Belongs within: Desmonomata.
The Hermanniidae are a cosmopolitan group of oribatid mites. The best-known species, the Holarctic Hermannia gibba, is an unspecialised feeder on decaying litter and fungi (Norton & Behan-Pelletier 2009).
Characters (from Norton & Behan-Pelletier 2009): Holoid, with epimera II and III fused so that sejugal articulation is only present dorsally; proterosoma not retractable into hysterosoma. Base of bothridial seta with conspicuous sharp proximal d bend. Hysterosoma rather globose, sometimes granulate but without carinae or other strong surface topography; notogaster distinct from ventral region throughout its length, not subdivided transversely. Ventral region of brachypyline type, with adanal and aggenital regions broad, completely fused, aggenital region fused with epimere IV; genital and anal plates closely adjacent. Legs with five free segments past coxisternum, femora undivided; genua similar to tibiae in size and shape, not reduced to kneelike segment.
<==Hermanniidae [Hermannioidea] S04
|--Galapagacarus Balogh 1985 [Galapagacaridae] S04
| `--*G. shatzi Balogh 1985 S04
|--Neohermannia Bayoumi & Mahunka 1979 S04
| `--*N. trichosa Bayoumi & Mahunka 1979 S04
`--Hermannia Nicolet 1855 S04
|--H. (Hermannia) S04
| |--H. (H.) gibba (Koch 1839) [=Nothrus gibbus; incl. *H. crassipes Nicolet 1855] S04
| |--H. (H.) canariensis Pérez-Íñigo & Peña 1996 S04
| |--H. (H.) clara Sitnikova 1975 S04
| |--H. (H.) convexa (Koch 1839) (see below for synonymy) S04
| |--H. (H.) dentipes Canestrini 1898 (n. d.) S04
| |--H. (H.) doliaris (Koch 1839) [=Nothrus doliaris] S04
| |--H. (H.) exilis Canestrini 897 (n. d.) S04
| |--H. (H.) fungifer Mahunka 1988 S04
| |--H. (H.) gigantea Sitnikova 1975 S04
| |--H. (H.) heterotricha Mahunka 1988 S04
| |--H. (H.) hokkaidensis Aoki & Ohnishi 1974 S04
| |--H. (H.) jesti Travé 1977 S04
| |--H. (H.) neotricha Choi 1994 S04
| `--H. (H.) trinebulosa Riley 1885 (n. d.) S04
|--H. (Heterohermannia Woas 1992) S04
| |--H. (*H.) reticulata Thorell 1871 [incl. H. quadriseriata Banks 1899] S04
| |--H. (H.) evidens Pérez-Íñigo 1992 S04
| |--H. (H.) gracilis Woas 1978 S04
| |--H. (H.) intermedia Woas 1980 S04
| |--H. (H.) minuta Woas 1980 S04
| |--H. (H.) nodosa Michael 1888 S04
| |--H. (H.) polystriata Woas 1978 S04
| |--H. (H.) pseudonodosa Woas 1981 S04
| |--H. (H.) pulchella Willmann 1952 S04
| |--H. (H.) scabra (Koch 1879) [=Nothrus scaber] S04
| |--H. (H.) schusteri Woas 1981 S04
| |--H. (H.) subglabra Berlese 1910 S04
| `--H. (H.) woasi Pérez-Íñigo 1992 S04
`--H. (Phyllhermannia Nicolet 1855) [incl. Lawrencoppia Jacot 1936] S04
|--H. (*P.) phyllophora Michael 1908 S04
|--H. (P.) africana (Balogh 1958) [=Phyllhermannia africana] S04
|--H. (P.) angulata (Balogh & Mahunka 1966) [=Phyllhermannia angulata] S04
|--H. (P.) becki (Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1988) [=Phyllhermannia becki] S04
|--H. (P.) berlesei (Mondal 1984) [=Phyllhermannia berlesei] S04
|--H. (P.) bimaculata (Hammer 1979) [=Phyllhermannia bimaculata] S04
|--H. (P.) clavata Mahunka 1985 S04
|--H. (P.) colloffi (Luxton 1991) [=Phyllhermannia colloffi] S04
|--H. (P.) comparabilis Wet 1993 S04
|--H. (P.) coronata (Mahunka 1991) [=Phyllhermannia coronata] S04
|--H. (P.) dentata (Trägardh 1931) [=Phyllhermannia dentata; incl. P. dentata glabra Hammer 1962] S04
|--H. (P.) dinghuensis Lu & Wang 1995 S04
|--H. (P.) engelbrechti Wet 1993 S04
|--H. (P.) eusetosa (Lee 1985) [=Phyllhermannia eusetosa] S04
|--H. (P.) exobothridialis Wet 1993 S04
|--H. (P.) exornata (Balogh 1964) [=Phyllhermannia exornata] S04
|--H. (P.) falklandica (Balogh 1988) [=Phyllhermannia falklandica] S04
|--H. (P.) foliata (Hammer 1966) [=Phyllhermannia foliata] S04
|--H. (P.) forsteri (Balogh 1985) [=Phyllhermannia forsteri] S04
|--H. (P.) foveolata (Sanyal 1990) [=Phyllhermannia foveolata] S04
|--H. (P.) gladiata (Aoki 1965) [=Phyllhermannia gladiata] S04
|--H. (P.) javensis (Hammer 1979) [=Phyllhermannia javensis] S04
|--H. (P.) kanoi Aoki 1959 S04
|--H. (P.) louisiae Wet 1993 S04
|--H. (P.) mauritii (Jacot 1936) [=Lawrencoppia mauritii] S04
|--H. (P.) modesta (Mahunka 1978) [=Phyllhermannia modesta] S04
|--H. (P.) mollis (Hammer 1966) [=Phyllhermannia mollis] S04
|--H. (P.) natalensis Wet 1993 S04
|--H. (P.) nathanaeli Wet 1993 S04
|--H. (P.) neonominata Subías 2004 (see below for synonymy) S04
|--H. (P.) neotropica Woas 1992 S04
|--H. (P.) notogastralis Wet 1993 S04
|--H. (P.) pacifica (Hammer 1972) [=Phyllhermannia pacifica] S04
|--H. (P.) pauliani (Balogh 1964) [=Phyllhermannia pauliani] S04
|--H. (P.) phylliformis Wet 1993 S04
|--H. (P.) pocsi Mahunka 1985 (n. d.) S04
|--H. (P.) pulchra (Aoki 1973) [=Phyllhermannia pulchra] S04
|--H. (P.) punctata (Sanyal 1990) [=Phyllhermannia punctata] S04
|--H. (P.) quadrirotunda (Hammer 1979) [=Phyllhermannia quadrirotunda] S04
|--H. (P.) rubra (Hammer 1966) [=Phyllhermannia rubra] S04
|--H. (P.) sculpturata Mahunka 1983 S04
|--H. (P.) serrata (Balogh & Mahunka 1966) [=Phyllhermannia serrata] S04
|--H. (P.) setiformis Wet 1993 S04
|--H. (P.) similis (Balogh & Mahunka 1967) [=Phyllhermannia similis] S04
|--H. (P.) spathulata Mahunak 1985 S04
|--H. (P.) tenuiseta (Balogh 1988) [=Phyllhermannia tenuiseta] S04
|--H. (P.) transvaalensis Wet 1993 S04
|--H. (P.) tremicta (Mahunka 1978) [=Phyllhermannia tremicta] S04
|--H. (P.) truncata (Wang 1993) [=Phyllhermannia truncata] S04
`--H. (P.) tuberculata (Covarrubias 1967) [=Phyllhermannia tuberculata] S04
Hermannia (Hermannia) convexa (Koch 1839) [=Nothrus convexus; incl. H. grandis Berlese 1910, Claviceps rugosus Koch 1879] S04
Hermannia (Phyllhermannia) neonominata Subías 2004 [=Phyllhermannia mauritii Balogh 1978 non Lawrencoppia mauritii Jacot 1936] S04
*Type species of generic name indicated
Norton, R. A., & V. M. Behan-Pelletier. 2009. Suborder Oribatida. In: Krantz, G. W. & D. E. Walter (eds) A Manual of Acarology 3rd ed. pp. 430–564. Texas Tech University Press.
[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.