This Year's A to Z Challenge Theme
When I signed up to do the A to Z challenge this year I completely forgot that I was going to be away for almost the entire first week of the challenge....eek! With that in mind I decided to go with a slightly less research heavy topic than the one I was holding over from last year. Which makes me a little sad because I really wanted to do it but really excited because instead I am going to talk about something that really presses on my mind all the time. My theme for this year is going to be a person, place or thing list of stuff I have always wanted to write about. I don't know about you but I have entire notebooks and tons of scraps of paper everywhere with words, phrases and sentences on them of stuff that popped into my head that I thought would make a good story. Or at least a good jumping point for a story. So I have decided to make an alphabetical list of them and put a little research into them, with the hope that next year's A to Z will feature shor...