
Showing posts with the label friendship

Today's List: July 6, 2015

If These Characters Were Real, We Would So Be Friends: Cara - Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series Luna Lovegood - J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series Snow White - Bill Willingham's Fables  Sarra Ambrai - Melanie Rawn's Exiles series Princess Sioned - Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince series The more book related lists I make the more I realize I really love a lot of books.  

F is for Friendship

I think as you get older you begin to realize that there are few greater joys in life than time spent in the company of a good friend.  I've always been one to opt for a few close friends over a crowd of acquaintances and while that doesn't always make for busy Saturday nights it does mean I know someone will always be there when life is less than peachy.  It's an important lesson that I would like to pass on to my kids.  That it is not the quantity of friends you have but the quality.  That they like you for the person that you are, that you can be yourself around them, because one true friend is worth a thousand acquaintances.  So this is a salute to my friends, for every word of encouragement, for everything.  You guys are awesome!  Thank you for loving me just the way I am.