up close over there.  I was so pleased that she found a home with a returning collector while still on my easel. I am blessed to have ...


  Peach Peach, original acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas, image painted around the sides so no pressing need to frame, 48”x36”x1-1/2”, $5000 plus s&h. Peach will ship rolled and require restreching at the recipient’s end, which can be done by a reputable framer. Questions can always come   to me , or just reach out to share some love. She started as a mountain lion, I kid you not (here’s a   reel   outlining her progression if you don’t believe me). Over the course of three months, Peach challenged me in ways I couldn’t have predicted, but I am SO glad that I stuck with her. You can view - or even purchase - Peach up close and personal   on my website .   Let me know if you would like a payment plan (30% non refundable deposit with the balance plus shipping paid in full inside 12 months time). Repeat offenders, err, returning collectors, use “COLLECTOR10” at checkout for 10% off your purchase of original artwork. And, if you are looking to level up you...

Ribbons of Sky

  Ribbons of Sky, 48"x36" original painting, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas, $5000 plus s&h. This painting will ship rolled and require restretching at your end. A repurable framer can easily do this.  Please reach out  with any questions. Ribbons of Sky was a fantastic teacher. Yes, my paintings teach me. They teach me what to do and what not to do, and this lady was no exception. I thought she was finished on Friday, and I had a burst of adrenaline as I cleaned up the studio. Then Saturday morning I looked at her and she felt unresolved. The dark value shape comprising the right edge of the bear was lovely in how it vibrated, but that illusion overwhelmed the sincerity in her face. Sunday I spent some time with her, too, and compared her to some of my other pieces as a means of trying to learn from them what she might need. Aura  minced no words. There wasn't nearly enough line work, she said, and as lovely as that dark passage was, it needed to be...


  Aura, 40"x40" original painting, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas, $4500 plus s&h. This painting will ship rolled and require restretching at your end.   Please reach out  with any questions. I have been putting in long studio days since March, when I accepted an invitation from   Mirada Fine Art   to hang a two person show at their gallery in downtown Denver (Colorado). This was an ambitious undertaking in that it involved delivering a dozen new, large scale paintings inside 4 months. The pace has been both grueling and inspiring. Each piece spawned excitement in me to try something new. There was no time to overthink or second guess myself. I leaned into my intuition and fully embraced colliding my wildlife spirits with the sky and planets, all sparked by April's eclipse and the northern lights which I was able to witness right in my own backyard. I thought of the animals as containers, source, veils, precipices, apparitions, constel...

Purple Mountain Majesty and Mirada Fine Art

    Purple Mountain Majesty, 48"x60", acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas, available July 2024 through   Mirada Fine Art   in Denver, Colorado. Inquiries may always come   to me .   Since March I have painted nearly 48 square yards of canvas, used 2 gallons of gesso, a gallon of isolation coat medium, 1-1/2 gallons of acrylic gel medium, and countless tubes of paint. All for good reason - I am creating a fresh body of work for new gallery representation! I am delighted to announce I am joining forces with Mirada Fine Art, a contemporary and distinctive gallery in Denver, Colorado. I choose my representation carefully - gallery spaces are an extension of the experience I would provide collectors were they to visit my studio in person. The gallery and I become a team in bringing ideas to life, curating opportunities to view said art, and facilitating acquisitions. Mirada Fine Art will be an utterly fantastic partner and I am thrilled to be one of...

New Painting: Rolling Hills

    Rolling Hills, 30"x24" original painting, acrylic on flat panel (she will require framing), sold (thank you so very much!).  Link to purchase prints is   here .  Please reach out  with any questions. This is the final painting featured in my  Intuitive Painting  online workshop.** I created three pieces during the filming of this course, all originating from the same idea (a fusion of Bear with the California landscape), each one remarkably different and carrying her own distinctive personality. Also worth noting, this is a rare landscape oriented Momma Bear piece - they usually are portrait format. In addition to naked panels, I brought this one, containing a very loose color study of fall colors I did in October of last year, not knowing what I was going to paint overtop her. In the first day of drawing and planning designs, when I began layering my bear contour drawings together, suddently I knew what I wa...


  Eclipse, 24"x36" original painting, acrylic on flat panel (she will require framing), private collection (thank you and welcome to my newest collector!).   Please reach out  with any questions. I pull my subject matter from the things that happen in my life, and unless you've been living in a cave, there is a solar eclipse happening today, April 8th. A few weeks back I thought about doing an eclipse themed painting, but nothing else came to me other than a literal addition of an eclipsed landscape. That didn't feel genuine enough, and sure, I could have chased that idea and seen what evolved from it, but I've learned to let painting seeds mature. It's challenging, to be sure, but ultimately it serves the idea in the most authentic way possible. I came to terms with not having an eclipse painting to share in a timely fashion, and went on with my other projects. And then, probably because I was ignoring her, the eclipse idea grew legs. This painting didn't...

Delta, a Momma Bear Painting

  Delta, 24"x24", acrylic on flat panel, $1200 plus s&h to the first asking nicely, which you can do via   my website   or with   a sweet note to me . I mentioned on my socials yesterday that my paintings are a singular object that acts as a touchstone for multiple moments. So when I look at a piece, I don't just see the final painting, but I remember all the experiences that keyed into her making. My oldest was recently married, my youngest readying to graduate university, which meant my role of mother was transitioning into something new. I officially had a new daughter while my other girl was leaping into adulthood. One of our favorite places to walk the dogs was sold to a developer. This historic area held weathered red barns and numerous outbuildings overgrown with vines and wildflowers - it was rich with texture and a complex variety of earthy reds. The brilliant red of the sumac and maples the fall prior to this painting, and how the un...


  Larimar, 24"x30", acrylic on a flat panel, $1300 plus s&h to   the first asking nicely . Questions can always come   to me. Do you know that I love pocket stones and crystals?    I always have a few on me. A couple weekends back I acquired the most delicious little slice of   larimar   and she's been with me ever since.  This particular painting has been in the works since 2017 - most recently returning to my easel a few weeks back for a couple new layers of marks. She wasn't a problem child so much as I had very little clarity as to what she was trying to tell me. Now I can see that her collection of blues was leading me in this particular direction, to masses of sky and varied light, and I'm sure it's no coincidence that my little stone showed up to mark the occasion and inspire her title. Here is the link for  LARIMAR . Thanks so much for following along with - and supporting - my art journey, warmly, Kim PS   new art SOJOU...


  Artemis, 36"x48", acrylic on a gallery wrapped canvas, sides painted with an extension of the surface design, $500 plus s&h to the first asking nicely. Link to purchase is   here .  Inquiries are always welcome .  This is a powerful painting - not just in scale. The air wafts about inside the painting, and it feels as though that breeze travels out into the physical space around the painting. The bear is a gentle thrust displacing the air and creating gentle eddies that are both seen and felt. I am offering Artemis for a limited time - if she has not sold by November 29th (next Tuesday) I will reserve her for a winter exhibition. So if you love Artemis and would like her to show up in time for the holidays, this is your personal invitation to purchase her now. Otherwise she will return in February 2023. Make Artemis yours   here . Thanks so much for following along with - and supporting - my art journey, warmly, Kim  


  Harvest Moon, 24"x30", acrylic on flat panel, Private collection (thank you so very much!).  Inquiries are always welcome . Prints are available   here . my recent paintings feel like visual timestamps of what was playing out in my life when they were created. This one was completely impacted by the lunar eclipse a couple weeks ago and the unbelievable richly colored autumn we experienced here in Michigan. As always, I welcome your questions or thoughts about my work. What do you see in her? Interested in prints or other objects featuring Harvest Moon? here's   a link . Thanks so much for following along with - and supporting - my art journey, warmly, Kim


  "Acadia," 24"x30", acrylic on panel, $1300 plus s&h. You may purchase her directly   here ,   or   reach out to me   for further details. equal parts ocean, old growth forest, rocky shorelines and vast skies Meet Acadia. I think she looks particularly wonderful   alongside the recently finished piece Land and Sky . They are both the same size and orientation and would be stunning installed together.  Message me   to make both of them yours - I'll extend my collector's discount to both pieces and cover shipping inside the contiguous US. Thanks so much for following along with - and supporting - my art journey, warmly, Kim


  "Land and Sea," 24"x36", acrylic on panel, $1300 plus s&h. You may purchase her directly   here,   or   reach out to me   for further details. I don't consider myself a landscape painter but I have to say that my (outdoor) surroundings have really been impacting the work I make. I think it started in late 2022 when, after our move, I fell deeply in love with our new property. I began walking it each day, looking for subtle changes. And the views from each window are masterfully framed - they always provide a glimpse of something stunning for those days when the weather was a bit too much (this is Michigan after all). During our 5 days in Maine last week, I soaked up the sky and ocean. The vistas, rocky beaches, dense old growth woods, ponds, winding roads, windswept trails. These things are trickling into the paintings I'm working on, even if, like Land and Sea, those paintings were started before the trip. Art isn't created in a vacuum. I am rec...


  "Terra Cotta," 24"x36", acrylic on panel, $1300 plus s&h when available.   Reach out to me   if you are interested and I can add you to my First Dibs Collector's Club. First Dibbers have priority purchasing when it comes to my new work. the Momma Bears are evolving   and this one seems to be particularly powerful. I feel elements of my prior works in here - she is   sirenesque , carries some   daydream like passages , and is rooted in the   Talisman pieces . I also see her reflecting some of my more recent interests relative to brushwork, earthy color, and skies. Don't forget about   her sister bears that will be available on Friday at noon eastern.   And if you are looking to add more than one to your collection,   reach out to me   for a collector rate and combined ship costs. Thanks so much for following along with my art journey, warmly, Kim


  "Sanctuary," 24"x30", acrylic on panel, $1300 plus s&h when available.   Reach out to me   if you are interested, as I am in the process of putting together a special first dibs program for my collectors both old and new. Those who are part of the First Dibs group will get access to painting sales before the general public; if you are seriously interested in acquiring a piece or you have purchased an original from me within the last 3 years, you will have the option to join this group. Collectors please watch for an email in the next few days. a few weeks ago I invited this painting back to my easel   because it was time to add to her story. Things had played out in the world, and with fresh eyes I saw that I could make some powerful changes to her design.  I believe I have finished her - at least for now. Who knows when the next chapter will show up (and if she's no longer here in the studio, I'll have to start a new one, lol!!) T...