Belongs within: Cichorioideae.
Contains: Leontodontinae, Hieracium, Microseridinae, Crepis, Taraxacum.
The Cichorieae are a group of composite-flowered plants bearing flowerheads with all flowers ligulate and stems with milky latex.
Characters (from Black & Robertson 1965): Flowers all ligulate; plants with milky juice; leaves alternate or radial. Flower-heads homogamous, flowers all bisexual, ligules mostly shortly five-toothed at summit and outer ones often radiating; style with plano-convex branches attenuated towards summit, bearing stigmatic papillae on whole of inner side and well-developed connecting hairs on outside down to below place where branches fork; anthers acute or acuminate at base.
<==Cichorieae [Cichoriaceae, Lactuceae, Liguliflorae] PF02
|--+--Microseridinae KJ94
| `--Stephanomeria [Stephanomeriinae] KJ94
| |--S. blairii [=Malacothrix blairii, Munzothamnus blairii] H93
| |--S. cichoriacea H93
| |--S. diegensis H93
| |--S. elata H93
| |--S. exigua H93
| | |--S. e. ssp. exigua [incl. S. exigua var. pentachaeta] H93
| | |--S. e. ssp. carotifera H93
| | |--S. e. ssp. coronaria H93
| | |--S. e. ssp. deanei H93
| | `--S. e. ssp. macrocarpa H93
| |--S. lactucina H93
| |--S. paniculata H93
| |--S. parryi H93
| |--S. pauciflora KJ94
| | |--S. p. var. pauciflora [incl. S. myrioclada] H93
| | `--S. p. var. parishii H93
| |--S. spinosa [=Lygodesmia spinosa] H93
| |--S. tenuifolia H93
| `--S. virgata H93
| |--S. v. ssp. virgata [incl. S. virgata var. tomentosa] H93
| `--S. v. ssp. pleurocarpa H93
`--Crepidinae KJ94
|--Crepis BR65
|--Taraxacum BR65
|--Tolpis Adanson 1763 BR65
| `--T. barbata H93 [incl. T. umbellata Bertoloni 1803 H93, BR65]
|--Chondrilla BR65
| |--C. juncea BR65
| `--C. prenanthoides C55a
|--Reichardia Roth. 1787 [incl. Picridium Desfontaines 1799] BR65
| |--R. intermedia PT98
| `--R. picroides (Linnaeus) Roth 1787 [incl. Picridium vulgare] BR65
|--Sonchus Linnaeus 1753 BR65, A61
| |--S. arvensis BR65
| |--S. asper Hill 1760 BR65 [incl. S. fallax C55b]
| |--S. grandifolius Kirk 1894 A61
| |--S. hydrophilus GK00
| |--S. littoralis (Kirk) Cockayne 1907 (see below for synonymy) ME70
| |--S. megalocarpus [=S. asper var. megalocarpus Hooker 1860] BR65
| |--S. nigrum BN99
| |--S. oleraceus M99 [incl. S. ciliatus C55b, S. laevis C55b]
| |--S. palustris C55a
| |--S. tenerrimus C74
| | |--S. t. var. tenerrimus C74
| | `--S. t. var. perennis C74
| `--S. vulgaris Ho91
`--Lactuca KJ94
|--L. amorgina S98
|--L. biennis H93
|--L. canadensis H93
|--L. indica MH98
|--L. lessertiana O88
|--L. ludoviciana H93
|--L. muralis C06
|--L. saligna BR65
|--L. sativa KJ94 [=L. scariola var. sativa C55b]
|--L. scariola BR65
|--L. serriola [incl. L. serriola var. integra] H93
|--L. tatarica H93
| |--L. t. ssp. tatarica H93
| `--L. t. ssp. pulchella H93
|--L. viminea Hu91
`--L. virosa BR65
Cichorieae incertae sedis:
Leontodontinae BR65
Cichorinae BR65
|--Hedypnois BR65
| |--H. cretica [incl. H. polymorpha] BR65
| `--H. rhagadioloides GK00
`--Cichorium BR65
|--C. endiva H93
|--C. intybus BR65
|--C. pumilum PT98 [=C. endivia ssp. pumilum AGF98]
`--C. spinosum PT98
Kirkianella Allan 1961 A61
`--*K. novae-zelandiae (Hooker) Allan 1961 [=Crepis novae-zelandiae Hooker 1864] A61
|--K. n. f. novae-zelandiae [incl. Hieracium fragile] A61
|--K. n. f. glauca Allan 1961 A61
`--K. n. f. minor Allan 1961 A61
Hieracium N10
Scolymus hispanicus S06, PT98
Troximum S06
Sonchus littoralis (Kirk) Cockayne 1907 [=S. oleraceus γ littoralis Kirk 1894, S. asper γ littoralis (Kirk) Kirk 1899] ME70
*Type species of generic name indicated
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