
Showing posts with the label Rant

Why Can't People Mind Their Own Business?

Cat and I made a trip to Wal-Mart this afternoon and it was actually fairly pleasant, no meltdowns not too many additional requests from the monkey.  (okay, she conned me into some $2.00 cat fabric but really, not a big deal) Then we got to the cash and Cat oh so proudly put up her yogurt drink and her fabric which the cashier put in a bag with 5 other yogurt drinks and some other fabric.  She put my other stuff through and put in in another bag.  Cat went to the end of the separated the bag and said "Here Mommy, this one's yours."  Taking the one with her stuff in it and walking off. Some "concerned" citizen decided to speak up and tell me that I can't let that poor baby carry that heavy bag.  WTF?  You want to argue with my almost three year old and tell her she can't carry a bag she is't struggling with?  Because I don't.  Why?  Because that's stupid.  Really stupid.  And what makes it your business anyways?  How is t...

Stupid Things People Do

I hate inconsiderate people.  Especially on public transit, buses get crowded, people get cranky.  Nothing bothers me more than some jacka** that won't get up for an elderly person, or a pregnant woman.  Or a small child.  Or some idiot who has their backpack on a crowded bus and refuses to take it off.  Argh!!  Except this!!   I know the picture is sideways (still haven't mastered my cell camera) but this twit has got her stroller taking up most of the bus aisle.  Now, I have a toddler, I use a stroller on public transit all the time but out of courtesy for my fellow riders I take her out of it and fold it up whenever possible.  Failing that I keep her tucked out of the way.  IT'S NOT HARD PEOPLE!!!! It's like moving to the back of the bus, just do it, it's polite and guess what...usually there's seats back there cause there is a bunch of useless idiots standing at the front. That's my rant for today.  Back to your regula...