Nineties Blogfest

How could I not join something that awesome?  Especially since it A)  has a super awesome graphic:

B) Only involves one day worth of blogging (I know I have been a little lax in that department lately, if it makes you feel any more loved I have like twelve blog posts written that just need pictures added to them) and C) lets me tell you all my favorite things about the 1990's. 

I love the Nineties, I was in high school in the mid-nineties so this is a time that has imprinted itself very deeply on my life.  *claps hands*

Plus this will be my first Blogfest so that in and of itself is rather exciting.  Woo hoo.  So look for my post on October 15 detailing my favorite things from each year of the nineties.  And if you would like to join in on the fun check out The Nineties Blogfest at Dave Wrote This. 


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