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Showing posts with the label vizsla


"Tempo," 12" x 12" x 1", acrylics on museum quality cradeled panel, portrait of one heck of a special dog, private collection (THANK YOU!!). Please   reach out to me   with inquiries or questions. Tempo's portrait was mostly painted via a livestream on my FB page, in   a session   I shared last week and   another sideways one earlier today . A third session stretched out over this afternoon, and I think he's close to being done. I've just   sent this jpg off to my collector for her approval - I see one tiny change (picking up the green in his left upper lift, making it a smidge lighter so it floats more so above the tongue), but she will know best if I've properly captured Tempo's larger than life goofiiness. It's not enough that my portraits LOOK like their subject. I want them to FEEL like them too. And while I work from a mess of photos, I could never know the animal as well as their family. Reach out to me   if you want to ...

Holly's Heart Dog, Bela

"Holly's Heart Dog, Bela," 12" square, commissioned portrait of a beloved Vizsla who passed away a year ago today. This portrait is sold, but inquiries may always come my way , and in process photos are  here. His portrait was intentionally scheduled for this day, a way to remember and honor his spirit. I think his Mom is best suited to explain the why - please see her words below. Bela's Story, as told by Holly One year ago today I kissed the softest dog head my lips had ever touched one last time and placed my forehead against his for one final moment of his favorite game...bull. I knew he had probably left me before we ever reached the vet office that night, but I pleaded with him to hang on, not sure what I meant in saying that, other than I wasn't ready. I hadn't prepared. Two weeks post splenectomy, I clutched him close and whispered into the most velvety ear my hands ever touched words my heart was not prepared to ...

Sweet Poo Dreams

  "Sweet Poo Dreams," 6" x 8", done in acrylics on a museum quality panel, starring my a very special dog (read below), $329. Proceeds from the sale of this painting will be donated to the  Vizsla Welfare Foundation . Inquiries may come  to me .      I've known this wonderful young lady, officially Red River's Southern Harmony, aka "Potter" or "Poo," since she was a wee little pup, and I've watched her grow up into a marvelous hunting companion and dear friend.   Well, virtually speaking, that is!   While I've not actually met Poo, I did paint her mother many years ago, thus starting my friendship with  Red River Vizslas  (BTW, an AKC Breeder of Merit, how cool is that!!). Since then I've painted many a dog in the Red River family, so Poo's been well overdue her moment in the spotlight.    Just look at what this wonderful girl has accomplished so far - Poo is a dual champion in both show and field, an Amateur ...

Cayenne, A Painted Sketch

  "Cayenne," painted sketch of a beautiful Vizsla. The image is approximately 3" x 6" and roughly centered on an 6" x 10" piece of multimedia artists' board. You can add Cayenne - who comes housebroken, by the way - to your collection for a mere $69.   Inspired by photos taken at  Mutt Lynch Winery  in Healdsburg California last summer.    Thanks, as always, for looking at and sharing my artwork, Kim   Tools of the Trade   Sure, I could tuck my brushes in empty tin cans, but I am a sucker for pretty things. And when those pretty things come from a good friend, that means I have a small piece of her keeping me company in the studio.   Besides, I'd be insane not to roll out a Red Carpet Welcome for Mr and Mrs Turtle (pronounced "Tur-Dell"). You should have heard the gossip they were sharing today!! It was outrageous!      

Dragon Slayers II, A Lesson Painting, Part II

If you are joining us in progress, here's  yesterday's post  to get you up to speed. And what I should have done yesterday which I totally neglected to do was give a shout out of tremendous thanks to fellow artist and friend  Julie Bender  for sharing her Vizsla puppies with us. Please forgive me, Julie! You'll see that the changes in today's steps are a little less dramatic - that's because I am making smaller marks and adjustments, given the bulk of the work has already been done. I'm also using glazes (layers of translucent paint) to soften or brighten my values and edges. Oddly enough, though, this stage involves more care and consideration, and thusly more time, than what I established yesterday. I love the final, final bits, when I get to add dashes of unexpected color here and there. And suggest a few whiskers. This is it, all done! Detail of "Dragon Slayers II," 10" square, Golden Open Acrylics on a Raymar panel, the second painti...

Dragon Slayers II, A Lesson Painting, Part I

To combat the gray and gloom outside my window (and literally in the news and everywhere I seem to go), I decided today's painting had to be lighthearted and fun.   Here's the beginning of the second painting in my Dragon Slayers series. This one is a 10" square Raymar panel.   I started with a rough outline of my subject, as I was making some shifts from the original reference photo and wanted to make certain the square format was going to work. (Yes, I could have done a thumbnail sketch and prepared more conventionally for this, but I was too anxious to get to work) After sketching, I laid down a bold wash, using warm colors for the foreground and my subject, and a cooler green at the top to help my background fade into the distance.   Grabbing a wide flat brush, I started roughing in my focal point, working from it outwards. I'm not focusing on anything other than defining values and starting to carve form. My marks are sloppy and my color is not nearly precis...

Dragon Slayer

  One of the contenders - or should I say "two" of the contenders - for my Dragon Slayer painting. Entries are being accepted via  email only  through July 17th.        For generations, citizens of Lake Orion (my hometown) have told the story of a dragon living in the depths of our lake.    We even have a summer festival that pays homage to her - with dragon boat races, tours of historic lakeside homes, sidewalk chalk contests, and an art exhibition.   It's time for me to start my dragon painting for inclusion in that art exhibition - but I need your help finding my muse.   I want to do a larger than life portrait of an animal - dog or cat - accompanied by a toy dragon. In keeping with the tradition of the dragon myth, the animal must have an expressive face that tells legions of stories. (I already have the dragon - you simply need to supply the muse!)   You may nominate your pet by sending non-flash photos**...

Mini Minni

ORDER NOTECARDS/REPRODUCTIONS "Mini Minni," 9" x 12", portrait of a special little Vizsla pup, done in Golden Open Acrylics on a Raymar panel. Proceeds from the sale of "Mini Minni" will be donated to the Vizsla Welfare Foundation . Inquiries may come to me . Warm thanks go to Dog a Day collector Holly for sharing her photo of Minni with me. I've painted her dogs many times in the past, and today's portrait was as much of a joy to work on as the others. We have a long standing agreement that sales resulting from her photos will support the breed that she (and I) love so much. My original concept was to treat the background here like portrait paintings done by Richard Schmid , but I took it too far and then just left it out of indecision. What do you think about the pink halo (the remnants of the underpainting)? is it distracting? I'm also considering adding another loop of leash behind her butt. I had it in there yesterday, but wiped it ...

First Mate (Gretta)

ORDER NOTECARDS & REPRODUCTIONS of "First Mate " "First Mate (Gretta)", 8" x 10", commissioned portrait of a young Vizsla, done in Golden Open and Heavy Body acrylics on Ampersand Gessobord, private collection (thank you!). There can't be very many Vizsla's named Gretta, and if you think you know this dog - I'm warning you - the painting is a surprise! Let's keep it on the low...... I've been assured that the recipient does not know about my blog or Painting a Dog a Day. Yet. Thanks, as always, for looking at and sharing my artwork with your friends and family - Kim PS Wanna commission your own Dog a Day painting? Then let's talk! Naughty! Yesterday DogArtToday and Mutt Lynch Winery announced the rules and theme - "Naughty" - for t his year's wine label contest. Do you suppose that Rusty , bad dog that he was, had anything to do with this? (For those new to Painting a Dog...

Daddy's Little Girl

"Daddy's Little Girl, 8" x 10", Golden Open Acrylics on Ampersand Gessobord, depicting a Vizsla pup working on growing into her legs, available for $469 to the first one asking nicely. Inquiries may come to me . Busy day at the easel - and now I'm off to edit my book. There's always something new to work on around these parts! Thanks for looking at, and sharing, my artwork with your friends and family - Kim More & More Journalling In January 2011 we'll start the winter session of Children's Creative Journalling. Classes meet every 2 weeks, on Sundays, from 1-2:30, at Little Monsters Toy Shop in Lake Orion. We'll be doing fun projects like collage, stamping, printing, 3D page extensions and color mixing. Wanna learn some journal techniques yourself? GrownUp Journalling will meet two Thursday evening's, January 20th & 27th. Wait - it gets better - Pat McGraw, renowned artist, bookmaker and all aroun...

Backseat Drivers

"Backseat Drivers," 8" x 16", acrylic on canvasboard, not yet for sale. This painting has been created especially for the "Art & Automobile" exhibition at Starkweather Gallery in Romeo, Michigan. The show opens Friday, July 10th. "Backseat Drivers" (complete with a gorgeous custom frame) and a larger than lifesize canvas of a Vizsla ("Chauffeur," 36" x 48", shown below) will both be available for purchase through the gallery during the duration of the show. I'll share their contact information after I deliver the paintings.  A few weeks back I asked for photos of your dog(s) riding shotgun. I got some really wonderful shots, allowing me to sift through a mess of ideas and different compositions. It came down to a couple of possibilities, from which this (first) painting emerged. Special thanks goes out to Miriam Hughes of Chester County, Pennsylvania for the reference photo that inspired "Backseat Drive...

The BooBerries, Vizsla Puppies

"The BooBerries," 16" x 8", vizsla puppy portraits in acrylic on canvasboard, $529. Proceeds from the sale of this painting will be donated to the Vizsla Welfare Foundation . Inquiries may come to SOLD. I am lucky enough to know a Vizsla Goddess . In the years since we met she has graciously allowed me to paint her dogs (you can see them at her above link) numerous times, always with the understanding that I'll donate in return to the VWF. It's a wonderful arrangement - I get to paint some great dogs, and then future generations of Vizslas benefit. I had started a similar composition about 3 years back, but the painting was monstrously huge- the pups were larger than life. I got it all blocked in, and then was too scared to go any further (yes, I get intimidated by my own ideas - how wimpy is that?), so the canvas has languished in the studio ever since. I've always loved the concept of pups snuggled to...

Frozen Whiskers, Vizsla

"Frozen Whiskers I (Vizsla),"5" x 7", dog portrait in acrylic on canvasboard, $249. Proceeds from the sale of this painting will go to the Vizsla Welfare Foundation . Inquiries may come to me at .   Outside the studio, the wind has been whipping about while the snow fell sideways. I think that might have influenced today's choice of subject.   This painting was inspired by a photo a friend sent of her beautiful Vizsla Windy. I took the liberty of adding a few icicles to Windy's face. You can see more of Windy and her extended family (many of whom I've painted before)  here.   Thanks, as always, for looking at my paintings! See you tomorrow, Kim

The Mornings First Bird (Bart)

"The Mornings First Bird (Bart)," 4" x 6", acrylic painting depiting a vizsla in the field, $139. Inquiries to . I've got a nice little stack of Theresa paintings going on (see July 25th Dog-a-Day posting: ). When they are completed (I'm hoping by the end of this week), I'll post the "Theresa's Rainbow" paintings to the blog. I spent the weekend plein air painting in oils, working on a piece for (Romeo Michigan's) Starkweather Gallery's Moonflowers Exhibition, which opens this Saturday (you can call the gallery for more information - 586-752-5700). And I'm prepping my booth for Lake Orion's Dog Day's event, which is also this Saturday in downtown Lake Orion (for more information, please call 248-693-9742). Once again, I'm donating a portrait for the newly elected Doggy Mayor, and will have my booth set u...
"I Smell It!", 6" x 12", depiction of a vizsla dog in the field, acrylic painting on board, $239. Inquiries to . Another version of Bart. This one reminded me of frosty mornings spent with my father, watching the dogs rustle up a bird or two. I'm been wallowing in memories lately - take a peek at my two newest gallery stretched linen pieces, derivatives of the "Tags, Toys & Treasures" series, which I've posted on my studio blog: . Thanks, as always, for looking. And for sharing these paintings with your friends and family. Kim
"Ears to Grow Into (Bart)," 4" x 8", vizsla puppy portrait , acrylic on board, $165. Inquiries to . SOLD. Over the next couple days I'll share Bart's paintings that were completed in the last few weeks. When I have multiple excellent references, because I simply cannot choose one, I do a whole mess of paintings. My client has chosen her favorite, and now it's your turn! Work is progressing nicely on the Theresa paintings, by the way. As is the editing and design layout of the Painting a Dog a Day book. Thanks, as always, for looking. And for sharing these paintings with your friends and family. Kim

Bart, Vizsla Study

"Bart," 6" x 6", commissioned vizsla dog portrait , acrylic on canvasboard, private collection (THANK YOU!). Bart is one special dog. He recently lost a leg and shoulder due to cancer, yet hasn't slowed down. A friend asked me to squeeze in Bart's portrait as a thank you and pick-me-up for his family, and the reference photos supplied by his breeder (who - small world - is an artist I know and love, and now you will too - ) were breathtaking. I couldn't just do one, I did four. This one has sold (again, THANK YOU!), but the others are still sorting themselves out. I'll share them as the dust settles. Meanwhile, inquiries about your own dog-a-day painting may come to . I'm currently booking for October of 2009. Thanks, as always, for looking. And for sharing these paintings with your friends and family. Kim
"Miklos," 6" square, and "Markus", 5" x 7". Both vizsla portraits done in acrylic on canvasboard. I have not gotten final approval from my client, so there is the possibility that these will be available for purchase. If you are interested in either of the paintings, please send a note to . BOTH SOLD. I don't always paint companion pieces side by side, but these boys demanded it. Brothers and regular instigators of trouble, Miklos and Markus needed portraits that showed their similarities, yet also gave each their own spotlight. I kept the color schemes identical, chose complimentary colors to amp up their presence (they are vizslas, after all!), used similar dramatic lighting, but altered the paintings shapes just a bit. There is a lot of wet-on-wet brushwork in here - both paintings were done with just one brush, a #5 bright. You can see the variety of brushstrokes I was able to get out of just the one brush. Usin...