Pink-toe tarantula Avicularia avicularia, from here.
Belongs within: Avicularoidea.
Contains: Oligoxystre.
The Theraphosidae, tarantulas, are a pantropical group of sometimes very large mygalomorph spiders that inhabit silken burrows or retreats. In members of the South American subfamilies Theraphosinae and Aviculariinae, the abdomen bears urticating hairs that are used in defense (Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman 2007).
Characters (from Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman 2007): Medium-sized to very large; eight eyes present in two rows; rastellum absent; labium and endites with numerous cuspules, anterior lobe on endite developed; legs with well-developed scopulae and iridescent claw tufts on leg tarsi and female palpal tarsi, leg tarsi with clavate trichobothria along their length, two or rarely three tarsal claws; four spinnerets present, distal segment of posterior spinnerets digitiform.
<==Theraphosidae [Theraphosoidae]
|--Eumenophorinae JD-S07
|--Selenogyrinae JD-S07
|--Stromatopelminae JD-S07
|--Thrigmopoeinae JD-S07
|--Harpactirinae JD-S07
| |--Harpactirella JD-S07
| |--Brachionopus JD-S07
| `--Harpactira pulchripes Pocock 1901 P01
|--Ischnocolinae BFSJ08
| |--Sickius longibulbi Soares & Camargo 1948 BFSJ08
| `--Ischnocolus Auss. 1871 T94
| |--I. hirsutus B06
| `--I. inermis Ausserer 1871 [incl. I. subarmatus Thorell 1891] T94
|--Ornithoctoninae ZZ08
| |--Ornithoctonus Pocock 1892 ZZ08
| |--Citharognathus Pocock 1895 ZZ08
| | |--*C. hosei Pocock 1895 ZZ08
| | `--C. tongmianensis Zhu, Li & Song 2002 ZZ08
| `--Haplopelma Simon 1892 ZZ08
| |--*H. doriae (Thorell 1890) [=Selenocosmia doriae] ZZ08
| |--H. hainanum (Liang et al. 1999) [=Selenocosmia hainana, Ornithoctonus hainana] ZZ08
| `--H. schmidti von Wirth 1991 (see below for synonymy) ZZ08
|--Avicularia Lamarck 1818 FNB08 (see below for synonymy)
| |--*A. avicularia (Linnaeus 1758) FNB08 (see below for synonymy)
| |--‘Mygale’ barbara Lucas 1846 E12
| |--‘Mygale’ caementaria C01a
| |--‘Eurypelma’ californicum (Ausserer 1871) (n. d.) BFSJ08
| |--‘Eurypelma’ doeringii T94
| |--A. exilis Strand 1907 J98
| |--‘Mygale’ gracilipes Lucas 1846 E12
| |--A. lycosiformis (Koch 1842) (n. d.) [=Mygale lycosiformis, Trechona lycosiformis] PCBFF08
| |--‘Eurypelma’ minax Thorell 1894 T94
| |--‘Mygale’ occidentalis Lucas 1858 SP10
| |--‘Aranea’ sauvagesii [=Mygale sauvagesii] L02
| |--A. subvulpina Strand 1906 J98
| `--A. vestiaria K92
|--Selenocosmiinae ZZ08
| |--Phlogiellus Pocock 1897 ZZ08
| |--Yamia Kishida 1920 [incl. Baccallbrapo Barrion & Litsinger 1995] ZZ08
| | |--*Y. watasei Kishida 1920 ZZ08
| | `--Y. bundokalbo (Barrion & Litsinger 1995) JD-S07, ZZ08 [=Baccallbrapo bundokalbo ZZ08]
| |--Chilobrachys Karsch 1891 [incl. Musagetes Pocock 1895) ZZ08
| | |--*C. nitelinus Karsch 1891 ZZ08
| | |--C. guangxiensis (Yin & Tan 2000) (see below for synonymy) ZZ08
| | |--C. hubei Song & Zhao 1988 ZZ08
| | `--C. liboensis Zhu & Zhang 2008 ZZ08
| `--Selenocosmia Ausserer 1871 (see below for synonymy) ZZ08
| |--*S. javanensis (Walckenaer 1837) [=Mygale javanensis] ZZ08
| |--S. arndsti (Schmidt & von Wirth 1991) ZZ08
| |--S. crassipes Y95
| |--S. jiafu Zhu & Zhang 2008 ZZ08
| |--S. peerboomi (Schmidt 1999) ZZ08
| |--S. stirlingi Hogg 1901 ZZ08
| |--S. subvulpina Y95
| |--S. xinhuaensis Zhu & Zhang 2008 ZZ08
| `--S. xinping Zhu & Zhang 2008 ZZ08
`--Theraphosinae P-M02
| i. s.: Iracema cabocla Pérez-Miles 2000 P-M02
| Eupalaestrus P-M02
| |--E. campestratus (Simon 1891) MF17
| `--E. weijenberghi (Thorell 1894) P-M02
| Acanthoscurria Auss. 1871 P-M02, T94
| |--A. cordubensis Thorell 1894 T94
| |--A. gomesiana J-GP07
| |--A. sternalis Pocock 1903 P-M02
| `--A. suina Pocock 1903 P-M02
| Theraphosa Thorell 1870 JD-S07
| `--T. leblondi Latreille 1804 MU90
|--Paraphysa Simon 1892 FNB08
| `--P. scrofa Molina 1788 FNB08
|--Euathlus Ausserer 1875 FNB08
| |--E. vagans [=Eurypelma vagans] R95
| `--E. vulpinus (Karsch 1880) FNB08
`--+--Maraca Pérez-Miles 2006 FNB08
| `--M. horrida (Schmidt 1994) FNB08
|--Kochiana Fukushima & Nagahama 2008 FNB08
| `--*K. brunnipes (Koch 1842) (see below for synonymy) FNB08
|--Plesiopelma Pocock 1901 FNB08
| |--P. insulare (Mello-Leitão 1923) FNB08
| `--P. longisternale (Schiapelli & Gerschman 1942) FNB08
|--Homoeomma Ausserer 1871 FNB08
| |--H. montanum (Mello-Leitão 1923) FNB08
| |--H. stradlingi Pickard-Cambridge 1881 FNB08
| `--H. uruguayense (Mello-Leitão 1946) P-M02
|--+--Melloleitaoina Gerschman & Schiapelli 1960 FNB08
| | `--M. crassifemur Gerschman & Schiapelli 1960 FNB08
| `--Tmesiphantes Simon 1892 FNB08
| `--T. nubilus Simon 1892 FNB08
|--Grammostola Simon 1892 FNB08
| |--G. actaeon (Pocock 1903) FNB08
| |--G. iheringi (Keyserling 1891) FF08
| |--G. mollicoma (Ausserer 1875) P-M02
| |--G. pulchripes (Simon 1891) P-M02
| `--G. schulzei (Schmidt 1994) FF08
`--+--Cyriocosmus Simon 1903 FNB08
| |--C. elegans Simon 1889 FNB08
| |--C. nogueiranetoi Fukushima et al. 2005 FNB08
| `--C. sellatus (Simon 1889) FNB08
`--+--Chromatopelma Schmidt 1995 FNB08
| `--C. cyaneopubescens (Strand 1907) FNB08
`--Hapalopus Ausserer 1875 FNB08
|--H. formosus Ausserer 1875 FNB08
`--H. pentaloris (Simon 1888) R95
Theraphosidae incertae sedis:
Aphonopelma FF08
|--A. chalcodes Chamberlin 1940 BFSJ08
|--A. hageni (Strand 1906) [=Eurypelma hageni, Avicularia hageni] J98
`--A. hentzi (Girard 1852) [=Dugesiella hentzi] BFSJ08
Selenotholus B96
Selenotypus plumipes B96
Sason Simon 1889 [incl. Sarpedon Cambr. 1883 (preoc.)] K92
`--S. robustum (Cambr. 1883) [=Sarpedon robustum] K92
Poecilotheria Simon 1885 [incl. Scurria Koch 1850 non Gray 1847] K92
|--P. fasciata (Latreille 1804) [=Mygale fasciata] K92
`--P. miranda BB14
Megaphobema MU90
Ephebopus MU90
Hysterocrates [incl. Hysterocratella Strand 1906] J98
|--H. greeffi (Karsch 1884) [incl. H. maximus Strand 1906] J98
|--H. robustus Pocock 1899 [incl. H. robustus var. sulcifera Strand 1908, H. robustus sulcifer] J98
`--H. weileri Strand 1906 [=H. (*Hysterocratella) weileri] J98
Phormictopus Pocock 1901 MF17
`--P. cancerides (Latreille 1806) [incl. P. cancerides tenuispina Strand 1906] J98
Phormingochilus fuchsi Strand 1906 J98
Lyroscelus Cambridge 1901 B06
`--*L. bonhotei Cambridge 1901 B06
Acanthopelma B06
|--A. maculata Banks 1906 B06
`--A. rufescens B06
Cyrtopholis Sim. 1892 T94
`--C. antillana Thorell 1894 T94
Lasiodora Koch 1850 T94
`--L. weijenberghii Thorell 1894 T94
Lycinus Thorell 1894 T94
`--*L. longipes Thorell 1894 T94
Brachypelma Simon 1891 MF17
| i. s.: *B. emilia (White 1856) [=Mygale emilia] MF17
|--B. klaasi (Schmidt & Krause 1994) MF17, FF08
`--+--B. albiceps Pocock 1903 MF17
`--+--B. hamorii Tesmoingt, Cleton & Verdez 1997 MF17
`--+--B. smithi (Pickard-Cambridge 1897) (see below for synonymy) MF17
`--+--B. auratum Schmidt 1992 MF17
|--B. baumgarteni Smith 1993 MF17
`--B. boehmei Schmidt & Klaas 1993 MF17
Oligoxystre G11
Catumiri uruguayense Guadanucci 2004 BFSJ08
Encyocratella olivacea Strand 1907 [incl. Xenodendrophila gabrielli Gallon 2003] BFSJ08
Holothele rondoni (Lucas & Bücherl 1972) G11
Guyruita cerrado Guadanucci et al. 2007 G11
Cyclosterorum elegans V09
Ceratogyrus bechuanicus Purcell 1902 JD-S07, WS02
Euphrictus JD-S07
Annandaliella JD-S07
Rhechostica R95
`--‘Eurypelma’ rusticum Simon 1890 R95
Sericopelma Ausserer 1875 MF17
Psalmopoeus cambridgei Pocock 1895 MF17
Bonnetina Vol 2000 MF17
Ischnocolinopsis acutus Wunderlich 1988 S93
Citharoscelus C01b
Avicularia Lamarck 1818 FNB08 [=Eurypelma Koch 1850 FNB08, Mygale Lamarck 1802 non Cuvier 1800 FNB08; Aviculariinae P-M02]
*Avicularia avicularia (Linnaeus 1758) FNB08 [=Aranea avicularia FNB08, *Eurypelma avicularia FNB08, *Mygale avicularia FNB08; incl. Avicularia canceridea K92]
Brachypelma smithi (Pickard-Cambridge 1897) [=Eurypelma smithi, Euathlus smithi; incl. B. annitha Tesmoingt, Cleton & Verdez 1997] MF17
Chilobrachys guangxiensis (Yin & Tan 2000) [=Plesiophrictus guangxiensis; incl. C. jingzhao Zhu, Song & Li 2001] ZZ08
Haplopelma schmidti von Wirth 1991 [incl. Selenocosmia huwena Wang et al. 1993, H. huwenum, Ornithoctonus huwena] ZZ08
*Kochiana brunnipes (Koch 1842) [=Mygale brunnipes, Avicularia brunnipes, Eurypelma brunnipes, Mygale brunneipes] FNB08
Selenocosmia Ausserer 1871 [incl. Chilocosmia Schmidt & von Wirth 1992, Phlogius Simon 1887, Selenopelma Schmidt & Krause 1995] ZZ08
*Type species of generic name indicated
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Last updated: 12 October 2019.