
Showing posts with the label Nanny

My Grandmother

Seventeen years ago today I lost a huge part of my world, and it created a void that has never really healed.  People say all sorts of things when someone you love passes away, They say that things will get better with time or some other sort of cliché type thing.  That didn't seem to happen for me, sure time moved on and the pain gets duller but it's still there.  I had a very close relationship with my Nana and especially once I had my own kids there where a lot of times I wanted to turn to her in my life.  When I was going through her photo albums a while ago to find some old family pictures to use for the blog for Throwback Thursday posts I came across this picture of her: It's the youngest picture of her I have ever come across of my grandmother, it's something I'm going to look into getting restored.  One of my favorite memories from my childhood was spending weekends with  my Nana, we would go to church on Sunday night and the out for ice ...

Throwback Thursday: Me

This is a picture of me and my grandmother from roughly 1983, I find myself missing my grandmother a lot more with every small milestone the kids pass.  So with Cat's fifth birthday pressing on me and Ace about to "graduate" from Grade Three she is constantly on my mind. How much she would have loved to see my kids, how much Ace reminds me of her.  Would she have approved of the values I am trying to instill in them?  Would she see the same resemblances in them that I do?  My great uncle's nose?  My sister's attitude? I don't have a lot of pictures in my house, a few of the kids that really need to be updated and this one.  Because it's one of the few pictures I have of me and my Nanny.  The woman who taught me everything about what being a good person really means.  Who taught me that there is nothing so bad that it won't seem better after a cup of tea and a cookie. The kids roll their eyes when I break out the camera to take pictures...