Showing posts with label Deuterostomia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deuterostomia. Show all posts


Stephanocrinus angulatus, from here.

Belongs within: Crinoidea.

The Stephanocrinidae are a group of crinoids known from the Middle Ordovician to the Upper Silurian, characterised by unique sausage-shaped cover plates and biserial arms (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Crinozoans with three circlets of regularly arranged thecal plates, without pores and infolds of any type, with five biserially arranged arms. Basal circlet composed of three plates, the azygous basal located in anterior right (AB) interradial position; with five radials and five large interradial plates on ventral part of theca; radials and interradial plates prolonged ventrally into high coronal processes. Small primaxil plate attached rigidly to adorally constricted end of each radial plate, adoral part of which rests internally on adjacent interradial plates. Each primaxil surmounted by two plates, and these by two more, and so on for at least nine sets of plates. Bottom pair of plates each appearing to give rise to a biserial arm, second pair so arranged that plate on left supports a bottom plate of second armlet, and plate on right supports top plate of second arm on that side, bottom plate receiving support from first plate below. Thus, from this point upward, armlets are arranged alternately and are not paired. Each armlet coiled planispirally adorally, with three or four revolutions to each armlet and single food groove on adoral surface. Food grooves on left side lead to a food groove on left side of main plates of arm on that side, and food grooves on right side lead to a food groove on right side of main plates. Thus, primaxils have two food grooves on their adoral surface. Arms appear to have flexible sutures above primaxils. Food grooves extend adorally along margins of interradial plates, meeting along suture between interradial plates about one-third of distance from mouth, forming single food groove in each ambulacrum that leads to mouth. Two large, sausage-shaped cover plates above food grooves on each ambulacrum abutting against primaxil and slightly overlapping adoral portion of primaxil. Ambulacra floored by adjacent interradial plates which meet along midline of each ambulacrum. Oral opening covered by five large oral plates which are interradial in position, each abutting against interradial and adjacent cover plates. Single large anal opening on aboral side of anal interradial plate at its junction with adjacent radial limbs, with four subtriangular cover plates.

<==Stephanocrinidae [Coronata, Stephanoblastidae]
    |--Mespilocystites Barrande 1887 [=Mespilocystis Bather 1889] ML78
    |    `--*M. bohemicus Barrande 1887 [=*Mespilocystis bohemicus] ML78
    |--Stephanoblastus Jaekel 1918 ML78
    |    `--*S. mirus (Barrande 1887) [=Rhombifera mira] ML78
    |--Paracystis Sjöberg 1915 ML78
    |    `--*P. ostrogothica Sjöberg 1915 ML78
    |--Tormoblastus Jaekel 1927 ML78
    |    `--*T. bodae Jaekel 1927 ML78
    `--Stephanocrinus Conrad 1842 ML78
         |--*S. angulatus Conrad 1842 ML78
         |--S. gemmiformis ML78
         `--S. osgoodensis ML78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Cup of Paractocrinus tuberculatus in (clockwise from left) lateral, base and summit view, from Moore et al. (1978).

Belongs within: Crinoidea.

The Hemistreptocrinida are an Ordovician group of small crinoids with plate circlets in the cups only slightly offset (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978, as Paractocrinidae): Small crinoid cups composed of three or more circlets of plates which are only slightly offset rather than alternating; anal plates absent; proximal columnal sometimes cone-shaped with no facet for additional columnals.

<==Hemistreptocrinida [Hemistreptocrinoidea]
    |--Paractocrinus Jaekel 1918 [Paractocrinidae] ML78
    |    |--*P. tuberculatus Jaekel 1918 ML78
    |    `--P. laevis Jaekel 1918 ML78
    `--Hemistreptocrinidae ML78
         |--Hemistreptocrinus Arendt 1976 ML78
         |--Nonparactocrinus Arendt 1976 ML78
         |--Parorthocrinus Jaekel 1918 ML78
         |    `--*P. liber Jaekel 1918 ML78
         `--Tetractocrinus Jaekel 1918 (n. d.) ML78
              `--*T. compactus Jaekel 1918 J18

*Type species of generic name indicated


[J18] Jaekel, O. 1918. Phylogenie und System der Pelmatozoen. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 3: 1–128.

[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Ectenocrinus simplex assemblage, copyright James St. John.

Belongs within: Inadunata.

The Homocrinidae are a group of crinoids with small, conical cups known from the Middle Ordovician to the Middle Silurian (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Cup small, conical; B, C, and E radials compound: anal X incorporated in cup between C and D radials.

Homocrinidae [Homocrinacea, Homocrinicae, Homocrinida]
    |--Ibexocrinus Lane 1970 ML78
    |    `--*I. lepton Lane 1970 A98, ML78
    |--‘Ascocrinus’ Jaekel 1918 non Barrande 1887 (n. d.) J18
    |    `--*A. bohemicus Jaekel 1918 J18
    |--Daedalocrinus Ulrich 1925 ML78
    |    `--*D. kirki Ulrich 1925 ML78
    |--Drymocrinus Ulrich 1925 ML78
    |    `--*D. geniculatus (Ulrich 1879) [=Heterocrinus geniculatus] ML78
    |--Sygcaulocrinus Ulrich 1925 ML78
    |    `--*S. typus Ulrich 1925 ML78
    |--Homocrinus Hall 1852 ML78
    |    |--*H. parvus Hall 1852 ML78
    |    `--H. rhenanus Jaekel 1918 J18
    `--Ectenocrinus Miller 1889 ML78
         |--*E. simplex (Hall 1847) [=Heterocrinus simplex] ML78
         `--E. grandis ML78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A98] Ausich, W. I. 1998. Early phylogeny and subclass division of the Crinoidea (phylum Echinodermata). Journal of Paleontology 72 (3): 499–510.

[J18] Jaekel, O. 1918. Phylogenie und System der Pelmatozoen. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 3: 1–128.

[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Reconstruction of Monobrachiocrinus granulatus, from Moore et al. (1978).

Belongs within: Cyathocrinida.

The Sycocrinitidae are a group of crinoids with a globular theca bearing a single arm, known from the Carboniferous and Permian periods (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Theca with one arm-bearing radial; other radials present or absent, commonly unequal and reduced in size; infrabasals three; anal X plate absent; anal opening bounded by basals and radials, or by radials. Orals small, commonly not preserved.

    |--Sycocrinites Austin & Austin 1842 [=Sycocrinus Morris 1843] ML78
    |    `--*S. anapeptamenus Austin & Austin 1842 [=*Sycocrinus anapeptamenus] ML78
    |--Allosycocrinus Wanner 1924 ML78
    |    `--*A. pusillus Wanner 1924 ML78
    |--Metasycocrinus Wanner 1920 ML78
    |    `--*M. pyriformis (Rothpletz 1892) [=Hypocrinus pyriformis] ML78
    |--Parasycocrinus Marez Oyens 1940 ML78
    |    `--*P. fastigatepileatus Marez Oyens 1940 ML78
    `--Monobrachiocrinus Wanner 1916 ML78
         |--*M. ficiformis Wanner 1916 ML78
         |--M. granulatus ML78 [=M. ficiformis granulatus U78]
         `--M. oviformis BLWR78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BLWR78] Brower, J. C., N. G. Lane & H. Wienberg Rasmussen. 1978. Postlarval ontogeny of fossil crinoids. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 1 pp. T244–T274. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[U78] Ubaghs, G. 1978. Skeletal morphology of fossil crinoids. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 1 pp. T58–T216. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Posterior (above) and aboral views of Tytthocrinus inconsuetus, from Peck & Connelly (1951).

Belongs within: Cyathocrinida.

The Streblocrinidae are a group of armless crinoids known from the Middle Devonian to the Upper Permian (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Theca typically composed of infrabasals, basals, and orals; abrachiate; radials and anal plate absent in all but most primitive genera; posterior oral commonly with hydropore and separating BC and DE orals; orals primitively above basals in interradial position, and anal opening on lower right side of posterior oral and upper right shoulder of CD basal.

    |--Pentececrininae [Acariaiocrininae, Lageniocrininae] ML78
    |    |--Pentececrinus Koenig & Niewoehner 1959 ML78
    |    |    `--*P. parvus Koenig & Niewoehner 1959 ML78
    |    |--Clistocrinus Kirk 1937 [=Clithrocrinus Kirk 1937] ML78
    |    |    `--*C. pyriformis Kirk 1937 [=*Clithrocrinus pyriformis] ML78
    |    |--Lampadosocrinus Strimple & Koenig 1956 ML78
    |    |    `--*L. minutus (Peck 1936) [=Dichostreblocrinus minutus] ML78
    |    |--Neolageniocrinus Arendt 1970 ML78
    |    |    `--*N. shichanensis Arendt 1970 ML78
    |    |--Lageniocrinus deKoninck in deKoninck & LeHon 1854 ML78
    |    |    |--*L. seminulum deKoninck in deKoninck & LeHon 1854 ML78
    |    |    `--L. jacksoni ML78
    |    `--Acariaiocrinus Wanner 1924 [incl. Streptostomocrinus Yakovlev 1927] ML78
    |         |--*A. clavulus Wanner 1924 ML78
    |         `--‘*Streptostomocrinus’ caryophylloides Yakovlev 1927 ML78
    `--Streblocrininae [Pilidiocrininae] ML78
         |--Streblocrinus Koenig & Meyer 1965 ML78
         |    `--*S. brachiatus Koenig & Meyer 1965 ML78
         |--Atremacrinus Wanner 1929 ML78
         |    `--*A. calyculus Wanner 1929 ML78
         |--Coenocystis Girty 1908 [=Coencystis (l. c.)] ML78
         |    `--*C. richardsoni Girty 1908 ML78
         |--Dichostreblocrinus Weller 1930 ML78
         |    `--*D. scrobiculus Weller 1930 ML78
         |--Hemistreptacron Yakovlev 1926 ML78
         |    `--*H. abrachiatum Yakovlev 1926 ML78
         |--Pilidiocrinus Wanner 1937 ML78
         |    |--*P. permicus Wanner 1937 ML78
         |    `--P. hackeri U78
         `--Tytthocrinus Weller 1930 [incl. Octocrinus Peck 1936] ML78
              |--*T. comptus Weller 1930 ML78
              `--T. inconsuetus (Peck 1936) [=*Octocrinus inconsuetus] ML78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[U78] Ubaghs, G. 1978. Skeletal morphology of fossil crinoids. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 1 pp. T58–T216. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Pelecocrinus insignis, from Moore et al. (1978).

Belongs within: Dendrocrinida.

The Pelecocrinidae are a group of crinoids with tall, ovoid crowns known from the Carboniferous and Permian periods (Moore et al. 1978).

See also: The Pelecocrinidae.

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Crown tall, ovoid. Cup low, bowl-shaped, with shallow basal concavity; infrabasals five, rarely four, barely visible or not visible in side view; radial articular facets peneplenary, narrower than radials, inclined slightly to strongly outward-downward, with prominent transverse ridge, interradial notches distinct; three anal plates in cup. Arms isotomous where known, pinnulate, with wedge-shaped brachials.

    |--Pelecocrinus Kirk 1941 ML78
    |    `--*P. insignis Kirk 1941 ML78
    |--Depaocrinus Wanner 1937 ML78
    |    `--*D. ottowi Wanner 1937 ML78
    |--Exoriocrinus Strimple & Moore 1971 ML78
    |    `--*E. lasallensis (Worthen in Worthen & Meek 1875) [=Poteriocrinus lasallensis] ML78
    |--Forthocrinus Wright 1942 ML78
    |    `--*F. lepidus Wright 1942 ML78
    |--Malaiocrinus Wanner 1924 ML78
    |    `--*M. sundaicus (Wanner 1916) [=Zeacrinus sundaicus] ML78
    `--Tetrabrachiocrinus Yakovlev 1934 [=Heterobrachiocrinus Yakovlev 1938] ML78
         `--*T. fabianii Yakovlev 1934 [=*Heterobrachiocrinus fabianii] ML78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Partial crown and column of Nassoviocrinus costatus, from McIntosh (2001).

Belongs within: Dendrocrinida.

The Rutkowskicrinidae are a group of crinoids with low conical cups and ridged thecal plates known from the late Silurian to the early Carboniferous (McIntosh 2001).

Characters (from McIntosh 2001): Cup low conical, width approximately equal to or slightly exceeding height, with thecal plates of medium thickness and most commonly ridged. Infrabasal, basal, and radial circlets with five plates each. Number of anal plates variable. Two anal plates present in some genera: radianal quadrangular, below and to left of C radial; anal X approximately pentagonal, slightly smaller than, and aligned with, adjacent posterior radials. Rarely only one anal plate in cup, arranged as above except radianal absent. Most advanced forms with three anal plates: radianal pentagonal, below and to left of C radial; right sac plate immediately above radianal and contacting C radial; and anal X to left of right sac plate and overlying radianal. Radial facets peneplenary, moderately declivate, U-shaped platforms slightly elevated above radial plate surface; transverse ridge invariably present, often prominent, never divided by ventral groove. Tegmen invariably dominated by prominent, relatively narrow anal sac composed of orderly staggered rows of thin, plicate plates; anal sac straight, partially recumbent at distalmost end in some genera; partial median ridge commonly developed on proximal (first two to five median sac plates) posterior side of sac, originating from either anal X or both anal X and right sac plate, never extending entire length of sac. Apparently only a single posterior oral, pierced by numerous hydropores, present on tegmen; other orals either absent or covered by peristomials and interambulacrals; two tegminal flange plates observed in one species. Arms rarely atomous, generally divided into two equal rami at primaxil, structure of main rami variable: isotomous, with branches of unequal length but equal brachial size; partially heterotomous, with armlets slightly smaller than brachials of main rami but branching at same points as in isotomous arms; most commonly fully heterotomous, with unbranched ramules given off main rami in an alternating pattern at equal intervals, generally every second brachial; or pinnulate. Column heteromorphic, pentagonal to pentastellate. Cirri unbranched, partially whorled.

    |--Schmidtocrinus Haarmann 1921 M01
    |    `--*S. winterfieldi (Schmidt 1906) (n. d.) [=Rhenocrinus winterfieldi] M01
    |--Rutkowskicrinus McIntosh 2001 M01
    |    |--*R. patriciae McIntosh 2001 M01
    |    `--R. collieri McIntosh 2001 M01
    |--Decorocrinus McIntosh 2001 M01
    |    |--*D. arkonensis (Goldring 1950) [=Botryocrinus arkonensis] M01
    |    `--D. cooperi (Goldring 1926) [=Charientocrinus cooperi] M01
    |--Iteacrinus Goldring 1923 M01
    |    |--*I. flagellum Goldring 1923 M01
    |    `--I. robustus Goldring 1923 M01
    |--Quantaxocrinus Webby 1965 M01
    |    |--*Q. ussheri Webby 1965 M01
    |    `--Q. clarkei (Williams 1882) [=Poteriocrinites clarkei; incl. P. clarkei var. alpha Williams 1882] M01
    |--Propoteriocrinus Schmidt 1934 M01
    |    |--*P. scopae Schmidt 1934 [=Poteriocrinus scopae (l. c.)] M01
    |    |--P. follmanni Schmidt 1941 [=Poteriocrinus follmanni (l. c.)] M01
    |    `--P. papillaxialis Schmidt 1941 [=Poteriocrinus papillaxialis (l. c.)] M01
    `--Nassoviocrinus Jaekel 1918 M01
         |--*N. pachydactylus (Sandberger & Sandberger 1855) [=Heterocrinus pachydactylus] M01
         |--N. chilmanae McIntosh 2001 M01
         |--N. corcorani Jell 1999 M01
         |--N. costatus (Goldring 1954) [=Botryocrinus costatus] M01
         |--N. duluki (Kesling 1969) [=Poteriocrinites duluki] M01
         |--N. longibrachiatus (Chapman 1903) [=Botryocrinus longibrachiatus] M01
         |--N. ornatus (Goldring 1954) [=Botryocrinus ornatus] M01
         |--N. rarifissus Jaekel 1918 [=Antihomocrinus rarifissus] M01
         `--N. schultzei (Haarmann 1921) [=Botryocrinus schultzei] M01

*Type species of generic name indicated


[M01] McIntosh, G. C. 2001. Devonian cladid crinoids: families Glossocrinidae Goldring, 1923, and Rutkowskicrinidae new family. Journal of Paleontology 75 (4): 783–807.


Ulocrinus sp., from

Belongs within: Dendrocrinida.
Contains: Cromyocrinidae.

The Cromyocrinacea are a group of crinoids with bowl-shaped cups and sparsely branching arms known from the Carboniferous and Permian periods (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Cup bowl-shaped, with or without basal concavity, radials with plenary articular facets, two or three anals in cup. Anal sac not prominent. Arms uniserial or biserial, five to 20 or more, branching confined to primibrachs 1 and secundibrachs 1. Stem transversely circular.

Cromyocrinacea [Cromyocrinites]
    |  i. s.: Cadocrinus Wanner 1924 [Cadocrinidae] ML78
    |           `--*C. variabilis (Wanner 1916) [=Hydreionocrinus variabilis] ML78
    |--Eupachycrinidae ML78
    |    |--Eupachycrinus Meek & Worthen 1865 ML78
    |    |    `--*E. quatordecimbrachialis (Lyon 1857) [=Graphiocrinus quatordecimbrachialis] ML78
    |    `--Intermediacrinus Sutton & Winkler 1940 ML78
    |         |--*I. asperatus (Worthen 1882) [=Eupachycrinus asperatus] ML78
    |         `--I. davidsoni ML78
    `--+--Cromyocrinidae M01
       `--Ulocrinidae M01
            |--Ureocrinus Wright & Strimple 1945 ML78
            |    `--*U. bockschii (Geinitz 1845) [=Poteriocrinus bockschii] ML78
            |--Probletocrinus Strimple & Moore 1971 ML78
            |    `--*P. curtus Strimple & Moore 1971 ML78
            |--Tyrieocrinus Wright 1945 ML78
            |    `--*T. laxus Wright 1945 ML78
            `--Ulocrinus Miller & Gurley 1890 ML78
                 |--*U. buttsi Miller & Gurley 1890 ML78
                 |--U. convexus ML78
                 |--U. elongatus Strimple 1961 UL78
                 `--U. fistulosus U78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[M01] McIntosh, G. C. 2001. Devonian cladid crinoids: families Glossocrinidae Goldring, 1923, and Rutkowskicrinidae new family. Journal of Paleontology 75 (4): 783–807.

[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C.,  & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[U78] Ubaghs, G. 1978. Skeletal morphology of fossil crinoids. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 1 pp. T58–T216. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[UL78] Ubaghs, G., N. G. Lane, H. Wienberg Rasmussen & H. L. Strimple. 1978. Evolution. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T275–T316. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Partial crown of Parulocrinus blairi, from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Belongs within: Cromyocrinacea.

The Cromyocrinidae are a group of crinoids with globose cups known from the Carboniferous and Permian periods (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Cup more or less globe-shaped, including forms with upflared or subhorizontal infrabasals; mostly three anal plates in cup but exceptionally only two. Anal sac very short and small. Arms uniserial, unbranched, or branched isotomously on primibrachs 1 in all rays or biserial and often branching a second time on secundibrachs 1 in some half rays. Column transversely round.

<==Cromyocrinidae [Ethelocrinide]
    |--Cromyocrinus Trautschold 1867 ML78
    |    `--*C. simplex Trautschold 1867 ML78
    |--Dicromyocrinus Jaekel 1918 ML78
    |    `--*D. ornatus (Trautschold 1879) [=Cromyocrinus ornatus] ML78
    |--Ethelocrinus Kirk 1937 ML78
    |    `--*E. magister (Miller & Gurley 1890) [=Eupachycrinus magister] ML78
    |--Moapocrinus Lane & Webster 1966 ML78
    |    `--*M. rotundatus Lane & Webster 1966 ML78
    |--Mooreocrinus Wright & Strimple 1945 ML78
    |    `--*M. geminatus (Trautschold 1867) ML78 [=Cromyocrinus geminatus ML78, Eupachycrinus geminatus J18]
    |--Parethelocrinus Strimple 1961 ML78
    |    `--*P. ellipticus Strimple 1961 ML78
    |--Mantikosocrinus Strimple 1951 ML78
    |    |--*M. castus Strimple 1951 ML78
    |    `--M. wrighti (Yakovlev & Ivanov 1956) [=Dicromyocrinus wrighti] ML78
    |--Metacromyocrinus Strimple 1961 ML78
    |    |--*M. holdenvillensis Strimple 1961 ML78
    |    `--M. gillumi ML78
    |--Synarmocrinus Lane 1964 ML78
    |    |--*S. brachiatus Lane 1964 ML78
    |    `--S. fundunus ML78
    |--Goleocrinus Strimple & Watkins 1969 ML78
    |    |--*G. masonensis Strimple & Watkins 1969 ML78
    |    |--G. mangeri U78
    |    `--G. vadosus (Washburn 1968) [=Phanocrinus vadosus] ML78
    |--Aglaocrinus Strimple 1961 [incl. Ataxiacrinus Strimple 1961 non Lyon 1869, Tarachiocrinus Strimple 1962] ML78
    |    |--*A. magnus (Strimple 1949) [=Ethelocrinus magnus] ML78
    |    |--A. compactus ML78
    |    `--‘*Ataxiacrinus’ multiramus Strimple 1961 [=*Tarachiocrinus multiramus] ML78
    |--Paracromyocrinus Strimple 1966 ML78
    |    |--*P. vetulus (Lane 1964) [=Parulocrinus vetulus] ML78
    |    |--P. marquisi ML78
    |    `--P. texasensis ML78
    `--Parulocrinus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
         |--*P. blairi (Miller & Gurley 1893) [=Ulocrinus blairi] ML78
         |--P. beedei ML78
         `--P. pontiacensis ML78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[J18] Jaekel, O. 1918. Phylogenie und System der Pelmatozoen. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 3: 1-128.

[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[U78] Ubaghs, G. 1978. Skeletal morphology of fossil crinoids. In: Moore, R. C.,  & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 1 pp. T58–T216. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Phanocrinus formosus, from The Fossil Forum.

Belongs within: Erisocrinacea.

The Phanocrinidae are a group of crinoids with apposed arms known from the Carboniferous period (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Tall, comparatively narrow cylindrical crown with apposed arms. Cup bowl-shaped, medium high or low, base concave or sub-horizontal; radial articular facets plenary; three to one anal plates in cup. Anal sac slender, shorter than arms. Arms five to ten with branching on primibrachs 1, usually uniserial, but may become biserial with gently convex outer surfaces and flattened sides, pinnulate. Stem transversely round.

    |--Bronaughocrinus Strimple 1951 ML78
    |    `--*B. figuratus Strimple 1951 ML78
    |--Hosieocrinus Wright 1952 ML78
    |    `--*H. caledonicus (Wright 1936) [=Tribrachiocrinus caledonicus] ML78
    |--Idosocrinus Wright 1954 ML78
    |    `--*I. bispinosus Wright 1954 ML78
    |--Pentaramicrinus Sutton & Winkler 1940 ML78
    |    |--*P. gracilis (Wetherby 1880) [=Cromyocrinus gracilis] ML78
    |    `--P. bimagnaramus U78
    |--Cryphiocrinus Kirk 1929 ML78
    |    |--*C. girtyi Kirk 1929 ML78
    |    `--C. bowsheri ML78
    `--Phanocrinus Kirk 1937 ML78
         |--*P. formosus (Worthen in Meek & Worthen 1873) [=Zeacrinus formosus] ML78
         |--P. cooksoni Laudon 1941 ML78
         `--P. imoensis Burdick & Strimple 1973 UL78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[U78] Ubaghs, G. 1978. Skeletal morphology of fossil crinoids. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 1 pp. T58–T216. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[UL78] Ubaghs, G., N. G. Lane, H. Wienberg Rasmussen & H. L. Strimple. 1978. Evolution. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T275–T316. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Delocrinus sp., from the Pennsylvanian Atlas of Ancient Life.

Belongs within: Erisocrinacea.

The Catacrinidae are a group of crinoids with a tall, cylindrical crown known from the Upper Carboniferous and Permian periods (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Crown tall, cylindrical. Cup low bowl-shaped, smooth plated or rugose, with moderately deep and narrow basal concavity, proximal tips of radials above basal plane of cup or barely reaching it; articular facets of radials subhorizontal, occupying full width of plates; single upright anal plate (X) in cup extending above radial summits and distally recumbent inward in some genera. Anal sac cylindrical, not reaching above arms, composed of small polygonal plates in vertical rows, pointed at summit. Arms ten, biserial, branching isotomously on primibrachs 1, which uncommonly is produced laterally as stout long spine, pinnulate. Stem transversely round, homeomorphic.

Catacrinidae [Arrectocrininae, Catacrininae, Palmerocrininae]
    |--Lobalocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
    |    `--*L. wolforum (Moore & Plummer 1940) [=Delocrinus wolforum] ML78
    |--Palmerocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
    |    `--*P. comptus Knapp 1969 ML78
    |--Paraplasocrinus Moore & Plummer 1938 ML78
    |    `--*P. transitorius (Wanner 1916) [=Cibolocrinus transitorius] ML78
    |--Pyndaxocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
    |    `--*P. separatus (Strimple 1949) [=Delocrinus separatus] ML78
    |--Subarrectocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
    |    `--*S. perexcavatus (Moore & Plummer 1940) [=Delocrinus perexcavatus] ML78
    |--Arrectocrinus Knapp 1969 [incl. Metarrectocrinus Knapp 1969] ML78
    |    |--*A. abruptus (Moore & Plummer 1940) [=Delocrinus abruptus] ML78
    |    `--‘Delocrinus’ major Weller 1909 [=*Metarrectocrinus major] ML78
    |--Endelocrinus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
    |    |--*E. fayettensis (Worthen in Meek & Worthen 1873) [=Eupachycrinus fayettensis] ML78
    |    |--E. matheri ML78
    |    `--E. solus ML78
    `--Delocrinus Miller & Gurley 1890 (see below for synonymy) ML78
         |--*D. hemisphericus (Miller & Gurley 1890) (see below for synonymy) ML78
         |--D. malaianus Wanner 1916 [=*Asaccocrinus malaianus] ML78
         |--D. ponderosus Strimple 1949 [=*Palmatocrinus ponderosus] ML78
         |--D. stullensis Strimple 1947 [=*Cathetocrinus stullensis] ML78
         `--D. wewokaensis Strimple 1940 [=*Wewokacrinus wewokaensis] ML78

Delocrinus Miller & Gurley 1890 [=Catacrinus Knapp 1969; incl. Asaccocrinus Wanner 1949, Cathetocrinus Knapp 1969, Palmatocrinus Knapp 1969, Wewokacrinus Knapp 1969] ML78

*Delocrinus hemisphericus (Miller & Gurley 1890) [=Poteriocrinus hemisphericus, D. subhemisphericus Moore & Plummer 1940, *Catacrinus subhemisphericus] ML78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Posterior (top), oral and aboral (bottom) views of cup of Atokacrinus obscurus, from Moore et al. (1978).

Belongs within: Erisocrinacea.

The Paradelocrinidae are a group of relatively small crinoids known from the Upper Carboniferous and the Permian (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1979): Base of cup broadly to narrowly concave, moderate in depth or shallow; infrabasals five, downflared steeply or gendy, mostly covered by stem; proximal part or all of basals included in concavity; radials wide, with planate facets occupying full width of radials; anal X in notch between posterior radials, generally not visible from side. Arms ten, biserial except in lower portions, branching on axillary first primibrachs. Stem transversely round.

Paradelocrinidae [Atokacrininae]
    |--Paradelocrinus Moore & Plummer 1938 ML78
    |    `--*P. aequabilis Moore & Plummer 1938 ML78
    |--Lopadiocrinus Wanner 1916 ML78
    |    `--*L. granulatus Wanner 1916 ML78
    |--Neocatacrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
    |    `--*N. protensus (Moore & Plummer 1940) [=Paradelocrinus protensus] ML78
    |--Sublobalocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
    |    `--*S. iolaensis (Strimple 1949) [=Paradelocrinus iolaensis] ML78
    `--Atokacrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
         |--*A. obscurus Knapp 1969 ML78
         `--A. decorus ML78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Culmicrinus elegans, from Louisville Fossils.

Belongs within: Dendrocrinida.

The Blothrocrinidae are a group of crinoids with isotomously branched arms known from the Carboniferous to the early Permian (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Crown tall, cylindrical or expanded upward. Cup conical, five or three upflared infrabasals readily visible from side, radial articular facets plenary, bearing transverse ridge and ligament pits; three anals in normal arrangement. Anal sac tall, cylindrical. Arms uniserial, pinnulate, branching two or more times. Stem long, transversely circular.

    |--Ulrichicrinus Springer 1926 LMW01, ML78
    |    `--*U. oklahoma Springer 1926 ML78
    |--Woodocrinus de Koninck 1854 LMW01, ML78 [incl. Philocrinus de Koninck 1863 ML78]
    |    `--*W. macrodactylus de Koninck 1854 ML78
    |--Nebraskacrinus Moore 1939 LMW01, ML78
    |    `--*N. tourteloti Moore 1939 ML78
    |--Elibatocrinus Moore 1940 ML78
    |    `--*E. leptocalyx Moore 1940 ML78
    |--Fifeocrinus Wright 1951 ML78
    |    `--*F. tielensis (Wright 1936) [=Pachylocrinus tielensis] ML78
    |--Moscovicrinus Jaekel 1918 ML78
    |    `--*M. multiplex (Trautschold 1867) [=Poteriocrinus multiplex] ML78
    |--Stinocrinus Kirk 1941 ML78
    |    `--*S. granulosus Kirk 1941 ML78
    |--Blothrocrinus Kirk 1940 WM03
    |    |--*B. jesupi (Whitfield 1881) [=Poteriocrinus jesupi] ML78
    |    |--B. brevidactylus (Austin & Austin 1843) WM03
    |    |--B. guntherorum Webster 1997 WM03
    |    |--B. litvinovitschae (Yakovlev 1954) WM03
    |    |--B. longidactylus (Austin & Austin 1847) WM03
    |    |--B. swallovi U78
    |    `--B. yazdii Webster, Maples et al. 2003 WM03
    `--Culmicrinus Jaekel 1918 WM03
         |--*C. regularis (Meyer 1858) [=Poteriocrinus regularis] ML78
         |--C. cylindratus Webster, Maples et al. 2003 WM03
         |--C. elegans ML78
         |--C. mammaeformis (Worthen in Miller 1890) WM03
         |--‘Poteriocrinus’ missouriensis J18
         |--C. singulocirrus Schmidt 1930 WM03
         `--C. thomasi ML78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[J18] Jaekel, O. 1918. Phylogenie und System der Pelmatozoen. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 3: 1–128.

[LMW01] Lane, N. G., C. G. Maples & J. A. Waters. 2001. Revision of Late Devonian (Famennian) and some Early Carboniferous (Tournaisian) crinoids and blastoids from the type Devonian area of north Devon. Palaeontology 44 (6): 1043–1080.

[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[U78] Ubaghs, G. 1978. Skeletal morphology of fossil crinoids. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 1 pp. T58–T216. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[WM03] Webster, G. D., C. G. Maples, R. Mawson & M. Dastanpour. 2003. A cladid-dominated Early Mississippian crinoid and conodont fauna from Kerman Province, Iran and revision of the glossocrinids and rhenocrinids. Journal of Paleontology 77 (Suppl. 3): 1–35.


Aphelecrinus elegans, copyright Joseph Koniecki.

Belongs within: Dendrocrinida.

The Aphelecrinidae are a group of slender-crowned crinoids known from the early Carboniferous (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Crown slender cylindrical, flared upward, ovoid. Cup moderately low cone-shaped, height and width subequal; five small infrabasals upflared, rising directly from round columnar cicatrix; five relatively short basals; five radials and three anal plates in normal (primitive) arrangement. Arms uniserial, branching on primibrachs 1 in all rays except that in earlier forms first branching in A ray is above primibrach 2, all rays with one or subsequent isotomous bifurcations, pinnules long and stout. Anal sac slender, moderately to strongly reflexed, composed of series of small, polygonal plates. Column usually round, occasionally cirriferous.

    |--Missouricrinus Miller in Miller & Gurley 1891 WeM03
    |    `--*M. admonitus Miller in Miller & Gurley 1891 ML78
    |--Cosmetocrinus Kirk 1941 WaM03, ML78
    |    |--*C. gracilis Kirk 1941 ML78
    |    `--C. parvus WaM03
    |--Paracosmetocrinus Strimple 1967 WeM03
    |    |--*P. straki Strimple 1967 ML78
    |    |--P. delicatus Webster, Maples et al. 2003 WeM03
    |    |--‘Ascetocrinus’ scoparius (Hall 1861) WeM03
    |    `--‘Culmicrinus’ vagulus (Miller & Gurley 1895) WeM03
    `--Aphelecrinus Kirk 1944 LMW01 [=Ampelecrinus (l. c.) ML78, Amphelecrinus (l. c.) ML78]
         |--*A. elegans Kirk 1944 ML78
         |--A. elegantulus LMW01
         |--A. mundus ML78
         |--A. oweni ML78
         `--A. tensus (Whidborne 1896) [=Poteriocrinus tensus, Culmicrinus tensus, Hydriocrinus tensus] LMW01

*Type species of generic name indicated


[LMW01] Lane, N. G., C. G. Maples & J. A. Waters. 2001. Revision of Late Devonian (Famennian) and some Early Carboniferous (Tournaisian) crinoids and blastoids from the type Devonian area of north Devon. Palaeontology 44 (6): 1043–1080.

[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[WM03] Waters, J. A., C. G. Maples, N. G. Lane, S. Marcus, Liao Z.-T., Liu L., Hou H.-F. & Wang J.-X. 2003. A quadrupling of Famennian pelmatozoan diversity: new Late Devonian blastoids and crinoids from northwest China. Journal of Paleontology 77 (5): 922–948.

[WM03] Webster, G. D., C. G. Maples, R. Mawson & M. Dastanpour. 2003. A cladid-dominated Early Mississippian crinoid and conodont fauna from Kerman Province, Iran and revision of the glossocrinids and rhenocrinids. Journal of Paleontology 77 (Suppl. 3): 1–35.


Neozeacrinus praecursor crown, from Moore et al. (1978).

Belongs within: Dendrocrinida.

The Zeacrinitacea are a group of crinoids with a low, saucer-shaped cup known from the Carboniferous and Permian periods (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Concave to flat-based low saucer-shaped cup with one to three anal plates, mostly mushroom-shaped tall anal sac and multiple uniserial arms.

    |  i. s.: Exocrinidae ML78
    |           |--Oxynocrinus Strimple & Watkins 1969 ML78
    |           |    `--*O. spicatus Strimple & Watkins 1969 ML78
    |           |--Petalambicrinus Strimple 1976 ML78
    |           |    `--*P. craddocki Strimple 1976 ML78
    |           `--Exocrinus Strimple 1949 ML78
    |                |--*E. multirami Strimple 1949 ML78
    |                `--E. wanni ML78
    |--Scotiacrinus Wright 1945 ML78 [Scotiacrinidae M01]
    |    `--*S. tyriensis (Wright 1937) [=Pachylocrinus tyriensis] ML78
    `--+--Timorechinidae [Timorocrinidae] M01
       |    |--Timorechinus Wanner 1911 [=Timorocrinus Wanner 1912, Timorocystis Lambert 1911] ML78
       |    |    `--*T. mirabilis Wanner 1911 [=*Timorocrinus mirabilis, *Timorocystis mirabilis] ML78
       |    |--Benthocrinus Wanner 1937 ML78
       |    |    `--*B. cryptobasalis Wanner 1937 ML78
       |    |--Notiocrinus Wanner 1924 ML78
       |    |    `--*N. timoricus Wanner 1924 ML78
       |    |--Prolobocrinus Wanner 1937 ML78
       |    |    `--*P. permicus Wanner 1937 ML78
       |    `--Parabursacrinus Wanner 1924 ML78
       |         |--*P. procerus (Wanner 1916) [=Bursacrinus procerus] ML78
       |         `--P. nefotassiensis ML78
       `--Zeacrinitidae [Zeacrinidae] M01
            |--Alcimocrinus Kirk 1938 ML78
            |    `--*A. girtyi (Springer 1926) [=Zeacrinus girtyi] ML78
            |--Parazeacrinites Burdick & Strimple 1971 ML78
            |    `--*P. konincki (Bather 1912) [=Zeacrinus konincki] ML78
            |--Sarocrinus Kirk 1942 ML78
            |    `--*S. nitidus Kirk 1942 ML78
            |--Zeacrinites Troost in Hall 1858 [=Zeacrinus Hall 1858] ML78
            |    |--*Z. magnoliaeformis Troost in Hall 1858 [=*Zeacrinus magnoliaeformis] ML78
            |    `--Z. wortheni ML78
            |--Eratocrinus Kirk 1938 ML78
            |    |--*E. elegans (Hall 1858) [=Zeacrinus elegans] ML78
            |    `--E. commaticus ML78
            |--Linocrinus Kirk 1938 ML78
            |    |--*L. wachsmuthi Kirk 1938 ML78
            |    `--L. arboreus ML78
            |--Xystocrinus Moore & Plummer 1938 [incl. Tholocrinus Kirk 1939] ML78
            |    |--*X. depressus (Hall 1858) [=Zeacrinus depressus] ML78
            |    |--‘Hydreionocrinus’ spinosus Wood 1909 [=*Tholocrinus spinosus] ML78
            |    `--‘Tholocrinus’ wetherbyi U78
            `--Neozeacrinus Wanner 1937 ML78
                 |--*N. peramplus Wanner 1937 Ml78
                 |--N. praecursor ML78
                 `--N. uddeni ML78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[M01] McIntosh, G. C. 2001. Devonian cladid crinoids: families Glossocrinidae Goldring, 1923, and Rutkowskicrinidae new family. Journal of Paleontology 75 (4): 783–807.

[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[U78] Ubaghs, G. 1978. Skeletal morphology of fossil crinoids. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 1 pp. T58–T216. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Laudonocrinus sp., from the Pennsylvanian Atlas of Marine Life.

Belongs within: Dendrocrinida.

The Laudonocrinidae are a group of crinoids known from the middle Carboniferous to the lower Permian (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Cup bowl-shaped, with flat or faintly convex base and subvertical sides near rim arm facets peneplenary, interradial notches seen in dorsal and ventral view; two or three anals in cup; anal sac mushroom-like with horizontal girdling spines at summit; arms endotomous.

    |--Anchicrinus Strimple & Watkins 1969 ML78
    |    `--*A. toddi Strimple & Watkins 1969 ML78
    |--Paianocrinus Strimple 1951 ML78
    |    `--*P. durus Strimple 1951 ML78
    |--Athlocrinus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
    |    |--*A. placidus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
    |    `--A. clypeiformis ML78
    |--Bathronocrinus Strimple 1962 [incl. Hypermorphocrinus Arendt 1968] ML78
    |    |--*B. turioformis Strimple 1962 ML78
    |    `--B. magnospinosus (Arendt 1968) [=*Hypermorphocrinus magnospinosus] ML78
    |--Schistocrinus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
    |    |--*S. torquatus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
    |    `--S. parvus ML78
    `--Laudonocrinus Moore & Plummer 1940 [incl. Appalachiacrinus Burke 1974] ML78
         |--*L. subsinuatus (Miller & Gurley 1894) [=Hydreionocrinus subsinuatus] ML78
         |--L. catillus ML78
         `--‘*Appalachiacrinus’ erwini Burke 1974 ML78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Anterior view of crown of Sciadiocrinus acanthophorus (without arms) showing mushroom-haped anal sac, from Moore et al. (1978).

Belongs within: Dendrocrinida.

The Pirasocrinacea are a group of crinoids known from the Carboniferous and Permian periods with a pyriform crown (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Crown pyriform; cup very low bowl-shaped, with mostly deep basal concavity and rounded sides incurved at rim, arm facets peneplenary, interradial notches at rim, three anals in cup, anal sac tall, typically mushroomlike with girdle of horizontal spines around summit platform.

    |--Adinocrinus Kirk 1938 [Adinocrinidae] ML78
    |    `--*A. nodosus (Wachsmuth & Springer 1885) [=Zeacrinus nodosus] ML78
    `--Pirasocrinidae (see below for synonymy) ML78
         |--Eirmocrinus Strimple & Watkins 1969 ML78
         |    `--*E. grossus Strimple & Watkins 1969 ML78
         |--Zeusocrinus Strimple 1961 ML78
         |    `--*Z. foveatus (Strimple 1951) [=Tholocrinus foveatus] ML78
         |--Dasciocrinus Kirk 1939 ML78
         |    `--*D. florialis (Yandell & Shumard 1847) [=Cyathocrinus florialis] ML78
         |--Pirasocrinus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
         |    `--*P. scotti Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
         |--Aatocrinus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
         |    `--*A. robustus (Beede 1900) [=Zeacrinus robustus] ML78
         |--Affinocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
         |    `--*A. concavus Knapp 1969 ML78
         |--Exterocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
         |    `--*E. pumilis (Moore & Plummer 1938) [=Perimestocrinus pumilis] ML78
         |--Metaffinocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
         |    `--*M. perundatus (Moore & Plummer 1940) [=Plaxocrinus perundatus] ML78
         |--Metaperimestocrinus Strimple 1961 ML78
         |    `--*M. spiniferus Strimple 1961 ML78
         |--Metutharocrinus Moore & Strimple 1973 ML78
         |    `--*M. cockei Moore & Strimple 1973 ML78
         |--Platyfundocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
         |    `--*P. typus Knapp 1969 ML78
         |--Polygonocrinus Strimple 1961 ML78
         |    `--*P. multiextensus Strimple 1961 ML78
         |--Psilocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
         |    `--*P. omphaloides (Moore & Plummer 1940) [=Plaxocrinus omphaloides] ML78
         |--Retusocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
         |    `--*R. lobatus (Moore & Plummer 1940) [=Plaxocrinus lobatus] ML78
         |--Schedexocrinus Strimple 1961 ML78
         |    `--*S. gibberellus Strimple 1961 ML78
         |--Separocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
         |    `--*S. praevalens (Moore 1939) [=Plaxocrinus praevalens] ML78
         |--Simocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
         |    `--*S. modestus (Moore 1939) [=Plaxocrinus modestus] ML78
         |--Triceracrinus Bramlette 1943 ML78
         |    `--*T. moorei Bramlette 1943 ML78
         |--Vertigocrinus Knapp 1969 ML78
         |    `--*V. subtilis (Moore 1939) [=Perimestocrinus subtilis] ML78
         |--Stenopecrinus Strimple 1961 ML78
         |    |--*S. planus (Strimple 1952) [=Perimestocrinus planus] ML78
         |    `--S. rugosus [=Anchicrinus rugosus] ML78
         |--Lasanocrinus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
         |    |--*L. daileyi (Strimple 1940) [=Hydreionocrinus daileyi] ML78
         |    `--L. cornutus ML78
         |--Plaxocrinus Moore & Plummer 1938 ML78
         |    |--*P. crassidiscus (Miller & Gurley 1894) [=Hydreionocrinus crassidiscus] ML78
         |    `--P. politus ML78
         |--Utharocrinus Moore & Plummer 1938 ML78
         |    |--*U. pentanodus (Mather 1915) [=Delocrinus pentanodus] ML78
         |    `--U. quinquacutus ML78
         |--Perimestocrinus Moore & Plummer 1938 [=Peremistocrinus (l. c.)] ML78
         |    |--*P. nodulifer (Miller & Gurley 1894) [=Hydreionocrinus nodulifer] ML78
         |    |--P. excavatus ML78
         |    |--P. formosus ML78
         |    `--P. impressus ML78
         `--Sciadiocrinus Moore & Plummer 1938 ML78
              |--*S. acanthophorus (Meek & Worthen 1870) [=Zeacrinus (Hydreionocrinus) acanthophorus] ML78
              |--S. confertus ML78
              |--S. disculus ML78
              |--S. harrisae ML78
              `--‘Hydreionocrinus’ pentagonus Miller & Gurley 1890 [=Adinocrinus pentagonus] ML78

Pirasocrinidae [Aatocrininae, Affinocrininae, Exterocrininae, Lasanocrininae, Pirasocrininae, Psilocrininae, Sciadiocrininae, Triceracrininae] ML78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Stellarocrinus bilineatus, from here.

Belongs within: Dendrocrinida.

The Stellarocrinidae are a group of crinoids with a low, spreading crown known from the middle Carboniferous to the Upper Permian (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Crown typically spreading sideward, low; arms well separated from neighbors. Cup medium to low bowl-shaped, commonly with broad, shallow basal concavity; infrabasals subhorizontal; basals large, usually protruded about basal depression; radials wider than long, articular facets not as wide as radials, strongly declivate, typically leaving well-marked interradial notches; cup anal plates three in normal to advanced arrangement with single anal plate (radianal) on CD basal, followed above cup by two equidimensional plates. Anal sac cylindrical, tall, composed of moderately large protuberant hexagonal plates in alternating vertical series. Arms strongly cuneate-uniserial to mostly biserial, not apposed, branching on primibrachs 1 in geologically younger forms, primibrachs 2 in older ones, with one or more subsequent branchings in all rays; pinnules stout, attached to inner surfaces of brachials. Column usually round, occasionally transversely pentastellate.

    |--Brychiocrinus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
    |    `--*B. texanus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
    |--Celonocrinus Lane & Webster 1966 ML78
    |    `--*C. expansus Lane & Webster 1966 ML78
    |--Heliosocrinus Strimple 1951 ML78
    |    `--*H. aftonensis Strimple 1951 ML78
    |--Pedinocrinus Wright 1951 ML78
    |    `--*P. clavatus (Wright 1937) [=Pachylocrinus clavatus] ML78
    |--Rhopocrinus Kirk 1942 ML78
    |    `--*R. spinosus Kirk 1942 ML78
    |--Brabeocrinus Strimple & Moore 1971 ML78
    |    |--*B. christinae Strimple & Moore 1971 ML78
    |    `--B. cuneatus ML78
    `--Stellarocrinus Strimple 1940 (see below for synonymy) ML78
         |--*S. stillativus (White 1880) [=Cyathocrinus stillativus, *Whiteocrinus stillativus] ML78
         |--S. bilineatus ML78
         |--S. florealis ML78
         |--S. geometricus (Moore & Plummer 1940) [=*Apollocrinus geometricus] ML78
         `--S. virgilensis ML78

Stellarocrinus Strimple 1940 [=Whiteocrinus Strimple 1939 non Jaekel 1918; incl. Apollocrinus Moore & Plummer 1940]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).


Microcaracrinus delicatus, from the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

Belongs within: Dendrocrinida.

The Texacrinacea are a group of long-armed crinoids with a tall, slender crown known from the Carboniferous and Permian periods (Moore et al. 1978).

Characters (from Moore et al. 1978): Crown tall and slender, cup bowl-shaped with basal concavity and steep sides near rim, arm facets plenary, one to three anals in cup, anal sac tall, composed of longitudinal rows of plates, arms long, commonly many (to 40) but five or 10 in some.

    |--Sellardsicrinus Moore & Plummer 1940 [Sellardsicrinidae] ML78
    |    `--*S. marrsae Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
    |--Galateacrinus Moore 1940 [Galateacrinidae, Galateacrininae] ML78
    |    |--*G. stevensi Moore 1940 ML78
    |    `--G. ornatus ML78
    |--Texacrinidae [Texacrininae] ML78
    |    |--Marathonocrinus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
    |    |    `--*M. bakeri Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
    |    `--Texacrinus Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
    |         |--*T. gracilis Moore & Plummer 1940 ML78
    |         `--T. associatus ML78
    `--Staphylocrinidae ML78
         |--Staphylocrinus Burdick & Strimple 1969 ML78
         |    `--*S. bulgeri Burdick & Strimple 1969 ML78
         |--Abrotocrinus Miller & Gurley 1890 ML78
         |    `--A. unicus (Hall 1861) [=Scaphiocrinus unicus; incl. *A. cymosus Miller & Gurley 1890] ML78
         |--Agnostocrinus Webster & Lane 1967 ML78
         |    `--*A. typus Webster & Lane 1967 Ml78
         |--Dinotocrinus Kirk 1941 ML78
         |    `--*D. compactus Kirk 1941 ML78
         |--Exochocrinus Burdick & Strimple 1969 ML78
         |    `--*E. tumulosus (Miller 1892) [=Eupachycrinus tumulosus] ML78
         |--Hylodecrinus Kirk 1941 ML78
         |    `--*H. sculptus Kirk 1941 ML78
         `--Microcaracrinus Strimple & Watkins 1969 ML78
              |--*M. delicatus Strimple & Watkins 1969 ML78
              |--M. bellirugosus ML78
              |--M. colubrosus ML78
              `--M. conjugulus ML78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ML78] Moore, R. C., N. G. Lane, H. L. Strimple, J. Sprinkle & R. O. Fay. 1978. Inadunata. In: Moore, R. C., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea vol. 2 pp. T520–T759. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).