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Showing posts with the label legs

Legs, done!

ABOVE "Legs," 24" x 36", acrylics on museum quality panel, portrait of an Arabian filly. There's layers of marks here that one really has to get in close to fully appreciate, and they build up a remarkable play between lost and found edges. I've included a detail below so that you can get a sense of how varied and subtle the surface is. This painting is $4299 with complimentary US s&h directly to your door. This is a chestnut filly, so she's growing up sassy and opinionated, like all chestnut filly's do. She is looking for a home that is equally sassy - if you think it might be yours,  let me know . For those interested in the creation of Legs, there are  in process photos online .  Thanks for your interest in my artwork, Kim  

Legs, in process

"Legs," 24" x 36", acrylics on museum quality panel, portrait of an Arabian filly. She's a chestnut filly, so she's destined to grow up sassy and opinionated. This piece will be offered to a select audience when completed. If you are interested, please let me know . We established that yesterday's easel time was worthless. I couldn't do anything right. And my inner critic had at me about it all last night, too, saying horribly mean things despite my feeding her chocolate. I mean, I stuffed it in her mouth, Ghirardelli dark chocolate, the good stuff. I couldn't shut her up. Today, though, today was a fresh start. I threw yesterday's 6" square panel into the "Paint Over Pile" with great pleasure, then unwrapped a 24"x36" panel and started a nearly lifesized foal portrait.  Because nobody tells me I don't know how to paint. You can follow along with the progress of this one online if you wis...


"Frolic", 12" x 16", acrylics on museum quality panel, depicting a foal (photo reference courtesy of ) stretching her legs. Further exploration of edges and blending courtesy of inspiration from studies with  Stanka Kordic . This painting, this little one, she need a home. $959 will bring her to your doorstep (inside the contiguous US) - inquire directly to moi , with in process photos  here . More Gut Listening Pursuant to Puff Ball's painting on Monday , I bring you Frolic. Painted mostly with a wedge and my fingers, with a conscious effort to lose edges, and a focus on super fun color. And size - if you haven't noticed, I've been painting larger lately, too - and this one carries some moderate texture. I'm liking this approach. A lot. It's a new way of capturing energy and motion, all the while allowing me to also dabble with the abstract qualities of the composition. What do you thi...

Building New Dreams

"Dreamer (formerly Ballerina)," 9" x 12", acrylics on a museum quality panel, depicting a pretty filly playing in an imaginary space. She's looking for a new home - $599 includes s&h to any US doorway. As always, inquires may always come directly to me . Oh, and in process pics are here .  I've been looking at a lot of art lately (that might be a separate blog post!), measuring it against my inner vision (notice I didn't say measuring it against my work!! that is a no-no!!), and figuring out where I want to go with my work (because yes, I do get bored painting the same thing the same way, day after day). I have plans right now for two workshops this spring (focused on expressive, ambiguous, and loose mark making) and am currently deep inside two others (examining joy and acceptance). Plus I have compositions that have been in my head since December's still life workshop with Vianna Szabo (continuing my love affair with l...

Paisano, in Process

In process, "Paisano," 16" x 16", acrylics on 2" cradled panel, depicting a foal emerging from the shadows, $849 to the first asking nicely. View In Process Photos I am rather protective of my creating time and hardly answer the phone during work days, let alone schedule field trips. But when  Laura Locke invited me yet again to spend a day working in her gorgeous studio, I couldn't pack my paints quickly enough.    We talked about work. And life. And our friend Margot whom we miss dearly. And I came home with a very happy heart. And a half decent painting started, too. THANK YOU, Laura. You are a beautiful friend. Thanks, as always, for following along with my artwork, Kim