Showing posts with label Euarchontaglires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Euarchontaglires. Show all posts


Yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis, copyright James Lindsey.

Belongs within: Muridae.

Apodemus, the field mice, is a genus of small, soft-furred mice found in the temperate Palaearctic, where they are the most common small rodents in fields and broadleaf forests.

See also: Taxon of the Week: Apodemus (no Pliers).

    |--A. agrarius (Pallas 1771) K92
    |--A. alpicola IT07
    |--A. argenteus IT07
    |--A. arianus IT07
    |--A. chevrieri IT07
    |--A. draco IT07
    |--A. flavicollis (Melchior 1834) K92
    |--A. fulvipectus IT07
    |--A. gurkha IT07
    |--A. hermonensis IT07
    |--A. hyrcanicus IT07
    |--A. jeanteti Michaux 1967 P04
    |--A. latronum IT07
    |--A. miyakensis Imaizumi 1969 I92
    |--A. mystacinus IT07
    |--A. peninsulae I92
    |    |--A. p. peninsulae I92
    |    `--A. p. giliacus (Thomas 1907) I92
    |--A. ponticus IT07
    |--A. rusiges IT07
    |--A. semotus IT07
    |--A. speciosus Temminck 1845 M76
    |    |--A. s. speciosus MN91
    |    `--A. s. ainu MN91
    |--A. sylvaticus (Linnaeus 1758) K92
    |    |--A. s. sylvaticus KK54
    |    |--A. s. dichrurus (Rafinesque-Schmaltz 1814) KK54
    |    `--A. s. krkensis BP87
    |--A. uralensis IT07
    `--A. wardi IT07

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[IT07] Isaac, N. J. B., S. T. Turvey, B. Collen, C. Waterman & J. E. M. Baillie. 2007. Mammals on the EDGE: conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PloS One 2 (3): e296.

[I92] Iwahashi, J. (ed.) 1992. Reddo Deeta Animaruzu: a pictorial of Japanese fauna facing extinction. JICC: Tokyo.

[KK54] Klemmer, K., & H. E. Krampitz. 1954. Zur Kenntnis der Säugetierfauna Siziliens. Senckenbergiana Biologica 35 (3-4): 121-135.

[K92] Klompen, J. S. H. 1992. Phylogenetic relationships in the mite family Sarcoptidae (Acari: Astigmata). Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 180: i-vi, 1-154.

[M76] Masui, M. 1976. Nihon no Doobutsu. Kogakukan: Tokyo.

[MN91] Miyamoto, K., M. Nakao, N. Sato & M. Mori. 1991. Isolation of Lyme borreliosis spirochaetes from tick vectors and feral rodents in Japan. In Dusbábek, F. & V. Bukva (eds) Modern Acarology: Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Acarology, held in České Budĕjovice, Czechoslovakia, 6–11 August 1990 vol. 1 pp. 125-132. SPB Academic Publishing: The Hague.

[P04] Popov, V. V. 2004. Pliocene small mammals (Mammalia, Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Lagomorpha, Rodentia) from Muselievo (north Bulgaria). Geodiversitas 26 (3): 403-491.


Thomasomys niveipes, photographed by Miguel E. Rodríguez Posada.

Belongs within: Cricetidae.

Thomasomys is a genus of mice found on the eastern slopes of the Andes.

Characters (from Nowak 1999): Head and body length about 90-230 mm, tail length 85-329 mm. Tail normally longer than head and body. Fur usually thick and soft. Head with hourglass-shaped interorbital region; relatively long and robust molar rows. Coloration above varies from olivaceous gray, dull olive fulvous, yellowish rufous, orange rufous, golden brown, reddish brown, and grayish brown to dark brown or almost black. Middorsal region usually slightly darker than rest of body. Sides blend into the underparts, which are silvery grayish, soiled grayish, yellow, buffy, ochraceous buff, dark gray, or dark brownish. Underparts usually not much paler than upper parts. Hands and feet about the same colour as underparts; often central part of upper surface darker and fingers and toes lighter, sometimes whitish. Coloration of tail varies from slightly paler than back to slightly darker; tail normally moderately haired. Female with six or eight mammae.

<==Thomasomys IT07
    |--T. aureus PL07
    |--T. baeops PL07
    |--T. bombycinus IT07
    |--T. cinereiventer IT07
    |--T. cinereus IT07
    |--T. cinnameus PL07
    |--T. daphne IT07
    |--T. eleusis IT07
    |--T. erro PL07
    |--T. gracilis IT07
    |--T. hylophilus IT07
    |--T. incanus IT07
    |--T. ischyurus IT07
    |--T. kalinowskii IT07
    |--T. ladewi IT07
    |--T. laniger IT07
    |--T. monochromos IT07
    |--T. niveipes IT07
    |--T. notatus IT07
    |--T. oreas IT07
    |--T. paramorum PL07
    |--T. pyrrhonotus IT07
    |--T. rhoadsi IT07
    |--T. rosalinda IT07
    |--T. silvestris IT07
    |--T. taczanowskii IT07
    |--T. ucucha Voss 2003 N10
    `--T. vestitus IT07

*Type species of generic name indicated


[IT07] Isaac, N. J. B., S. T. Turvey, B. Collen, C. Waterman & J. E. M. Baillie. 2007. Mammals on the EDGE: conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PloS One 2 (3): e296.

[N10] Naish, D. 2010. Tetrapod Zoology: Book One. CFZ Press: Bideford (UK).

Nowak, R. M. 1999. Walker's Mammals of the World, 6th ed., vol. 1. John Hopkins University Press.

[PL07] Packer, J. B., & T. E. Lee, Jr. 2007. Neusticomys monticolus. Mammalian Species 805: 1-3.


Silky sifakas Propithecus diadema candidus, photographed by Jeff Gibbs.

Belongs within: Lemuriformes.

The Indridae is a family of lemurs including the indri (Indri indri), woolly lemurs (Avahi) and sifakas (Propithecus). They characterised by a relatively low number of teeth compared to other lemurs, and hind legs that are significantly longer than the forelegs.

See also: There he goes! (Taxon of the Week: Indriidae); Why are there so many avahis?

Characters (from Mivart 1866): Dental formula I2/2, C1/1, P2/2, I3/3. Ears short; muzzle long, moderate or short; hind legs much longer than fore limbs; index very short, much shorter than fifth digit; pollex short and placed far back; hallux very long and covered with hair; tail long, or very short and rudimentary; internal condyle of the humerus perforated; carpus destitute of an os intermedium; tarsus short; first upper molar with four large and four small prominences, no internal cingulum; last upper molar with two large anterior cusps and three very small posterior prominences; each lower incisor with its outer surface longitudinally grooved; lower premolar much antero-posteriorly extended; first lower molar with four or five cusps; last lower molar quinquecuspid; paramastoid process present; malar foramen absent; lachrymal foramen very near margin of orbit; masseteric surface of malar wide and ridged; process depending from zygoma just in front of, and external to, glenoid surface; postglenoidal foramen present; anterior palatine foramina very large; mandibular symphysis very long; condyle rounded, not transversely extended; articular surface prolonged somewhat down the back of ascending ramus; digastric fossa deep.

Indridae [Indriidae, Indriinae, Indrisinae]
    |--Indri indri IT07
    |--Mesopropithecus Standing 1905 [incl. Neopropithecus Lamberton 1937] AC98
    |    |--*M. pithecoides Standing 1905 AC98
    |    `--M. globiceps (Lamberton 1939) [incl. M. platyfrons] AC98
    |--Microrhynchus M66 [incl. Avahi Jourdan 1834 M66, N10, Semnocebus Lesson 1840 N10]
    |    `--M. laniger M66 (see below for synonymy)
    |         |--M. l. laniger PRM84
    |         `--‘Avahi’ l. occidentalis PRM84
    `--Propithecus Bennet 1832 M66, SKS05
         |--P. diadema M66
         |    |--P. d. diadema BP87
         |    |--P. d. candidus PRM84
         |    |--P. d. edwardsi G91
         |    |--P. d. holomelas G91
         |    `--P. d. perrieri BP87
         |--P. tattersalli Y94
         `--P. verreauxi IT07
              |--P. v. verreauxi [incl. P. v. majori] G91
              |--P. v. coquereli G91
              |--P. v. coronatus BP87
              `--P. v. deckeni BP87

Microrhynchus laniger M66 [=Lemur laniger M66, Avahi laniger IT07, Avahis laniger M66, Indri laniger M66, Indris laniger M66, Lichanotus laniger M66, Semnocebus laniger M66; incl. Li. avahi M66, S. avahi M66, Lemur lanatus M66, Hadrocebus lanatus M66, Indris longicaudatus M66]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AC98] Alcover, J. A., X. Campillo, M. Macias & A. Sans. 1998. Mammal species of the world: additional data on insular mammals. American Museum Novitates 3248: 1-29.

[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[G91] Groves, C. P. 1991. A Theory of Human and Primate Evolution, revised ed. Clarendon Press: Oxford.

[IT07] Isaac, N. J. B., S. T. Turvey, B. Collen, C. Waterman & J. E. M. Baillie. 2007. Mammals on the EDGE: conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PloS One 2 (3): e296.

[M66] Mivart, St. G. J. 1866. On the structure and affinities of Microrhynchus laniger. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 151-167.

[N10] Naish, D. 2010. Tetrapod Zoology: Book One. CFZ Press: Bideford (UK).

[PRM84] Pollock, J. I., A. F. Richard & R. D. Martin. 1984. Lemurs. In All the World’s Animals: Primates (D. Macdonald, ed.) pp. 24-35. Torstar Books: New York.

[SKS05] Scherf, H., B. Koller & F. Schrenk. 2005. Locomotion-related structures in the femoral trabecular architecture of primates and insectivores (Mammalia, Primates and Insectivora). Senckenbergiana Biologica 85 (1): 101-112.

[Y94] Yoder, A. D. 1994. Relative position of the Cheirogaleidae in strepsirhine phylogeny: a comparison of morphological and molecular methods and results. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 94: 25-46.


Red-shanked douc Pygathrix nemaeus, photographed by Jurgen & Christine Sohns.

Belongs within: Catarrhini.
Contains: Presbytis, Procolobus, Trachypithecus, Cercopithecus, Papio, Macaca.

The Cercopithecidae include the Old World monkeys, found in Africa and Asia. They can be divided between the often generalised Cercopithecinae, including baboons, macaques and guenons, and the often more strictly herbivorous Colobinae, including the colobus monkeys and langurs.

Characters (from Clutton-Brock 1984): Dental formula I2/2, C1/1, P2/2, M3/3; molars bilophodont, with the four cusps joined in pairs by transverse ridges. Ischial callosities (hard pads on lower side of buttocks) present.


Clutton-Brock, T. H. 1984. Monkeys. In All the World’s Animals: Primates (D. Macdonald, ed.) pp. 44-45. Torstar Books: New York.


Brown rat Rattus norvegicus, photographed by Warwick Sloss.

Belongs within: Muridae.

Rattus, the true rats, is a genus of medium-sized rodents native to southern and eastern Asia and Australasia. Two species, the black rat Rattus rattus and the brown rat Rattus norvegicus, have dispersed worldwide in association with humans.

    |--R. adustus IT07
    |--R. annandalei (Bonhote 1903) K92
    |--R. argentiventer (Robinson & Kloss 1916) K92
    |--R. baluensis IT07
    |--R. bontanus IT07
    |--R. burrus IT07
    |--R. callitrichus BP87
    |--R. colletti IT07
    |--R. culionensis BP87
    |--R. elaphinus AC98
    |--R. enganus IT07
    |--R. everetti [incl. R. albigularis, R. gala, R. tyrannus] M82
    |--R. exulans (Peale 1848) K92 [=Mus exulans R64, Epimys exulans R14]
    |    |--R. e. exulans R14
    |    `--‘Mus’ e. maorium R14
    |--R. feliceus IT07
    |--R. foramineus IT07
    |--R. fuscipes S83
    |    |--R. f. fuscipes S83
    |    |--R. f. coracius S83
    |    |--R. f. greyii S83
    |    |--R. ‘greyi’ peccatus Troughton 1937 [=R. g. ravus Brazenor 1936 non Robison & Kloss 1916] R64
    |    `--R. ‘greyi’ pelori Finlayson 1960 R64
    |--R. giluwensis IT07
    |--R. hainaldi IT07
    |--R. hoffmanni (Matchie 1901) K92
    |--R. hoogerwerfi IT07
    |--R. jobiensis IT07
    |--R. koopmani IT07
    |--R. korinchi IT07
    |--R. lacus Tate 1951 R64
    |--R. latidens BP87
    |--R. leucopus R64
    |    |--R. l. leucopus R64
    |    |--R. l. cooktownensis Tate 1951 R64
    |    `--R. l. mcilwraithi Tate 1951 R64
    |--R. losea IT07
    |--R. lugens IT07
    |--R. lutreolus R64
    |    |--R. l. lutreolus R64
    |    |--R. l. cambricus Troughton 1937 R64
    |    `--R. l. imbil Troughton 1937 R64
    |--R. macleari BP87
    |--R. marmosurus IT07
    |--R. mindorensis IT07
    |--R. mollicomulus IT07
    |--R. montanus IT07
    |--R. mordax IT07
    |--R. morotaiensis IT07
    |--R. nativitatis BP87
    |--R. niobe (Thomas 1906) K92
    |--R. nitidus IT07
    |--R. norvegicus (Berkenhout 1769) [=Mus norvegicus] B75
    |--R. novaeguineae IT07
    |--R. omichlodes BP87
    |--R. osgoodi Musser & Newcomb 1985 FN97
    |--R. owiensis BP87
    |--R. palmarum IT07
    |--R. pelurus IT07
    |--R. praetor IT07
    |--R. pulliventer BP87
    |--R. ranjiniae IT07
    |--R. rattus (Linnaeus 1758) K92
    |    |--R. r. rattus B75
    |    |--R. r. alexandrinus (Geoffroy St.-Hilaire 1803) B75
    |    `--R. r. frugivorus (Rafinesque-Schmaltz 1814) KK54
    |--R. remotus BP87
    |--R. rogersi BP87
    |--R. sanila IT07
    |--R. sikkimensis IT07
    |--R. simalurensis IT07
    |--R. sordidus IT07
    |--R. steini IT07
    |--R. stoicus IT07
    |--R. tanezumi IT07
    |--R. tawitawiensis IT07
    |--R. timorensis IT07
    |--R. tiomanicus (Miller 1900) K92
    |--R. tunneyi Thomas 1904 [incl. R. culmorum] K92
    |    |--R. t. tunneyi R64
    |    |--R. ‘culmorum’ apex Troughton 1939 R64
    |    `--R. t. dispar Brazenor 1936 R64
    |--R. turkestanicus IT07
    |--R. villosissimus IT07
    `--R. xanthurus IT07

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AC98] Alcover, J. A., X. Campillo, M. Macias & A. Sans. 1998. Mammal species of the world: additional data on insular mammals. American Museum Novitates 3248: 1-29.

[B75] Bowles, J. B. 1975. Distribution and biogeography of mammals of Iowa. Special Publications, The Museum, Texas Tech University 9: 1-184.

[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[FN97] Feiler, A., & T. Nadler. 1997. Recently discovered mammals in Vietnam—present results on taxonomy, zoogeography, status and on the protection of the animals (Mammalia). Zoologische Abhandlungen 49 (21): 331-335.

[IT07] Isaac, N. J. B., S. T. Turvey, B. Collen, C. Waterman & J. E. M. Baillie. 2007. Mammals on the EDGE: conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PloS One 2 (3): e296.

[KK54] Klemmer, K., & H. E. Krampitz. 1954. Zur Kenntnis der Säugetierfauna Siziliens. Senckenbergiana Biologica 35 (3-4): 121-135.

[K92] Klompen, J. S. H. 1992. Phylogenetic relationships in the mite family Sarcoptidae (Acari: Astigmata). Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 180: i-vi, 1-154.

[M82] Musser, G. G. 1982. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 110. Crunomys and the small-bodied shrew rats native to the Philippine Islands and Sulawesi (Celebes). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 174 (1): 1-95.

[R14] Revilliod, P. 1914. Les mammifères de la Nouvell-Calédonie et des îles Loyalty. In Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1, Heft IV (F. Sarasin & J. Roux, eds) pp. 341-365, pl. 10. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

[R64] Ride, W. D. L. 1964. A list of mammals described from Australia between the years 1933 and 1963 (comprising newly proposed names and additions to the Australian faunal list). Australian Mammal Society Bulletin 7 (Suppl.): 1-15.

[S83] Smith, A. M. A. 1983. The subspecific biochemical taxonomy of Antechinus minimus, A. swainsonii and Sminthopsis leucopus (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae). Australian Journal of Zoology 32: 753-762.


Bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus, photographed by Plantsurfer.

Belongs within: Arvicolidae.

Clethrionomys, the red-backed voles, is a Holarctic genus of small rodents in which most species (as the vernacular name indicates) have reddish fur dorsally, with the remainder of the fur being grey.

<==Clethrionomys Tilesius 1850 RR75
    |--C. californicus IT07
    |--C. centralis IT07
    |--C. frater RR75
    |--C. gapperi (Vigors 1830) RR75
    |    |--C. g. gapperi RR75
    |    |--C. g. athabascae RR75
    |    |--C. g. galei RR75
    |    |--C. g. loringi (Bailey 1897) [=Evotomys gapperi loringi] B75
    |    `--C. g. nivarius [=C. occidentalis nivarius] RR75
    |--C. glareolus (Schreber 1780) FK55
    |--C. montanus Imaizumi 1972 I92
    |--C. occidentalis RR75
    |--C. rex Imaizumi 1971 I92
    |--C. rufocanus RR75
    |    |--C. r. rufocanus RR75
    |    `--C. r. bedfordiae RR75
    |--C. rutilus (Pallas 1779) [=Evotomys rutilus] RR75
    |    |--C. r. rutilus RR75
    |    |--C. r. albiventer Hall & Gilmore 1932 RR75
    |    |--C. r. dawsoni (Merriam 1888) [=Evotomys dawsoni; incl. E. alascensis Miller 1898] RR75
    |    `--C. r. mikado RR75
    |--C. sikotanensis IT07
    `--C. yesomontanus Kishida 1931 TYM08

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B75] Bowles, J. B. 1975. Distribution and biogeography of mammals of Iowa. Special Publications, The Museum, Texas Tech University 9: 1-184.

[FK55] Felten, H., & C. König. 1955. Einige Säugetiere aus dem Zentralmassiv, Südfrankreich. Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 267-269.

[IT07] Isaac, N. J. B., S. T. Turvey, B. Collen, C. Waterman & J. E. M. Baillie. 2007. Mammals on the EDGE: conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PloS One 2 (3): e296.

[I92] Iwahashi, J. (ed.) 1992. Reddo Deeta Animaruzu: a pictorial of Japanese fauna facing extinction. JICC: Tokyo.

[RR75] Rausch, R. L. & V. R. Rausch. 1975. Relationships of the red-backed vole, Clethrionomys rutilus (Pallas), in North America: karyotypes of the subspecies dawsoni and albiventer. Systematic Zoology 24 (2): 163-170.

[TYM08] Tennent, W. J., M. Yasuda & K. Morimoto. 2008. Lansania Journal of arachnology and zoology—a rare and obscure Japanese natural history journal. Archives of Natural History 35 (2): 252-280.


Prehensile-tailed porcupine Coendou prehensilis, from here.

Belongs within: Caviomorpha.

The Erethizontidae includes the New World porcupines, a group of large spiny rodents that are not directly related to the Old World porcupines of the Hystricidae. Erethizontid porcupines differ from hystricids in being semi-arboreal rather than terrestrial, and having quills arranged singly rather than in clusters as in Hystricidae. The majority of species are found in South and Central America, with the North American porcupine Erethizon dorsatum being found in Canada and the United States. Members of the genera Coendou and Sphiggurus have hairless, prehensile tails that aid them in climbing.

Characters (from Nowak 1999): Heavyset, relatively large rodents. Head and body length 300-860 mm, tail length 75-150 mm. Some of the hairs modified into short, sharp spines with overlapping barbs. Quills are embedded singly in the skin musculature. Pelage is marked with blackish to brownish, yellowish, or whitish bands. Foot modified for arboreal life: sole widened, first digit of hind foot sometimes replaced by a broad, movable band. Functional digits with strong curved claws. Limbs fairly short. Tail relatively short in Echinoprocta and Erethizon but long and prehensile in Coendou. Axis and third cervical vertebra fused in Erethizon and Coendou. Dental formula (i 1/1, c 0/0, pm 1/1, m3/3) × 2 = 20. Cheek teeth rooted, with reentrant folds.

<==Erethizontidae [Erethizontinae, Erethizontoidea, Erethizontomorpha]
    |--Echinoprocta rufescens GA90, IT07
    |--Erethizon GA90
    |    |--E. dorsatum (Linnaeus 1758) [=Hystrix dorsata] B75
    |    `--E. epixanthum B74
    |--Sphiggurus IT07
    |    |--S. insidiosus IT07
    |    |--S. mexicanus IT07
    |    |--S. pallidus FS01
    |    |--S. spinosus IT07
    |    |--S. vestitus IT07
    |    `--S. villosus IT07
    |--Coendou GA90
    |    |--C. bicolor GA90
    |    |    |--C. b. bicolor GA90
    |    |    `--C. b. simonsi GA90
    |    |--C. ichillus Voss & da Silva 2001 N10
    |    |--C. koopmani Handley et al. 1992 N10
    |    |--C. mexicanus GA90
    |    |--C. prehensilis GA90
    |    |--C. roosmalenorum Voss & da Silva 2001 N10
    |    `--C. rothschildi IT07
    `--Eopululo wigmorei MJ11

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B75] Bowles, J. B. 1975. Distribution and biogeography of mammals of Iowa. Special Publications, The Museum, Texas Tech University 9: 1-184.

[B74] Bugge, J. 1974. The cephalic arterial system in insectivores, primates, rodents and lagomorphs, with special reference to the systematic classification. Acta Anatomica 87 (Suppl 62): 1-160.

[FS01] Flannery, T. & P. Schouten. 2001. A Gap in Nature: Discovering the World’s Extinct Animals. Text Publishing: Melbourne.

[GA90] Glanz, W. E., & S. Anderson. 1990. Notes on Bolivian mammals. 7. A new species of Abrocoma (Rodentia) and relationships of the Abrocomidae. American Museum Novitates 2991: 1-32.

[IT07] Isaac, N. J. B., S. T. Turvey, B. Collen, C. Waterman & J. E. M. Baillie. 2007. Mammals on the EDGE: conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PloS One 2 (3): e296.

[MJ11] Meredith, R. W., J. E. Janečka, J. Gatesy, O. A. Ryder, C. A. Fisher, E. C. Teeling, A. Goodbla, E. Eizirik, T. L. L. Simão, T. Stadler, D. L. Rabosky, R. L. Honeycutt, J. J. Flynn, C. M. Ingram, C. Steiner, T. L. Williams, T. J. Robinson, A. Burk-Herrick, M. Westerman, N. A. Ayoub, M. S. Springer & W. J. Murphy. 2011. Impacts of the Cretaceous terrestrial revolution and KPg extinction on mammal diversification. Science 334: 521-524.

[N10] Naish, D. 2010. Tetrapod Zoology: Book One. CFZ Press: Bideford (UK).

Nowak, R. M. 1999. Walker's Mammals of the World, 6th ed., vol 2. John Hopkins University Press.


Mitchell's hopping mouse Notomys mitchelli, photographed by Gary Lewis.

Belongs within: Muridae.

Notomys includes the Australian hopping mice, a group of long-tailed mice with well-developed hind legs, species of which are brown or fawn above and pale grey or white below (so sayeth Wikipedia).

    |--N. alexis R64
    |    |--N. a. alexis R64
    |    |--N. a. everardensis Finlayson 1940 R64
    |    `--N. a. reginae Troughton 1936 R64
    |--N. amplus Brazenor 1936 R64
    |--N. aquilo BP87
    |--N. carpentarius Johnson 1959 J59
    |--N. cervinus BP87
    |--N. filmeri Mack 1961 R64
    |--N. fuscus R64
    |    |--N. f. fuscus R64
    |    `--N. f. eyreius Finlayson 1960 R64
    |--N. longicaudatus FS01
    |--N. macrotis FS01
    |--N. mitchelli R64
    |    |--N. m. mitchelli R64
    |    `--N. m. alutacea Brazenor 1934 R64
    `--N. mordax FS01

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[FS01] Flannery, T. & P. Schouten. 2001. A Gap in Nature: Discovering the World's Extinct Animals. Text Publishing: Melbourne.

[J59] Johnson, D. H. 1959. Four new mammals from the Northern Territory of Australia. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 72: 183-188.

[R64] Ride, W. D. L. 1964. A list of mammals described from Australia between the years 1933 and 1963 (comprising newly proposed names and additions to the Australian faunal list). Australian Mammal Society Bulletin 7 (Suppl.): 1-15.


Ring-tailed lemur Lemur catta, photographed by Nigel Dennis.

Belongs within: Lemuriformes.

The Lemuridae contains the typical lemurs, mostly arboreal forms with the most terrestrial being the ring-tailed lemur Lemur catta. Lemurids have a dental formula of i2/2 c1/1 p3/3 m3/3, with the lower canines and incisors forming a forward-projecting comb. The forelimbs are approximately 67-70% the length of the hindlimbs (Pollock et al. 1984).


Pollock, J. I., A. F. Richard & R. D. Martin. 1984. Lemurs. In All the World’s Animals: Primates (D. Macdonald, ed.) pp. 24-35. Torstar Books: New York.


Brazilian guinea pig Cavia aperea, photographed by David Blank.

Belongs within: Caviomorpha.

The Caviidae include the cavies (Caviinae) and the maras or Patagonian hares (Dolichotis). The best known species is the guinea pig Cavia porcellus, originally domesticated for food in South America but widely kept around the world as a pet.

Characters (from Nowak 1999): Head and body length 200-750 mm, tail vestigial. Dental formula i1/1 c0/0 p1/1 m3/3; incisors short; tooth rows tending to converge anteriorly; cheek teeth rootless with simple pattern of two prisms having sharp folds and angular projections. Four digits on fore foot, three on hind foot.

    |  i. s.: Microcavia GA90
    |           |--M. australis IT07
    |           |--M. niata GA90
    |           `--M. shiptoni IT07
    |         Kerodon rupestris IT07
    |--Dolichotis [Dolichotinae] B74
    |    |--D. patagona B74
    |    `--D. salinicola IT07
    `--Caviinae B74
         |--Galea B74
         |    |--G. flavidens IT07
         |    |--G. musteloides B74
         |    `--G. spixii IT07
         `--Cavia K92
              |--C. aperea GA90
              |--C. cobaya D37
              |--C. fulgida IT07
              |--C. magna IT07
              |--C. porcellus (Linnaeus 1758) K92
              `--C. tschudii IT07

Inorganic: Cavia porcellus minilorientalis Okamura 1987 O87

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B74] Bugge, J. 1974. The cephalic arterial system in insectivores, primates, rodents and lagomorphs, with special reference to the systematic classification. Acta Anatomica 87 (Suppl 62): 1-160.

[D37] Dobzhansky, T. 1937. Genetics and the Origin of Species. Columbia University Press: New York.

[GA90] Glanz, W. E., & S. Anderson. 1990. Notes on Bolivian mammals. 7. A new species of Abrocoma (Rodentia) and relationships of the Abrocomidae. American Museum Novitates 2991: 1-32.

[IT07] Isaac, N. J. B., S. T. Turvey, B. Collen, C. Waterman & J. E. M. Baillie. 2007. Mammals on the EDGE: conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PLoS One 2 (3): e296.

[K92] Klompen, J. S. H. 1992. Phylogenetic relationships in the mite family Sarcoptidae (Acari: Astigmata). Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 180: i-vi, 1-154.

Nowak, R. M. 1999. Walker's Mammals of the World. JHU Press.

[O87] Okamura, C. 1987. New facts: Homo and all Vertebrata were born simultaneously in the former Paleozoic in Japan. Original Report of the Okamura Fossil Laboratory 15: 347-573.


Middle East blind mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi, photographed by Bassem18.

Belongs within: Myomorpha.

The Spalacinae are the blind mole rats, burrowing rodents found in the Mediterranean region. Blind mole rats have small eyes that are covered with skin, and use their robust incisors rather than their feet for digging and their head, with the nose protected by a broad horny pad, for shifting soil (Vaughan et al. 2011).

<==Spalacinae [Spalacidae]
    |--Pliospalax Kormos 1932 P04
    |    |--P. compositidontus P04
    |    |--P. macoveii (Simionescu 1930) [incl. Spalax sotirisi De Bruijn, Dawson & Mein 1970] P04
    |    |--P. odessanus (Topacevsky 1969) P04
    |    `--P. tourkobounensis De Bruijn & Van der Meulen 1975 P04
    `--Spalax B74
         |--S. arenarius IT07
         |--S. ehrenbergi PS06
         |--S. giganteus IT07
         |--S. graecus IT07
         |--S. leucodon B74
         |--S. microphthalmus IT07
         |    |--S. m. microphthalmus BP87
         |    `--S. m. arenarius BP87
         |--S. typhlus T66
         `--S. zemni IT07

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B74] Bugge, J. 1974. The cephalic arterial system in insectivores, primates, rodents and lagomorphs, with special reference to the systematic classification. Acta Anatomica 87 (Suppl 62): 1-160.

[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[IT07] Isaac, N. J. B., S. T. Turvey, B. Collen, C. Waterman & J. E. M. Baillie. 2007. Mammals on the EDGE: conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PLoS One 2 (3): e296.

[PS06] Petersen, S. D., & D. T. Stewart. 2006. Phylogeography and conservation genetics of southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans) from Nova Scotia. Journal of Mammalogy 87 (1): 153-160.

[P04] Popov, V. V. 2004. Pliocene small mammals (Mammalia, Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Lagomorpha, Rodentia) from Muselievo (north Bulgaria). Geodiversitas 26 (3): 403-491.

[T66] Tristram, H. B. 1866. Report on the mammals of Palestine. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 84-93.

Vaughan, T. A., J. M. Ryan & N. J. Czaplewski. 2011. Mammalogy. Jones and Bartlett Learning.


Chestnut African climbing mouse Dendromus mystacalis, photographed by B. Stanley.

Belongs within: Myomorpha.
Contains: Oxymycterus, Phyllotis, Oecomys, Rhipidomys, Aethomys, Niviventer, Notomys, Grammomys, Maxomys, Acomys, Alticola, Lemniscomys, Pseudomys, Mus, Praomys, Apodemus, Rattus, Melomys.

The Muridae include the typical Old World rats and mice. Murids ancestrally have non-hypsodont teeth with well-distinct cusps. The largest subgroup, the Murinae, have three files of cusps in the upper teeth, while the African Dendromus usually has only a single internal supplementary cusp in the upper teeth (Lavocat 1978). Species of Dendromus, the African climbing mice, have semi-prehensile tails that they use to steady themselves when climbing into low vegetation. The subfamilies Hydromyinae and Pseudomyinae have been recognised for assemblages of rats and mice from the Australo-Papuan region, but are included by some authors in the Murinae. The water rats Hydromys are large amphibious rodents that feed on aquatic invertebrates and small vertebrates. The Hydromyinae also includes the carnivorous Philippine shrew-rats Chrotomys, Celaenomys and Rhynchomys (Musser 1982).

    |--Pseudomyinae L73
    |    |--Pseudomys LA02
    |    `--Conilurus L73
    |         |--C. albipes FS01
    |         `--C. penicillatus IT07
    |--Dendromus [Dendromuridae, Dendromurinae] L78
    |    |--D. antiquus L78
    |    |--D. insignis IT07
    |    |--D. kahuziensis IT07
    |    |--D. kivu IT07
    |    |--D. lovati IT07
    |    |--D. melanotis IT07
    |    |--D. mesomelas L78
    |    |--D. messorius IT07
    |    |--D. mystacalis IT07
    |    |--D. nyikae IT07
    |    |--D. oreas IT07
    |    `--D. vernayi IT07
    |--Hydromyinae M82
    |    |--Celaenomys silaceus M82
    |    |--Parahydromys asper L73
    |    |--Crossomys monktoni L73
    |    |--Neohydromys fuscus L73
    |    |--Mayermys ellermani L73
    |    |--Rhynchomys M82
    |    |    |--R. isarogensis M82
    |    |    `--R. soricoides M82
    |    |--Paraleptomys L73
    |    |    |--P. rufilatus IT07
    |    |    `--P. wilhelmina IT07
    |    |--Pseudohydromys L73
    |    |    |--P. murinus IT07
    |    |    `--P. occidentalis IT07
    |    |--Chrotomys M82
    |    |    |--C. gonzalesi IT07
    |    |    |--C. mindorensis IT07
    |    |    `--C. whiteheadi M82
    |    |--Leptomys L73
    |    |    |--L. elegans IT07
    |    |    |--L. ernstmayri IT07
    |    |    `--L. signatus IT07
    |    `--Hydromys M82
    |         |--H. chrysogaster IT07
    |         |--H. grootensis Troughton 1935 R64
    |         |--H. habbema IT07
    |         |--H. hussoni IT07
    |         |--H. lawnensis Troughton 1935 R64
    |         |--H. moae Troughton 1935 R64
    |         |--H. neobritannicus IT07
    |         `--H. shawmayeri IT07
    `--Murinae L07
         |--Progonomys cathalai L78
         |--Mus CV02
         |--Praomys L78
         |--Apodemus B74
         |--Rattus B74
         |--Anisomys imitator L73
         |--Xenuromys barbatus L73, IT07
         |--Melomys L73
         |--Micromys Dehne 1841 L07, P04
         |    `--M. minutus (Pallas 1771) KJ08
         |--Rhagamys Forsyth-Major 1905 AC98
         |    `--*R. orthodon (Hensel 1856) AC98
         |--Paraethomys Petter 1968 L78, P04
         |    |--P. anomalus L78
         |    `--P. miocaenicus L78
         |--Lorentzimys L73
         |    |--L. alticola L73
         |    `--L. nouhuysi IT07
         |--Macruromys L73
         |    |--M. elegans IT07
         |    `--M. major IT07
         |--Hyomys L73
         |    |--H. dammermani IT07
         |    `--H. goliath IT07
         |--Canariomys AC98
         |    |--C. bravoi Crusafont-Pairó & Petter 1964 AC98
         |    `--C. tamarani AC98
         |--Vandeleuria L07
         |    |--V. dumeticola L07
         |    |--V. nolthenii IT07
         |    `--V. olearacea L07
         |--Bandicota Gray 1873 B74, G91
         |    |--B. bengalensis (Gray & Harwicke 1833) K92
         |    |--B. indica (Bechstein 1800) [=Mus indicus, Nesokia indica] G91
         |    `--B. savilei IT07
         |--Crunomys Thomas 1898 M82
         |    |--*C. fallax Thomas 1898 M82
         |    |--C. celebensis Musser 1982 M82
         |    |--C. melanius Thomas 1907 M82
         |    `--C. rabori Musser 1982 M82
         |--Mallomys L73
         |    |--M. aroaensis IT07
         |    |--M. gunung IT07
         |    |--M. istapantap IT07
         |    `--M. rothschildi IT07
         |--Pogonomelomys L73
         |    |--P. bruijni IT07
         |    |--P. mayeri IT07
         |    |--P. ruemmleri L73
         |    `--P. sevia IT07
         |--Leggadina LA02
         |    |--L. forresti IT07
         |    |--L. hermannsburgensis R64
         |    |    |--L. h. hermannsburgensis R64
         |    |    `--L. h. brazenori Troughton 1937 R64
         |    `--L. lakedownensis IT07
         |--Vernaya Anthony 1941 [=Octopodomys Sody 1941] L07
         |    |--*V. fulva (Allen 1927) (see below for synonymy) L07
         |    |--V. giganta L07
         |    |--V. prefulva L07
         |    |--V. pristina L07
         |    `--V. wushanica L07
         |--Epimys R14
         |    |--E. norvegicus [incl. Mus decumanus] R14
         |    `--E. rattus [=Mus rattus] R14
         |         |--E. r. rattus R14
         |         |--E. r. alexandrinus R14
         |         `--‘Mus’ r. rufescens M89
         |--Zyzomys Thomas 1909 LA02
         |    |--*Z. argurus (Thomas 1889) LA02
         |    |--Z. maini IT07
         |    |--Z. palatilis IT07
         |    |--Z. pedunculatus IT07
         |    |--Z. rackhami Godthelp 1997 LA02
         |    `--Z. woodwardi IT07
         |--Pogonomys L73
         |    |--P. championi IT07
         |    |--P. loriae IT07
         |    |--P. macrourus IT07
         |    |--P. mollipilosus BP87
         |    `--P. sylvestris IT07
         |--Mastomys B74
         |    |--M. angolensis IT07
         |    |--M. coucha IT07
         |    |--M. erythroleucus GC05
         |    |--M. hildebrandtii IT07
         |    |--M. huberti GC05
         |    |--M. natalensis GC05
         |    |--M. pernanus IT07
         |    |--M. shortridgei IT07
         |    `--M. verheyeni IT07
         `--Uromys L73
              |--U. anak IT07
              |--U. boeadii AC98
              |--U. caudimaculatus IT07
              |--U. emmae AC98
              |--U. hadrourus IT07
              |--U. imperator FS01
              |--U. neobrittanicus IT07
              |--U. porculus FS01
              `--U. rex IT07

Muridae incertae sedis:
  Oxymycterus IT07
  Phyllotis IT07
  Holochilus K92
    |--H. brasiliensis (Desmarest 1819) K92
    |--H. chacarius IT07
    |--H. magnus IT07
    `--H. sciureus IT07
  Nectomys IT07
    |--N. palmipes IT07
    |--N. parvipes IT07
    |--N. rattus PCS05
    `--N. squamipes IT07
  Oecomys IT07
  Rhipidomys IT07
  Aethomys MCB06
  Eliurus K92
    |--E. ellermani AC98
    |--E. majori IT07
    |--E. minor IT07
    |--E. myoxinus K92
    |--E. penicillatus IT07
    |--E. petteri AC98
    |--E. tanala IT07
    `--E. webbi Milne-Edwards 1885 AC98, K92 [=E. myoxinus webbi K92]
  Calomys K92
    |--C. boliviae IT07
    |--C. callidus IT07
    |--C. callosus IT07
    |--C. hummelincki IT07
    |--C. laucha IT07
    |--C. lepidus IT07
    |--C. musculinus (Thomas 1913) K92
    |--C. sorellus IT07
    `--C. tener IT07
  Arvicanthus K92
    |--A. abyssinicus IT07
    |--A. blicki IT07
    |--A. nairobae IT07
    |--A. niloticus (Desmarest 1822) K92
    `--A. somalicus IT07
  Berylmys K92
    |--B. berdmorei IT07
    |--B. bowersi (Anderson 1879) K92
    |--B. mackenziei IT07
    `--B. manipulus IT07
  Bunomys K92
    |--B. andrewsi M82
    |--B. chrysocomus M82
    |--B. coelestis IT07
    |--B. fratorum IT07
    |--B. heinrichi IT07
    |--B. penitus (Miller & Hollister 1921) [=Rattus penitus] K92
    `--B. prolatus IT07
  Niviventer K92
  Pelomys Peters 1852 K92, P04
    |--P. campanae IT07
    |--P. fallax (Peters 1852) K92
    |--P. hopkinsi IT07
    |--P. isseli IT07
    |--P. minor IT07
    `--P. rex BP87
  Saidomys PS01
  Malacothrix L78
    |--M. makapani L78
    `--M. typica L78
  Mastacomys R64
    |--M. fuscus R64
    |    |--M. f. fuscus R64
    |    `--M. f. brazenori Ride 1956 R64
    `--M. wombeyensis Ride 1956 F71
  Mesembriomys R64
    |--M. gouldii IT07
    |--M. hirsutus R64
    |    |--M. h. hirsutus R64
    |    `--M. h. melvillensis Hayman 1936 R64
    `--M. macrurus IT07
  Notomys R64
  Podanomalus aistoni Brazenor 1934 R64
  Rhagapodemus Kretzoi 1959 P04
    |--R. ballesioi Mein & Michaux 1970 P04
    |--R. frequens Kretzoi 1950 P04
    |    |--R. f. frequens P04
    |    `--R. f. athensis De Bruijn & Van der Meulen 1975 P04
    |--R. hautimagnensis Mein & Michaux 1970 P04
    `--R. wandeweerdi De Bruijn & Van der Meulen 1975 P04
  Sylvaemus Ognev 1923 P04
    |--S. atavus Heller 1936 P04
    |--S. dominans (Kretzoi 1962) (see below for synonymy) P04
    |--S. flavicolis (Melchior 1834) P04
    `--S. sylvaticus (Linnaeus 1758) P04
  Tokudaia osimensis (Abe 1934) IT07, I92
    |--T. o. osimensis I92
    `--T. o. muenninki (Johnson 1946) I92
  Crateromys M82
    |--C. australis IT07
    |--C. heaneyi AC98
    |--C. paulus IT07
    `--C. schadenbergi M82
  Delanymys brooksi IT07
  Leporillus IT07
    |--L. apicalis B08
    `--L. conditor B08
         |--L. c. conditor BP87
         `--L. c. jonesi BP87
  Lamottemys okuensis IT07
  Melasmothrix naso Miller & Hollister 1921 M82
  Coccymys IT07
    |--C. albidens IT07
    `--C. ruemmleri IT07
  Sigmodontomys IT07
    |--S. alfari IT07
    `--S. aphrastus IT07
  Solomys IT07
    |--S. ponceleti IT07
    |--S. salamonis IT07
    |--S. salebrosus IT07
    |--S. sapientis IT07
    `--S. spriggsarum IT07
  Gymnuromys roberti IT07
  Millardia IT07
    |--M. gleadowi IT07
    |--M. kathleenae IT07
    |--M. kondana IT07
    `--M. meltada IT07
  Hybomys IT07
    |--H. basilii IT07
    |--H. eisentrauti IT07
    |--H. lunaris IT07
    |--H. planifrons IT07
    |--H. trivirgatus IT07
    `--H. univittatus IT07
  Stenomys IT07
    |--S. ceramicus IT07
    |--S. niobe IT07
    |--S. richardsoni IT07
    |--S. vandeuseni IT07
    `--S. verecundus IT07
  Grammomys IT07
  Chiropodomys IT07
    |--C. calamianensis IT07
    |--C. gliroides IT07
    |--C. karlkoopmani IT07
    |--C. major IT07
    |--C. muroides IT07
    `--C. pusillus IT07
  Leopoldamys IT07
    |--L. edwardsi IT07
    |--L. neilli IT07 [=Rattus neilli BP87]
    |--L. sabanus IT07
    `--L. siporanus IT07
  Scolomys IT07
    |--S. melanops IT07
    `--S. ucayalensis IT07
  Maxomys IT07
  Acomys IT07
  Sundamys IT07
    |--S. infraluteus IT07
    |--S. maxi IT07
    `--S. muelleri IT07
  Xeromys myoides IT07
  Nannospalax IT07
    |--N. ehrenbergi IT07
    |--N. leucodon IT07
    `--N. nehringi IT07
  Eropeplus canus IT07, M82
  Paruromys IT07
    |--P. dominator M82
    `--P. ursinus IT07
  Tryphomys adustus IT07
  Dinaromys bogdanovi IT07
  Haeromys IT07
    |--H. margarettae IT07
    |--H. minahassae IT07
    `--H. pusillus IT07
  Beamys IT07
    |--B. hindei IT07
    `--B. major IT07
  Rhagomys rufescens IT07
  Cremnomys IT07
    |--C. blanfordi IT07
    |--C. cutchicus IT07
    `--C. elvira IT07
  Archboldomys Musser 1982 M82
    `--*A. luzonensis Musser 1982 M82
  Taeromys IT07
    |--T. arcuatus IT07
    |--T. callitrichus M82
    |--T. celebensis M82
    |--T. hamatus M82
    |--T. punicans IT07
    `--T. taerae IT07
  Tarsomys IT07
    |--T. apoensis IT07
    `--T. echinatus IT07
  Volemys IT07
    |--V. clarkei IT07
    |--V. kikuchii IT07
    |--V. millicens IT07
    `--V. musseri IT07
  Margaretamys IT07
    |--M. beccarii IT07
    |--M. elegans M82
    `--M. parvus M82
  Tateomys M82
    |--T. macrocercus Musser 1982 M82
    `--T. rhinogradoides M82
  Thamnomys IT07
    |--T. kempi IT07
    `--T. venustus IT07
  Phaulomys IT07
    |--P. andersoni IT07
    `--P. smithii IT07
  Myospalax IT07
    |--M. aspalax IT07
    |--M. epsilanus IT07
    |--M. fontanierii IT07
    |--M. myospalax MN02
    |--M. psilurus IT07
    |--M. rothschildi IT07
    `--M. smithii IT07
  Stenocephalemys IT07
    |--S. albocaudata IT07
    `--S. griseicauda IT07
  Hylomyscus IT07
    |--H. aeta IT07
    |--H. alleni IT07
    |--H. baeri IT07
    |--H. carillus IT07
    |--H. denniae IT07
    |--H. parvus IT07
    `--H. stella IT07
  Brachyuromys IT07
    |--B. betsileoensis IT07
    `--B. ramirohitra IT07
  Mylomys dybowskii IT07
  Microdillus peeli IT07
  Myopus schisticolor IT07
  Komodomys rintjanus IT07
  Papagomys IT07
    |--P. armandvillei IT07
    `--P. theodorverhoeveni BP87
  Phloeomys M82
    |--P. cumingi M82
    |--P. elegans BP87
    `--P. pallidus IT07
  Saccostomus IT07
    |--S. campestris IT07
    `--S. mearnsi IT07
  Brachytarsomys IT07
    |--B. albicauda IT07
    `--B. villosa AC98
  Hapalomys IT07
    |--H. delacouri IT07
    `--H. longicaudatus IT07
  Dasymys IT07
    |--D. foxi IT07
    |--D. incomtus IT07
    |--D. montanus IT07
    |--D. nudipes IT07
    `--D. rufulus IT07
  Myomys IT07
    |--M. albipes IT07
    |--M. daltoni IT07
    |--M. derooi IT07
    |--M. fumatus IT07
    |--M. ruppi IT07
    |--M. verreauxii IT07
    `--M. yemeni IT07
  Microhydromys IT07
    |--M. musseri IT07
    `--M. richardsoni IT07
  Chionomys IT07
    |--C. gud IT07
    |--C. nivalis IT07
    `--C. roberti IT07
  Juscelinomys N10
    |--J. candango Moojen 1965 N10
    `--J. talpinus IT07
  Phaenomys ferrugineus IT07
  Cansumys canus IT07
  Tscherskia triton IT07
  Rhombomys opimus IT07
  Alticola IT07
  Lophuromys IT07
    |--L. cinereus IT07
    |--L. flavopunctatus IT07
    |--L. luteogaster IT07
    |--L. medicaudatus IT07
    |--L. melanonyx IT07
    |--L. nudicaudus IT07
    |--L. rahmi IT07
    |--L. sikapusi IT07
    `--L. woosnami IT07
  Malacomys N10
    |--M. cansdalei IT07
    |--M. edwardsi IT07
    |--M. longipes IT07
    |--M. lukolelae IT07
    `--M. verschureni IT07
  Lasiopodomys IT07
    |--L. brandtii IT07
    |--L. fuscus IT07
    `--L. mandarinus IT07
  Eolagurus IT07
    |--E. luteus IT07
    `--E. przewalskii IT07
  Blanfordimys IT07
    |--B. afghanus IT07
    `--B. bucharicus IT07
  Brachiones przewalskii IT07
  Sekeetamys calurus IT07
  Proedromys bedfordi IT07
  Parotomys IT07
    |--P. brantsii IT07
    `--P. littledalei IT07
  Prometheomys schaposchnikovi Satunin 1901 IT07, P04
  Desmodillus auricularis IT07
  Desmodilliscus braueri IT07
  Deomys ferrugineus IT07
  Allocricetulus IT07
    |--A. curtatus IT07
    `--A. eversmanni IT07
  Scapteromyini N10
    |--Scapteromys tumidus IT07
    |--Kunsia N10
    |    |--K. fronto IT07
    |    `--K. tomentosus IT07
    `--Bibimys N10
         |--B. chacoensis IT07
         |--B. labiosus (Winge 1887) [=Scapteromys labiosus] N10
         `--B. torresi IT07
  Nesoryzomys IT07
    |--N. darwini PYM75
    |--N. fernandinae IT07
    |--N. indefessus PYM75
    `--N. swarthi IT07
  Psammomys IT07
    |--P. myosurus T66
    |--P. obesus IT07
    |--P. tamaricinus T66
    `--P. vexillaris IT07
  Echiothrix leucura M82
  Nesokia Gray 1842 IT07, G91
    |--*N. indica (Gray & Hardwicke 1830) (see below for synonymy) G91
    `--N. bunnii IT07
  Pithecheir IT07
    |--P. melanurus IT07
    `--P. parvus IT07
  Apomys M82
    |--A. abrae IT07
    |--A. datae M82
    |--A. gracilirostris AC98
    |--A. hylocoetes IT07
    |--A. insignis M82
    |--A. littoralis IT07
    |--A. microdon M82
    |--A. musculus M82
    `--A. sacobianus IT07
  Neacomys IT07
    |--N. guianae IT07
    |--N. pictus IT07
    |--N. spinosus IT07
    `--N. tenuipes IT07
  Hyperacrius IT07
    |--H. fertilis IT07
    `--H. wynnei IT07
  Uranomys ruddi IT07
  Dephomys IT07
    |--D. defua IT07
    `--D. eburnea IT07
  Chroeomys IT07
    |--C. andinus IT07
    `--C. jelskii IT07
  Abditomys latidens IT07
  Limnomys sibuanus IT07
  Thallomys IT07
    |--T. loringi IT07
    |--T. nigricauda IT07
    |--T. paedulcus IT07
    `--T. shortridgei IT07
  Taterillus IT07
    |--T. arenarius IT07
    |--T. congicus IT07
    |--T. emini IT07
    |--T. gracilis GC05
    |--T. harringtoni IT07
    |--T. lacustris IT07
    |--T. petteri IT07
    `--T. pygargus IT07
  Aepeomys IT07
    |--A. fuscatus IT07
    `--A. lugens IT07
  Chiruromys IT07
    |--C. forbesi IT07
    |--C. lamia IT07
    `--C. vates IT07
  Gerbillurus IT07
    |--G. paeba IT07
    |--G. setzeri IT07
    |--G. tytonis IT07
    `--G. vallinus IT07
  Batomys M82
    |--B. dentatus M82
    |--B. granti IT07
    `--B. salomonseni IT07
  Bullimus M82
    |--B. bagobus M82
    |--B. barkeri M82
    |--B. luzonicus M82
    `--B. rabori M82
  Oenomys IT07
    |--O. hypoxanthus IT07
    `--O. ornatus IT07
  Delomys IT07
    |--D. dorsalis IT07
    `--D. sublineatus IT07
  Diplothrix legatus (Thomas 1906) IT07, I92
  Muriculus imberbis IT07
  Palawanomys furvus IT07
  Lemniscomys IT07
  Phodopus IT07
    |--P. campbelli MN02
    |--P. roborovskii MN02
    `--P. sungorus MN02
  Graomys IT07
    |--G. domorum IT07
    |--G. edithae IT07
    `--G. griseoflavus IT07
  Auliscomys IT07
    |--A. boliviensis IT07
    |--A. micropus IT07
    |--A. pictus IT07
    `--A. sublimis IT07
  Lenomys meyeri IT07
  Zelotomys IT07
    |--Z. hildegardeae IT07
    `--Z. woosnami IT07
  Euneomys IT07
    |--E. chinchilloides IT07
    |--E. fossor IT07
    |--E. mordax IT07
    `--E. petersoni IT07
  Pseudoryzomys simplex (Winge 1887) IT07, N10 [=Hesperomys simplex N10; incl. Oryzomys wavrini N10]
  Melanomys IT07
    |--M. caliginosus IT07
    |--M. robustulus IT07
    `--M. zunigae IT07
  Arborimus IT07
    |--A. albipes IT07 [=Phenacomys albipes BP87]
    |--A. longicaudus IT07 [incl. A. silvicola J68]
    `--A. pomo Johnson & George 1991 N10
  Eligmodontia IT07
    |--E. moreni IT07
    |--E. morgani IT07
    |--E. puerulus IT07
    `--E. typus IT07
  Chelemys IT07
    |--C. macronyx IT07
    `--C. megalonyx IT07
  Microryzomys IT07
    |--M. altissimus IT07
    `--M. minutus IT07
  Thalpomys IT07
    |--T. cerradensis IT07
    `--T. lasiotis IT07
  Wilfredomys IT07
    |--W. oenax IT07
    `--W. pictipes IT07
  Zygodontomys IT07
    |--Z. brevicauda IT07
    `--Z. brunneus IT07
  Blarinomys breviceps IT07
  Lenoxus apicalis IT07
  Podoxymys roraimae IT07
  Anonymomys mindorensis IT07
  Bolomys IT07
    |--B. amoenus IT07
    |--B. lactens IT07
    |--B. lasiurus IT07
    |--B. obscurus IT07
    |--B. punctulatus IT07
    `--B. temchuki IT07
  Andinomys edax IT07
  Chilomys instans IT07
  Chinchillula sahamae IT07
  Galenomys garleppi IT07 [=Phyllotis garleppi BP87]
  Geoxus valdivianus IT07
  Irenomys tarsalis IT07
  Neotomys ebriosus IT07
  Notiomys edwardsii IT07
  Punomys lemminus IT07
  Reithrodon auritus IT07
  Wiedomys pyrrhorhinos IT07
  Diomys crumpi IT07
  Kadarsanomys sodyi IT07 [=Lenothrix canus sodyi BP87]
  Srilankamys ohiensis IT07
  Chiromyscus chiropus IT07
  Colomys goslingi IT07
  Dacnomys millardi IT07
  Desmomys harringtoni IT07
  Golunda ellioti IT07
  Hadromys humei IT07
  Heimyscus fumosus IT07
  Lenothrix canus IT07 [=Rattus canus BP87]
  Rhabdomys pumilio IT07
  Stochomys longicaudatus IT07
  Leimacomys buettneri IT07
  Ammodillus imbellis IT07
  Dendroprionomys rousseloti IT07
  Megadendromus nikolausi IT07
  Prionomys batesi IT07
  Carpomys M82
    |--C. melanurus M82
    `--C. phaeurus IT07
  Nilopegamys plumbeus N10
  Amphinectomys savamis Malygin et al. 1994 N10
  Pearsonomys annectans Patterson 1992 N10
  Microakodontomys transitorius Hershkovitz 1993 N10
  Paulamys Musser et al. 1986 N10
    `--P. naso (Musser 1981) [=Floresomys naso] N10
  Lundomys molitor (Winge 1887) [=Hesperomys molitor; incl. Holochilus magnus] N10
  Ellobius IT07
    |--E. alaicus IT07
    |--E. fuscocapillus IT07
    |--E. lutescens IT07
    |--E. talpinus IT07
    `--E. tancrei IT07

*Nesokia indica (Gray & Hardwicke 1830) [=Arvicola indica non Mus indicus Bechstein 1800 (not preoc. if in dif. gen), N. hardwickei (Gray 1837)] G91

Sylvaemus dominans (Kretzoi 1962) [=Apodemus dominans; incl. A. occitanus Pasquier 1974, Sylvaemus occitanus] P04

*Vernaya fulva (Allen 1927) [=Chiropodomys fulvus, *Octopodomys fulvus; incl. Vernaya foramena Wang, Hu & Chen 1980] L07

*Type species of generic name indicated


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