"Broga (Tree Pose)," Toy #30, 6" x 6," acrylics on masonite, depicting a GIJoe figure practicing yoga. Please connect with me via email if you would like to purchase this painting - it's only $75, and that includes s&h inside the US! I am by no means a master yogi, but I do practice yoga several times a week. It brings clarity to my fragmented mind and allows me a quiet pocket of time where the only assignment is feel my muscles stretch and settle and breathe into the poses. It's also improved my core strength and balance (although had you seen me face plant last week, that might be disputed). So when I saw these Brogas (Yoga Joes) online shortly after I started my #100Toys series, I had to have them. They've been waiting patiently to make it to my easel. Today was the day! (PSST - at only $75 each, the toy paintings are fantastic gifts - take a peek and snag a couple before they are gone!) Thanks, as always, ...