
Showing posts with the label things to do

Thing To Do Update

Progress has been made this week.  I am impressed.  But more progress means more things to do. 1) Set up my Ko-fi page. 2) Make new pony ears. 3) Swap out the ribbon on my top hat for pink. 4) Paint my boxing gloves and figure out how to seal. 5) Take my measurements and log for June. 6) Find a tiny alligator plushie. 7 ) Log the comics I lave read recently onto Goodreads. 9) Find a purse that I want to carry. 10) Finish the last module of this event planning section and write exam. 11) Start my new sewing course. 12) Update my CPR and first aide. 13) Find and paint shoes for Cat's 5K costume. 14) Buy Cat black shorts for her 5K costume. 15) Clean bookshelves. 16) Fill out passport forms. 17) Get passport photos taken. 18) Take day off and go to passport office. 19) Set up a blogging schedule. 20) Write my next history exam. 21) Do Invisalign Module for work. 22) Put Cutie Mark on boxing shorts. 23) Make up test for Green Lantern. ...

Things to Do Update

I thought it over and I thought maybe updating weekly would be better than monthly, as things change so fast. 1) Set up my Ko-fi page. 2) Make new pony ears. 3) Swap out the ribbon on my top hat for pink. 4) Paint my boxing gloves and figure out how to seal. 5) Take my measurements and log for June. 6) Find a tiny alligator plushie. 7) Log the comics I lave read recently onto Goodreads. 8) Find my Ipad. 9) Find a purse that I want to carry. 10) Finish the last module of this event planning section and write exam. 11) Start my new sewing course. 12) Update my CPR and first aide. 13) Find and paint shoes for Cat's 5K costume. 14) Buy Cat black shorts for her 5K costume. 15) Clean bookshelves. 16) Fill out passport forms. 17) Get passport photos taken. 18) Take day off and go to passport office. 19) Set up a blogging schedule. 20) Write my next history exam. 21) Do Invisalign Module for work. 22) Put Cutie Mark on boxing shorts. 23) Make ...