Showing posts with label Marchantiophyta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marchantiophyta. Show all posts


Frullania rostrata, photographed by John E. Braggins.

Belongs within: Jungermanniales.

Frullania is a large genus of liverworts, species of which are often found in relatively dry habitats.

Characters (from Hodgson 1949): Plants small to large, creeping, matted or semi-tufted, red-brown to very dark or blackish, olive or pale green, sometimes tinted rose. Stems regularly to irregularly pinnately or bipinnately branched, branches laterally arising from axils of the leaves. Leaves incubous, alternate, shortly inserted, usually with a ligulate or rounded dorsal appendix, entire, suborbicular, ovate or oval, ventral lobe or lobule helmet-shaped, campanulate, or cylindrical-clavate opening downwards, or narrowed and extended downwards in a curve, on the side further from the stem, the opening ± obliquely facing the stem; sometimes explanate. Stylus sometimes present between the lobule and the stem. Stipules always present, variously shaped with rhizoids only rarely adhering. Cells small to medium, sometimes vittate at base of leaf, walls often sinuous. Involucre leaves larger, lobule always explanate, with or without lateral laciniae, invol. stipule may be connate on both sides with leaves. Perianth free, emergent or exserted, obovate to oblong, tri- or tetragonous (third angle postical), maybe with supplementary keels, margins waved, straight or toothed; inflated, cylindrical, subspherical or ventrally concave, rough or smooth, contracted at the apex to a tubular beak, irregularly ruptured by the exsertion of the capsule. Capsule on a short stalk, elaters unispiral, adhering to the capsule valves after dehiscence. Male inflorescence lateral, globose to oblong, bracts saccate, closely imbricate, subequally bilobed.

<==Frullania Raddi 1820 H49 [Frullaniaceae]
    |--F. subg. Diastoloba H49
    |    |--F. (sect. Graciles) H49
    |    |    |--F. congesta H49
    |    |    `--F. rostrata (Tayl.) Syn. Hep. 1844-1847 (see below for synonymy) H49
    |    |--F. (sect. Lucidae) ptychantha [=Jungermannia ptychantha; incl. J. myosota Tayl. 1844] H49
    |    `--F. (sect. Pictae) aterrima (Tayl.) Syn. Hep. 1844-1847 [=Jungermannia aterrima Tayl. 1844] H49
    |         |--F. a. var. aterrima H49
    |         `--F. a. var. lepida Hodgson 1949 H49
    `--F. subg. Trachycolea Spruce 1885 [incl. F. subg. Galeiloba Steph. 1910] H49
         |--F. sect. Acutilobae H49
         |    |--F. acutiloba H49
         |    |--F. allani Hodgson 1949 H49
         |    |--F. hampeana [incl. F. novae-zelandiae] H49
         |    |--F. monocera H49
         |    |--F. spinifera Tayl. 1846 H49
         |    `--F. subhampeana Hodgson 1949 H49
         |--F. sect. Brevilobulae H49
         |    |--F. cranialis [=Jungermannia cranialis Tayl. 1845; incl. F. macraeana] H49
         |    |--F. pentapleura Tayl. 1846 [incl. F. quinqueplicata St. 1910] H49
         |    |    |--F. p. var. pentapleura H49
         |    |    `--F. p. var. integristipula H49
         |    |--F. reptans H49
         |    `--F. solanderiana Colenso 1888 [incl. F. decurviloba St. 1910] H49
         |--F. sect. Campanulatae H49
         |    |--F. anomola Hodgson 1949 H49
         |    |--F. fugax (Tayl.) Syn. Hep. 1844-1847 [=Jungermannia fugax Tayl. 1845] H49
         |    |    |--F. f. var. fugax H49
         |    |    `--F. f. var. media Hodgson 1949 H49
         |    `--F. incumbens H49
         |--F. sect. Discilobae H49
         |    |--F. kirkii St. 1894 H49
         |    |--F. patula H49
         |    `--F. subdeplanata St. 1910 H49
         |--F. (sect. Irregulares) deplanata Mitt. 1855 [incl. F. curnowiii, F. grayana] H49
         `--F. sect. Vulgares H49
              |--F. falciloba (Tayl.) Syn. Hep. 1844 (see below for synonymy) H49
              |    |--F. f. var. falciloba H49
              |    `--F. f. var. setchellii (Pears.) Hodgson 1949 H49
              |--F. nicholsonii Hodgson 1949 [=F. berggrenii Nichols. 1925 non St. 1924] H49
              |--F. pycnantha (Tayl.) Syn. Hep. 1844-1847 (see below for synonymy) H49
              |--F. rostellata Mitt. 1867 H49
              |--F. squarrosa H49
              |    |--F. s. var. squarrosa H49
              |    `--F. s. var. planescens H49
              |         |--F. s. var. p. f. planescens H49
              |         `--F. s. var. p. f. campanuloides H49
              `--F. squarrosula (Tayl.) Syn. Hep. 1844-1847 (see below for synonymy) H49

Frullania incertae sedis:
  F. amplexicaulis Colenso 1886 H49
  F. arecae G06
  F. atrosanguinea J87
  F. berggrenii St. 1924 H49
  F. boveana Massal. 1885 E03
  F. chilensis D03
  F. curvirostris Colenso 1888 H49
  F. dilatata H49
  F. diplota E03
  F. duthiana G06
  F. ericoides J87
  F. fertilis E03
  F. gaudichaudii G06
  F. gracilis H49
  F. hattoriantha G06
  F. hypoleuca H49
  F. inflata SS07
    |--F. i. var. inflata SS07
    `--F. i. var. dioca SS07
  F. intermixta Colenso 1888 H49
  F. lobulata D03
  F. lyallii M49
  F. magellanica H49
  F. nepalensis G06
  F. neurota G06
  F. physantha G06
  F. platyphylla Colenso 1888 H49
  F. polyclada Colenso 1888 H49
  F. retusa G06
  F. scabriseta Colenso 1886 H49
  F. schensiana G06
  F. sharpantha G06
  F. stipatiloba D03
  F. tamarisci SF01
  F. tongariroense Colenso 1888 H49

Frullania falciloba (Tayl.) Syn. Hep. 1844 [=Frullania falciloba Tayl. 1844; incl. F. colensoana St. 1910, F. delicatula Colenso 1886, F. falcata, F. minutissima Colenso 1886] H49

Frullania pycnantha (Tayl.) Syn. Hep. 1844-1847 [=Jungermannia pycnantha Tayl. 1844; incl. F. banksiana, F. diffusa, F. echinella, F. laciniaeflora] H49

Frullania rostrata (Tayl.) Syn. Hep. 1844-1847 [=Jungermannia rostrata Tayl. 1845; incl. F. dissitifolia St. 1910] H49

Frullania squarrosula (Tayl.) Syn. Hep. 1844-1847 [=Jungermannia squarrosula Tayl. 1845; incl. F. cunninghamiana, F. ichthyostoma, F. pulvinata, F. rotundifolia, F. viridis] H49

*Type species of generic name indicated


[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 1-34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[E03] Evans, A. W. 1903. Hepaticae collected in southern Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 35-62. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[G06] Ghosh, J. P. 2006. A preliminary check-list of hepatics of West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 48 (1-4): 73-102.

[H49] Hodgson, E. A. 1949. New Zealand Hepaticae (liverworts). VI. A review of the New Zealand species of the genus Frullania. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (3): 361-389.

[J87] Judd, W. S. 1987. Floristic study of Morne La Visite and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum – Biological Sciences 32 (1): 1-136.

[M49] Martin, W. 1949. The bryophytes of Stewart Island.—Part I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (2): 257-277.

[SS07] Singh, S. K. & D. K. Singh. 2007. A preliminary census of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Doon Valley. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49 (1-4): 1-14.

[SF01] Stech, M., & W. Frey. 2001. CpDNA-relationship and classification of the liverworts (Hepaticophytina, Bryophyta). Nova Hedwigia 72 (1-2): 45-58.


Unidentified species of Herbertus, photographed by Tom Ballinger.

Belongs within: Jungermanniales.

The Herbertineae is a group of liverworts with isophyllous or subisophyllous gametophytes. Androecia are terminal (becoming intercalary) on the leading leaf axes (Engel & Braggins 2001). Members include the globally distributed genus Herbertus with erect growth form, ventral intercalary branching, and transversely inserted, deeply bifid leaves with a conspicuous vitta.

    |  i. s.: Pseudolepicolea quadrilaciniata EB01
    |         Temnoma palmatum EB01
    |         Archeophylla EB01
    |           |--A. pungens EB01
    |           `--A. schusteri EB01
    |         Grollea antheliopsis EB01
    |         Trichotemnoma EB01
    `--Herbertaceae EB01
         |--Triandrophyllum symmetricum EB01
         |--Olgantha eophylla EB01
         `--Herbertus EB01
              |--H. adunca D24
              |--H. alpinus EB01
              |--H. chinensis G06
              |--H. dicarnus G06
              |--H. divergens J87
              |--H. fragilis G06
              |--H. himalayanus G06
              |--H. juniperoides J87
              |--H. mastigophoroides G06
              `--H. pensilis J87

*Type species of generic name indicated


[D24] Dixon, H. N. 1924. The Student's Handbook of British Mosses 3rd ed. V. V. Sumfield: Eastbourne.

[EB01] Engel, J. J., & J. E. Braggins. 2001. Austral Hepaticae 34. The sporophyte of Neogrollea Hodgs. and the taxonomic position of Neogrolleaceae (Schust.) Engel & Braggins comb. & stat. nov. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 91: 173–204.

[G06] Ghosh, J. P. 2006. A preliminary check-list of hepatics of West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 48 (1–4): 73–102.

[J87] Judd, W. S. 1987. Floristic study of Morne La Visite and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum—Biological Sciences 32 (1): 1–136.

Last updated: 24 January 2018.


Haplomitrium hookeri, photographed by Des Callaghan.

Belongs within: Embryophyta.
Contains: Marchantiopsida, Jungermanniales, Metzgeriales, Fossombroniopsida.

The Marchantiophyta (also often referred to as the Hepaticae) include the liverworts, small, often moss-like plants found in damp habitats. Liverworts are distinguished from other land plants by the presence of oil bodies in the gametophytes of many species, and by the presence in the sporangium of elaters, elongate non-sporogenous cells with spiral wall thickenings. The elaters function in spore dispersal by twisting out of the capsule as the sporangium dries (Simpson 2010). Liverworts are often divided between the 'leafy' and 'thalloid' liverworts, depending on whether the plant body bears distinct leaf-like structures. In general, members of the Jungermanniales are leafy, while others are thalloid, though members of the Metzgeriidae are often intermediate to a certain degree.

<==Marchantiophyta [Hepaticae, Hepaticophytina]
    |--Treubiaceae [Treubiopsida] SF01
    |    |--Apotreubia FHH01
    |    |    |--A. hortonae FHH01
    |    |    `--A. nana G06
    |    `--Treubia lacunosa SF01
    `--+--Marchantiopsida SF01
       `--+--Blasia [Blasiaceae, Blasiineae, Blasiopsida] SF01
          |    `--B. pusilla SF01
          `--Jungermanniopsida SF01
               |--Jungermanniales SF01
               `--Metzgeriidae SF01
                    |--Metzgeriales SF01
                    |--Fossombroniopsida SF01
                    `--Haplomitriaceae [Calobryales, Calobryidae, Haplomitriopsida] SF01
                         |--Haplomitrium SF01
                         |    |--H. blumii FHH01
                         |    |--H. gibbsiae SF01
                         |    |--H. grollei G06
                         |    |--H. hookeri SF01
                         |    `--H. kashyapii G06
                         `--Calobryum G06
                              |--C. dentatum G06
                              `--C. indicum G06

Marchantiophyta incertae sedis:
  Microlepidozia EB01
  Hepaticites Walton 1925 BO02
    |--H. arcuatus BO02
    |--H. elegans Barale & Ouaja 2002 BO02
    `--H. haiburnensis BO02
  Lethocolea F01
    |--L. congesta F01
    |--L. javanica F01
    |--L. naruto-toganensis Furuki 2001 F01
    `--L. pansa [incl. L. squamata] F01
  Codonia Dumortier 1822 FT93
  Goebelobryum unguiculatum P05
  Schisma E03
    |--S. chilensis E03
    `--S. dura D03
  Isotachis E03
    |--I. anceps E03
    |--I. bisbifida E03
    |--I. gigantea M49
    |--I. intortifolia M49
    |--I. madida E03
    |--I. montana M49
    |--I. quadriloba E03
    |--I. spegazziniana E03
    `--I. splendens E03
  Leioscyphus E03
    |--L. abnormis E03
    |--L. aequatus E03
    |--L. repens E03
    |--L. setistipus E03
    |--L. surrepens E03
    `--L. turgescens E03
  Mastigobryum E03
    |--M. lechleri D03
    |--M. mooreanum M49
    |--M. novae-hollandiae M49
    |--M. novae-zelandiae D03
    `--M. peruvianum E03
  Madotheca E03
    |--M. gracilenta D03
    |--M. recurva D03
    `--M. subsquarrosa E03
  Eulejeunea patagonica D03
  Cryptomitrium tenerum D03
  Alobiella dusenii D03
  Androcryphia porphyrorrhiza Nees 1846 (see below for synonymy) E03
  Blepharostoma E03
    |--B. palmatum E03
    |--B. pilosum Evans 1898 E03
    `--B. quadripartitum (Hooker) Trevis 1877 (see below for synonymy) E03
  Marsupidium E03
    |--M. brecknockiense E03
    |--M. crystallinum (Massal.) Besch. & Massal. 1889 (see below for synonymy) E03
    `--M. urvilleanum (Mont.) Mitt. in Hooker 1867 (see below for synonymy) E03
  Mylia E03
    |--M. abdita (Sulliv.) Evans 1903 (see below for synonymy) E03
    `--M. chiloscyphoideus (see below for synonymy) E03
  Pigafettoa crenulata Massal. 1885 E03
  Acolea concinnata E03
  Alicularia spathulifolia E03
  Balantiopsis E03
    |--B. chilensis E03
    |--B. diplophyllum M49
    `--B. tumida M49
  Brachiolejeunea spruceana E03
  Gottschea E03
    |--G. gayana E03
    |--G. laminigera E03
    |--G. pachyla E03
    `--G. splachnophylla E03
  Noteroclada confluens E03
  Strepsilejeunea He49
    |--S. tereticalyx Herzog 1949 He49
    `--S. warnstorffii E03
  Goebeliella cornigera [=Frullania cornigera] Ho49
  Pycnolejeunea zotovii Herzog 1949 He49
  Cuspidatula monodon M49
  Mastigolejeunea auriculata (see below for synonymy) DD07
    |--M. a. var. auriculata DD07
    `--M. a. var. ciliata (Awasthi & Udar) Daniels & Daniel 2007 (see below for synonymy) DD07

Androcryphia porphyrorrhiza Nees 1846 [=Jungermannia porphyrorrhiza Nees 1833, Noteroclada porphyrorrhiza Mitt. 1874; incl. J. confluens Hooker & Taylor 1844, Androcryphia confluens Nees 1846] E03

Blepharostoma quadripartitum (Hooker) Trevis 1877 [=Jungermannia quadripartita Hooker 1820, Temnomia quadripartita Mitt. 1877; incl. J. podophylla Ångström 1872] E03

Marsupidium crystallinum (Massal.) Besch. & Massal. 1889 [=Gymnanthe crystallina Massal. 1885; incl. Abrobolbus excisus Schiffn. in Engler & Prantl 1893] E03

Marsupidium urvilleanum (Mont.) Mitt. in Hooker 1867 [=Plagiochila urvilleana Mont. 1843, Acrobolbus urvilleanus Trevis. 1877, Gymnanthe urvilleana Taylor 1845, Jungermannia urvilleana Hooker & Taylor 1844, Scapania urvilleana Mont. 1844; incl. J. abbreviata Hooker & Taylor 1844, Plagiochila abbreviata Taylor 1847] E03

Mastigolejeunea auriculata [=Jungermannia auriculata Wilson & Hooker 1841; incl. Phragmicoma humilis Gottsche in Gottsche et al. 1845, Mastigolejeunea humilis] DD07

Mastigolejeunea auriculata var. ciliata (Awasthi & Udar) Daniels & Daniel 2007 [=M. humilis var. ciliata Awasthi & Udar 1984] DD07

Mylia abdita (Sulliv.) Evans 1903 [=Plagiochila abdita Sulliv. in Hooker 1850; incl. Leioscyphus pallens Mitt. 1877] E03

Mylia chiloscyphoideus [=Plagiochila chiloscyphoidea Lindenb. in Lehmann 1844, Leioscyphus chiloscyphoideus Mitt. 1860] E03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BO02] Barale, G., & M. Ouaja. 2002. La biodiversité végétale des gisements d’âge Jurassique supérieur-Crétacé inférieur de Merbah El Asfer (Sud-Tunisien). Cretaceous Research 23: 707-737.

[DD07] Daniels, A. E. D. & P. Daniel. 2007. Name changes in two Indian liverworts. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49 (1-4): 231-232.

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 1-34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[EB01] Engel, J. J., & J. E. Braggins. 2001. Austral Hepaticae 34. The sporophyte of Neogrollea Hodgs. and the taxonomic position of Neogrolleaceae (Schust.) Engel & Braggins comb. & stat. nov. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 91: 173-204.

[E03] Evans, A. W. 1903. Hepaticae collected in southern Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 35-62. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[FT93] Fensome, R. A., F. J. R. Taylor, G. Norris, W. A. S. Sarjeant, D. I. Wharton & G. L. Williams. 1993. A classification of living and fossil dinoflagellates. Micropaleontology Special Publication 7: i-viii, 1-351.

[FHH01] Frey, W., M. Hofmann & H. H. Hilger. 2001. The gametophyte-sporophyte junction: Unequivocal hints for two evolutionary lines of archegoniate land plants. Flora 196: 431-445.

[F01] Furuki, T. 2001. Lethocolea naruto-toganensis, a new hepatic from swamps of Japan. Bryologist 104 (2): 306-309.

[G06] Ghosh, J. P. 2006. A preliminary check-list of hepatics of West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 48 (1-4): 73-102.

[He49] Herzog, T. 1949. Descriptions of new species of New Zealand hepatics III. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (2): 253-256.

[Ho49] Hodgson, E. A. 1949. New Zealand Hepaticae (liverworts). VI. A review of the New Zealand species of the genus Frullania. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (3): 361-389.

[M49] Martin, W. 1949. The bryophytes of Stewart Island.—Part I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (2): 257-277.

[P05] Pinder, A. M. 2005. A review of biodiversity in wetlands with organic sediments on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia, with an emphasis on aquatic invertebrates. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (3): 129-132.

Simpson, M. G. 2010. Plant Systematics. Academic Press.

[SF01] Stech, M., & W. Frey. 2001. CpDNA-relationship and classification of the liverworts (Hepaticophytina, Bryophyta). Nova Hedwigia 72 (1-2): 45-58.


Radula complanata, photographed by Dragiša Savić.

Belongs within: Marchantiophyta.
Contains: Cephaloziaceae, Scapaniaceae, Plagiochila, Schistochila, Lejeuneaceae, Porella, Frullania, Lepidoziaceae, Geocalycaceae, Herbertineae, Jungermannia.

The Jungermanniales are the leafy liverworts, a clade of liverworts with well-defined leaf-like structures on the stems. Also significant in recognising the group are the terminal (acrogynous) perichaetia, positioned on the end of branches. Major subgroups include the Jungermanniaceae, with unlobed, succubous leaves, a terminal perianth, and rhizoids scattered along the stem.

Characters (from Crandall-Stotler & Stotler 2000): Apical cells usually tetrahedral with third face ventral; ventral appendages, when present, produced in a single row and foliose; leaves formed from two initials that are anodic and kathodic in orientation; endogenous branches common; perichaetia always acrogynous, terminating either main stem or a branch; bracts/bracteoles and perianths associated with perichaetium; archegonial neck consisting of five rows of neck cells; capsule always dehiscing into four valves; gemmae, when present, one- or two-celled, developing in a blastic manner.

<==Jungermanniales [Jungermanniidae]
    |--Perssoniellineae SF01
    |    |--Pachyschistochila reflexistipula EB01
    |    `--Schistochila SF01
    |--Porellineae SF01
    |    |--Lejeuneaceae SF01
    |    |--Porella SF01
    |    `--Jubulaceae G06
    |         |--Frullania SF01
    |         `--Jubula G06
    |              |--J. hattorii G06
    |              `--J. hutchinsiae G06
    |--Lepidolaenineae SF01
    |    |--Lepidogyna hodgsoniae SF01
    |    |--Hariotiella hermitensis Massal. & Besch. 1898 E03
    |    `--Lepidolaena E03
    |         |--L. clavigera M49
    |         |--L. hariotiana Schiffn. in Engler & Prantl 1895 [=Polyotus hariotianus Besch. & Massal. 1886] E03
    |         |--L. magellanica (Lam.) Lindb. 1873 (see below for synonymy) E03
    |         |--L. menziesii (Hooker) Dumort. 1835 (see below for synonymy) E03
    |         |--L. palpebrifolia M49
    |         `--L. taylori M49
    |--Ptilidiaceae [Ptilidiineae] SF01
    |    |--Ptilidium SF01
    |    |    |--P. ciliare SF01
    |    |    `--P. pulcherrimum M08
    |    `--Trichocolea J87
    |         |--T. australis M49
    |         |--T. indica G06
    |         |--T. lanata M49
    |         |--T. mollissima SF01
    |         |--T. polyacantha E03
    |         |--T. tenera G06
    |         |--T. tomentella M49
    |         |--T. tomentosa (see below for synonymy) E03
    |         `--T. verticillata E03
    |--Radula [Radulaceae, Radulineae] SF01
    |    |--R. acuminata Steph. 1910 L03
    |    |--R. assamica Steph. 1884 L03
    |    |--R. complanata FHH01
    |    |--R. cubensis J87
    |    |--R. flaccida E99
    |    |--R. flavifolia Taylor 1845 [=Jungermannia flavifolia Hooker & Taylor 1844] E03
    |    |--R. floridana J87
    |    |--R. grandis SF01
    |    |--R. helix E03
    |    |--R. inflexa J87
    |    |--R. intempestiva E03
    |    |--R. javanica Gott. in Gott. 1845 L03
    |    |--R. korthalsii J87
    |    |--R. lindbergiana G06
    |    |--R. microlobula J87
    |    |--R. mollis J87
    |    |--R. physoloba M49
    |    |--R. plicata E03
    |    |--R. plumosa E03
    |    |--R. protensa Lindenb. in Meissner 1848 L03
    |    |--R. punctata E03
    |    |--R. sainsburiana M49
    |    |--R. striata E03
    |    |--R. tenera D03
    |    |--R. tjibodensis Goeb. 1893 L03
    |    |--R. uvifera M49
    |    `--R. voluta J87
    `--+--Lepidoziaceae SF01
       |--Geocalycaceae SF01
       |--Herbertineae SF01
       |--Lepicolea [Lepicoleineae] SF01
       |    |--L. attenuata SF01
       |    |--L. ochroleuca (Spreng.) Lindb. 1875 (see below for synonymy) E03
       |    |--L. quadrilaciniata E03
       |    |--L. scolopendra M49
       |    `--L. teres E03
       `--Jungermanniaceae [Jungermanniineae] SF01
            |--Jungermannia SF01
            |--Anstrepta orcadensis G06
            |--Tetralophozia filiformis G06
            |--Nardia G06
            |    |--N. emarginata D24
            |    `--N. flegelliformis G06
            |--Chandonanthus G06
            |    |--C. birmensis G06
            |    |--C. hirtellus G06
            |    `--C. squarrosus SF01
            |--Notoscyphus G06
            |    |--N. darjeelingensis G06
            |    |--N. lutescens PK03
            |    |--N. pandei G06
            |    `--N. paroicus G06
            |--Anastrophyllum G06
            |    |--A. assimile G06
            |    |--A. decurrens E03
            |    |--A. involutifolium E03
            |    |--A. longissimum E03
            |    |--A. minutum M08
            |    `--A. schismoides M49
            |--Lophozia G06
            |    |--L. bicrenata M08
            |    |--L. dusenii D03
            |    |--L. excisa M08
            |    |--L. incisa G06
            |    |--L. longidens G06
            |    |--L. perssonii M08
            |    `--L. setosa G06
            `--Jamesoniella J87
                 |--J. autumnalis G06
                 |--J. colorata (Lehmann) Schiffn. in Engler & Prantl 1893 [=Jungermannia colorata Lehmann 1829] E03
                 |--J. grandiflora E03
                 |--J. oenops E03
                 |--J. paludosa E03
                 |--J. pseudo-occlusa M49
                 |--J. rubricaulis J87
                 |--J. sonderi M49
                 `--J. tasmanica M49

Jungermanniales incertae sedis:
  Cephaloziaceae FHH01
  Gymnomitriaceae FHH01
    |--Gymnomitrium stygium M49
    `--Marsupella FHH01
         |--M. funckii FHH01
         `--M. kerguelensis E03
  Scapaniaceae FHH01
  Neogrollea Hodgson 1965 [Neogrolleaceae, Neogrolleoideae, Neogrollineae] EB01
    `--*N. notabilis Hodgson 1965 EB01
  Plagiochilaceae J87
    |--Plagiochila SF01
    `--Tylimanthus J87
         |--T. anderssonii (Ã…ngstr.) Evans 1903 [=Gymnanthe anderssonii Ã…ngstr. 1876] E03
         |--T. approximatus J87
         |--T. brecknockiensis E03
         |--T. crystallinus E03
         |--T. fendleri D03
         |--T. integrifolius E03
         |--T. saccatus SF01
         `--T. viridis D03
  Adelocolea E03
    |--A. decipiens E03
    `--A. unciformis (Hooker & Taylor) Evans 1903 (see below for synonymy) E03
  Adelanthus magellanicus SF01, E03
  Calypogeaceae G06
    |--Matacalypogeia alternifolia G06
    `--Calypogeia G06
         |--C. fissa G06
         |--C. hartlessiana G06
         |--C. integristipula M08
         |--C. muelleriana M08
         |--C. renistipula G06
         `--C. trichomanis G06
  Cephaloziella [Cephaloziellaceae] G06
    |--C. divaricata M08
    |--C. exiliflora M49
    |--C. hampeana M08
    |--C. indica G06
    |--C. kiaeri AKS07
    |--C. rubella M08
    `--C. subdentata G06
  Acrobolbus [Acrobolbaceae] G06
    `--A. ciliatus G06
  Mastigophora [Mastigophoraceae] G06
    |--M. antarctica E03
    `--M. woodsi G06

Adelocolea unciformis (Hooker & Taylor) Evans 1903 [=Jungermannia unciformis Hooker & Taylor 1844, Adelanthus unciformis Spruce 1876, Plagiochila unciformis Hooker & Taylor 1847; incl. Jungermannia haliotiphylla De Not. 1857, Adelanthus lindenbergianus (Lehmann) Mitt. 1864, Plagiochila sphaleria Hooker & Taylor 1847] E03

Lepicolea ochroleuca (Spreng.) Lindb. 1875 [=Jungermannia ochroleuca Spreng. 1829, Herberta ochroleuca Trevis. 1877, Leperoma ochroleuca Mitt. in Hooker 1867, Sendtnera ochroleuca Nees 1845] E03

Lepidolaena magellanica (Lam.) Lindb. 1873 [=Jungermannia magellanica, Gackstroemia magellanica Trevis. 1877, Polyotus magellanicus Gottsche 1845] E03

Lepidolaena menziesii (Hooker) Dumort. 1835 [=Jungermannia menziesii Hooker 1820, Polyotus menziesii Gottsche 1845] E03

Trichocolea tomentosa [=Jungermannia tomentosa Swartz 1788, Basichiton tomentosum Trevis. 1877, J. tomentella var. tomentosa Lindenb. 1829, Leiomitra tomentosa Lindb. 1875, Trichocolea tomentella var. tomentosa L. & N. 1844] E03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AKS07] Alam, A., A. Kumar & S. C. Srivastava. 2007. Jungermannia nilgiriensis, a new species from Nilgiri Hills (Western Ghats) India. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49 (1–4): 219–224.

Crandall-Stotler, B., & R. E. Stotler. 2000. Morphology and classification of the Marchantiophyta. In: Shaw, A. J., & B. Goffinet (eds) Bryophyte Biology pp. 21-70. Cambridge University Press.

[D24] Dixon, H. N. 1924. The Student's Handbook of British Mosses 3rd ed. V. V. Sumfield: Eastbourne.

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In: Scott, W. B. (ed.) Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 vol. 8. Botany pp. 1–34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[EB01] Engel, J. J., & J. E. Braggins. 2001. Austral Hepaticae 34. The sporophyte of Neogrollea Hodgs. and the taxonomic position of Neogrolleaceae (Schust.) Engel & Braggins comb. & stat. nov. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 91: 173–204.

[E99] Eriksson, O. E. (ed.) 1999. Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 2440–2755. Myconet 2: 1–41.

[E03] Evans, A. W. 1903. Hepaticae collected in southern Patagonia. In: Scott, W. B. (ed.) Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 vol. 8. Botany pp. 35–62. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[FHH01] Frey, W., M. Hofmann & H. H. Hilger. 2001. The gametophyte-sporophyte junction: unequivocal hints for two evolutionary lines of archegoniate land plants. Flora 196: 431–445.

[G06] Ghosh, J. P. 2006. A preliminary check-list of hepatics of West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 48 (1–4): 73–102.

[J87] Judd, W. S. 1987. Floristic study of Morne La Visite and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum—Biological Sciences 32 (1): 1–136.

[L03] Lal, J. 2003. Studies in epiphyllous liverworts of India—its present position. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 45 (1–4): 179–186.

[M08] Marstaller, R. 2008. Moosgesellschaften am Südrand des Kyffhäusergebirges bei Bad Frankenhausen (Kyffhäuserkreis). 130. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens. Mauritiana 20 (2): 289–348.

[M49] Martin, W. 1949. The bryophytes of Stewart Island.—Part I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (2): 257–277.

[PK03] Piippo, S., & T. Koponen. 2003. Review of the bryofloristic connections of New Guinea Island. Telopea 10 (1): 467–476.

[SF01] Stech, M., & W. Frey. 2001. CpDNA-relationship and classification of the liverworts (Hepaticophytina, Bryophyta). Nova Hedwigia 72 (1–2): 45–58.

Last updated: 24 January 2018.


Schistochila balfouriana, photographed by Heino Lepp.

Belongs within: Jungermanniales.

Schistochila is a genus of leafy liverworts, claimed by Hodgson (1942) to be the 'most beautiful' of liverwort genera.

Characters (from Hodgson 1942): Plants small to robust, stems simple or with few branches, sub-woody or fleshy, with or without paraphyllia, with rhizoids on ventral side or at base. Leaves small to very large, succubous, bi-lobed, complicate, dorsal lobe smaller than, or equal to, the ventral, which is usually referred to as the leaf, and attached to the latter at varying distances from margin, the portion of the ventral lobe below the line of insertion, thus forming a wing; sometimes lamellate, margins serrate, ciliate or sub-entire. Stipules present or absent, armature conforming with that of leaves. Sporophyte deeply sunk in swollen apex of stem, which thus forms a tubular involucre adnate with calyptra and overlaid with leaves.

    |--S. appendiculata SF01
    |--S. balfouriana M49
    |--S. blumii PK03
    |--S. ciliata M49
    |--S. cunninghamii E03
    |--S. gayana E03
    |    |--S. g. var. gayana E03
    |    `--S. g. var. massalongoana (Schiffn. & Gottsche) Evans 1903 (see below for synonymy) E03
    |--S. glaucescens M49
    |--S. kirkiana M49
    |--S. lamellata (Hooker) Dum. 1835 [=Jungermannia lamellata Hooker 1818, Gottschea lamellata Nees 1844] E03
    |--S. lamellistipula D03
    |--S. lehmanniana M49
    |--S. nobilis M49
    |--S. pachyla E03
    |--S. pinnatifolia M49
    |--S. planifolia E03
    |--S. reicheana D03
    |--S. repleta M49
    |--S. spegazziniana E03
    |--S. splachnophyllum E03
    |--S. stratosa D03
    `--S. unguicularis M49

Schistochila gayana var. massalongoana (Schiffn. & Gottsche) Evans 1903 [=Gottschea gayana var. massalongoana Schiffn. & Gottsche 1890] E03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 1-34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[E03] Evans, A. W. 1903. Hepaticae collected in southern Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 35-62. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

Hodgson, E. A. 1942. Review of the New Zealand species of Schistochila, with notes on Colenso's species. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 71: 181-194.

[M49] Martin, W. 1949. The bryophytes of Stewart Island.—Part I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (2): 257-277.

[PK03] Piippo, S., & T. Koponen. 2003. Review of the bryofloristic connections of New Guinea Island. Telopea 10 (1): 467-476.

[SF01] Stech, M., & W. Frey. 2001. CpDNA-relationship and classification of the liverworts (Hepaticophytina, Bryophyta). Nova Hedwigia 72 (1-2): 45-58.


Plagiochila deltoidea, from here.

Belongs within: Jungermanniales.

Plagiochila is a cosmopolitan genus of leafy liverworts; with over 1200 species, it is the largest of the recognised liverwort genera. Members of the genus are very diverse in superficial appearance, including both trailing epiphytic species and forms with reduced leaves.

Characters (from Hong 1992): Dioicous gametangia; gemmae absent; creeping rhizomatous stems; branching of lateral-intercalary and Frullania types; rhizoid generally absent; succubous, obliquely inserted, long decurrent leaves; vestigial underleaves; strongly laterally compressed perianths; perigynium absent; oval-globose capsules (four-valved at base); bispiral elaters.

    |--P. acanthoda J87
    |--P. adiantoides J87
    |--P. ambusta E03
    |--P. angulata E03
    |--P. angusticedens J87
    |--P. angustispina J87
    |--P. annotina M49
    |--P. ansata Hooker & Taylor 1847 [=Jungermannia ansata Hooker & Taylor 1844] E03
    |--P. arbuscula M49
    |--P. barbadensis J87
    |--P. bidens J87
    |--P. bifaria J87
    |--P. bispinosa Lindenb. 1858 E03
    |--P. boissieri J87
    |--P. bursata J87
    |--P. circinalis E03
    |--P. conjugata M49
    |--P. corticola G06
    |--P. crispata J87
    |--P. cristata J87
    |--P. cuspidata G06
    |--P. debilis G06
    |--P. deltoidea M49
    |--P. denticulata G06
    |--P. devexa G06
    |--P. druelii G06
    |--P. dura E03
    |--P. duricaulis Hooker & Taylor 1847 [=Jungermannia duricaulis Hooker & Taylor 1844] E03
    |--P. elata D03
    |--P. elegans G06
    |--P. fagicola E03
    |--P. fasciculata M49
    |--P. flexicaulis D03
    |--P. flexuosa G06
    |--P. fruticosa G06
    |--P. fuegiensis E03
    |--P. gayana D03
    |--P. gigantea M49
    |--P. gracilis G06
    |--P. gregaria M49
    |--P. heteromalla E03
    |--P. hirta E03
    |--P. hyadesiana E03
    |--P. hypnoides J87
    |--P. jacquinotii E03
    |--P. jamesonii J87
    |--P. kroneana J87
    |--P. latifrons D03
    |--P. lechleri E03
    |--P. longissima D03
    |--P. lyallii M49
    |--P. macvicarii J87
    |--P. mundaliensis G06
    |--P. neesiana E03
    |--P. nepalensis G06
    |--P. obcuneata E03
    |--P. patagonica E03
    |--P. perrottetiana J87
    |--P. pleurota M49
    |--P. pseudorenitens G06
    |--P. ramosissima M49
    |--P. rectangulata E03
    |--P. remotidens E03
    |--P. retrospectans SF01
    |--P. robusta E03
    |--P. rufescens D03
    |--P. savatierana E03
    |--P. sciophila G06
    |--P. secretifolia G06
    |--P. semidecurrens G06
    |--P. sinclairii M49
    |--P. solitaria J87
    |--P. stephensoniana SF01
    |--P. subpectinata E03
    |--P. subsimilis C82
    |--P. subtropical G06
    |--P. superba J87
    |--P. tenuis J87
    |--P. tristis D03
    `--P. uncialis E03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C82] Colenso, W. 1882. On some newly-discovered New Zealand arachnids. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 15: 165-173.

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 1-34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[E03] Evans, A. W. 1903. Hepaticae collected in southern Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 35-62. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[G06] Ghosh, J. P. 2006. A preliminary check-list of hepatics of West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 48 (1-4): 73-102.

Hong, W. S. 1992. Plagiochila in western North America. Bryologist 95 (2): 142-147.

[J87] Judd, W. S. 1987. Floristic study of Morne La Visite and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum – Biological Sciences 32 (1): 1-136.

[M49] Martin, W. 1949. The bryophytes of Stewart Island.—Part I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (2): 257-277.

[SF01] Stech, M., & W. Frey. 2001. CpDNA-relationship and classification of the liverworts (Hepaticophytina, Bryophyta). Nova Hedwigia 72 (1-2): 45-58.


Bazzania trilobata, photographed by Blue Ridge Kitties.

Belongs within: Jungermanniales.

The Lepidoziaceae is a cosmopolitan family of leafy liverworts, most speciose in tropical regions. They are characterised by the possession of lobed but not folded leaves.

Characters (from Hong 1988): Dioicous or autoicous (never paroicous) gametangia; strongly incubous or transverse leaf insertion; distinctly two- to four-lobed leaves; unistratose cortical layer of stem; limited rhizoid-initial layer at base of underleaves; presence of filiform flagella branches (postical or lateral); long, slender tapering trigonous perianths on short ventral branches; ovoid to ovoid-cylindric capsule with two- to five-layered walls; 1.0-1.5 to 1.0 spore-elater diameter ratio; gemmae completely absent.

<==Lepidoziaceae [Lepidoziineae]
    |--Drucella [Drucelloideae] EB01
    |--Zoopsidoideae EB01
    |    |--Zoopsis linkiensis FHH01
    |    `--Pseudocephalozia EB01
    |         |--P. cucullata EB01
    |         |--P. paludicola EB01
    |         `--P. quadriloba EB01
    |--Lembidioideae EB01
    |    |--Lembidium EB01
    |    |    |--L. nutans EB01
    |    |    `--L. tenax M49
    |    |--Chloranthelia denticulata EB01
    |    |--Isolembidium anomalum EB01
    |    |    |--I. a. var. anomalum EB01
    |    |    `--I. a. var. cucullatum EB01
    |    `--Hygrolembidium EB01
    |         |--H. acrocladum EB01
    |         |--H. australe EB01
    |         `--H. triquetrum EB01
    `--Bazzanioideae EB01
         |--Acromastigum EB01
         |    |--A. anisostomum EB01
         |    `--A. colensoanum M49
         `--Bazzania EB01
              |--B. adnexa EB01
              |--B. appendiculata G06
              |--B. himalayana G06
              |--B. imbricata G06
              |--B. involuta EB01
              |    |--B. i. var. involuta EB01
              |    `--B. i. var. submutica EB01
              |--B. jamaicensis J87
              |--B. longa J87
              |--B. monilinerve M49
              |--B. novae-hollandiae M49
              |--B. novae-zelandiae E03
              |--B. ovistipula G06
              |--B. pearsonii G06
              |--B. prerupta G06
              |--B. sikkimensis G06
              |--B. taylorianum M49
              |--B. trictranata G06
              `--B. trilobata L-BWC03

Lepidoziaceae incertae sedis:
  Lepidozia EB01
    |--L. albula M49
    |--L. bisetula M49
    |--L. blepharostoma E03
    |--L. breviflora SS07
    |--L. capillaris E03
    |--L. capilligera E03
    |--L. centipes M49
    |--L. cordulifera E03
    |--L. concinna M49
    |--L. cucullifolia D03
    |--L. cupressina E03
    |--L. erosa G06
    |--L. filamentosa Lehmann & Lindenb. 1845 (see below for synonymy) E03
    |--L. hippuerioides M49
    |--L. laevifolia D03
    |--L. munchiana J87
    |--L. oliogophylla E03
    |--L. patens J87
    |--L. patentissima M49
    |--L. pendulina M49
    |--L. plumulosa Lehmann & Lindenb. 1845 (see below for synonymy) E03
    |--L. praenitens M49
    |--L. pumila EB01
    |--L. reptans G06
    |--L. robusta G06
    |--L. saddlensis E03
    |--L. seriatitexta E03
    |--L. setiformis E03
    |--L. spinosissima EB01
    |--L. tenax M49
    `--L. truncatella Nees 1845 [=Mastigophora truncatella Trevis. 1877] E03
  Paracromastigum granatensis EB01
  Zoopsidella dichotoma EB01
  Telaranea Spruce ex Schiffn. 1895 (nom. cons.) EB01, DD07 [incl. Arachniopsis Spruce 1882 DD07]
    |--T. indica (Srivastava & Verma) Daniels & Daniel 2007 (see below for synonymy) DD07
    |--T. nematodes EB01
    `--T. tasmanica EB01
  Kurzia FHH01
    |--K. hippuroides EB01
    |--K. mollis EB01
    `--K. trichoclados FHH01
  Micropterygium trachyphyllum J87
  Dendrobazzania griffithiana G06

Lepidozia filamentosa Lehmann & Lindenb. 1845 [=Jungermannia filamentosa Lehmann & Lindenb. in Lehmann 1832, Mastigophora filamentosa Trevis. 1877] E03

Lepidozia plumulosa Lehmann & Lindenb. 1845 [=Jungermannia plumulosa Lehmann & Lindenb. in Lehmann 1834, Mastigophora plumulosa Trevis. 1877; incl. Jungermannia tetradactyla Hooker & Taylor 1844, Lepidozia tetradactyla Taylor 1845] E03

Telaranea indica (Srivastava & Verma) Daniels & Daniel 2007 [=Arachniopsis indica Srivastava & Verma 2004] DD07

*Type species of generic name indicated


[DD07] Daniels, A. E. D. & P. Daniel. 2007. Name changes in two Indian liverworts. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49 (1-4): 231-232.

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 1-34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[EB01] Engel, J. J., & J. E. Braggins. 2001. Austral Hepaticae 34. The sporophyte of Neogrollea Hodgs. and the taxonomic position of Neogrolleaceae (Schust.) Engel & Braggins comb. & stat. nov. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 91: 173-204.

[E03] Evans, A. W. 1903. Hepaticae collected in southern Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 35-62. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[FHH01] Frey, W., M. Hofmann & H. H. Hilger. 2001. The gametophyte-sporophyte junction: Unequivocal hints for two evolutionary lines of archegoniate land plants. Flora 196: 431-445.

[G06] Ghosh, J. P. 2006. A preliminary check-list of hepatics of West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 48 (1-4): 73-102.

Hong, W. S. 1988. The family Lepidoziaceae in North America west of the Hundredth Meridian. Bryologist 91 (4): 326-333.

[J87] Judd, W. S. 1987. Floristic study of Morne La Visite and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum – Biological Sciences 32 (1): 1-136.

[L-BWC03] López-Bautista, J. M., D. A. Waters & R. L. Chapman. 2003. Phragmoplastin, green algae and the evolution of cytokinesis. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53: 1715-1718.

[M49] Martin, W. 1949. The bryophytes of Stewart Island.—Part I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (2): 257-277.

[SS07] Singh, S. K. & D. K. Singh. 2007. A preliminary census of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Doon Valley. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49 (1-4): 1-14.


Lophocolea heterophylla, from here.

Belongs within: Jungermanniales.

The Geocalycaceae are a cosmopolitan family of leafy liverworts. It has been divided by some authors into separate families Geocalycaceae and Lophocoleaceae, based (among other features) on the presence (Lophocoleaceae) or absence (Geocalycaceae) of a perianth.

Characters (from Hong 1993): Dioicous, autoicous, or paroicous gametangia; lateral and ventral intercalary or terminal branching; succubous or obliquely inserted leaves; bilobed underleaves; rhizoids restricted to base of underleaves or scattered over ventral surface of stem; lateral or ventral fertile branches; slenderly spicate androecia; large, reduced, or vestigial female bracts; perianth reduced or absent, or with a rhizoidal perigynium, or wide mouthed; ovoid to cylindric capsule with 2-5 layered walls.

<==Geocalycaceae [Geocalycineae, Lophocoleaceae]
    |--Heteroscyphus G06
    |    |--H. argutus G06
    |    |--H. bescherellei G06
    |    |--H. combinatus J87
    |    |--H. flaccidus G06
    |    |--H. inflatus G06
    |    |--H. pandei G06
    |    `--H. tener G06
    |--Leptoscyphus FHH01
    |    |--L. amphibolius J87
    |    `--L. horizontalis FHH01
    |--Chiloscyphus FHH01
    |    |--C. beckettianus M49
    |    |--C. bidentatus M49
    |    |--C. billardieri M49
    |    |--C. coalitus E03
    |    |--C. cuneistipulus M49
    |    |--C. cymbaliferus M49
    |    |--C. decipiens M49
    |    |--C. echinellus M49
    |    |--C. fissistipus M49
    |    |--C. grandiflorus E03
    |    |--C. integrifolius E03
    |    |--C. laxus M49
    |    |--C. lyallii M49
    |    |--C. massalongoanus Steph. 1893 [incl. C. fissistipus var. magellanicus Schiffn. & Gottsche 1890] E03
    |    |--C. menziesii M49
    |    |--C. normalis M49
    |    |--C. oblongifolius M49
    |    |--C. pallescens SF01
    |    |--C. paraphyllinus D03
    |    |--C. polyanthus G06
    |    |--C. striatellus D03
    |    `--C. valdiviensis E03
    `--Lophocolea FHH01
         |--L. anomada D03
         |--L. attenuata D03
         |--L. australis M49
         |--L. austrigena E03
         |--L. bidentata (Linnaeus) Dumort. 1835 [=Jungermannia bidentata Linnaeus 1753] SS07
         |--L. boveana E03
         |--L. campanulata D03
         |--L. coadunata J87
         |--L. concava E03
         |--L. conifolia D03
         |--L. cookiana E03
         |--L. cucullistipula D03
         |--L. cuspidata G06
         |--L. divergenticiliata E03
         |--L. fulvella E03
         |--L. fuscovirens E03
         |--L. gayana E03
         |--L. gottscheaeoides E03
         |--L. heterophylla FHH01
         |--L. heterophylloides M49
         |--L. homomalla D03
         |--L. horizontalis (Hooker) Evans 1903 (see below for synonymy) E03
         |--L. humifusa E03
         |--L. humilis [=Jungermannia humilis] E03
         |--L. irregularis E03
         |--L. lacerata E03
         |--L. lenta (Hooker & Taylor) Taylor 1845 (see below for synonymy) E03
         |--L. leptantha D03
         |--L. leucophylla M49
         |--L. microstipula D03
         |--L. muricata E03
         |--L. navicularis D03
         |--L. novae-zelandiae E03
         |--L. obvoluta (Hooker & Taylor) Evans 1903 [=Jungermannia obvoluta Hooker & Taylor 1845] E03
         |--L. obvolutaeformis E03
         |--L. otiphylla E03
         |--L. pallide-virens (Hooker & Taylor) Mitt. 1877 (see below for synonymy) E03
         |--L. palustris E03
         |--L. planiuscula M49
         |--L. puccioana E03
         |    |--L. p. var. puccioana E03
         |    `--L. p. var. suspecta Massal. 1885 E03
         |--L. purpucilla E03
         |--L. rigens (Hooker & Taylor) Evans 1903 [=Jungermannia rigens Hooker & Taylor 1844] E03
         |--L. sikkimensis G06
         |--L. spegazziniana E03
         |--L. stenophylla Schiffn. & Gottsche 1890 E03
         |--L. subporosa M49
         |--L. textilis D03
         |--L. trachyopa D03
         |--L. trapezoidea J87
         |--L. trialata M49
         |--L. triseriata D03
         |--L. vasculosa (Hooker & Taylor) Nees 1847 (see below for synonymy) E03
         `--L. virens E03

Lophocolea horizontalis (Hooker) Evans 1903 [=Jungermannia horizontalis Hooker 1818, Chiloscyphus horizontalis Nees 1845; incl. J. grandifolia Hooker & Taylor 1844, C. grandifolius Taylor 1845] E03

Lophocolea lenta (Hooker & Taylor) Taylor 1845 [=Jungermannia lenta Hooker & Taylor 1844; incl. J. diademata Hooker & Taylor 1844, J. secundifolia Hooker & Taylor 1844] E03

Lophocolea pallide-virens (Hooker & Taylor) Mitt. 1877 [=Jungermannia pallide-virens Hooker & Taylor 1844, Chiloscyphus pallide-virens Taylor 1845] E03

Lophocolea vasculosa (Hooker & Taylor) Nees 1847 [=Jungermannia vasculosa Hooker & Taylor 1844; incl. J. elata Gottsche 1890] E03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 1-34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[E03] Evans, A. W. 1903. Hepaticae collected in southern Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 35-62. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[FHH01] Frey, W., M. Hofmann & H. H. Hilger. 2001. The gametophyte-sporophyte junction: Unequivocal hints for two evolutionary lines of archegoniate land plants. Flora 196: 431-445.

[G06] Ghosh, J. P. 2006. A preliminary check-list of hepatics of West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 48 (1-4): 73-102.

Hong, W. S. 1993. The family Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae) in North America, west of the Hundredth Meridian. Bryologist 96 (4): 592-597.

[J87] Judd, W. S. 1987. Floristic study of Morne La Visite and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum – Biological Sciences 32 (1): 1-136.

[M49] Martin, W. 1949. The bryophytes of Stewart Island.—Part I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (2): 257-277.

[SS07] Singh, S. K. & D. K. Singh. 2007. A preliminary census of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Doon Valley. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49 (1-4): 1-14.

[SF01] Stech, M., & W. Frey. 2001. CpDNA-relationship and classification of the liverworts (Hepaticophytina, Bryophyta). Nova Hedwigia 72 (1-2): 45-58.


Cololejeunea minutissima, photographed by Nathalie Hueber.

Belongs within: Jungermanniales.
Contains: Lejeunea, Lopholejeunea.

The Lejeuneaceae are a large family of liverworts, many species of which are epiphytic. They are characterised by the possession of leaves divided into unequal-sized lobes, with the upper margin of each leaf overlapping the lower margin of the one above it on a stem.

Characters (from Smith 1991): Plants minute to medium-sized, yellowish to green, occasionally brown-tinged. Branching usually of Lejeunea type. Rhizoids restricted to underleaf bases. Leaves unequally bilobed, margins entire, ventral lobe folded under dorsal and much smaller, joined to both stem and dorsal lobe with the latter forming a conspicuous keel region, ventral lobe inflated, terminating in single apical cell with a hyaline papilla at base. Underleaves usually present, much smaller than lateral leaves. Vegetative propagation frequently by caducous leaves, microphyllous small branches or discoid gemmae. Female bracts 2, archegonia one per inflorescence, long-necked. Perianth with three to five keels, abruptly narrowed at apex to conspicuous beak. Seta cells in tiers so that seta appears articulated. Capsules spherical, wall 2-stratose. Spores 15-65 μm long, germinating before release.

    |--Lejeuneoideae B05
    |    |--Lejeunea E03
    |    |--Cheilolejeunea L03
    |    |    |--C. giraldiana G06
    |    |    |--C. inflexa J87
    |    |    |--C. intertexta (Lindenb.) Steph. 1897 L03
    |    |    |--C. laeviscula G06
    |    |    `--C. subopaca G06
    |    |--Drepanolejeunea L03
    |    |    |--D. angustifolia G06
    |    |    |--D. anoplantha J87
    |    |    |--D. erecta G06
    |    |    |--D. orthophylla J87
    |    |    `--D. ternatensis (Gott.) Steph. 1889 L03
    |    |--Leptolejeunea L03
    |    |    |--L. balansae Steph. 1896 L03
    |    |    |--L. epiphylla (Mitt.) Steph. 1914 L03
    |    |    |--L. foliicola Steph. 1896 L03
    |    |    |--L. himalayensis G06
    |    |    |--L. schiffneri (Schiffn.) Steph. 1896 L03
    |    |    |--L. sikkimensis G06
    |    |    |--L. subacuta Evans 1906 L03
    |    |    `--L. subfusca G06
    |    |--Microlejeunea minutistipula Steph. 1907 L03
    |    |--Rectolejeunea L03
    |    |    |--R. aloba (Sande Lac.) Steph. 1914 L03
    |    |    |--R. ocellata Herzog 1949 He49
    |    |    `--R. subolivaceae G06
    |    |--Rhaphidolejeunea foliicola (Horik.) Chen 1955 L03
    |    `--Taxilejeunea tenerrima Steph. 1923 L03
    |--Ptychanthoideae SS05
    |    |--Archilejeunea SG07
    |    |    |--A. apiculifolia DS07
    |    |    |--A. mariana G06
    |    |    |--A. minutilobula Udar & Awasthi 1981 SG07
    |    |    `--A. planiuscula (Mitt.) Steph. 1911 B05
    |    |--Lopholejeunea SS05
    |    |--Acanthocoleus gilvus (Steph.) Krujit 1988 L03
    |    |--Caudalejeunea reniloba (Gott.) Steph. 1912 L03
    |    `--Ptychanthus striatus G06
    `--Cololejeuneoideae L03
         |--Cololejeunea L03
         |    |--C. acrotremae Schiffn. 1900 L03
         |    |--C. appressa (Evans) Benedix 1953 L03
         |    |--C. asperrima D03
         |    |--C. dentifolia Udar & Srivastava 1982 L03
         |    |--C. goebelii (Gott. ex Schiffn.) Schiffn. 1898 L03
         |    |--C. haskarliana (Gott.) Benedix 1953 L03
         |    |--C. indica G06
         |    |--C. kashyapii Udar & Srivastava 1985 L03
         |    |--C. lanciloba Steph. 1985 L03
         |    |--C. longifolia (Mitt.) Benedix 1953 L03
         |    |--C. minutissima G06
         |    |--C. peraffinis (Schiffn.) Schiffn. 1898 L03
         |    |--C. producta (Mitt.) Hatt. in Hara 1966 [=Lejeunea producta Mitt. 1861] SS07
         |    |--C. pseudofloccosa (Horik.) Benedix 1953 L03
         |    |--C. siangensis Asthana & Sri. 2003 L03
         |    `--C. spinosa (Horik.) Hatt. 1944 L03
         `--Colura L03
              |--C. acroloba (Mont.) Ast 1953 L03
              |--C. acutifolia Ast 1953 L03
              |--C. ari Steph. 1916 L03
              |--C. calyptrifolia (Hooker) Dum. 1835 L03
              |--C. saccophylla Hodg. & Herzog in Herzog 1949 H49
              `--C. tenuicornis (Evans) Steph. 1916 [=Colurolejeunea tenuicornis Evans 1900] DS07

Lejeuneaceae incertae sedis:
  Aphanolejeunea subdiaphana MMV01
  Harpalejeunea subfenestrata (Massal.) Schiffn. & Gottsche 1890 [=Lejeunea subfenestrata Massal. 1885] E03
  Bryopteris fruticulosa J87
  Ceratolejeunea brevinervis J87
  Hygrolejeunea reflexistipula J87
  Macrolejeunea sessiliflora J87
  Marchesinia brachiata J87
  Neurolejeunea breutelii J87
  Odontolejeunea sieberiana J87
  Dicranolejeunea G06
    |--D. gilva G06
    `--D. sikkimensis G06
  Marchensinia G06
    |--M. gigantea G06
    `--M. sikkimensis G06
  Spruceanthus semirepandus G06
  Trocholejeunea infuscata G06
  Tuzibeanthus chinensis G06

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B05] Bhattacharyya, P. K. 2005. Bryophyte flora of Barddhaman district, West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 47 (1-4): 11-42.

[DS07] Das, S. & D. K. Singh. 2007. Two interesting records of liverworts from Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49 (1-4): 211-214.

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 1-34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[E03] Evans, A. W. 1903. Hepaticae collected in southern Patagonia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899, vol. 8 – Botany (W. B. Scott, ed.) pp. 35-62. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[G06] Ghosh, J. P. 2006. A preliminary check-list of hepatics of West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 48 (1-4): 73-102.

[H49] Herzog, T. 1949. Descriptions of new species of New Zealand hepatics III. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (2): 253-256.

[J87] Judd, W. S. 1987. Floristic study of Morne La Visite and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum – Biological Sciences 32 (1): 1-136.

[L03] Lal, J. 2003. Studies in epiphyllous liverworts of India—its present position. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 45 (1-4): 179-186.

[MMV01] Machado, G., & D. Moreira Vital. 2001. On the occurrence of epizoic cyanobacteria and liverworts on a neotropical harvestman (Arachnida: Opiliones). Biotropica 33 (3): 535-538.

[SG07] Singh, S. K. & J. P. Ghosh. 2007. Bryo-diversity in Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah, West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49 (1-4): 155-164.

[SS05] Singh, S. K. & D. K. Singh. 2005. Lopholejeunea sikkimensis var. tenuicostata (Hepaticae: Lejeuneaceae)—a new variety from Great Himalayan National Park, Himachal Pradesh, India. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 47 (1-4): 189-192.

[SS07] Singh, S. K. & D. K. Singh. 2007. A preliminary census of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Doon Valley. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49 (1-4): 1-14.

Smith, A. J. E. 1991. The Liverworts of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press.