Showing posts with label Sarcoptiformes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarcoptiformes. Show all posts


Phauloppia lucorum, copyright Matthew Shepherd.

Belongs within: Oribatulidae.

Phauloppia is a cosmopolitan genus of oribatid mites with a thin lamella and lacking pteromorphs.

Characters (from Kim et al. 2016): Adult relatively large in size; lamella very thin, located in the middle of prodorsum; 14 pairs of setae, four or five pairs of porose areas on notogaster; pteromorphs not developed; five pairs of genital setae; legs usually tridactylous.

<==Phauloppia Berlese 1908 (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. lucorum (Koch 1841) S04 (see below for synonymy)
    |--P. adjecta Aoki & Ohkubo 1974 S04
    |--P. boletorum (Ewing 1913) [=Lucoppia boletorum] S04
    |--P. bryani Jacot 1934 S04
    |--P. caudata Hammer 1973 S04
    |--‘Zetes’ climatus [=Oribates climatus] CF77
    |--P. coineaui Travé 1961 [incl. Lucoppia (Phauloppia) nemoralis Berlese 1916 (n. d.)] S04
    |--‘Oribata’ conjunctus Schweizer 1922 S22
    |--P. curviseta (Ewing 1910) [=Notaspis curviseta] S04
    |--P. cyclonota (Gervais 1849) (n. d.) [=Oribata cyclonota] S04
    |--P. distincta (Karpelles 1893) (n. d.) [=Oribata distincta] S04
    |--‘Oribata’ dorsalis S22
    |--P. gessneri (Willmann 1932) [=Eporibatula gessneri] S04
    |--P. gracilis Sellnick 1952 S04
    |--P. inparata (Jacot 1934) [=Imparatoppia imparata] S04
    |--P. incomperta (Pérez-Íñigo & Peña 1996) [=Zygoribatula incomperta] S04
    |--P. knoepffleri Travé 1961 S04
    |--P. mitakensis Suzuki 1979 S04
    |--‘Oribata’ pallidula S22
    |--‘Oribates’ papillosus Lucas 1847 E12
    |--P. parvilamellata (Ewing 1909) (n. d.) [=Oribata parvilamellata] S04
    |--P. perkinsi (Jacot 1934) [=Calvoppia perkinsi] S04
    |--‘Scutovertex’ pilosus Banks 1895 [incl. Phauloppia banksi Marshall, Reeves & Norton 1987] S04
    |--P. pinnata (Gervais 1849) (n. d.) [=Oribata pinnata] S04
    |--P. rauschenensis (Sellnick 1908) S04 (see below for synonymy)
    |--P. saxicola Travé 1961 S04
    |--P. tavruei (Schweizer 1956) [=Eporibatula tavruei] S04
    |--P. topali Balogh & Csiszár 1963 S04
    |--P. tuberosa (Fujikawa 1972) [=Eporibatula tuberosa] S04
    |--P. vallei Bernini 1973 S04
    `--P. xinjiangensis Wang, Zheng et al. 1990 S04

Phauloppia Berlese 1908 [incl. Calvoppia Jacot 1934, Eporibatula Sellnick 1928, Imaparatoppia Jacot 1934, Oribata Latreille 1802 (n. d.), Paraliodes Hall 1911, Trichoribatula Balogh 1961] S04

Phauloppia lucorum (Koch 1841) S04 [=Zetes lucorum S04, Notaspis lucorum G48; incl. Lucoppia (Phauloppia) asperula Berlese 1916 S04, Oppia berlesei Leonardi 1896 S04, O. conformis Berlese 1895 S04, Lucoppia (*Phauloppia) conformis G33, S04, Eremaeus conjunctus Oudemans 1902 S04, Acarus corticalis De Geer 1778 (n. d.) S04, Phauloppia djaparidzei Mahunka 1997 S04, A. geniculatus Linnaeus 1758 (n. d.) S04, Belba geniculata CF77, Damaeus geniculatus CF77, *Oribata geniculata L02, Paraliodes incurvata Hall 1911 S04, Phauloppia longiporosa Kulijev 1968 S04, Eporibatula longiporosa Pérez-Íñigo 1976 non P. longiporosa Kulijev 1968 S04, P. longiporosa Mahunka 1982 nec Kulijev 1968 nec Eporibatula longiporosa Pérez-Íñigo 1976 S04, P. longiporosa Djaparidze 1985 nec Kulijev 1968 nec Eporibatula longiporosa Pérez-Íñigo 1976 nec P. longiporosa Mahunka 1982 S04, Liacarus modestus Banks 1904 S04, Eremaeus modestus Banks 1910 non L. modestus Banks 1904 S04, Acarus musci Schrank 1781 (n. d.) S04, Phauloppia ohat Mahunka 1997 S04, P. saakadzei Djaparidze 1985 S04, Eremaeus schneideri Oudemans 1896 S04]

Phauloppia rauschenensis (Sellnick 1908) S04 [=Eremaeus rauschenensis S04, *Eporibatula rauschenensis BB92; incl. Oribatula lucida Sellnick 1921 S04, Phauloppia paspalevi Csiszár 1962 S04]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[CF77] Canestrini, G., & F. Fanzago. 1877. Intorno agli Acari Italiani. Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Serie 5, 4: 69–208, pls 2–7.

[E12] Evenhuis, N. L. 2012. Publication and dating of the Exploration Scientifique de l'Algérie: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés (1846–1849) by Pierre Hippolyte Lucas. Zootaxa 3448: 1–61.

[G33] Grandjean, F. 1933. Étude sur le développement des oribates. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 58: 30–61.

[G48] Grandjean, F. 1948. Au sujet des aires poreuses respiratoires portées par les pattes chez les oribates (acariens). Bulletin Biologique de la France et de la Belgique 82 (1): 24-30.

Kim, J., B. Bayartogtokh & C. Jung. 2016. First record of the genus Phauloppia Berlese, 1908 (Acari: Oribatida: Oribatulidae) with description of Phauloppia lucorum (C.L. Koch, 1841) from Korea. Journal of Species Research 5 (3): 368–371.

[L02] Latreille, P. A. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, générale et particulière des crustacés et des insectes vol. 3. Familles naturelles des genres. F. Dufart: Paris.

[S22] Schweizer, J. 1922. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der terrestrischen Milbenfauna der Schweiz. Verhandl. Naturf. Ges. Basel 33: 23–112, 4 pls.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Dorsal and ventral views of Chauliacia securigera, with close-up of ambulacral disc, by Anthonie C. Oudemans.

Belongs within: Psoroptidia.

The Eustathiidae are a family of mites only found living on the feathers of swifts (Apodi) (Moss et al. 1977).

Characters (from OConnor 2009): Genital setae (g) absent. Trochantes I–III without setae; solenidia ς present on genua I–III; proral setae present on all setae, flattened apically; no seta on tarsus I longer than solenidion ω3; tarsi III and IV each with three ventral setae; pretarsal ambulacral discs well developed; condylophores L-shaped.

<==Eustathiidae MPA77
    |--Alleustathia ungulata Gaud & Atyeo 1967 MPA77
    |--Odonteustathia macrognatha Gaud & Atyeo 1967 MPA77
    |--Microchelys delicatula (Trouessart 1899) MPA77
    |--Echineustathia tricapitosetosa (McDaniel 1962) MPA77
    |--Rhynchocaulus paradoxus Gaud & Atyeo 1967 MPA77
    |--Leptolichus amblycercus Gaud & Atyeo 1967 MPA77
    |--Eustathia MPA77
    |    |--E. cultrifera (Robin 1868) MPA77
    |    `--E. oxycerca Gaud & Atyeo 1967 MPA77
    |--Chauliacia MPA77
    |    |--C. canarisi Gaud & Atyeo 1967 MPA77
    |    `--C. securigera (Robin 1877) MPA77
    `--Neochauliacia MPA77
         |--N. miniscula Gaud & Atyeo 1967 MPA77
         |--N. ocellata Gaud & Atyeo 1967 MPA77
         `--N. selenura (Trouessart 1898) MPA77

*Type species of generic name indicated


[MPA77] Moss, W. W., P. C. Peterson & W. T. Atyeo. 1977. A multivariate assessment of phenetic relationships within the feather mite family Eustathiidae (Acari). Systematic Zoology 26 (4): 386–409.


Mesotritia nuda, copyright R. Penttinen.

Belongs within: Euphthiracaroidea.

Mesotritia is a semi-cosmopolitan (unknown from Australasia) genus of euphthiracaroid box mites (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Aspis with one or two lateral carinae. Posterior median apodeme present. Genu IV without solenidion; seta d on tibia IV short, coupled with solenidion. Genital-aggenital suture complete, genital and aggenital plates well separated; genital setae in paraxial position, in longitudinal row; interlocking triangle absent.

<==Mesotritia Forsslund 1963 S04
    |--M. (Mesotritia) [incl. Entomotritia Märkel 1964] S04
    |    |--M. (M.) flagelliformis (Ewing 1909) [=Phthiracarus flagelliformis; incl. *M. testacea Forsslund 1963] S04
    |    |--M. (M.) australis Mahunka 1984 S04
    |    |--M. (M.) brasiliensis (Sellnick 1923) [=Tritia brasiliensis] S04
    |    |--M. (M.) breviseta Niedbala & Schatz 1996 S04
    |    |--M. (M.) clara Starý 1992 S04
    |    |--M. (M.) dissimilis Hammer 1977 [=M. (Entomotritia) dissimilis] S04
    |    |--M. (M.) elegantula Starý 1992 S04
    |    |--M. (M.) exobothridialis Bayartogtokh & Aoki 1998 S04
    |    |--M. (M.) faeroensis (Sellnick 1923) [=Tritia faeroensis] S04
    |    |--M. (M.) glabra Niedbala 2002 S04
    |    |--M. (M.) glabrata (Say 1821) [=Oribata glabrata] S04
    |    |--M. (M.) grandjeani (Feider & Suciu 1957) [=Oribotritia grandjeani] S04
    |    |--M. (M.) indica Sanyal 1988 S04
    |    |--M. (M.) jacoti Niedbala 2001 S04
    |    |--M. (M.) maerkeli Sheals 1965 [incl. M. flagellata Bayoumi & Mahunka 1979, M. spinosa Aoki 1980] S04
    |    |--M. (M.) minima Niedbala 2002 S04
    |    |--M. (M.) nitida Hammer 1977 [=M. (Entomotritia) nitida] S04
    |    |--M. (M.) nova Starý 1992 S04
    |    |--M. (M.) nuda (Berlese 1887) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |--M. (M.) okuyamai Aoki 1980 S04
    |    |--M. (M.) ruwenzorii Niedbala 1998 S04
    |    |--M. (M.) similis Niedbala 2000 S04
    |    `--M. (M.) virginiensis (Jacot 1930) [=Oribotritia virginiensis] S04
    `--M. (Perutritia Märkel 1964) S04
         |--M. (*P.) amazonensis (Maerkel 1964) [=*Perutritia amazonensis] S04
         |--M. (P.) asensillata (Ojeda 1992) [=Perutritia asensillata] S04
         `--M. (P.) curviseta (Hammer 1961) [=Oribotritia curviseta] S04

Mesotritia (Mesotritia) nuda (Berlese 1887) [=Tritia nuda; incl. Oribotritia brachythrix Walker 1965, Mesotritia elastica Sergienko 1988, M. (Entomotritia) piffli Märkel 1964] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Austrotritia lebronneci, copyright R. Penttinen.

Belongs within: Euphthiracaroidea.

Austrotritia is a genus of euphthiracaroid box mites found primarily in tropical Asia and Oceania (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Aspis with one pair of exobothridial setae present. Palpi four- or five-segmented. Posterior median apodeme absent. Genu IV with solenidion and seta. Genital-aggenital suture absent, the two plates completely fused; genital setae in paraxial position, in longitudinal row; ano-genital cleft present; interlocking triangle absent.

<==Austrotritia Sellnick 1959 [incl. Macarotritia Pérez-Íñigo 1986] S04
    |--*A. quadricarinata Sellnick 1959 S04
    |--A. bifurca Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--A. carinata Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--A. dentata Aoki 1980 S04
    |--A. gibba Bayoumi & Mahunka 1979 S04
    |--A. glabrata Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--A. herenessica (Pérez-Íñigo 1986) S04 [=Indotritia (*Macarotritia) herenessica BB92]
    |--A. kinabaluensis Ramsay & Sheals 1969 S04
    |--A. lanceolata Aoki 1988 S04
    |--A. lebronneci (Jacot 1934) [=Indotritia lebronneci] S04
    |    |--A. l. lebronneci S04
    |    |--A. l. crassiori Jacot 1934 S04
    |    |--A. l. flagelloides Jacot 1934 S04
    |    `--A. l. tahitiana (Jacot 1934) [=Indotritia lebronneci tahitiana] S04
    |--A. ramsayi Mahunka 1991 S04
    |--A. robusta Niedbala & Corpuz-Raros 1998 S04
    |--A. saraburiensis Aoki 1965 (see below for synonymy) S04
    `--A. unicarinata Aoki 1980 S04

Austrotritia saraburiensis Aoki 1965 [=A. lebronneci saraburiensis; incl. A. ishigakiensis Aoki 1980, A. optabilis Niedbala 1991, A. shealsi Mahunka 1987] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Oribotritia sp., copyright Tom Murray.

Belongs within: Euphthiracaroidea.

Oribotritia is a cosmopolitan genus of euphthiracaroid box mites (Subías 2004).

See also: Oribotritia: some mites just want to be left alone.

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992, as Oribotritia + Berndotritia): Bothridial squama situated above bothridium. Posterior median apodeme present. Genital-aggenital suture complete, genital and aggenital plates well separated; genital setae in paraxial position, in longitudinal row; ano-genital cleft oblique, well developed; interlocking triangle absent.

<==Oribotritia Jacot 1924 (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--O. berlesei (Michael 1898) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--O. africana Starý 1993 [incl. O. bicarinata Niedbala 1993] S04
    |--O. ampla Niedbala 1991 S04
    |--O. anceps Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--O. angusta Mahunka 1982 S04
    |--O. aokii Mahunka 1987 S04
    |--O. asiatica Hammer 1977 [incl. O. koreense Mahunka 1982] S04
    |    |--O. a. asiatica S04
    |    `--O. a. norikoae Suzuoka 1983 S04
    |--O. attenuata Niedbala & Schatz 1996 S04
    |--O. bagnalli (Hull 1916) [=Phthiracarus bagnalli] S04
    |--O. banksi (Oudemans 1916) [=Tritia banksi] S04
    |--O. bipartita Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--O. brevis Niedbala & Colloff 1997 S04
    |--O. brevisetosa Niedbała 2003 N07
    |--O. bulbifer (Mahunka 1987) S04 [=*Berndotritia bulbifer BB92]
    |--O. capitanea Niedbala & Corpuz-Raros 1998 S04
    |--O. carolinae Jacot 1930 S04
    |--O. cherokee Niedbala 2002 S04
    |--O. chichijimensis Aoki 1980 [incl. O. chichijimensis ryukyuensis Nakatamari 1985] S04
    |--O. contortula Niedbala 1993 S04
    |--O. contraria Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--O. corporaali (Oudemans 1926) [=Tritia corporaali] S04
    |--O. decumana (Koch 1836) (n. d.) [=Hoplophora decumana] S04
    |--O. didyma Niedbala & Schatz 1996 S04
    |--O. duplex Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--O. exilis (Sellnick 1923) [=Tritia exilis] S04
    |--O. fennica Forsslund & Märkel 1963 S04
    |--O. gigas Bayoumi & Mahunka 1979 S04
    |--O. hauseri Mahunka 1982 S04
    |--O. hawaiiensis (Jacot 1929) [=Euphthiracarus (Indotritia) hawaiiensis] S04
    |--O. henicos Niedbala 2002 S04
    |--O. hermanni Grandjean 1967 S04
    |--O. heterotricha Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--O. incognita Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--O. laselve Niedbała 2003 N07
    |--O. magna (Ewing 1907) [=Phthiracarus magnus] S04
    |--O. megale (Walker 1965) [=Plesiotritia megale] S04
    |--O. nepalensis Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--O. opipara Niedbala 2002 S04
    |--O. oregonensis Niedbala 2002 S04
    |--O. paraaokii Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--O. paraspinosa Mahunka 1999 S04
    |--O. pulla Niedbala 1998 S04
    |--O. rafalskii Niedbala 1997 S04
    |--O. samoaensis Niedbala 1998 S04
    |--O. serrata Feider & Suciu 1958 S04
    |--O. serrula Niedbala & Schatz 1996 S04
    |--O. solitaria Niedbala 1993 S04
    |--O. spinosa (Mahunka 1988) [=Philotritia spinosa] S04
    |--O. storkani Feider & Suciu 1957 S04
    |--O. submolesta Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--O. subsolana N01
    |--O. succincta Niedbala 1998 S04
    |--O. teretis Niedbala 1993 S04
    |--O. tiwi Mahunka 1987 S04
    |--O. tokukoae Aoki 1973 S04
    |--O. trisetosa Niedbala & Schatz 1996 S04
    `--O. virgulata Niedbala 2001 S04

Oribotritia Jacot 1924 [incl. Berndotritia Mahunka 1987, Philotritia Mahunka 1988, Plesiotritia Walker 1965, Tritia Berlese 1883 (preoc.)] S04

Oribotritia berlesei (Michael 1898) [=Phthiracarus berlesei; incl. Hoplophora decumana Berlese 1883 non Koch 1836, *Oribotritia decumana] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[N01] Niedbała, W. 2001. Study of the diversity of Ptyctima (Acari: Oribatida) and quest for centres of its origin: the fauna of the Oriental and Australian regions. In: Halliday, R. B., D. E. Walter, H. C. Proctor, R. A. Norton & M. J. Colloff (eds) Acarology: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress pp. 143–148. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.

[N07] Niedbała, W. 2007. Ptyctimous mites (Acari, Oribatida) of Costa Rica. In: Morales-Malacara, J. B., V. M. Behan-Pelletier, E. Ueckermann, T. M. Pérez, E. G. Estrada-Venegas & M. Badii (eds) Acarology XI: Proceedings of the International Congress pp. 39–42. Instituto de Biología and Faculdad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Sociedad Latinoamericana de Acarología: México.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.

Phthiracarus (Archiphthiracarus)

Phthiracarus borealis, copyright Macromite.

Belongs within: Phthiracaridae.

The subgenus Archiphthiracarus of the genus Phthiracarus is a cosmopolitan group of phthiracarid box mites (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Body surface not heavily sculptured. Interlamellar setae long and smooth; the majority of notogastral setae of the same type. Ano-adanal plates with five pairs of setae.

<==Phthiracarus (Archiphthiracarus Balogh & Mahunka 1979) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. (A.) peristomaticus Willmann 1951 (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. (A.) aegypticus (Al-Assiuty, Bayoumi & Abdel-Hamid 1984) [=Archiphthiracarus aegypticus] S04
    |--P. (A.) aliquantus Niedbala 1988 S04
    |--P. (A.) anonymus Grandjean 1933 (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. (A.) armatus (Mahunka 1986) [=Hoplophorella armata] S04
    |--P. (A.) assimilis Niedbala 1983 S04
    |--P. (A.) atlanticus (Pérez-Íñigo 1987) [=Archiphthiracarus atlanticus] S04
    |--P. (A.) atratus (Niedbala 2000) [=Notophthiracarus atratus] S04
    |--P. (A.) australis (Aoki 1980) [=Paraphthiracarus australis] S04
    |--P. (A.) baloghi Feider & Suciu 1957 S04
    |--P. (A.) borealis (Trägardh 1910) [=Hoploderma boreale] S04
    |--P. (A.) brevisetae Jacot 1930 [incl. P. restrictus Jacot 1937] S04
    |--P. (A.) bryobius Jacot 1930 (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. (A.) bulbiferus (Mahunka 1996) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. (A.) cadizi Niedbala 1986 S04
    |--P. (A.) cavernosus (Wallwork 1977) [=Hoplophthiracarus cavernosus] S04
    |--P. (A.) clavatus Parry 1979 S04
    |--P. (A.) cognatus Niedbała 1988 S04
    |--P. (A.) comatus Niedbala 1983 S04
    |--P. (A.) crassus Niedbala 1983 S04
    |--P. (A.) crispus Hammer 1972 S04
    |--P. (A.) curiosus Niedbala 1998 S04
    |--P. (A.) curtulus Berlese 1923 S04
    |--P. (A.) dissonus Niedbala 1983 S04
    |--P. (A.) dominiaki Niedbala 1984 S04
    |--P. (A.) endroedrii (Mahunka 1984) [=Archiphthiracarus endroedrii] S04
    |--P. (A.) eupalineus Mahunka 2001 S04
    |--P. (A.) falciformis Morell & Subías 1991 S04
    |--P. (A.) flagellatus Wallwork 1977 S04
    |--P. (A.) flexipilus Calugar & Vasiliu 1981 S04
    |--P. (A.) fraternus Niedbala 1998 S04
    |--P. (A.) furvus Niedbala 1983 S04
    |--P. (A.) gibber (Aoki 1980) [=Paraphthiracarus gibber] S04
    |--P. (A.) globifer Hammer 1962 S04
    |--P. (A.) globosus (Koch 1841) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. (A.) imbecilis (Mahunka 1989) [=Archiphthiracarus imbecilis] S04
    |--P. (A.) inacessus Niedbala 1998 S04
    |--P. (A.) inornatus Niedbala 1984 S04
    |--P. (A.) invenustus Niedbala 2000 S04
    |--P. (A.) largus Niedbala 1984 S04
    |--P. (A.) ligneus Willmann 1931 [incl. P. sellnicki Feider & Suciu 1957] S04
    |--P. (A.) liparus Niedbala 1984 S04
    |--P. (A.) mediocris Niedbala 1984 S04
    |--P. (A.) modestus Niedbala 1988 S04
    |--P. (A.) montanus Pérez-Íñigo 1969 (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. (A.) murphyi Harding 1976 S04, NB-P09, S04
    |--P. (A.) neonominatus Subías 2004 (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. (A.) nitidus Niedbala 1986 S04
    |--P. (A.) obscurus Niedbala 1986 S04
    |--P. (A.) occultus Niedbala 1981 S04
    |--P. (A.) ochthus Niedbala 2001 S04
    |--P. (A.) opacus Niedbala 1986 S04
    |--P. (A.) ornatus Mahunka 1991 S04
    |--P. (A.) papillosus Parry 1979 S04
    |--P. (A.) parabaloghi Niedbala 1983 S04
    |--P. (A.) parabotrichus Feider & Suciu 1957 S04
    |--P. (A.) paraglobosus Niedbala 1982 S04
    |--P. (A.) parapocsi Niedbala 2001 S04
    |--P. (A.) paratubulus Niedbala 1991 S04
    |--P. (A.) parmatus (Nakatamari 1985) [=Paraphthiracarus parmatus] S04
    |--P. (A.) paucus Niedbala 1991 S04
    |--P. (A.) pellucidus Ramsay 1966 S04
    |--P. (A.) persimilis Niedbala 1998 S04
    |--P. (A.) plenus Niedbala 1998 S04
    |--P. (A.) puylaerti (Niedbala 2001) [=Notophthiracarus puylaerti] S04
    |--P. (A.) pygmaeus Balogh 1958 (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. (A.) robertsi Sheals 1965 S04
    |--P. (A.) sangumburiensis (Niedbala 2002) [=Hoplophthiracarus sangumburiensis] S04
    |--P. (A.) sanvicensis Subías & Gil-Martín 1990 S04
    |--P. (A.) schauenbergi (Mahunka 1988) [=Archiphthiracarus schauenbergi] S04
    |--P. (A.) scitus Niedbala 1983 S04
    |--P. (A.) similis Niedbala 1981 S04
    |--P. (A.) stramineus (Koch 1841) [=Hoplophora straminea] S04
    |--P. (A.) subdolus Niedbala 1983 S04
    |--P. (A.) subiasi Niedbala 1986 S04
    |--P. (A.) sudamericanus (Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1993) [=Archiphthiracarus sudamericanus] S04
    |--P. (A.) torosus Willmann 1939 S04
    |--P. (A.) tubulus S04
    `--P. (A.) ‘wallworki’ Niedbala 1984 non Austrophthiracarus wallworki Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04

Phthiracarus (Archiphthiracarus Balogh & Mahunka 1979) [incl. Archiphthiracarella Mahunka 1996, Microphthiracarus Mahunka 1982, Paraphthiracarus Aoki 1980] S04

Phthiracarus (Archiphthiracarus) anonymus Grandjean 1933 [incl. P. anonymus amicus Jacot 1938, Archiphthiracarus hauseri Mahunka 1988, A. pocsi Mahunka 1983] S04

Phthiracarus (Archiphthiracarus) bryobius Jacot 1930 [=P. setosellum bryobius; incl. P. crinitosimilis Willmann 1939, Archiphthiracarus gobiensis Mahunka 1981, A. hungaricus Balogh & Mahunka 1979, Phthiracarus lanatus Feider & Suciu 1957, P. pilosus Sergienko 1987] S04

Phthiracarus (Archiphthiracarus) bulbiferus (Mahunka 1996) [=Archiphthiracarella bulbifera; incl. A. baloghorum Mahunka 1997, Phthiracarus insularis Balogh 1964 non Jacot 1934, P. minor Niedbala 2001] S04

Phthiracarus (Archiphthiracarus) globosus (Koch 1841) [=Hoplophora globosa; incl. P. globus Parry 1979, P. rotundus Ewing 1908, Hoplophora sphaerula Banks 1895, P. subglobosus Berlese 1923] S04

Phthiracarus (Archiphthiracarus) montanus Pérez-Íñigo 1969 [incl. P. rectisetosus Parry 1979, Archiphthiracarus tzanoudakisi Mahunka 1979] S04

Phthiracarus (Archiphthiracarus) neonominatus Subías 2004 [=Microphthiracarus baloghi Mahunka 1982 non P. baloghi Feider & Suciu 1957] S04

Phthiracarus (Archiphthiracarus) peristomaticus Willmann 1951 [incl. Archiphthiracarus hammeni Balogh & Mahunka 1979, *A. variabilis Balogh & Mahunka 1979] S04

Phthiracarus (Archiphthiracarus) pygmaeus Balogh 1958 [incl. Archiphthiracarus foveolatus Mahunka 1988, A. minutissimus Balogh & Mahunka 1980, Phthiracarus passimpunctatus Balogh 1988, P. serrula Balogh & Mahunka 1977] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[NB-P09] Norton, R. A., & V. M. Behan-Pelletier. 2009. Suborder Oribatida. In: Krantz, G. W., & D. E. Walter (eds) A Manual of Acarology 3rd ed. pp. 430–564. Texas Tech University Press.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.

Lohmannia (Lohmannia)

Dorsal view of Lohmannia sp., copyright Qing Hai Fan.

Belongs within: Lohmanniidae.

The type subgenus of the genus Lohmannia is a pantropical and subtropical group of lohmanniid mites (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Genital plates with transverse suture; preanal plate broad; anal and adanal plates separated; two pairs of anal setae; four pairs of adanal setae.

<==Lohmannia Michael 1898 (Lohmannia) [incl. Michaelia Haller 1884 non Roemer 1852] S04
    |--*L. (L.) paradoxa (Haller 1884) [=Michaelia paradoxa; incl. L. loebli Mahunka 1974] S04
    |--L. (L.) banksi Norton, Metz & Sharma 1978 S04
    |--L. (L.) bifoliata Willmann 1936 S04
    |--L. (L.) corallium Nakatamari 1982 S04
    |--L. (L.) coreana Choi 1985 S04
    |--L. (L.) embrionalis Mahunka 1978 S04
    |--L. (L.) guzhangensis Hu & Wang 1989 S04
    |--L. (L.) hungarorum Mahunka 1980 S04
    |--L. (L.) javana Balogh 1961 S04
    |    |--L. j. javana S04
    |    `--L. j. interrupta Choi 1985 S04
    |--L. (L.) jornoti Mahunka 1985 S04
    |--L. (L.) juliae Mahunka 1984 S04
    |--L. (L.) lanceolata Grandjean 1950 S04
    |--L. (L.) pinnigera Sengbusch 1984 S04
    |--L. (L.) regalis Berlese 1923 S04
    |--L. (L.) reticulata Sellnick 1931 [=L. regalis reticulata] S04
    |--L. (L.) semibarbulata Ruiz, Subías & Kahwash 1991 S04
    |--L. (L.) serrata Hu & Wang 1989 S04
    |--L. (L.) similis Balogh 1962 S04
    |--L. (L.) spinosa Hall 1911 (n. d.) S04
    |--L. (L.) texana (Banks 1910) [=Hypochthonius texanus] S04
    |--L. (L.) turcmenica Bulanova-Zachvatkina 1960 (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--L. (L.) vanharteni Mahunka 1987 S04
    `--L. (L.) vulcania Schatz 1993 S04

Lohmannia (Lohmannia) turcmenica Bulanova-Zachvatkina 1960 [=L. lanceolata turcmenica; incl. L. hispaniola Pérez-Íñigo 1967] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.

Mixacarus (Mixacarus)

Dorsal (left) and ventral views of Mixacarus chapmani, from Balogh & Balogh (1992 vol. 2).

Belongs within: Lohmanniidae.

The type subgenus of the genus Mixacarus is a group of lohmanniid mites found in tropical and subtropical regions of Eurasia, Africa and the Americas (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): All dorsal setae setiform, simple; one or more transverse bands of notogaster interrupted. Genital plates without transverse suture; preanal plate wide; anal and adanal plates separated; two pairs of anal setae; four pairs of adanal setae.

<==Mixacarus Balogh 1958 (Mixacarus) [incl. Hamacarus Hammer 1977] S04
    |--*M. (M.) integrus Balogh 1958 S04
    |--M. (M.) brevipes (Banks 1947) [=Lohmannia brevipes] S04
    |--M. (M.) chapmani Wallwork 1962 S04
    |--M. (M.) exilis Aoki 1970 S04
    |    |--M. e. exilis S04
    |    `--M. e. foveolatus Aoki 1987 S04
    |--M. (M.) integrus Balogh 1958 S04
    |--M. (M.) lawariensis (Hammer 1977) (n. d.) [=Hamacarus lawariensis] S04
    |--M. (M.) murcioides (Berlese 1896) [=Angelia murcioides] S04
    |--M. (M.) neotropicus Balogh 1962 S04
    |--M. (M.) quadrifasciatus Balakrishnan 1986 S04
    |--M. (M.) sublestus Tseng 1982 S04
    |--M. (M.) suoxiensis Hu & Wang 1989 S04
    |--M. (M.) tianmuensis Li & Li 1985 S04
    |--M. (M.) vanhonggui Mahunka 1973 S04
    `--M. (M.) zhuzhikovi Bulanova-Zachvatkina 1979 S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Dorsal (left) and ventral views of Passalozetes demeteri, from Balogh & Balogh (1992 vol. 2).

Belongs within: Licneremaeoidea.

Passalozetes is a genus of oribatid mites found in Eurasia, Africa and the Americas, usually with a well-defined circular lenticulus on the notogaster.

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Prodorsum without lamellae or translamella; sensillus slightly dilated. Anterior part of notogaster usually with circular lenticulus; ten pairs of notogastral setae; three pairs of small areae porosae; pteromorphae absent. Four pairs of genital setae; one pair of aggenital setae; two pairs of anal setae; two pairs of adanal setae. Legs tridactyle or monodactyle.

<==Passalozetes Grandjean 1932 S04
    |  i. s.: P. bidactylus S79
    |         P. perforatus NB-P09
    |--P. (Passalozetes) S04
    |    |--*P. (P.) africanus Grandjean 1932 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) agricola Mínguez & Subías 1983 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) californicus Wallwork 1972 S04
    |    |    |--P. c. californicus S04
    |    |    `--P. c. orientalis Wallwork, Weems & Kamill 1984 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) douglasensis Engelbrecht 1974 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) hauseri Mahunka 1977 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) hispanicus Mihelčič 1955 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) imperfectus Pérez-Íñigo 1991 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) inlenticulatus Mihelčič 1959 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) karppineni Mikhaltzova 1982 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) lienhardi Mahunka 1997 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) macedonicus Tarman 1962 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) neomexicanus Wallwork, Weems & Kamill 1984 S04
    |    |    |--P. n. neomexicanus S04
    |    |    `--P. n. neonominatus Subías 2004 (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |--P. (P.) nesebarensis Vanek 1966 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) niger Mahunka 1987 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) onubensis Subías, Ruiz & Kahwash 1990 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) paucesculptus Bernini 1973 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) prominens Balogh & Mahunka 1968 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) ruderalis Mínguez & Subías 1983 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) scholzi Pérez-Íñigo & Peña 1996 S04
    |    `--P. (P.) stellifer Pérez-Íñigo & Peña 1997 S04
    `--P. (Passalomonia Mahunka 1987) S04
         `--P. (*P.) demeteri Mahunka 1987 S04

Passalozetes neomexicanus neonominatus Subías 2004 [=P. neomexicanus granulatus Wallwork, Weems & Kamill 1984 non P. granulatus Mihelčič 1955] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[NB-P09] Norton, R. A., & V. M. Behan-Pelletier. 2009. Suborder Oribatida. In: Krantz, G. W. & D. E. Walter (eds) A Manual of Acarology, 3rd ed., pp. 430-564. Texas Tech University Press.

[S79] Schuster, R. 1979. Soil mites in the marine environment. Recent Advances in Acarology 1: 593–602.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758-2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3-305.


Bipassalozetes sp., copyright Monica Young.

Belongs within: Licneremaeoidea.

Bipassalozetes is a genus of oribatid mites found in Eurasia, Africa and North America, with a well-defined circular lenticulus on the notogaster and bidactylous legs.

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Sensillus setiform. Anterior part of notogaster with circular lenticulus; ten pairs of notogastral setae; three pairs of small areae porosae. Genital plates with four pairs of setae; aggenital setae present. Legs bidactyle.

<==Bipassalozetes Mihelčič 1957 S04
    |--B. (Bipassalozetes) [incl. Salpasozetes Mahunka 1977] S04
    |    |--*B. (B.) permixtus (Mihelčič 1957) [=Passalozetes (*B.) permixtus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) berndhauseri (Mahunka 1997) [=Passalozetes (B.) berndhauseri] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) bidactylus (Coggi 1900) [=Scutovertex bidactylus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) deserticus Bayartogtokh & Aoki 1997 S04
    |    |--B. (B.) elegans (Sitnikova 1975) [=Passalozetes elegans] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) gobiensis (Mahunka 1964) [=Passalozetes gobiensis] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) intermedius (Mihelčič 1954) [=Passalozetes intermedius; incl. P. variatepictus Mihelčič 1956] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) lineolatus (Sitnikova 1975) [=Passalozetes lineolatus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) mahunkai Bayartogtokh & Aoki 1997 S04
    |    |--B. (B.) microsculptratus Bayartogtokh & Aoki 1997 S04
    |    |--B. (B.) mongolicus Bayartogtokh & Aoki 1997 S04
    |    |--B. (B.) moniles (Higgins & Woolley 1975) [=Passalozetes moniles] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) nitidus (Bayoumi & Al-Khalifa 1984) [=Passalozetes nitidus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) pectinatus (Wallwork 1964) [=Passalozetes pectinatus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) perforatus (Berlese 1910) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |--B. (B.) reticulatus (Mihelčič 1957) [=Passalozetes reticulatus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) rugosus (Sitnikova 1975) [=Passalozetes rugosus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) striatus (Mihelčič 1955) [=Passalozetes striatus; incl. P. kaszabi Mahunka 1964] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) tibialis (Nicolet 1855) (n. d.) [=Eremaeus tibialis] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) vicinus (Mihelčič 1957) [=Passalozetes vicinus] S04
    |    `--B. (B.) wolwekransensis (Engelbrecht 1974) [=Passalozetes wolwekransensis] S04
    `--B. (Passalobates Pérez-Íñigo & Peña 1996) S04
         |--B. (*P.) asper (Pérez-Íñigo & Peña 1996) [=*Passalobates asper] S04
         |--B. (P.) linearis (Higgins & Woolley 1962) [=Passalozetes linearis] S04
         `--B. (P.) sabulosus (Shtanchaeva 1986) [=Passalozetes sabulosus] S04

Bipassalozetes (Bipassalozetes) perforatus (Berlese 1910) [=Scutovertex perforatus; incl. Passalozetes granulatus Mihelčič 1955, P. propinquus Mihelčič 1956] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Scutovertex sculptus, copyright J. Schulz.

Belongs within: Licneremaeoidea.

Scutovertex is a cosmopolitan genus of oribatid mites (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Prodorsum with lamellae narrow, translamella well developed. Notogaster oval, usually with quadrangular lenticulus; nine pairs of notogastral setae; two pairs of areae porosae; pteromorphae absent. Six pairs of genital setae; one pair of aggenital setae; two pairs of anal setae; three pairs of adanal setae. Legs tridactyle.

<==Scutovertex Michael 1879 [incl. Neoscutovertex Mihelčič 1957] S04
    |  i. s.: S. alpinus Willmann 1953 S04
    |         S. bulgaricus Kunst 1961 S04
    |         S. clypeatus (Nicolet 1855) (n. d.) [=Tegeocranus clypeatus] S04
    |         S. evansi Mahunka 1984 S04
    |         S. fossatus Wallwork 1967 S04
    |         S. glaber Mihelčič 1957 S04 [=S. (*Neoscutovertex) glaber S04, BB92]
    |         S. glandulosus Balogh & Mahunka 1965 S04
    |         S. inlenticulatus Sitnikova 1975 S04
    |         S. jindianensis Wen 1985 S04
    |         S. laminipes Hammer 1961 S04
    |         S. marginatus Mahunka 1983 S04
    |         S. neonominatus Subías 2004 [=S. perforatus Sitnikova 1975 non Berlese 1910] S04
    |         S. niger Moskacheva 1964 S04
    |         S. ornatus Bulanova-Zachvatkina 1964 S04
    |         S. perforatulus Mihelčič 1958 S04
    |         S. pilosetosus Polderman 1977 S04
    |         S. punctatus Sitnikova 1975 S04
    |         S. serratus Sitnikova 1975 S04
    |         S. spinipes Berlese 1916 (n. d.) S04
    |         S. subspinipes Balogh 1959 S04
    |--S. pileatus SK10
    `--+--S. pannonicus Schuster 1958 SK10, S04
       `--+--*S. sculptus Michael 1879 S04, SK10, S04 (see below for synonymy)
          `--S. minutus (Koch 1836) SK10, S04 [=Cepheus minutus S04; incl. Eremaeus ovalis siculus Berlese 1887 S04]

*Scutovertex sculptus Michael 1879 S04, SK10, S04 [incl. S. (Neoscutovertex) granulatus Mihelčič 1957 S04, Eremaeus ovalis Koch 1841 (n. d.) S04, S. (N.) rugosus Mihelčič 1957 S04, S. steineri Mihelčič 1956 S04]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[SK10] Schäffer, S., S. Koblmüller, T. Pfingstl, C. Sturmbauer & G. Krisper. 2010. Ancestral state reconstruction reveals multiple independent evolution of diagnostic morphological characters in the "Higher Oribatida" (Acari), conflicting with current classification. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 246.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Licneremaeus licnophorus, copyright R. Penttinen.

Belongs within: Licneremaeoidea.

Licneremaeus is a cosmopolitan genus of oribatid mites.

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Prodorsum with costulae present, translamella absent; sensillus leaf-shaped. Anterior part of notogaster usually with circular lenticulus; thirteen pairs of notogastral setae; two pairs of slightly visible areae porosae; pteromorphae absent. Five pairs of genital setae; aggenital setae absent; two pairs of anal setae; two pairs of adanal setae. Legs tridactyle.

<==Licneremaeus Paoli 1908 S04
    |--*L. licnophorus (Michael 1882) [=Notaspis licnophorus] S04
    |--L. costulatus Mahunka 1982 S04
    |--L. cristatus Mahunka 1984 S04
    |--L. cubanus Balogh & Mahunka 1980 S04
    |--L. discoidalis Willmann 1930 [incl. L. antillensis Mahunka 1985] S04
    |--L. embeyisztini Mahunka 1980 S04
    |--L. exornatus Grandjean 1931 S04
    |--L. giustii Bernini 1973 S04
    |--L. linieatus Hammer 1979 S04
    |--L. novaeguineae Balogh 1968 S04
    |--L. novus Karppinen & Shtanchaeva 1987 S04
    |--L. polygonalis Hammer 1971 S04
    |--L. prodigiosus Schuster 1958 S04
    |--L. propinquus Balogh 1958 (n. d.) S04
    |--L. semiareolatus Mahunka 1978 S04
    `--L. similis Pérez-Íñigo 1990 S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Dorsal (left) and ventral views of Hemileius paraguayensis, from Balogh & Balogh (1992b).

Belongs within: Oripodoidea.
Contains: Hemileius (Hemileius), Hemileius (Tuberemaeus).

The Hemileiidae are a group of oripodoid mites with a sacculate octotaxic system and lacking pteromorphs (Balogh & Balogh 1992).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992a, as Hemileius group of Scheloribatidae): Octotaxic system with sacculi; pteromorphae absent. Usually four pairs of genital setae, exceptionally five; one pair of aggenital setae; two pairs of anal setae; three pairs of adanal setae.

<==Hemileiidae [Hemileinae] S04
    |--Constrictobates Balogh & Mahunka 1966 [Constrictobatinae] S04
    |    `--*C. lineolatus Balogh & Mahunka 1966 S04
    |--Mucrobates Balogh & Mahunka 1979 S04
    |    `--*M. fissuratus Balogh & Mahunka 1979 S04
    |--Plumobates Balogh & Mahunka 1966 S04
    |    `--*P. decoratus Balogh & Mahunka 1966 S04
    |--Zeascheloribates Luxton 1982 S04
    |    `--*Z. palustris Luxton 1982 S04
    |--Baobabula Mahunka 1975 S04
    |    |--*B. mussardi Mahunka 1975 S04
    |    `--B. impolita (Warburton 1912) [=Notaspis impolita] S04
    |--Monoschelobates Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
    |    |--*M. parvus Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
    |    `--M. translamellatus Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1991 S04
    |--Balazsella Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |--*B. pilosetosa Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |--B. ilhabellae Balogh & Palacios-Vargas 1996 S04
    |    `--B. mexicana Balogh & Palacios-Vargas 1996 S04
    |--Heteroleius Balogh & Mahunka 1966 S04
    |    |--*H. longissimus Balogh & Mahunka 1966 S04
    |    |--H. navicula (Berlese 1913) [=Oribatula navicula] S04
    |    `--H. planus (Aoki 1984) [=Symphauloppia plana] S04
    |--Nasozetes Sellnick 1930 [incl. Kinabaluella Mahunka 1966] S04
    |    |--*N. sumatrensis Sellnick 1930 S04
    |    |--N. choerognathus Willmann 1931 S04
    |    |--N. porcella (Mahunka 1996) [=Kinabaluella porcella] S04
    |    `--N. stunkardi Sengbusch 1957 S04
    |--Simkinia Krivolutsky 1966 S04
    |    |--*S. turanica Krivolutsky 1966 [incl. Hemileius ovalis Kulijev 1968] S04
    |    |--S. elongata Krivolutsky 1969 S04
    |    |--S. montana Krivolutsky & Grishina 1970 S04
    |    |--S. schachtachtinskoi (Kulijev 1961) [=Oribatula schachtachtinskoi] S04
    |    `--S. tianshanica Krivolutsky 1971 S04
    |--Siculobata Grandjean 1953 S04
    |    |--S. (Siculobata) [incl. Floribates Norton & Kethley 1989] S04
    |    |    |--*S. (S.) sicula (Berlese 1892) [=Oppia tibialis sicula] S04
    |    |    |    |-S. s. sicula S04
    |    |    |    `--S. s. platensis (Berlese 1916) [=Oribatula (Hemileius) platensis] S04
    |    |    |--S. (S.) florens (Berlese 1908) [=Oribatula florens] S04
    |    |    `--S. (S.) malabarica Ramani & Haq 1998 S04
    |    `--S. (Vesiculobates Hammer 1979) S04
    |         `--S. (*V.) silvatica (Hammer 1979) [=*Vesiculobates silvaticus] S04
    |--Exoribatula Jacot 1936 S04
    |    |--E. (Exoribatula) [incl. Nesoribatula Aoki 1964] S04
    |    |    |--*E. (E.) biundata Jacot 1936 S04
    |    |    |--E. (E.) ensifer (Mahunka 1983) [=Nesoribatula ensifer] S04
    |    |    |--E. (E.) pacifica (Aoki 1964) [=Nesoribatula pacifica] S04
    |    |    `--E. (E.) rotunda (Mahunka 1988) [=Nesoribatula rotunda] S04
    |    `--E. (Multoribates Hammer 1961) S04
    |         |--E. (*M.) chavinensis (Hammer 1961) [=*Multoribates chavinensis] S04
    |         |--E. (M.) longior (Hammer 1958) [=Scheloribates longior] S04
    |         |--‘Multoribates’ minor M83
    |         |--E. (M.) multisetosus (Balogh 1970) [=Tuberemaeus multisetosus] S04
    |         `--E. (M.) parvialatus (Hammer 1958) [=Scheloribates parvialatus] S04
    `--Hemileius Berlese 1916 S04
         |--H. (Hemileius) S04
         |--H. (Tuberemaeus) S04
         |--H. (Turcibates Ayyildiz & Luxton 1989) [incl. Tenuileius Lee 1989] S04
         |    |--H. (*T.) parvus (Ayyildiz & Luxton 1989) (see below for synonymy) S04
         |    |--H. (T.) lanceolatus Bayartogtokh & Aoki 1997 S04
         |    |--H. (T.) minimus Lee 1989 S04 [=H. (*Tenuileius) minimus BB92a]
         |    |--H. (T.) paratenuis Lee 1989 [=H. (Tenuileius) paratenuis] S04
         |    `--‘Turcibates’ porosus Ayyildiz & Luxton 1989 BB92b
         `--H. (Urubambates Hammer 1961) S04
              |--H. (*U.) punctatus (Hammer 1961) [=*Urubambates punctatus] S04
              |--H. (U.) calcaratus (Mahunka 1984) [=Urubambates calcaratus] S04
              |--H. (U.) flagellatus (Mahunka 1985) [=Urubambates flagellatus] S04
              |--H. (U.) paraguayensis (Balogh & Mahunka 1981) [=Urubambates paraguayensis] S04
              |--H. (U.) perlongus (Vasiliu & Calugar 1976) [=Urubambates perlongus] S04
              `--H. (U.) romanicus (Vasiliu & Calugar 1981) [=Urubambates romanicus] S04

Hemileius (*Turcibates) parvus (Ayyildiz & Luxton 1989) [=*Turcibates parvus; incl. Dometorina rossica Bashkirova 1958 (n. d.)] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92a] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992a. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[BB92b] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992b. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 2. Plates. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[M83] Martin, N. A. 1983. Miscellaneous observations on a pasture fauna: an annotated species list. DSIR Entomology Division Report 3: 1-98.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.

Hemileius (Tuberemaeus)

Dorsal (left) and ventral views of Hemileius areolatus, from Balogh & Balogh (1992 vol. 2).

Belongs within: Hemileiidae.

The subgenus Tuberemaeus of the genus Hemileius is a pantropical group of ornamented oribatid mites.

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Prodorsum with lamellae present, translamella absent. Dorsosejugal suture arched. Notogaster foveolate, punctate or reticulate; with ten or fourteen pairs of distinct setae; four pairs of sacculi; pteromorphae absent. Four pairs of genital setae; one pair of aggenital setae; two pairs of anal setae; three pairs of adanal setae. Legs tridactyle.

<==Hemileius (Tuberemaeus Sellnick 1930) [incl. Anisochthodes Newell 1957, Setulobates Mahunka 1984; Tuberemaeinae] S04
    |--H. (*T.) singularis (Sellnick 1930) [=*Tuberemaeus singularis] S04
    |--H. (T.) areolatus (Balogh & Mahunka 1967) [=Tuberemaeus areolatus] S04
    |--H. (T.) asiaticus (Yamamoto & Aoki 2000) [=Tuberemaeus asiaticus] S04
    |--H. (T.) bellissimus (Hammer 1971) [=Tuberemaeus bellissimus] S04
    |--H. (T.) deletus (Hammer 1979) [=Tuberemaeus deletus] S04
    |--H. (T.) dispar (Balogh & Mahunka 1974) [=Tuberemaeus dispar] S04
    |--H. (T.) fissuratus (Balogh 1970) [=Tuberemaeus fissuratus] S04
    |--H. (T.) formosanus (Tseng 1984) [=Tuberemaeus formosanus] S04
    |--H. (T.) foveolatus (Balogh 1958) [=Liebstadia foveolata] S04
    |    |--H. f. foveolatus S04
    |    `--H. f. tridactylus (Balogh 1959) [=Liebstadia foveolata tridactyla] S04
    |--H. (T.) glaber (Balogh 1970) [=Tuberemaeus glaber] S04
    |--H. (T.) heterotrichus (Mahunka 1984) [=Setulobates heterotrichus] S04
    |--H. (T.) indentatus (Hammer 1973) [=Tuberemaeus indentatus] S04
    |--H. (T.) inornatus (Pérez-Íñigo 1982) [=Tuberemaeus inornatus] S04
    |--H. (T.) lagunensis (Corpuz-Raros 1979) [=Tuberemaeus lagunensis] S04
    |--H. (T.) lineatus (Balogh 1970) [=Tuberemaeus lineatus] S04
    |--H. (T.) longisetosus (Balogh 1970) [=Tuberemaeus longisetosus] S04
    |--H. (T.) luzonensis (Corpuz-Raros 1979) [=Tuberemaeus luzonensis] S04
    |--H. (T.) nagaii (Mahunka 1988) [=Tuberemaeus nagaii] S04
    |--H. (T.) neonominatus Subías 2004 [=Tuberemaeus punctatus Balogh 1970 non Urubambates punctatus Hammer 1961] S04
    |--H. (T.) papillifer (Newell 1957) [=Anisochthodes papillifer] S04
    |--H. (T.) perforatoides (Hammer 1979) [=Tuberemaeus perforatoides] S04
    |--H. (T.) perforatus (Willmann 1931) [=Liebstadia perforata] S04
    |--H. (T.) propinquus (Balogh & Mahunka 1974) [=Tuberemaeus propinquus] S04
    |--H. (T.) pseudoareolatus (Mahunka 1977) [=Tuberemaeus pseudoareolatus] S04
    |--H. (T.) scrobinus (Berlese 1916) [=Oribatula (Hemileius) scrobina] S04
    |--H. (T.) sculpturatus (Mahunka 1987) [=Tuberemaeus sculpturatus] S04
    |--H. (T.) similis (Balogh 1970) [=Tuberemaeus similis] S04
    |--H. (T.) subareolatus (Mahunka 1977) [=Tuberemaeus subareolatus] S04
    |--H. (T.) thienemanni (Willmann 1931) [=Liebstadia thienemanni] S04
    |--H. (T.) tuberculatus (Balogh 1970) [=Tuberemaeus tuberculatus] S04
    `--H. (T.) vermiculatus (Balogh 1970) [=Tuberemaeus vermiculatus] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.

Hemileius (Hemileius)

Hemileius initialis, from Salazar Martínez et al. (2010).

Belongs within: Hemileiidae.

The type subgenus of the genus Hemileius is a group of oribatid mites found in Eurasia, Australia and the Americas (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Prodorsum with lamellae present, translamella absent; sensillus with fusiform end. Dorsosejugal suture arched. Notogaster smooth, oval, with ten pairs of distinct setae; four pairs of sacculi; pteromorphae absent. Four pairs of genital setae; one pair of aggenital setae; two pairs of anal setae; three pairs of adanal setae. Legs tridactyle.

<==Hemileius Berlese 1916 (Hemileius) S04
    |--*H. (H.) initialis (Berlese 1908) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--H. (H.) biclavulus Lee 1989 S04
    |--H. (H.) brevilamellatus (Willmann 1931) [=Liebstadia brevilamellata] S04
    |--H. (H.) clavatus Aoki 1992 S04
    |--H. (H.) copectus Lee 1989 S04
    |--H. (H.) elongatus Pérez-Íñigo 1978 S04
    |--H. (H.) gressitti Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |--H. (H.) haydeni (Higgins & Woolley 1975) [=Multoribates haydeni] S04
    |--H. (H.) hierrensis Pérez-Íñigo 1984 S04
    |--H. (H.) humeralis Pérez-Íñigo 1991 S04
    |--H. (H.) laticlava Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1991 S04
    |--H. (H.) major (Mahunka 1985) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--H. (H.) microclava (Hammer 1961) [=Scheloribates microclava] S04
    |--H. (H.) muscicola (Hammer 1961) [=Scheloribates muscicola] S04
    |--H. (H.) nicki Denmark & Woodring 1965 S04
    |--H. (H.) proximus (Berlese 1916) [=Oribatula (H.) proxima] S04
    |--H. (H.) quadripilis (Fitch 1956) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--H. (H.) rectus Lee 1989 S04
    |--H. (H.) robustus Pérez-Íñigo 1969 S04
    |--H. (H.) suramericanus (Hammer 1958) [=Oribatula suramericana] S04
    |--H. (H.) tenuis Aoki 1982 S04
    |--H. (H.) thujae Choy & Cho 1995 S04
    |--H. (H.) translamellatus Karppinen 1958 S04
    `--H. (H.) trichosus (Hammer 1958) [=Scheloribates trichosus] S04

*Hemileius (Hemileius) initialis (Berlese 1908) [=Protoribates (Scheloribates) initialis; incl. Scheloribates confundatus Sellnick 1928] S04

Hemileius (Hemileius) major (Mahunka 1985) [=Scheloribates major non Protoribates (Scheloribates) praestantissimus major Berlese 1916 (not preoc. if in dif. gen.)] S04

Hemileius (Hemileius) quadripilis (Fitch 1956) [=Oribata quadripilis; incl. Oribatula (Hemileius) comatus Berlese 1920, Notaspis pallida Ewing 1909] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.

Perscheloribates (Perscheloribates)

Dorsal (left) and ventral views of Perscheloribates clavatus, from Balogh & Balogh (1992 vol. 2).

Belongs within: Scheloribatidae.

The type subgenus of the genus Perscheloribates is a pantropical and subtropical group of oribatid mites (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992, as Perscheloribates + Scheloribatella + Ischeloribates): Rostrum rounded; rostral setae removed from each other, on lateral part of prodorsum; prodorsum with lamellae present, translamella absent, prolamellar ridge present or absent. Notogaster with ten pairs of setae, setae short or represented only by alveoli; four pairs of sacculi; pteromorphae immovable. Four pairs of genital setae; one pair of aggenital setae; two pairs of anal setae; three pairs of adanal setae; fissures iad adanal. Legs monodactyle.

<==Perscheloribates Hammer 1973 (Perscheloribates) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--*P. (P.) clavatus Hammer 1973 S04
    |    |--P. c. clavatus S04
    |    `--P. c. torquatus Aoki 1984 S04
    |--P. (P.) abbreviatus (Wallwork 1977) [=Scheloribates abbreviatus] S04
    |--P. (P.) agusanensis Corpuz-Raros 1980 S04
    |--P. (P.) albialatus (Hammer 1961) [=Scheloribates albialatus] S04
    |--P. (P.) baluktotus Corpuz-Raros 1980 S04
    |--P. (P.) benguetensis (Corpuz-Raros 1980) [=Ischeloribates benguetensis] S04
    |--P. (P.) brevialatus (Hammer 1961) [=Scheloribates brevialatus] S04
    |--P. (P.) brevipterus (Hammer 1962) [=Scheloribates brevipterus] S04
    |--P. (P.) cavernicolus (Corpuz-Raros 1980) [=Ischeloribates cavernicolus] S04
    |--P. (P.) conjuges (Hammer 1967) [=Scheloribates conjuges] S04
    |--P. (P.) crassus Corpuz-Raros 1980 S04
    |--P. (P.) curvirhynchus (Wallwork 1977) [=Scheloribates curvirhynchus] S04
    |--P. (P.) ethiopicus (Mahunka 1986) [=Ischeloribates ethiopicus] S04
    |--P. (P.) evanescens (Wallwork 1977) [=Scheloribates evanescens] S04
    |--P. (P.) fissuratus (Hammer 1961) [=Scheloribates fissuratus] S04
    |--P. (P.) keriensis (Hammer 1967) [=Scheloribates keriensis] S04
    |--P. (P.) lanceolatus (Aoki 1984) [=Ischeloribates lanceolatus] S04
    |--P. (P.) latus (Hammer 1958) [=Scheloribates latus] S04
    |--P. (P.) luminosus (Hammer 1961) [=Scheloribates luminosus] S04
    |--P. (P.) lumotus Corpuz-Raros 1980 S04
    |--P. (P.) luteus (Hammer 1962) [=Scheloribates luteus] S04
    |--P. (P.) luzonensis Corpuz-Raros 1980 S04
    |--P. (P.) minimus Mahunka 1992 S04
    |--P. (P.) minusculus (Hammer 1961) [=Scheloribates minusculus] S04
    |--P. (P.) minutus (Pletzen 1965) [=Scheloribates minutus] S04
    |--P. (P.) monodactylus (Morell 1987) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. (P.) monttensis (Hammer 1962) [=Scheloribates monttensis] S04
    |--P. (P.) nodosus Corpuz-Raros 1980 S04
    |--P. (P.) quezonensis (Corpuz-Raros 1980) S04 [=*Ischeloribates quezonensis BB92]
    |--P. (P.) reiteratus Subías 2004 (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. (P.) rostratus (Hammer 1958) [=Scheloribates rostratus] S04
    |--P. (P.) rustenburgensis (Pletzen 1963) [=Scheloribates rustenburgensis] S04
    |--P. (P.) setiger (Balogh 1988) [=Ischeloribates setiger] S04
    |--P. (P.) shiraensis (Evans 1953) S04 [=Protoribates shiraensis S04, *Scheloribatella shiraensis BB92]
    |--P. (P.) subtropicus (Hammer 1961) [=Scheloribates subtropicus] S04
    |--P. (P.) surigaoensis Corpuz-Raros 1980 S04
    |--P. (P.) tenuis Corpuz-Raros 1980 S04
    `--P. (P.) tzitzikamaensis (Pletzen 1963) [=Scheloribates tzitzikamaensis] S04

Perscheloribates Hammer 1973 (Perscheloribates) [incl. Ischeloribates Corpuz-Raros 1980, Scheloribatella Mahunka 1984] S04

Perscheloribates (Perscheloribates) monodactylus (Morell 1987) [=Scheloribates monodactylus; incl. S. elongatus Mihelčič 1963 (n. d.) non Oribata elongata Warburton 1912 (not preoc. if in dif. gen.)] S04

Perscheloribates (Perscheloribates) reiteratus Subías 2004 [=Scheloribates calcaratus Wallwork 1977 non S. fimbriatus calcaratus Jacot 1934] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.