
Showing posts with the label F

A to Z Challenge 2018: F

Fear. In my younger years, much younger, I was afraid of nothing.  Except giant ants, and that was only because I once trampled an anthill in my step father's eyesight and he, an excellent storyteller, assured me that giant ants would come get their retribution. Other than that it was not until I got older that I started to develop a fear of doing things, speaking in front of people, social engagements, phone calls, going out in public, wearing bright colours. As I started to get older than that I realized that most of my fears are deeply rooted in what people think of me.  The older I get the more I realize that people judge you a lot less than you think because they are mostly caught up in their own shit.  Or you might be scared they are think something of you when really they are think something totally different. Have I become any less afraid of those things?  No.  But now I embrace the fear and take the plunge most days.  Some days I st...

A to Z Challenge 2017: F

A couple days late but still trucking on. When Cassie finds a magic pair of glasses that allow her to see fairies, she has to figure out where they came from . . . and what the fairies want her to do with them. Daisy wanted to be able to see fairies. But when she comes across an old compass, she gains the ability to sense them magnetically instead. Amanda doesn't think she's slow, but everyone else seems to. When she finds a pair of magic earmuffs that allow her to hear fairies, everything changes. When Maricela's grandmother comes to stay, she finds a magic barometer that gives her the sense of fairy pressure. But more might be going on than she realizes. Bianca thinks she has the worst fairy sense ever. But when she decides to brave her task, she starts to learn the incredible power of itch. Sunflower's always been good at everything. But her brand new gymnastics slippers are throwing everything off, because they give her the sense of...

A to Z Challenge: F

It's the sixth day of the  A to Z Challenge , have you found any really interesting blogs? Flummery  Definition: 1. soft jelly or porridge made from meal 2. unsubstantial writing or talk : mumbo jumbo Sentence: The teacher was unimpressed by the flummery that came out of the student. Flagitious  Definition: 1. shamefully wicked, as persons, actions, or times; 2. heinous or flagrant, as a crime Sentence: The flagitious murderer was convicted of the crime. Firmament Definition: the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected. Sentence: The firmament above us was without a cloud, and of a darkness almost equal to that which surrounded the moon at 2 a.m.           --John Tyndall Fractious Definition: easily irritated or annoyed. Sentence: The last-minute haggling between 19 countries involved in the test over whether and how to make the test's design available, highlights fractiou...

F is For France

  As part of my family history France has always held a special place in my heart as far as places I want to write about go.  My great grandparents met and fell in love in France, it was my great grandmother's home and one day I want to travel there and see where my things got started for my family. I had a very hard time even beginning to narrow down all the interesting things there are to say about France because really being that it has so much history, and is a major power center in the world how do you say only a few things?  1) The oldest traces of human life in France date from approximately 1.8 million years ago.  (that's flipping awesome) 2)  France was one of the first countries to have an environment ministry in 1971.   3) There are 47,000 religious buildings in France 94% of which are Roman Catholic.

F is for Friendship

I think as you get older you begin to realize that there are few greater joys in life than time spent in the company of a good friend.  I've always been one to opt for a few close friends over a crowd of acquaintances and while that doesn't always make for busy Saturday nights it does mean I know someone will always be there when life is less than peachy.  It's an important lesson that I would like to pass on to my kids.  That it is not the quantity of friends you have but the quality.  That they like you for the person that you are, that you can be yourself around them, because one true friend is worth a thousand acquaintances.  So this is a salute to my friends, for every word of encouragement, for everything.  You guys are awesome!  Thank you for loving me just the way I am.