
Showing posts with the label radio

Naming Your Children

Every now and then we are not so, so busy at the office first thing in the morning and I actually get to listen to the morning radio show.  Usually it bores the crap out of me and I tune out as I go about my daily paper work and reports but today they were talking about the how and why of people naming their children. This has always been a topic that fascinated me, long before I had children.  My early writing journals are filled with name lists and character descriptions based on random names.  As well as musings on what I would name my future children.  Said children, my daughter especially, should be glad I was not a teenage mother.  She would have had a slightly less 'tolerable' name to say the least.  I do believe I went through a phase where I wanted to name my future daughter Destiny.  Although I doubt it would phase her at this point, the kid has some questionable nicknames and answers to pretty much anything.  I as her mother tend to...