Showing posts with label Macroheterocera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Macroheterocera. Show all posts


Blue underwing Catocala fraxini, copyright Harald Süpfle.

Belongs within: Erebidae.
Contains: Melipotini, Euclidiini, Ophiusini, Poaphilini.

The Erebinae are a clade of noctuoid moths identified by molecular data, members of which have a smooth apex on the proboscis with all the styloconic sensilla placed dorsally. Females have the seventh sternite reduced and divided into two lobes with with ostium bursae situated in the cleft between the lobes. Larvae are slender semi-loopers with a pair of dorsolateral tubercles on the eighth abdominal segment.

Erebinae [Catocalinae]
    |--+--Ugia Walker 1858 ZK11, Z21
    |  |    `--U. insuspecta ZK11
    |  `--Acantholipes Lederer 1857 ZK11, FL05 [Acantholipini]
    |       |--A. circumdata ZK11
    |       `--A. regularis ZK11
    `--+--Sypnini ZK11
       |    |--Sypnoides fumosa ZK11
       |    `--Sypna ZK11
       `--+--Thysania Dalman 1824 FL05 [Thysaniini ZK11]
          |    |--T. agrippina DS73
          |    `--T. zenobia DS73
          |--+--Pandesma [Pandesmini] ZK11
          |  |    |--P. costalis S01
          |  |    |--P. pagana Swinhoe 1901 S01
          |  |    |--P. robusta ZK11
          |  |    `--P. submurina MC13
          |  `--+--Heteropalpia acrosticta ZK11
          |     `--+--Pericyma Herrich-Schäffer 1851 FL05 [Pericymini ZK11]
          |        |    `--P. cruegeri ZK11
          |        `--+--Catephiini [Catephidae] ZK11
          |           |    |--Anophia acronyctoides WM66
          |           |    `--Catephia Ochsenheimer 1816 FL05
          |           |         `--C. alchymista ZK11
          |           `--Sphingomorpha chlorea ZK11
          `--+--+--+--+--Serrodes campana ZK11
             |  |  |  `--Melipotini ZK11
             |  |  `--+--Erebus Latreille 1910 FL05 [Erebini ZK11]
             |  |     |    |--E. ephesperis ZK11
             |  |     |    `--E. odora H01
             |  |     `--Erygia apicalis ZK11
             |  `--+--Sympis rufibasis ZK11
             |     `--+--Anisoneura salebrosa ZK11
             |        `--Hulodini [Hulodides] ZK11
             |             |--Ericeia subcinerea ZK11
             |             `--Hulodes Guenée 1852 FL05
             |                  `--H. caranea ZK11
             `--+--+--Hypopyrini [Hypopyridae] ZK11
                |  |    |--Hypopyra Guenée 1852 FL05
                |  |    |    `--H. capensis ZK11
                |  |    `--Spirama ZK11
                |  `--+--Ercheia Walker 1858 FL05 [Ercheini ZK11]
                |     |    `--E. cyllaria ZK11
                |     `--+--Pantydia ZK11
                |        |    |--P. capistrata MC13
                |        |    |--P. diemeni ZK11
                |        |    `--P. sparsa G84
                |        `--Euclidiini ZK11
                |--+--Catocalini [Catocalidi] ZK11
                |  |    |--Catocala Schrank 1802 FL05
                |  |    |    |--C. fraxini DS73
                |  |    |    |--C. koreana Staudinger 1892 I92
                |  |    |    |--C. nupta DS73
                |  |    |    |--C. promissa DS73
                |  |    |    `--C. sponsa (Linnaeus 1767) JP05
                |  |    `--Ulotrichopus Wallengren 1860 Z21
                |  |         |--U. macula ZK11
                |  |         `--U. variegata Hampson 1902 Z21
                |  `--Audeini ZK11
                |       |--Audea Walker 1858 Z21
                |       |    `--A. bipunctata ZK11
                |       `--Crypsotidia Rothschild 1901 Z21
                `--+--Ophiusini ZK11
                   `--Poaphilini LS13

Erebinae incertae sedis:
  Dasypodia selenophora NC91, MC13
  Diatenes MC13
    |--D. aglossoides MC13
    `--D. marmarinopa MC13
  Donuca memorabilis MC13
  Eudesmeola lawsoni MC13
  Prorocopis melanochorda MC13
  Lyncestis acontioides [=Melipotis acontioides] PP72
  Psorya hadesia PP72
  Leistera Swinhoe 1909 Z21
    `--*L. pulchristrigata (Bethune-Baker 1906) [=Catephia pulchristrigata] Z21
  Cosmophila Boisduval 1833 Z21
    `--C. flava (Fabr. 1775) P27
  Homodes Guenée 1852 Z21
  Hypocala Guenée 1852 [Hypocalini] Z21
  Tamba Hübner 1823 Z21
  Arytrura John 1912 [Arytrurini] FL05
  Brevipecten FL05
  Ascalapha Hübner 1809 FL05, Z21
  Hemeroblemma FL05
  Latebraria FL05
  Antiblemma FL05
  Athyrma FL05
  Omopterini Z21
    |--Zale Hübner 1818 FL05, Z21 [incl. Omoptera Guérin-Méneville 1832 FL05]
    `--Matigramma Grote 1872 Z21
  Amphigonia Guenée 1852 [Amphigoniidae] FL05
  Anydrophila John 1909 [Anydrophilini] FL05
  Ctenusa Hampson 1910 [Ctenusini] FL05
  Hypogramma Guenée 1852 [Hypogrammidae] FL05
  Ommatophora Guenée 1852 [Ommatophoridae] FL05
  Speiredonia Hübner 1823 [Speiredoniinae] FL05
    |--S. mutabilis ZS10
    `--S. zamis ZS10
  Tachosa Walker 1869 [Tachosini] FL05
  Tinolius Walker 1855 [Tinoliidae] FL05
  Yrias Guenée 1852 [Yriasidae] FL05
  Thermesia Hübner 1823 [Thermesidae] FL05

*Type species of generic name indicated


[DS73] Dickens, M., & E. Storey. 1973. The World of Moths. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.: New York.

[FL05] Fibiger, M., & J. D. Lafontaine. 2005. A review of the higher classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) with special reference to the Holarctic fauna. Esperiana 11: 7–92.

[G84] Gauld, I. D. 1984. An Introduction to the Ichneumonidae of Australia. British Museum (Natural History).

[H01] Hampson, G. F. 1901. The Lepidoptera-Phalaenae of the Bahamas. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 246–261.

[I92] Iwahashi, J. (ed.) 1992. Reddo Deeta Animaruzu: a pictorial of Japanese fauna facing extinction. JICC: Tokyo.

[JP05] Jungmann, E., & U. Poller. 2005. Neunachweise und Wiederfunde für die Schmetterlingsfauna (Insecta; Lepidoptera) des Altenburger Landes. Mauritiana 19 (2): 317–326.

[LS13] Lafontaine, J. D., & B. C. Schmidt. 2013. Comments on differences in classification of the superfamily Noctuoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) between Eurasia and North America. ZooKeys 264: 209–217.

[MC13] Majer, J. D., S. K. Callan, K. Edwards, N. R. Gunawardene & C. K. Taylor. 2013. Baseline survey of the terrestrial invertebrate fauna of Barrow Island. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 83: 13–112.

[NC91] Nielsen, E. S., & I. F. B. Common. 1991. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 817–915. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[PP72] Parkin, P., D. T. Parkin, A. W. Ewing & H. A. Ford. 1972. A report on the arthropods collected by the Edinburgh University Galapagos Islands expedition, 1968. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 48 (2): 100–107.

[P27] Philpott, A. 1927. New Zealand Lepidoptera: notes and descriptions. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 703–709.

[S01] Swinhoe, C. 1901. New genera and species of eastern and Australian moths (continued). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 489–501.

[WM66] Wallace, A. R., & F. Moore. 1866. List of lepidopterous insects collected at Takow, Formosa, by Mr. R. Swinhoe. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 355–365.

[ZK11] Zahiri, R., I. J. Kitching, J. D. Lafontaine, M. Mutanen, L. Kaila, J. D. Holloway & N. Wahlberg. 2011. A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera). Zoologica Scripta 40 (2): 158–173.

[ZS10] Zborowski, P., & R. Storey. 2010. A Field Guide to Insects in Australia 3rd ed. Reed New Holland: Sydney.

[Z21] Zilli, A. 2021. Tabwecala robinsoni gen. nov., sp. nov., from Vanuatu and its systematic postion in the 'Ophiusini-Poaphilini' clade (Lepidoptera, Erebidae). Nota Lepidopterologica 44: 193–211.


Small tolype moth Tolype notialis, copyright Ken Childs.

Belongs within: Obtectomera.
Contains: Drepanidae, Noctuoidea, Geometroidea, Bombycoidea, Lasiocampinae.

The Macroheterocera are a clade of mostly medium-sized to large moths united by molecular phylogenetic analysis (Kawahara et al. 2019). Many species in this clade possess sound-receptive tympanal organs, thought differences in location and structure imply non-homology. Drepanidae and Geometroidea have tympanal organs on the abdomen, Noctuoidea have them on the metathorax, usually with counter-tympanal cavities on the base of the abdomen that may have a prominent hood, and Bombycoidea lack tympanal organs.

<==Macroheterocera KP19
    |--Drepanoidea KP19
    |    |--Axia [Cimeliidae] KP19
    |    |    `--A. margarita KP19
    |    `--+--Drepanidae KP19
    |       `--Doa [Doidae] KP19
    `--+--Noctuoidea KP19
       `--+--Geometroidea KP19
          `--+--Bombycoidea KP19
             `--Lasiocampidae [Lasiocampoidea] KP19
                  |  i. s.: Aurivillia Tutt 1902 C92
                  |         Porela NS07
                  |           |--P. arida P27
                  |           `--P. notodontina (Felder & Felder 1874) [=Cosmotricha notodontina] NS07
                  |         Eriomorpha Fletcher 1982 (see below for synonymy) NO08
                  |         Euglyphis NS07
                  |           |--E. adusta (Walker 1855) [incl. Hydrias rubiginosa Felder & Felder 1874] NS07
                  |           |--E. grammophora (Felder & Felder 1874) [=Hydrias grammophora] NS07
                  |           `--E. ochropyga (Felder & Felder 1874) [=Hydrias ochropyga] NS07
                  |         Paralebeda crinodes (Felder & Felder 1874) [=Opsirhina crinodes] NS07
                  |         Bombycopsis Felder & Felder 1874 NS07
                  |           `--*B. ochroleuca Felder & Felder 1874 NS07
                  |         Titya abstersa Felder & Felder 1874 NS07
                  |         Eutricha capensis (Linnaeus 1767) [incl. Pachypasa ferruginea Felder & Felder 1874] NS07
                  |         Streblote aculeata (Walker 1865) [incl. Pachypasa scapulosa Felder & Felder 1874] NS07
                  |         Bombycomorpha Felder & Felder 1874 NS07
                  |           `--B. bifascia (Walker 1855) [incl. *B. nupta Felder & Felder 1874] NS07
                  |         Trichiura crataegi (Linnaeus 1758) JP05
                  |         Dendrolimus JP05
                  |           |--D. albolineatus F92
                  |           |--D. kikuchii F92
                  |           |--D. laricis F92
                  |           |--D. pini (Linnaeus 1758) JP05
                  |           |--D. punctatus F92
                  |           |--D. sibiricus F92
                  |           |--D. spectabilis PHK96
                  |           `--D. tabulaeformis F92
                  |         Pachypasa otus (Drury 1773) L-SSY04
                  |         Digglesia australasiae G84
                  |         Perna expansa C70
                  |         Malacosoma G05
                  |           |--M. americana RD77
                  |           |--M. californicum G05
                  |           |    |--M. c. californicum G05
                  |           |    `--M. c. fragile G05
                  |           |--M. castrensis F92
                  |           |--M. disstria G05
                  |           |--M. incurvum G05
                  |           `--M. neustria F92
                  |                |--M. n. neustria F92
                  |                `--M. n. testacea F92
                  |         Macrothylacia rubi RD77
                  |--Chionopsychinae ONE03
                  |--Chondrosteginae ONE03
                  |--Lasiocampinae NC91
                  |--Poecilocampa F92 [Poecilocampinae ONE03]
                  |    `--P. populi F92
                  |--Gastropachinae NC91
                  |    |--Pernattia pusilla NC91
                  |    `--Gastropacha DS73
                  |         |--G. populifolia DS73
                  |         `--G. quercifolia DS73
                  |              |--G. q. quercifolia DS73
                  |              `--G. q. alnifolia DS73
                  `--Macromphaliinae KP19
                       |--Artace rubripalpis (Felder & Felder 1874) KP19, NS07 [=Titya rubripalpis NS07]
                       |--Macromphalia Felder & Felder 1874 NS07
                       |    |--M. ancilla (Philippi 1859) [incl. *M. chilensis Felder & Felder 1874] NS07
                       |    `--M. dedecora (Feisthamel 1839) NS07
                       `--Tolype KP19
                            |--T. notialis KP19
                            `--T. picta (Felder & Felder 1874) [=Limacodilla picta] NS07

Eriomorpha Fletcher 1982 [=Lasiomorpha Turner 1932 non Joicey & Talbot in Joicey et al. 1916] NO08

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C70] Common, I. F. B. 1970. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers pp. 765–866. Melbourne University Press.

[C92] Crawford, R. L. 1992. Catalogue of the genera and type species of the harvestman superfamily Phalangioidea (Arachnida). Burke Museum Contributions in Anthropology and Natural History 8: 1–60.

[DS73] Dickens, M., & E. Storey. 1973. The World of Moths. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.: New York.

[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[G84] Gauld, I. D. 1984. An Introduction to the Ichneumonidae of Australia. British Museum (Natural History).

[G05] Grissell, E. E. 2005. A review of North American species of Microdontomerus Crawford (Torymidae: Hymenoptera). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 14 (1): 22–65.

[JP05] Jungmann, E., & U. Poller. 2005. Neunachweise und Wiederfunde für die Schmetterlingsfauna (Insecta; Lepidoptera) des Altenburger Landes. Mauritiana 19 (2): 317–326.

[KP19] Kawahara, A. Y., D. Plotkin, M. Espeland, K. Meusemann, E. F. A. Toussaint, A. Donath, F. Gimnich, P. B. Frandsen, A. Zwick, M. dos Reis, J. R. Barber, R. S. Peters, S. Liu, X. Zhou, C. Mayer, L. Podsiadlowski, C. Storer, J. E. Yack, B. Misof & J. W. Breinholt. 2019. Phylogenomics reveals the evolutionary timing and pattern of butterflies and moths. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116 (45): 22657–22663.

[L-SSY04] López-Sebastián, E., J. Selfa & J. Ylla. 2004. Primeros datos del parasitismo de Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet, 1921) sobre Graellsia isabelae (Graells, 1849) en condiciones de laboratorio. Graellsia 60 (1): 121–123.

[NO08] Nässig, W. A., & R. G. Oberprieler. 2008. An annotated catalogue of the genera of Eupterotidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Bombycoidea). Senckenbergiana Biologica 88 (1): 53–80.

[NS07] Nässig, W. A., & W. Speidel. 2007. On the authorships of the Lepidoptera Atlas of the “Reise der Novara”, with a list of the taxa of Bombycoidea [s. l.] therein described (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Bombycoidea). Senckenbergiana Biologica 87 (1): 63–74.

[NC91] Nielsen, E. S., & I. F. B. Common. 1991. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 817–915. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[ONE03] Oberprieler, R. G., W. A. Nässig & E. D. Edwards. 2003. Ebbepterote, a new genus for the Australian ‘Eupterote’ expansa (T. P. Lucas), with a revised classification of the family Eupterotidae (Lepidoptera). Invertebrate Systematics 17: 99–110.

[P27] Philpott, A. 1927. The maxillae in the Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 721–746.

[PHK96] Prescott, L. M., J. P. Harley & D. A. Klein. 1996. Microbiology 3rd ed. Wm. C. Brown Publishers: Dubuque (Iowa).

[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.


Sphingognatha strix, copyright Eric van Schayck.

Belongs within: Macroheterocera.
Contains: Anthelinae, Sphingidae, Saturnioidea, Bombyx, Janinae, Striphnopteryginae, Eupterote.

The Bombycoidea are a diverse group of moths with broad wings and often strongly pectinate antennae. Many do not feed as adults and have the proboscis reduced or absent. Members include the Anthelidae, a group of moths restricted to Australia and New Guinea whose larvae feed on a variety of plant hosts, including Eucalyptus and Acacia species. The Eupterotidae are a primarily Old World family whose larvae bear dense, often branched secondary setae (Nielsen & Common 1991). The Bombycidae, silk moths, are a group of mostly large moths found in the Old World that encase themselves in a dense woven cocoon when pupating. The Brahmaeidae are another group of large moths found in the Old World tropics.

Characters (from Nielsen & Common 1991): Medium sized to large; ocelli and chaetosemata absent; antennae often bipectinate, at least in male; maxillary palps small or absent; wings often broad; body stout, clothed with long hair-scales; tympanal organs absent. Egg of flat type, smooth. Larva with dense secondary setae, usually on verrucae, or with sparse setae, or scoli (fleshy processes bearing secondary setae), often with dorsal projection on abdominal segment 8, crochets usually biordinal in a mesoseries; feeding exposed in daytime. Pupa stout, usually in cocoon of silk sometimes mixed with larval hairs; not protruded at ecdysis.

    |--+--Endromidae KP19
    |  |    |--Endromis versicolor RD77
    |  |    |--Mustilizans dierli KP19
    |  |    `--Mirina christophi RD77
    |  `--+--+--Sphingidae KP19
    |     |  `--Saturnioidea KP19
    |     `--Bombycidae ONE03
    |          |  i. s.: Ocinara Walker 1856 NO08a
    |          |         Elachyophthalma Felder 1861 [incl. Calapterote Holland 1900] NO08a
    |          |           `--E. butleri (Holland 1900) [=*Calapterote butleri] NO08a
    |          |         Gastridiota Turner 1922 NO08a
    |          |           `--*G. adoxima (Turner 1902) [=Andraca adoxima] NO08a
    |          |         Sesquiluna Forbes 1955 [incl. Theophoba Fletcher & Nye 1982] NO08a
    |          |           |--*S. albilunata (Hampson 1910) [=Andraca albilunata] NO08a
    |          |           `--S. pendulans (Mell 1958) [=*Theophoba pendulans] NO08a
    |          |         Theophila huttoni P01
    |          |         Colla KP19
    |          |         Callochlora Packard 1864 E00
    |          |--Bombyx KP19
    |          |--Spanochroa Felder & Felder 1874 [Epiinae] NSp07
    |          |    `--*S. blandiatrix Felder & Felder 1874 NSp07
    |          `--Prismostictinae NO08a
    |               |--Mustilia Walker 1865 NO08a
    |               |--Prismosticta Butler 1880 NO08a
    |               |--Pseudandraca Miyata 1970 NO08a
    |               |--Oberthueria Staudinger 1892 NO08a
    |               `--Andraca Walker 1865 [incl. Pseudoeupterote Shiraki 1911] NO08a
    |                    |--*A. bipunctata Walker 1865 NO08a
    |                    `--‘Oreta’ theae Matsumura 1909 [=*Pseudoeupterote theae] NO08a
    `--+--Apatelodidae [Apatelodinae] NO08a
       |    |--Olceclostera Butler 1874 ONE03
       |    |--Hygrochroa firmiana [=Apatelodes firmiana] DW96
       |    `--Apatelodes Packard 1864 KP19, ONE03
       |         `--A. pithala KP19
       `--+--Lemoniidae RM01
          |    |--Sabalia Walker 1865 ONE03
          |    `--Lemonia Hübner 1820 ONE03
          |         `--L. dumi RM01
          |--Brahmaeidae RM01
          |    |--Dactyloceras Mell 1930 ONE03
          |    |--Spiramiopsis Hampson 1901 ONE03
          |    |--Acanthobrahmaea europaea RM01
          |    `--Brahmaea Walker 1855 KP19, ONE03
          |         |--B. certhia (Fabricius 1797) B66a (see below for synonymy)
          |         |--B. hearseyana B66b [incl. B. whitei Butler 1866 B66b, B66a]
          |         |--B. japonica Butler 1873 [incl. B. mniszechii Felder & Felder 1874] NSp07
          |         |--B. lucina [=Phalaena attacus lucina, Bombyx lucina, Saturnia lucina] B66a
          |         `--B. lunulata Bremer 1852 [incl. B. petiveri Butler 1866, Saturnia undulata Bremer 1853] B66b
          `--Eupterotidae ONE03
               |--‘Hemijana’ variegata Rothschild 1917 NO08a
               |--Janinae NO08a
               |--Striphnopteryginae NO08a
               |--Pandala Walker 1855 NO08a
               |    `--*P. dolosa Walker 1855 NO08a
               |--Melanothrix Felder & Felder 1874 NO08a
               |    `--M. nymphaliaria (Walker 1866) (see below for synonymy) NO08a
               |--Pseudoganisa Schultze 1910 NO08a
               |    `--*P. currani Schultze 1910 [incl. Apha gonioptera (West 1932)] NO08a
               |--Ganisa Walker 1855 NO08a
               |    |--*G. postica Walker 1855 NO08a
               |    `--G. similis KP19
               |--Pseudojana Hampson 1893 NO08a
               |    |--*P. incandescens (Walker 1855) [=Jana incandescens] NO08a
               |    `--P. clemensi Schultze 1907 ONE03
               |--Poloma Walker 1855 [incl. Sarvena Walker 1865] NO08a
               |    |--*P. angulata Walker 1855 NO08a (see below for synonymy)
               |    `--P. nahor (Druce 1896) [=Phasicnecus nahor, Stenoglene nahor] NO08a
               |--Preptos Schaus 1892 NO08a
               |    |--*P. oropus Schaus 1892 [incl. P. norax Druce 1893] NO08a
               |    `--P. hidalgoensis Beutelspacher-B. 1983 NO08a
               |--Neopreptos Draudt 1930 NO08a
               |    |--*N. clazomenia (Druce 1886) [=Coloradia clazomenia] NO08a
               |    `--N. marathusa (Druce 1886) [=Coloradia marathusa] NO08a
               |--Apona Walker 1856 [incl. Pachyclea Gistel 1857] NO08a
               |    |--‘Gastropacha’ caschmirensis Kollar in Kollar & Redtenbacher 1844 (see below for synonymy) NO08a
               |    |--A. gyraleus (Orhant 2000) [=Ganisa gyraleus] NO08a
               |    `--A. ligustri (Mell 1930) NO08a
               |--Apha Walker 1855 [incl. Preptothauma Draudt 1931] NO08a
               |    |--*A. subdives Walker 1855 NO08a
               |    |--‘Brachytera’ aequalis Felder & Felder 1874 NO08a
               |    |--A. floralis Butler 1881 NO08a
               |    `--*Preptothauma’ oxydiata Draudt 1931 NO08a
               |--Panacela Walker 1865 (see below for synonymy) NO08a
               |    |--*P. rufescens Walker 1865 NO08a
               |    |--P. lewinae (Lewin 1805) (see below for synonymy) NO08a
               |    |--P. nyctopa (Turner 1922) [=*Mallodeta nyctopa] NO08a
               |    `--P. syntropha Turner 1922 ONE03
               `--Eupterotinae [Cotanini] NO08a
                    |--Eupterote KP19
                    |--Palirisa Moore 1884 NO08a
                    |    `--*P. lineosa (Walker 1855) [=Jana lineosa] NO08a
                    |--Dreata Walker 1855 NO08a
                    |    `--*D. hades Walker 1855 NO08a
                    |--Rarisquamosa Bethune-Baker 1910 NO08a
                    |    `--*R. arfaki Bethune-Baker 1910 NO08a
                    |--Sangatissa Moore 1883 NO08a
                    |    `--*S. subcurvifera (Walker 1865) NO08b (see below for synonymy)
                    |--Nisaga Walker 1855 NO08a
                    |    |--*N. simplex Walker 1855 NO08a
                    |    `--N. rufescens Hampson 1895 NO08a
                    |--Paracydas Bethune-Baker 1908 NO08a
                    |    |--*P. biagi Bethune-Baker 1908 NO08a
                    |    `--P. postpallida Rothschild 1917 NO08a
                    |--Lasiomorpha Joicey & Talbot in Joicey et al. 1916 NO08a
                    |    |--*L. noakesi Joicey & Talbot in Joicey et al. 1916 NO08a
                    |    `--L. meeki (Rothschild 1917) NO08a
                    |--Melanergon Bethune-Bake 1904 NO08a
                    |    `--M. vidua (Walker 1865) [=Cotana vidua; incl. *M. proserpina Bethune-Baker 1904] NO08a
                    |         |--M. v. vidua NO08a
                    |         `--M. v. fergussonis Rothschild 1917 NO08a
                    |--Cotana Walker 1865 (see below for synonymy) NO08a
                    |    |--*C. rubrescens Walker 1865 [incl. *Nervicompressa unistrigata Bethune-Baker 1904] NO08a
                    |    |--*Hypercydas’ calliloma Turner 1903 NO08a
                    |    |--‘Nervicompressa’ albomaculata Bethune-Baker 1904 (see below for synonymy) NO08a
                    |    `--C. serranotata (Lucas 1894) ONE03
                    `--Sphingognatha Felder & Felder 1874 NO08a
                         |--*S. asclepiades Felder & Felder 1874 NO08a
                         |--‘Pseudojana’ pallidipennis Hampson 1895 NO08a
                         |    |--P. p. pallidipennis NO08a
                         |    `--P. p. grandis Rothschild 1917 NO08a
                         `--S. strix (Bryk 1944) [=Apha strix] NO08a

Bombycoidea incertae sedis:
  Ratardidae DS73
  Oxytenidae NC91
  Cercophanidae NC91
  Carthaea Walker 1858 ONE03 [Carthaeidae DS73]
    `--C. saturnioides NC91
  Anthelidae ONE03
    |  i. s.: Omphaliodes Felder & Felder 1874 ONE03
    |         Nataxa flavescens (Walker 1865) [incl. Dicreagra ochrocephala Felder & Felder 1874] NSp07
    |--Anthelinae NC91
    `--Munychryiinae NC91
         |--Gephyroneura Turner 1920 NC91, ONE03
         `--Munychryia Walker 1865 ONE03
              `--M. senicula Walker 1865 [incl. Hypochroma nyssiata Felder & Rogenhofer 1875] NSp07
  Citharoniidae RD77

Brahmaea certhia (Fabricius 1797) B66a [=Bombyx certhia B66a; incl. Bo. spectabilis Hope 1841 B66a, Bo. wallichii Gray 1832 B66a, Brahmaea wallichii DS73]

Cotana Walker 1865 [incl. Epicydas Bethune-Baker 1908, Hypercydas Turner 1903, Nervicompressa Bethune-Baker 1904] NO08a

‘Gastropacha’ caschmirensis Kollar in Kollar & Redtenbacher 1844 [=*Pachyclea caschmirensis; incl. *Apona pallida Walker 1856] NO08a

Melanothrix nymphaliaria (Walker 1866) [=Gnophos nymphaliaria; incl. *M. pulchricolor Felder & Felder 1874] NO08a

‘Nervicompressa’ albomaculata Bethune-Baker 1904 [incl. *Epicydas ovata Bethune-Baker 1908] NO08a

Panacela Walker 1865 [incl. Lewinibombyx Strand 1929, Mallodeta Turner 1922 non Butler 1876, Semuta Walker 1865; Panacelinae] NO08a

Panacela lewinae (Lewin 1805) [=Bombyx lewinae, *Lewinibombyx lewinae, Ocinara lewinae; incl. *Semuta pristina Walker 1865] NO08a

*Poloma angulata Walker 1855 NO08a [incl. *Sarvena incompta Walker 1865 NO08a, Homochroa janula Felder & Felder 1874 NSp07]

*Sangatissa subcurvifera (Walker 1865) NO08b [=Dreata subcurvifera NO08b, Messata subcurvifera NO08a]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B66a] Butler, A. G. 1866a. Note on the genus Brahmaea of Walker. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 118–121.

[B66b] Butler, A. G. 1866b. Corrections and addenda to certain papers on Lepidoptera published during the years 1865–66; with additional notes on some of the species described. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 451–458.

[DW96] Dangerfield, P. C., J. B. Whitfield, M. J. Sharkey, D. H. Janzen & I. Mercado. 1996. Hansonia, a new genus of cardiochiline Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from Costa Rica, with notes on its biology. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 98 (3): 592–596.

[DS73] Dickens, M., & E. Storey. 1973. The World of Moths. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.: New York.

[E00] Engel, M. S. 2000. Classification of the bee tribe Augochlorini (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 250: 1–89.

[KP19] Kawahara, A. Y., D. Plotkin, M. Espeland, K. Meusemann, E. F. A. Toussaint, A. Donath, F. Gimnich, P. B. Frandsen, A. Zwick, M. dos Reis, J. R. Barber, R. S. Peters, S. Liu, X. Zhou, C. Mayer, L. Podsiadlowski, C. Storer, J. E. Yack, B. Misof & J. W. Breinholt. 2019. Phylogenomics reveals the evolutionary timing and pattern of butterflies and moths. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116 (45): 22657–22663.

[NO08a] Nässig, W. A., & R. G. Oberprieler. 2008a. An annotated catalogue of the genera of Eupterotidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Bombycoidea). Senckenbergiana Biologica 88 (1): 53–80.

[NO08b] Nässig, W. A., & R. G. Oberprieler. 2008b. Errata et addenda. Senckenbergiana Biologica 88 (2): 124.

[NS07] Nässig, W. A., & W. Speidel. 2007. On the authorships of the Lepidoptera Atlas of the “Reise der Novara”, with a list of the taxa of Bombycoidea [s. l.] therein described (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Bombycoidea). Senckenbergiana Biologica 87 (1): 63–74.

[NC91] Nielsen, E. S., & I. F. B. Common. 1991. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 817–915. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[ONE03] Oberprieler, R. G., W. A. Nässig & E. D. Edwards. 2003. Ebbepterote, a new genus for the Australian ‘Eupterote’ expansa (T. P. Lucas), with a revised classification of the family Eupterotidae (Lepidoptera). Invertebrate Systematics 17: 99–110.

[P01] Pável, J. 1901. Lepkék [Lepidopteren]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 171–177. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[RM01] Regier, J. C., C. Mitter, T. P. Friedlander & R. S. Peigler. 2001. Re: phylogenetic relationships in Sphingidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera): initial evidence from two nuclear genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 20 (2): 311–316.

[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.


Josia gigantea, copyright Gail Hampshire.

Belongs within: Macroheterocera.
Contains: Euteliidae, Noctuidae, Erebidae, Nolinae, Chloephorinae, Pygaerinae, Thaumetopoeinae, Heterocampinae, Notodontinae.

The Noctuoidea are a diverse group of moths characterised by the presence of metathoracic tympanal organs, usually with a large counter-tympanal cavity with a projecting hood at the base of the abdomen. The tympanum is directed ventrally in members of the Notodontidae and Oenosandridae but obliquely posteriorly in other families (Nielsen & Common 1991). The classification of the Noctuoidea has historically been chaotic but six well-supported clades were regarded as warranting family status by Zahiri et al. (2011). The basal families Notodontidae and Oenosandridae retain a trifid fore wing venation (with M2 arising about midway between M1 and M3) in contrast to the derived quadrifid venation (with M2 closer to M3 than M1) of Euteliidae, Noctuidae, Erebidae and Nolidae. However, the Australian Oenosandridae are associated with the quadrifid families by the possession of a posteriorly facing tympanal membrane in contrast to the ventrally facing tympanal membrane of Notodontidae.

Characters (from Nielsen & Common 1991): Small to large; ocelli present or absent; chaetosemata absent; proboscis often strong, sometimes reduced or absent; maxillary palps very small, l–4-segmented or absent; fore wing without CuP; hind wing with frenulum, CuP absent, 1A+2A sometimes forming anal fork; metathorax with tympanal organs, rarely reduced or lost, tympanum directed ventrally or obliquely posteriorly; abdomen with basal counter-tympanal cavities, usually with prominent hood, with abdominal spiracle 1 either on anterior face (hood postspiracular) or at posteroventral angle (hood pre-spiracular). Eggs of upright type. Larva sometimes with dense secondary setae, crochets uniordinal, rarely biordinal, in a mesoseries.

<==Noctuoidea [Noctuae, Noctuites, Notodontoidea] GE05
    |  i. s.: Anthophila [Anthophilidae] WM66
    |           |--A. numida Lucas 1849 E12
    |           `--A. roseifascia WM66
    |         Strepsimanes Meyrick 1930 [Strepsimanidae, Strepsimaninae] FL05
    |         Kenguichardia ZK11
    |         Plagerepne ZK11
    |         Clytophylla ZK11
    |         Crebus odorus G20
    |--+--Oenosandridae ZK11
    |  |    |--Oenosandra Walker 1856 FL05
    |  |    |    `--O. boisduvalii NC91
    |  |    `--Discophlebia catocalina ZK11, NC91
    |  `--+--+--Euteliidae ZK11
    |     |  `--Noctuidae ZK11
    |     `--+--Erebidae ZK11
    |        `--Nolidae ZK11
    |             |  i. s.: Risoba Moore 1881 [Risobinae] FL05
    |             |         Collomena Möschler 1890 [Collomeninae] FL05
    |             |         Afrida Möschler 1886 [Afridinae] FL05
    |             |--Nolinae ZK11
    |             `--+--Chloephorinae ZK11
    |                `--+--Westermanniinae ZK11
    |                   |    |--Negeta sigmata ZK11
    |                   |    `--Westermannia Hübner 1821 FL05
    |                   `--+--Selepa molybdea ZK11
    |                      `--Eligma Hübner 1819 FL05 [Eligminae ZK11, Eligmini]
    |                           `--E. narcissus ZK11
    `--Notodontidae ZK11
         |  i. s.: Gallaba M03
         |         Schizura GE05
         |         Scea auriflamma GE05
         |         Lyces striata GE05
         |         Gangarides Moore 1866 [incl. Thermojana Yang in Yang & Chen 1995] NO08
         |           `--*Thermojana’ sinica Yang in Yang & Chen 1995 NO08
         |         Lephopteryx camelina P01
         |         Destolmia NC91
         |         Sorama NC91
         |         Antimima cryptica N91
         |         Cerurites wagneri RJ93
         |         Symmerista S96
         |           |--S. albifrons S96
         |           `--S. fulgens Druce 1901 D01a
         |         Edema audax Druce 1901 D01a
         |         Rosema Walker 1855 [Rosemini] FL05
         |           `--R. dolorosa Druce 1901 D01a
         |         Ichthyura rubida Druce 1901 D01a
         |         Blera peruda Druce 1901 D01a
         |         Cleapa psecas Druce 1901 D01a
         |         Rifargia nubila Druce 1901 D01b
         |         Macrurocampa marthesia S96
         |         Lophopteryx eumeta Druce 1900 D00
         |         Somera viridifusca D00
         |         Platychasma Butler 1881 [Platychasmatinae] FL05
         |         Hemiceras Guenée 1852 [Hemiceratinae] FL05
         |         Ceira Walker 1865 [Ceirinae] FL05
         |--+--Pygaerinae ZK11
         |  `--Dudusinae ZK11
         |       |  i. s.: Crinodes ZK11
         |       |           |--C. besckei ZK11
         |       |           `--C. minuta Druce 1900 D00
         |       |--Dudusini FL05
         |       |    |--Dudusa Walker 1865 FL05
         |       |    |    `--D. sphingiformis P01
         |       |    `--Tarsolepis Butler 1872 [Tarsolepidinae] FL05
         |       `--Scrancia Holland 1893 [Scranciini] FL05
         `--+--+--Thaumetopoeinae ZK11
            |  `--Phalera Hübner 1819 FL05 [Phaleridae, Phalerinae ZK11]
            |       |--P. bucephala (Linnaeus 1758) L-SSY04
            |       `--P. bucephaloides Ochsenheimer 1808 B08
            `--+--Heterocampinae ZK11
               `--+--Notodontinae ZK11
                  `--+--Nystaleinae ZK11
                     |    |--Nystalea Guenée 1852 FL05
                     |    |    `--N. striata ZK11
                     |    `--Notoplusia minuta KP19
                     `--Dioptinae [Dioptidae] ZK11
                          |--Scotura leucophleps ZK11
                          |--Dioptis Hübner 1818 FL05
                          |--Phryganidia RD77
                          |--Polypoetes nox Druce 1900 D00
                          `--Josia Hübner 1819 [Josiidae] FL05
                               |--J. gigantea GE05
                               `--J. tessmani GE05

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B08] Bálint, Z. 2008. Lepidoptera collections of historical importance in the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 100: 17–35.

[D00] Druce, H. 1900. Descriptions of some new genera and species of Heterocera from tropical South America. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 5: 507–527.

[D01a] Druce, H. 1901a. Descriptions of some new species of Heterocera. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 74–79.

[D01b] Druce, H. 1901b. Descriptions of some new species of Lepidoptera from east Africa and tropical America. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 432–444.

[E12] Evenhuis, N. L. 2012. Publication and dating of the Exploration Scientifique de l’Algérie: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés (1846–1849) by Pierre Hippolyte Lucas. Zootaxa 3448: 1–61.

[FL05] Fibiger, M., & J. D. Lafontaine. 2005. A review of the higher classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) with special reference to the Holarctic fauna. Esperiana 11: 7–92.

[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

[GE05] Grimaldi, D., & M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: New York.

[KP19] Kawahara, A. Y., D. Plotkin, M. Espeland, K. Meusemann, E. F. A. Toussaint, A. Donath, F. Gimnich, P. B. Frandsen, A. Zwick, M. dos Reis, J. R. Barber, R. S. Peters, S. Liu, X. Zhou, C. Mayer, L. Podsiadlowski, C. Storer, J. E. Yack, B. Misof & J. W. Breinholt. 2019. Phylogenomics reveals the evolutionary timing and pattern of butterflies and moths. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116 (45): 22657–22663.

[L-SSY04] López-Sebastián, E., J. Selfa & J. Ylla. 2004. Primeros datos del parasitismo de Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet, 1921) sobre Graellsia isabelae (Graells, 1849) en condiciones de laboratorio. Graellsia 60 (1): 121–123.

[M03] McQuillan, P. B. 2003. The giant Tasmanian ‘pandani’ moth Proditrix nielseni, sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutoidea: Plutellidae s. l.) Invertebrate Systematics 17: 59–66.

[NO08] Nässig, W. A., & R. G. Oberprieler. 2008b. Errata et addenda. Senckenbergiana Biologica 88 (2): 124.

[NC91] Nielsen, E. S., & I. F. B. Common. 1991. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 817–915. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[N91] Norris, K. R. 1991. General biology. In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 1 pp. 68–108. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[P01] Pável, J. 1901. Lepkék [Lepidopteren]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 171–177. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.

[RJ93] Ross, A. J., & E. A. Jarzembowski. 1993. Arthropoda (Hexapoda; Insecta). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 363–426. Chapman & Hall: London.

[S96] Smith, D. R. 1996. Trigonalyidae (Hymenoptera) in the eastern United States: seasonal flight activity, distribution, hosts. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 98 (1): 109–118.

[WM66] Wallace, A. R., & F. Moore. 1866. List of lepidopterous insects collected at Takow, Formosa, by Mr. R. Swinhoe. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 355–365.

[ZK11] Zahiri, R., I. J. Kitching, J. D. Lafontaine, M. Mutanen, L. Kaila, J. D. Holloway & N. Wahlberg. 2011. A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera). Zoologica Scripta 40 (2): 158–173.

Last updated: 24 April 2022.


Australian grapevine moth Phalaenoides glycinae, copyright Donald Hobern.

Belongs within: Noctuidae.

The Agaristinae are a group of diurnal, usually brightly coloured moths.

Characters (from Nielsen & Common 1991): Antennae usually thickened apically; tympanal hood small or absent, counter-tympanum large; larvae aposematically coloured, with posterior hump; pupa well sclerotised, rugose, in cocoon.

Agaristinae [Agaristidae, Phalaenoididae]
    |--Periopta ardescens ZS10
    |--Ipanica cornigera MC13
    |--Hecatesia fenestrata NC91
    |--Apina callisto NC91
    |--Idalima tetrapleura C70
    |--Cruria donovani C70
    |--Eutrichopidia latina C70
    |--Periscepta polysticta C70
    |--Xanthospilopteryx melanosoma Druce 1901 D01
    |--Eusemia adulatrix RD77
    |--Aegocera RD77
    |    |--A. tripartita RD77
    |    `--A. venutia G20 [=Phalaena venulia L02, Zygaena (Aegocera) venutia G20]
    |--Agarista NC91
    |    |--A. agricola NC91
    |    `--A. glycine B88
    `--Phalaenoides NC91
         |--P. glycinae NC91
         `--P. tristifica P27

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B88] Bouček, Z. 1988. Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera): A biosystematic revision of genera of fourteen families, with a reclassification of species. CAB International: Wallingford (UK).

[C70] Common, I. F. B. 1970. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers pp. 765–866. Melbourne University Press.

[D01] Druce, H. 1901. Descriptions of some new species of Lepidoptera from east Africa and tropical America. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 432–444.

[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

[L02] Latreille, P. A. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, générale et particulière des crustacés et des insectes vol. 3. Familles naturelles des genres. F. Dufart: Paris.

[MC13] Majer, J. D., S. K. Callan, K. Edwards, N. R. Gunawardene & C. K. Taylor. 2013. Baseline survey of the terrestrial invertebrate fauna of Barrow Island. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 83: 13–112.

[NC91] Nielsen, E. S., & I. F. B. Common. 1991. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 817–915. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[P27] Philpott, A. 1927. The maxillae in the Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 721–746.

[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.

[ZS10] Zborowski, P., & R. Storey. 2010. A Field Guide to Insects in Australia 3rd ed. Reed New Holland: Sydney.


Pale shoulder Acontia lucida, copyright Hectonichus.

Belongs within: Noctuidae.

The Acontiinae are a group of relatively small noctuid moths that may resemble bird droppings when perched.

Acontiinae [Acontidae]
    `--Acontiini ZK11
         |--Acontia WM66
         |    |--A. clerana MC13
         |    |--A. crocata MC13
         |    |--A. lucida ZK11
         |    |--A. maculosa WM66
         |    `--A. undulosa [=Philenora undulosa] M86
         `--Emmelia trabealis (Scopoli 1763) ZK11, JP05

Acontiinae incertae sedis:
  Enispa plutonis NC91
  Amyna natalis NC91
  Cophanta Walker 1864 [incl. Toxophleps Hampson 1893] S01
    |--C. funestalis Walker 1864 S01
    |--C. optiva (Swinh. 1890) [=Tarache optiva, Toxophleps optiva] S01
    `--C. trilatalis [=Toxophleps trilatalis] S01
  Xanthoptera S01
    |--X. nicea Swinhoe 1901 S01
    `--X. rectivitta (Moore 1881) [=Orthosia rectivitta, Polydesma rectivitta] S01
  Metachrostis coenia Swinhoe 1901 S01
  Cerynea S01
    |--C. morma Swinhoe 1901 S01
    `--C. semilux S01
  Oruza S01
    |--O. astona Swinhoe 1901 S01
    `--O. hydrocampata S01

*Type species of generic name indicated


[JP05] Jungmann, E., & U. Poller. 2005. Neunachweise und Wiederfunde für die Schmetterlingsfauna (Insecta; Lepidoptera) des Altenburger Landes. Mauritiana 19 (2): 317–326.

[MC13] Majer, J. D., S. K. Callan, K. Edwards, N. R. Gunawardene & C. K. Taylor. 2013. Baseline survey of the terrestrial invertebrate fauna of Barrow Island. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 83: 13–112.

[M86] Meyrick, E. 1886. Revision of Australian Lepidoptera. I. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (3): 687–802.

[NC91] Nielsen, E. S., & I. F. B. Common. 1991. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 817–915. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[S01] Swinhoe, C. 1901. New genera and species of eastern and Australian moths. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 463–473.

[WM66] Wallace, A. R., & F. Moore. 1866. List of lepidopterous insects collected at Takow, Formosa, by Mr. R. Swinhoe. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 355–365.

[ZK11] Zahiri, R., I. J. Kitching, J. D. Lafontaine, M. Mutanen, L. Kaila, J. D. Holloway & N. Wahlberg. 2011. A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera). Zoologica Scripta 40 (2): 158–173.


Gold spot Plusia festucae, copyright Ilia Ustyantsev.

Belongs within: Noctuidae.

The Plusiinae are a cosmopolitan group of moths commonly bearing a pale, often metallic, marking at the centre of the fore wings.

Characters (from Nielsen & Common 1991): Dorsal thoracic crest and dorsal abdominal tufts present, eyes lashed, fore wing often with silver markings (‘silver Ys’), metepimeron with distinct external bulge, double tympanal hood; larva without ventral prolegs on segments 3 and 4, crochets in biordinal mesoseries, without secondary setae; pupa in flimsy cocoon.

Plusiinae [Plusidae] NC91
    |  i. s.: Thysanoplusia orichalcea NC91
    |         Anadevidia peponis NC91
    |         Chrysodeixis NC91
    |           |--C. argentifera NC91
    |           `--C. eriosoma G84
    |         Euchalcia ZK11
    |--Abrostola [Abrostolini] ZK11
    |    |--A. asclepiadis F92
    |    |--A. tripartita F92
    |    |--A. triplasia F92
    |    `--A. urentis T69
    `--Plusiini ZK11
         |--Autographa ZK11
         |    |--A. brassicae B37
         |    |--A. californica KP99
         |    |--A. gamma ZK11
         |    |--A. iota F92
         |    `--A. precationis T69
         `--Plusia P01
              |--P. aereoides T69
              |--P. argentifera C70
              |--P. chalcites C70
              |--P. chryson F92
              |--P. deaurata F92
              |--P. eriosoma P01
              |--P. festucae JP05
              |--P. furcifera WM66
              |--P. gamma F92
              |--P. gutta P01
              |--P. interrogationis F92
              |--P. jota F92
              |--P. putnami JP05
              |    |--P. p. putnami JP05
              |    `--P. p. gracilis Lempke 1966 JP05
              `--P. verticillata WM66

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B37] Balduf, W. V. 1937. Bionomic notes on the common bagworm, Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Haw., (Lepid., Psychidae) and its insect enemies (Hym., Lepid.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 39 (7): 169–184.

[C70] Common, I. F. B. 1970. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers pp. 765–866. Melbourne University Press.

[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[G84] Gauld, I. D. 1984. An Introduction to the Ichneumonidae of Australia. British Museum (Natural History).

[JP05] Jungmann, E., & U. Poller. 2005. Neunachweise und Wiederfunde für die Schmetterlingsfauna (Insecta; Lepidoptera) des Altenburger Landes. Mauritiana 19 (2): 317–326.

[KP99] Kuzio, J., M. N. Pearson, S. H. Harwood, C. J. Funk, J. T. Evans, J. M. Slavicek & G. F. Rohrmann. 1999. Sequence and analysis of the genome of a baculovirus pathogenic for Lymantria dispar. Virology 253: 17–34.

[NC91] Nielsen, E. S., & I. F. B. Common. 1991. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 817–915. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[P01] Pável, J. 1901. Lepkék [Lepidopteren]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 171–177. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[T69] Treat, A. E. 1969. The genus Dicrocheles: three new species and a reappraisal. Acarologia 11 (4): 630–656.

[WM66] Wallace, A. R., & F. Moore. 1866. List of lepidopterous insects collected at Takow, Formosa, by Mr. R. Swinhoe. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 355–365.

[ZK11] Zahiri, R., I. J. Kitching, J. D. Lafontaine, M. Mutanen, L. Kaila, J. D. Holloway & N. Wahlberg. 2011. A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera). Zoologica Scripta 40 (2): 158–173.