Eragon Review - Reread
A big goal for me this year is to big more organized and a huge part of that is decluttering my house. One of the hardest things for me to declutter is always books. I love my books, they are like friends. And yes I do read them multiple times, there is nothing better than to curl up with a book that you know off by heart. Anyway, I figured the best way to start would be to read them and part with the ones that I just was not connecting with anymore. Eragon is not one of those books, I started off with it because I love it so it is an easy fast read but I have two copies just different covers and I honestly do not like this cover. I did not watch the movie because I heard many, MANY bad reviews from people who loved the books and I decided not to do that to myself. I am a book person. I'm not even that big of a Twilight fan and the last movies had me going a bit mental about book versus movie stuff. So to ruin something I actually love? ...