Celebrating My 100th Post!
Due to life being all sorts of crazy and the monkey s bringing home what seemed like every germ under t he sun I missed posti ng for one year a nniversary of my blog on January 18, 2013. ( YAY! I made it to one year) S o, I am making a big deal out of this instead , mind you I would have made a big deal out of this anyways. I am also going to take this chance to thro w out a photos and stuff from things that I wanted to p ost over the la st year but I ju st didn't get a chance to write a post about in a timely manner. ( like Fan Expo) S om ethi ng that I am going to try not to let happen this year , after all , events are not like crafts which can be posted when ever. Also stuff that I just didn't know how to put into words, which is also someth ing I am going to work on. The first two pictures are from Fan Expo 201 2 in August which I enjoyed a g reat deal and I probably would have been more likely to blog about if I had rem...