Things I Learned In 2013
As 2013 draws to a close I look back at it with very mixed feelings, it was not an easy year for me by any means but I learned a great deal. So here, for your reading pleasure is a list of things I learned in 2013. 1) Appendicitis does not always happen like people say it does. 2) Kindergarten is just as boring now as it was 28 years ago, only now I'm the one having to explain to MY kid why she HAS to go. 3) I don't drink enough water. 4) I hate water. 5) If I block out the little perfectionist voice in my head that wants to edit everything as I go I can do an incredible amount of writing in a short amount of time. 6) Writing is still my greatest passion. 7) Things don't have to be perfect and that is okay. 8) Time spent with the people who are important is worth more than any gift. 9) There is nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it. 10) There is still stuff that can give me nightmares. I'm sure there's more but it slips my mind i...