Showing posts with label Galumnoidea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galumnoidea. Show all posts


Allogalumna exigua, copyright ZSM TyMunAc.

Belongs within: Galumnidae.

Allogalumna is a cosmopolitan genus of galumnid oribatid mites (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Prodorsum with true lamellae and lamellar line absent, sublamellar line present. Notogaster with median pore; notogastral setae absent. Fissures iad in adanal position.

<==Allogalumna Grandjean 1936 [incl. Ctenogalumna Balogh 1961] S04
    |--*A. alamellae (Jacot 1935) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--A. alpha Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1994 S04
    |--A. borhidii Balogh & Mahunka 1979 S04
    |--A. confluens Balogh 1960 S04
    |--A. costata Mahunka 1996 S04
    |--A. dilatata Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |--A. exigua Popp 1960 S04
    |--A. filiger Hammer 1962 S04
    |--A. gedaii Mahunka 1995 S04
    |--A. hungarica Willmann 1938 S04
    |--A. hydrophila Hammer 1962 S04
    |--A. incompleta Mahunka 1988 S04
    |--A. insolita Mahunka 1996 S04
    |--A. integer (Berlese 1994) [=Oribata alata integer] S04
    |--A. italica (Jacot 1935) [=Galumna italica] S04
    |--A. leleupi Balogh 1962 S04
    |--A. longiplumus G46
    |--A. madagascarensis (Balogh 1961) S04 [=*Ctenogalumna madagascarensis BB92]
    |--A. margaritifera Balogh 1960 S04
    |--A. microporosa Mahunka 1979 S04
    |--A. moresonensis (Engelbrecht 1972) [=Ctenogalumna moresonensis] S04
    |--A. multesima Grandjean 1957 S04
    |--A. novazealandica Hammer 1968 S04
    |--A. parva (Berlese 1916) [=Oribata parva] S04
    |--A. pellucida Wallwork 1965 S04
    |--A. plowmanae Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |--A. pocsi Mahunka 1996 S04
    |--A. quadrimaculata (Mahunka 1988) [=Pergalumna quadrimaculata] S04
    |--A. rotundiceps Aoki 1996 S04
    |--A. scripta (Balogh & Mahunka 1966) [=Galumna scripta] S04
    |--A. sinornata Mahunka 1992 S04
    |--A. superporosa Mahunka 1996 S04
    |--A. triangulata Mahunka 1978 S04
    |--A. upoluensis Hammer 1973 S04
    `--A. vojnitsi Mahunka 1993 S04

*Allogalumna alamellae (Jacot 1935) [=Galumna alamellae; incl. Galumna (Pergalumna) diversiareata Mihelčič 1956, A. neerlandica Hammer 1952, A. alata transversa Mihelčič 1957] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[G46] Grandjean, F. 1946. Les poils et les organes sensitifs portés par les pattes et le palpe chez les oribates. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 71: 10–29.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Dorsal view of Pilizetes sellnicki, from Balogh & Balogh (1992 vol. 2).

Belongs within: Galumnidae.

Pilizetes is a pantropical genus of galumnid oribatid mites (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992, as Pilizetes + Neopilizetes): Prodorsum without true lamellae, sclerotised lamellar line present; lamellar setae originating mediad to lamellar line. Surface of notogaster either foveolate and longitudinally lineate; notogastral setae usually long and rigid.

<==Pilizetes Sellnick 1937 S04
    |--P. (Pilizetes) S04
    |    |--*P. (P.) africanus Sellnick 1937 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) australis Balogh & Mahunka 1966 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) basilewskyi Balogh 1958 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) brevisetus Mahunka 1984 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) csoengeyi Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) curtipilus Balogh 1960 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) denticulatus Mahunka 1986 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) dudichi Balogh 1966 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) saskai Mahunka 1969 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) sellnicki Balogh 1958 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) subglaber Balogh 1962 S04
    |    |--P. (P.) subsimilis Mahunka 1984 S04
    |    `--P. (P.) tuberculatus Mahunka 1984 S04
    |--P. (Neopilizetes Balogh & Balogh 1990) [incl. Kratzensteinia Oudemans 1919 (n. d.)] S04
    |    |--P. (*N.) neotropicus Balogh & Mahunka 1978 S04
    |    `--P. (N.) rugifrons (Stoll 1891) (n. d.) S04 [=Oribata rugifrons S04, *Kratzensteinia rugifrons BB92]
    `--P. (Sarawakiella Mahunka 1966) S04
         `--P. (*S.) longipilosa (Mahunka 1966) [=*Sarawakiella longipilosa] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Pilogalumna sp., copyright Biodiversity Institute of Ontario.

Belongs within: Galumnidae.

Pilogalumna is a subcosmopolitan genus of galumnid oribatid mites (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Prodorsum without true lamellae; lamellar and sublamellar lines absent. Anal plates with two pairs of setae; adanal region with three pairs; fissures iad in adanal position.

<==Pilogalumna Grandjean 1956 S04
    |--*P. ornatula Grandjean 1956 S04
    |    |--P. o. ornatula (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    `--P. o. fayoumensis Abdel-Hamid 1964 S04
    |--P. antillensis Mahunka 1998 S04
    |--P. arabica Bayoumi & Al-Khalifa 1986 S04
    |--P. binadalares (Jacot 1929) [=Galumna areolata binadalares] S04
    |--P. bloemfonteinensis Engelbrecht 1972 S04
    |--P. boevi (Krivolutskaja 1952) [=Allogalumna boevi] S04
    |--P. cozadensis Nevin 1976 S04
    |--P. crassiclava (Berlese 1914) [=Allogalumna crassiclava] S04
    |    |--P. c. crassiclava S04 [incl. Galumna allifera Oudemans 1919 S04, P. allifera BB92]
    |    |--P. c. longiareata Pérez-Íñigo 1976 [=P. allifera longiareata] S04
    |    `--P. c. montana Grishina & Sergienko 1978 [=P. allifera montana] S04
    |--P. kimberleyensis Engelbrecht 1972 S04
    |--P. recta (Mihelčič 1957) [=Allogalumna recta] S04
    |--P. steinmanni Aoki 1975 S04
    |--P. tenuiclava (Berlese 1908) [=Oribata tenuiclava] S04
    |    |--P. t. tenuiclava (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |--P. t. halli (Jacot 1929) [=Galumna areolata halli] S04
    |    `--P. t. hispida (Jacot 1935) [=Galumna alata hispida] S04
    `--P. variabilis Engelbrecht 1972 S04

*Pilogalumna ornatula ornatula Grandjean 1956 [incl. Galumna adareata Mihelčič 1957, G. decipiens Mihelčič 1956, Allogalumna molensis Mihelčič 1957, A. pterata Mihelčič 1957] S04

Pilogalumna tenuiclava tenuiclava (Berlese 1908) [incl. Acarus alatus Schrank 1803 (n. d.), A. aquaticus marginatus De Geer 1778 (n. d.), Galumna areolata Willmann 1923, Allogalumna atra Mihelčič 1957, Galumna radiata Sellnick 1928] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 2. Plates. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Pergalumna willmanni, copyright R. Penttinen.

Belongs within: Galumnidae.

Pergalumna is a cosmopolitan genus of galumnid oribatid mites (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Prodorsum without true lamellae, with sclerotised lamellar and sublamellar lines; lamellar line arcuate, lamellar and sublamellar lines more or less parallel; lamellar setae originating mediad to lamellar line. Notogastral setae absent. Fissures iad adjacent to anal plates. Legs tridactyle.

<==Pergalumna Grandjean 1936 [incl. Neorizetes Jacot 1933 (n. d.)] S04
    |--*P. nervosa (Berlese 1914) S04 [=Oribata nervosa S04, Oribates nervosus BB92]
    |    |--P. n. nervosa [incl. Galumna retalata Oudemans 1915] S04
    |    `--P. n. punctata (Mihelčič 1957) [=Galumna (Pergalumna) punctata] S04
    |--P. aegra Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1986 S04
    |--P. aequalis (Sellnick 1923) [=Stictozetes aequalis] S04
    |--P. akitaensis Aoki 1961 S04
    |--P. altera (Oudemans 1915) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. amamiensis Aoki 1984 S04
    |--P. andasibe Mahunka 1996 S04
    |--P. andhraense Raju, Appalanaidu & Rao 1981 S04
    |--P. andicola Hammer 1961 S04
    |--P. anellata Hammer 1961 S04
    |--P. annulata Mahunka 1995 S04
    |--P. aokii Nakatamari 1982 S04
    |--P. arborea (Jacot 1929) [=Zetes arboreus] S04
    |--P. australis Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1980 S04
    |--P. bellesii Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1997 S04
    |--P. bifissurata Hammer 1972 S04
    |--P. bimaculata Hammer 1973 S04
    |--P. bryani (Jacot 1934) [=Zetes bryani] S04
    |    |--P. b. bryani S04
    |    |--P. b. marquesi (Jacot 1934) [=Zetes bryani marquesi] S04
    |    `--P. b. uapoui (Jacot 1934) [=Zetes bryani uapoui] S04
    |--P. californiae (Jacot 1929) [=Zetes californiae] S04
    |--P. cardosensis Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1986 S04
    |--P. circula (Jacot 1935) [=Galumna flagellifera circula] S04
    |--P. comparandus (Berlese 1920) [=Oribata emarginatus comparandus] S04
    |--P. complicata Balogh & Mahunka 1978 S04
    |--P. corniculata (Berlese 1905) [=Oribata elimatus corniculata] S04
    |--P. corolevuensis Hammer 1971 S04
    |--P. corrugis (Jacot 1929) [=Zetes corrugis] S04
    |    |--P. c. corrugis S04
    |    `--P. c. milleri (Jacot 1935) [=Zetes corrugis milleri] S04
    |--P. crassipora Mahunka 1995 S04
    |--P. cribriger (Berlese 1916) [=Oribata cribriger; incl. Galumna flagelliferum Jacot 1929] S04
    |--P. cucheae Mahunka 1998 S04
    |--P. curva (Ewing 1907) [=Oribata curva] S04
    |    |--P. c. curva [incl. Oribata tantillus Berlese 1908] S04
    |    `--P. c. ventralis (Willmann 1931) [=Galumna ventralis; incl. G. duplicata Hammer 1958] S04
    |--P. decorata Balogh & Mahunka 1977 S04
    |--P. decoratissima Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1986 S04
    |--P. dodsoni Nevin 1979 S04
    |--P. dubitanda Hammer 1972 S04
    |--P. elongata Engelbrecht 1972 S04
    |--P. emarginata (Banks 1895) [=Oribata emarginata] S04
    |    |--P. e. emarginata (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |--P. e. coscobensis (Jacot 1935) [=Zetes coscobensis] S04
    |    `--P. e. laevis (Jacot 1935) [=Zetes laevis] S04
    |--P. fastigata Mahunka 1996 S04
    |--P. filifera Mahunka 1978 S04
    |--P. formicaria (Berlese 1914) [=Oribata formicaria] S04
    |--P. foveolata Hammer 1973 S04
    |--P. frater Balogh 1960 S04
    |--P. ‘fusca’ (Berlese 1916) [=Oribata (Stictozetes) fusca non O. fusca Koch 1841] S04
    |--P. graminetum (Jacot 1935) [=Zetes graminetum] S04
    |--P. granulata Balogh & Mahunka 1967 S04
    |--P. hastata Aoki 1987 S04
    |--P. hauseri Mahunka 1995 S04
    |--P. hawaiiensis (Jacot 1934) [=Galumna hawaiiensis] S04
    |    |--P. h. hawaiiensis S04
    |    `--P. h. marquesana (Jacot 1934) [=Galumna hawaiiensis marquesana] S04
    |--P. heroica (Willmann 1931) [=Galumna heroica] S04
    |--P. horvathorum Balogh 1997 S04
    |--P. imadatei Aoki & Hu 1993 S04
    |--P. incomperta Engelbrecht 1972 S04
    |--P. inconspicua Balogh 1962 S04
    |--P. indivisa Mahunka 1995 S04
    |--P. intermedia Aoki 1963 S04
    |    |--P. i. intermedia S04
    |    `--P. i. retroversa Aoki & Hu 1993 S04
    |--P. irregularis Wallwork 1977 S04
    |--P. jongkyui Choi 1986 S04
    |--P. kotschyi Mahunka 1989 S04
    |--P. longiporosa Fujita & Fujikawa 1987 S04
    |--P. longisetosa Balogh 1960 S04
    |--P. magnipora (Hammer 1961) [=Galumna magnipora] S04
    |    |--P. m. magnipora S04
    |    |--P. m. capensis Engelbrecht 1972 S04
    |    |--P. m. capillaris Aoki 1961 S04
    |    `--P. m. xishuangbanna Aoki & Hu 1993 S04
    |--P. margaritata Mahunka 1989 S04
    |--P. mauritii Mahunka 1978 S04
    |--P. medialis (Sellnick 1925) [=Stictozetes medialis] S04
    |--P. melloi Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1994 S04
    |--P. menglunensis Aoki & Hu 1993 S04
    |--P. minor (Willmann 1928) [=Galumna minor] S04
    |--P. minoricana Pérez-Íñigo 1991 S04
    |--P. montana Hammer 1961 S04
    |--P. myrmophila (Berlese 1914) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |--P. nasica Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1980 S04
    |--P. nuda Balogh 1960 S04
    |--P. numerosa (Sellnick 1923) [=Galumna numerosa] S04
    |--P. obsessa Subías 2004 [=Galumna pallida Tseng 1984 non Hammer 1958] S04
    |--P. omniphagous K09
    |--P. operata Tseng 1984 S04
    |--P. parva Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1986 S04
    |--P. passimpunctata Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
    |--P. paucisetosa (Jacot 1929) [=Galumna paucisetosa] S04
    |--P. pauliensis Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1991 S04
    |--P. pertrichosa Mahunka 1995 S04
    |--P. plumata Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1986 S04
    |--P. pocsi Mahunka 1984 S04
    |--P. pseudomargaritata Mahunka 1994 S04
    |--P. pterinervis (Canestrini 1898) [=Oribata pterinervis] S04
    |--P. punctulata Balogh & Mahunka 1967 S04
    |--P. pyramidalis (Tseng 1984) [=Galumna pyramidalis] S04
    |--P. remota (Hammer 1968) [=Allogalumna remota] S04
    |--P. reniformis Hammer 1958 S04
    |--P. rugosala (Ewing 1909) S04 [=Oribata rugosala S04, *Neorizetes rugosulus BB92]
    |--P. semistriata Pérez-Íñigo 1990 S04
    |    |--P. s. semistriata S04
    |    `--P. s. matritensis Arillo & Subías 1993 S04
    |--P. silvatica Hammer 1961 S04
    |--P. silvestris Hammer 1968 S04
    |--P. somalica (Berlese 1916) [=Oribata ovatus somalica] S04
    |--P. striata (Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1980) [=Allogalumna striata] S04
    |--P. strigulata Mahunka 1978 S04
    |--P. sulcatomarginata Mahunka 1986 S04
    |--P. sura Balogh 1987 S04
    |--P. tahitiensis Balogh & Balogh 2002 [incl. P. montana Hammer 1972 non Hammer 1961] S04
    |--P. tanzanica Mahunka 1984 S04
    |--P. taprobanica Balogh 1988 S04
    |--P. tsavoensis Mahunka 1986 S04
    |--P. variosculpturata Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 1999 S04
    |--P. weberi (Jacot 1935) [=Zetes weberi] S04
    |    |--P. w. weberi S04
    |    `--P. w. plumalae (Jacot 1935) [=Zetes weberi plumalae] S04
    `--P. willmanni (Zachvatkin 1953) [=Galumna willmanni] S04

Pergalumna altera (Oudemans 1915) [=Galumna altera; incl. G. (Pergalumna) diversa Mihelčič 1956, Pergalumna harunaensis Aoki 1961] S04

Pergalumna emarginata emarginata (Banks 1895) [incl. Zetes emarginatus bidens Jacot 1935, Oribata emarginatus columbianus Berlese 1916, Pergalumna omnifagous Rockett & Woodring 1966] S04

Pergalumna myrmophila
(Berlese 1914) [=Oribata longiplumus myrmophila; incl. Allogalumna subaequalis fusca Mihelčič 1956, Galumna lineata Oudemans 1914, G. longior Willmann 1928, G. sexareata Mihelčič 1956, Allogalumna subaequalis Mihelčič 1956] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[K09] Krantz, G. W. 2009. Habits and habitats. In: Krantz, G. W., & D. E. Walter (eds) A Manual of Acarology 3rd ed. pp. 64–82. Texas Tech University Press.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Trichogalumna nipponica, from here.

Belongs within: Galumnidae.

Trichogalumna is a genus of galumnid oribatid mites found in the Old World tropics and subtropics (Subías 2004).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Prodorsum without true lamellae, with sclerotised lamellar lines on surface; lamellar setae originating mediad to lamellar line. Dorsosejugal suture interrupted. Surface of notogaster smooth; notogastral setae extremely short but all well observable; areae porosae of normal size.

<==Trichogalumna Balogh 1960 S04
    |--*T. lunai (Balogh 1958) [=Pilogalumna lunai] S04
    |--T. arborea Ohkubo 1984 S04
    |--T. chimaera Ohkubo 1984 S04
    |--T. chitralensis Hammer 1977 S04
    |--T. duoporosa Hammer 1971 S04
    |--T. granuliala Ohkubo 1984 S04
    |--T. hygrophila Ohkubo 1984 S04
    |--T. imperfecta Ohkubo 1984 S04
    |--T. lineata Ohkubo 1984 S04
    |--T. madagassica Mahunka 1996 S04
    |--T. microseta Wallwork 1965 S04
    |--T. montana Balogh 1962 S04
    |--T. nipponica (Aoki 1966) [=Pergalumna duplicata nipponica] S04
    |--T. pumularis Engelbrecht 1972 S04
    |--T. punctata Engelbrecht 1972 S04
    |--T. seminuda Balogh 1960 S04
    |--T. subnuda Balogh & Mahunka 1967 S04
    |--T. taeniata Hammer 1971 S04
    `--T. vietnamica Mahunka 1987 S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Dorsum and venter of Monogalumnella neotricha, from Balogh & Balogh (1992 vol. 2).

Belongs within: Circumdehiscentiae.

The Galumnellidae are a group of galumnoid oribatid mites with slender chelicerae and an acuminate rostrum. The notogaster of galumnellids is commonly sculptured, though it is is smooth in Galumnopsis sensu stricto (Balogh & Balogh 1992).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Chelicerae peloptoid; rostrum acuminate. Prodorsum without true projecting lamellae, only with sclerotised lines on surface. Pteromorphae large, auriculate, movable (hinged).

    |--Monogalumnella Mahunka 1986 S04
    |    `--*M. neotricha Mahunka 1986 S04
    |--Iberogalumnella Arillo & Subías 1993 S04
    |    `--*I. alandalusica Arillo & Subías 1993 S04
    |--Trypogalumnella Mahunka 1995 S04
    |    |--*T. poronota Mahunka 1995 S04
    |    `--T. densoporosa Mahunka 1995 S04
    |--Galumnopsis Grandjean 1931 S04
    |    |--G. (Galumnopsis) S04
    |    |    |--*G. (G.) holoscripta Grandjean 1931 S04
    |    |    |--G. (G.) clavata Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |    |--G. (G.) longisetus Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |    |--G. (G.) rostrata Balogh 1962 S04
    |    |    |--G. (G.) ruginervis Balogh 1962 S04
    |    |    |--G. (G.) sagitta Balogh 1970 S04
    |    |    |--G. (G.) secunda (Sellnick 1923) [=Galumnella secunda] S04
    |    |    `--G. (G.) sellnicki Balogh 1960 S04
    |    `--G. (Porogalumnella Balogh 1968) S04
    |         |--G. (*P.) quadriporosa (Balogh 1968) [=*Porogalumnella quadriporosa] S04
    |         |--G. (P.) africana (Mahunka 1978) [=Porogalumnella africana] S04
    |         |--G. (P.) pulchella (Aoki & Hu 1993) [=Porogalumnella pulchella] S04
    |         |--G. (P.) reducta (Mahunka 1995) [=Porogalumnella reducta] S04
    |         `--G. (P.) setosa (Balakrishnan & Haq 1982) [=Porogalumnella setosa] S04
    `--Galumnella Berlese 1916 S04
         |  i. s.: G. indica Balakrishnan 1989 H01
         |--G. (Galumnella) S04
         |    |--*G. (G.) paradoxa Berlese 1916 S04
         |    |--G. (G.) apiculata Mahunka 1992 S04
         |    |--G. (G.) areolata Balogh 1960 S04
         |    |--G. (G.) cellularis Balogh & Mahunka 1967 S04
         |    |--G. (G.) geographica Mahunka 1995 S04
         |    |--G. (G.) nipponica Suzuki & Aoki 1970 [incl. G. angustifrons Aoki 1970] S04
         |    |--G. (G.) pauliani Balogh 1961 S04
         |    |--G. (G.) pilosa Engelbrecht 1972 S04
         |    |--G. (G.) punctipennis Balogh 1960 S04
         |    |--G. (G.) rugosa Balogh 1960 S04
         |    |--G. (G.) rugosula Balogh 1960 S04
         |    |--G. (G.) subareolata Mahunka 1969 S04
         |    |--G. (G.) tanzanica Mahunka 1984 S04
         |    `--G. (G.) woschitzi Balogh 1970 S04
         `--G. (Bigalumnella Mahunka 1994) S04
              `--G. (*B.) csavasorum (Mahunka 1994) [=*Bigalumnella csavasorum] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[H01] Haq, M. A. 2001. Potential oribatid mite vectors of cestode parasites in Kerala, India. In: Halliday, R. B., D. E. Walter, H. C. Proctor, R. A. Norton & M. J. Colloff (eds) Acarology: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress pp. 569–575. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.


Orthogalumna terebrantis, from here.

Belongs within: Circumdehiscentiae.
Contains: Allogalumna, Acrogalumna, Pilogalumna, Pilizetes, Trichogalumna, Pergalumna, Galumna.

The Galumnidae is a diverse family of oribatid mites with large pteromorphs on either side of the notogaster that can hinge downwards to cover the legs. The prodorsum lacks true lamellae, but sclerotised lamellar lines and usually sublamellar lines are present in the subfamilies Galumninae and Pergalumninae. These two subfamilies are distinguished by the position of the lamellar setae, which are laterad to the lamellar line in Galumninae but mediad to it in Pergalumninae (Balogh & Balogh 1992). The members of the third subfamily, Allogalumninae, lack the lamellar lines, though the sublamellar lines are present in most genera except Disparagalumna, Psammogalumna and Pilogalumna (Balogh & Balogh 1992).

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Chelicerae not peloptoid; rostrum usually rounded. Prodorsum without true projecting lamellae, only with sclerotised lines on surface. Pteromorphae large, auriculate, movable.

<==Galumnidae [Galumnatidae]
    |  i. s.: Kinezogalumna Aoki & Hu 1993 S04
    |           `--*K. calcicola Aoki & Hu 1993 S04
    |         Trichogalumnella Mahunka 1992 S04
    |           `--*T. hauseri Mahunka 1992 S04
    |--Allogalumninae BB92
    |    |--Allogalumna S04
    |    |--Acrogalumna BB92
    |    |--Pilogalumna BB92
    |    |--Aegyptogalumna Al-Assiuty, Abdel-Hamid et al. 1985 BB92
    |    |    `--*A. mastigophora Al-Assiuty, Abdel-Hamid et al. 1985 S04
    |    |--Globogalumna Balogh & Balogh 1989 BB92
    |    |    `--*G. globulifera (Balogh & Mahunka 1978) [=Allogalumna globulifera] S04
    |    |--Xenogalumna Balogh 1961 BB92, S04
    |    |    `--*X. longula Balogh 1961 S04
    |    |--Disparagalumna Hammer 1973 BB92
    |    |    `--*D. tongaensis Hammer 1973 S04
    |    |--Leptogalumna Balogh 1960 BB92
    |    |    |--*L. ciliata Balogh 1960 S04
    |    |    `--L. reducta Mahunka 1996 S04
    |    |--Psammogalumna Balogh 1943 BB92
    |    |    |--*P. hungarica (Sellnick 1925) [=Stictozetes hungaricus] S04
    |    |    `--P. thysanura (Krivolutskaja 1952) [=Allogalumna thysanura] S04
    |    `--Cryptogalumna Grandjean 1957 BB92
    |         |--*C. cryptodonta Grandjean 1957 S04
    |         `--C. grandjeani Balakrishnan & Haq 1985 S04
    |--Pergalumninae BB92
    |    |--Pilizetes BB92
    |    |--Trichogalumna BB92
    |    |--Pergalumna S04
    |    |--Didymonycha Mahunka 1984 BB92
    |    |    `--*D. hesperis Mahunka 1984 S04
    |    |--Taeniogalumna Balogh 1962 BB92
    |    |    |--*T. sphaerula Balogh 1962 S04
    |    |    `--T. tanzanica Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |--Heterogalumna Balogh 1960 BB92
    |    |    |--*H. lineolata Balogh 1960 S04
    |    |    |--H. monticola Balogh 1962 S04
    |    |    `--H. pygmaea (Balogh 1958) [=Galumna pygmaea] S04
    |    |--Carinogalumna Engelbrecht 1973 BB92 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |    |--*C. montana Engelbrecht 1973 S04
    |    |    |--C. clericata (Berlese 1914) [=Oribata clericata] S04
    |    |    `--C. genavensium (Mahunka 1998) [=Paracarinogalumna genavensium] S04
    |    |--Orthogalumna Balogh 1961 BB92, S04 [incl. Mirogalumna Mahunka 1993 S04]
    |    |    |--*O. saeva Balogh 1961 S04
    |    |    |--O. terebrantis Wallwork 1965 S04
    |    |    `--O. xena (Mahunka 1993) [=Mirogalumna xena] S04
    |    `--Stictozetes Berlese 1916 BB92 [incl. Strabogalumna Mahunka 1995 S04, Trachygalumna Balogh 1960 S04]
    |         |--*S. scaber (Berlese 1916) S04 [=Oribata (*Stictozetes) scaber S04, Oribates (*S.) scaber BB92]
    |         |--S. bisulcatus (Balogh 1960) S04 [=*Trachygalumna bisulcata BB92]
    |         |--S. margaritae (Mahunka 1993) [=Trachygalumna margaritae] S04
    |         |--S. microporosus (Mahunka 1986) [=Trachygalumna microporosa] S04
    |         `--S. psadilliferus (Mahunka 1995) [=Strabogalumna psallidifera] S04
    `--Galumninae BB92
         |--Galumna S04
         |--Centroribates Berlese 1914 BB92
         |    `--*C. mucronatus (Canestrini & Canestrini 1882) [=Oribata mucronata] S04
         |--Rostrogalumna Engelbrecht 1973 BB92
         |    `--*R. ‘rostrata’ (Engelbrecht 1969) [=Galumna rostrata non Sellnick 1922] S04
         |--Sphaerogalumna Balogh 1961 BB92
         |    `--*S. index (Balogh 1960) [=Pergalumna index] S04
         |--Sacculogalumna Engelbrecht 1973 BB92
         |    `--*S. saccularis Engelbrecht 1973 S04
         |--Neogalumna Hammer 1973 BB92
         |    |--*N. antenniger Hammer 1973 S04
         |    `--N. curviporosa Balakrishnan 1986 S04
         |--Setogalumna Balogh 1985 BB92
         |    |--*S. excellens Balogh 1985 S04
         |    `--S. diminuta Arillo & Subías 1993 S04
         |--Dicatozetes Grandjean 1956 BB92
         |    |--*D. uropygium (Grandjean 1928) [=Centroribates uropygium] S04
         |    `--D. numidicus Bernini 1984 S04
         |--Flagellozetes Balogh 1970 BB92
         |    `--*F. porosus Balogh 1970 S04
         |         |--F. p. porosus S04
         |         `--F. p. indicus Balakrishnan & Haq 1985 S04
         |--Dimidiogalumna Engelbrecht 1972 BB92
         |    |--*D. villiersensis Engelbrecht 1972 S04
         |    |--D. azumai Aoki 1996 S04
         |    `--D. comoroensis Mahunka 1994 S04
         |--Notogalumna Sellnick 1959 BB92
         |    |--*N. praetiosa Sellnick 1959 S04
         |    |--N. africana Mahunka 1988 S04
         |    |--N. nortoni Ramani & Haq 1990 S04
         |    `--N. truncata (Warburton 1912) [=Oribata truncata] S04
         `--Vaghia Oudemans 1919 BB92
              |--*V. stupenda (Berlese 1916) S04 [=Oribata (Stictozetes) stupendus S04, Oribates (S.) stupendus BB92]
              |--V. blascoi Travé 1981 S04
              |--V. carinata (Travé 1956) [=Galumna carinata] S04
              |--V. simplex Travé 1957 S04
              `--V. uniporosa Arillo & Subías 1993 S04

Carinogalumna Engelbrecht 1973 BB92 [incl. Paracarinogalumna Mahunka 1998 S04, Pseudogalumna Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1994 S04]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.