G is for Gender
Okay, so I don't know what it is with me and the letter G but there is something about it that make me want to get on my soapbox. Please note anything said from here on out is my opinion, if you are easily offended you may want to stop reading now, as this may be considered well offensive. Something that really bothers me as a mother is how society in general spends all this time marketing things as girl toys or boy toys, marketing genres as girls or boys etc. Mostly cause it's crap. But more than that I'm kind of tired of how everyone always fights the girls side of it. What about all the little boys out there???? I mean I have no worries about my daughter whatsoever, I feel sorry for the person who says anything to her about her Captain America action figure, cause the child has more attitude than she knows what to do with. But my son? He keeps to himself about his less than "masculine" toys and I notice that they stay in the closet when he's no...