Showing posts with label Gelechioidea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gelechioidea. Show all posts


Barea consignatella, copyright Donald Hobern.

Belongs within: Gelechioidea.

The Oecophorinae are a group of moths in which Rs and M1 of the hind wing are nearly parallel, the abdominal terga are densely spinose, and the male usually has a beak-like gnathos (Nielsen & Common 1991).

<==Oecophorinae NC91
    |--Garrha carnea NC91
    |--Thema chlorochyta NC91
    |--Chrysonoma fascialis NC91
    |--Hippomacha callista NC91
    |--Aristeis hepialella NC91
    |--Heliocausta hemiteles NC91
    |--Hofmannophila pseudospretella NC91
    |--Endrosis sarcitrella NC91
    |--Oecophora Latreille 1802 L02
    |    |--*O. sulphurella [=Tinea sulphurella] L02
    |    `--O. linneella G20
    |--Philobota NC91
    |    |--P. disjunctella P27
    |    |--P. productella NC91
    |    `--P. xiphostola P27
    |--Wingia NC91
    |    |--W. aurata ZS10
    |    |--W. lambertella P27
    |    `--W. rectiorella NC91
    `--Barea NC91
         |--B. ambigua L27
         |--B. confusella L27
         |--B. consignatella NC91
         `--B. leucocephala P27

*Type species of generic name indicated


[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

[L02] Latreille, P. A. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, générale et particulière des crustacés et des insectes vol. 3. Familles naturelles des genres. F. Dufart: Paris.

[L27] Lindsay, S. 1927. A list of the Lepidoptera of Deans Bush, Riccarton, Canterbury. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 693–696.

[NC91] Nielsen, E. S., & I. F. B. Common. 1991. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 817–915. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[P27] Philpott, A. 1927. The maxillae in the Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 721–746.

[ZS10] Zborowski, P., & R. Storey. 2010. A Field Guide to Insects in Australia 3rd ed. Reed New Holland: Sydney.


Stathmopoda melanochra, copyright Donald Hobern.

Belongs within: Gelechioidea.

The Stathmopodinae are a group of usually very small moths that commonly rest with the hind wings raised (Nielsen & Common 1991).

Characters (from Nielsen & Common 1991): Usually very small; head smooth-scaled; wings very narrow; fore wing lacking pterostigma, R2 well before upper angle of discal cell, female with subcubital retinaculum only; hind tibiae and tarsi usually bearing whorls of stiff bristles.

<==Stathmopodinae [Stathmopodidae, Tinaegeriidae] NC91
    |--Snellenia lineata NC91
    |--Pseudaegeria phlogina NC91
    |--Coracistis erythrocosma NC91
    |--Hieromantis NC91
    |--Calicotis NC91
    |--Vanacela C70
    `--Stathmopoda NC91
         |--S. arachnophthora NC91
         |--S. callichrysa NC91
         |--S. cephalaea NC91
         |--S. chalcotypa NC91
         |--S. coracodes P27
         |--S. crocophanes NC91
         |--S. melanochra NC91
         |--S. phlegyra L27
         `--S. skelloni L27

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C70] Common, I. F. B. 1970. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers pp. 765–866. Melbourne University Press.

[L27] Lindsay, S. 1927. A list of the Lepidoptera of Deans Bush, Riccarton, Canterbury. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 693–696.

[NC91] Nielsen, E. S., & I. F. B. Common. 1991. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 817–915. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[P27] Philpott, A. 1927. The maxillae in the Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 721–746.


Cryptophasa rubescens, copyright Donald Hobern.

Belongs within: Gelechioidea.

The Xyloryctinae are a group of small to medium-sized moths in which the hind wings have veins Rs and M1 stalked or arising from the same point and divergent, and Sc+R1 diverging from Rs well before the end of the cell. The gnathos in the male is not spinose (Nielsen & Common 1991).

<==Xyloryctinae [Xyloryctidae] NC91
    |--Telecrates laetiorella NC91
    |--Odites pudica P27
    |--Chalarotona intabescens NC91
    |--Eschatura lemurias P27
    |--Uzucha humeralis NC91
    |--Catoryctis eugramma NC91, P27
    |--Neodrepta luteotactella G84
    |--Oegocniites borisjaki RJ93
    |--Lichenaula NC91
    |    |--L. choriodes NC91
    |    `--L. lichenea NC91
    |--Scieropepla NC91
    |    |--S. reversella P27
    |    `--S. typhicola NC91
    |--Maroga NC91
    |    |--M. melanostigma NC91
    |    `--M. unipunctana P27
    |--Xylorycta NC91
    |    |--X. luteotactella NC91
    |    |--X. melaleuca P27
    |    `--X. strigata NC91
    `--Cryptophasa NC91
         |--C. ecclesiastis Meyrick 1887 M87
         |--C. irrorata M87
         |--C. leucadelpha Meyrick 1887 M87
         |--C. melanostigma C70
         |--C. nubila P27
         `--C. rubescens NC91

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C70] Common, I. F. B. 1970. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers pp. 765–866. Melbourne University Press.

[M87] Meyrick, E. 1887. Descriptions of new Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (4): 1037–1048.

[NC91] Nielsen, E. S., & I. F. B. Common. 1991. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 817–915. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[P27] Philpott, A. 1927. The maxillae in the Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 721–746.

[RJ93] Ross, A. J., & E. A. Jarzembowski. 1993. Arthropoda (Hexapoda; Insecta). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 363–426. Chapman & Hall: London.


Male genitalia of Gymnobathra flavidella, from Philpott (1927). (A) Lateral view; (b) harpe, inner view; (c) juxta; (d) tegumen, obliquely dorsal view; (e) vinculum.

Belongs within: Gelechioidea.

Gymnobathra is a genus of moths endemic to New Zealand, with larvae feeding on dead wood.

Characters (from Hoare 2010): Uncus well developed and sclerotised; gnathos present; inner surface of valva with specialised patch of setae.

<==Gymnobathra Meyrick 1884 P27
    |--*G. flavidella P27
    |--G. bryaula Meyr. 1905 P27
    |--G. caliginosa Philpott 1927 P27
    |--G. calliploca P27
    |--G. cenchrias P27
    |--G. coarctatella [incl. G. sarcoxantha Meyr. 1883] P27
    |--G. habropis [incl. G. philadelpha Meyr. 1883] P27
    |--G. hamatella P27
    |--G. hyetodes P27
    |--G. omphalota P27
    |--G. parca (Butl. 1887) P27
    |--G. squamea P27
    |--G. thetodes Meyr. 1883 P27
    `--G. tholodella P27

*Type species of generic name indicated


Hoare, R. J. B. 2010. Izatha (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Oecophoridae). Fauna of New Zealand 65: 1-201.

[P27] Philpott, A. 1927. The genitalia of the genus Gymnobathra (Oecophoridae: Lepidoptera). Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 716-721.


Male genitalia of Borkhausenia paula, from Philpott (1927): (a) lateral view; (b) harpes, internal view.

Belongs within: Gelechioidea.

Borkhausenia is a genus of small moths, some of which can be storage pests.

Characters (from Philpott 1926): Head smooth, side-tufts loosely appressed; ocelli posterior: tongue developed. Antennae ¾, in male moderately or rather strongly ciliated, basal joint moderate, with pecten. Labial palpi moderate or long, curved, ascending, second joint usually nearly reaching base of antennae, with appressed scales, somewhat loose beneath, terminal joint shorter than second, moderate, acute. Maxillary palpi very short, filiform, appressed to tongue. Posterior tibiae c]othed with long fine hairs. Forewings with lA and 2A coalescing near base, Cu1b from or near angle, R5 and R4 stalked, R5 to costa, rf at ½. Rindwjngs under 1, elongate-ovate, cilia ⅔-1; Cu1a and M3 connate, M2, M1 and Rs nearly parallel.

    |--B. ancogramma M27
    |--B. armigerella L27
    |--B. basella P27b
    |--B. brachyacma P27a
    |--B. chloradelpha L27
    |--B. crotala L27
    |--B. hemisphaerica P27b
    |--B. innotella L27
    |--B. marcida Philpott 1927 P27a
    |--B. paula Philpott 1927 P27a
    `--B. pseudospretella P27b

*Type species of generic name indicated


[L27] Lindsay, S. 1927. A list of the Lepidoptera of Deans Bush, Riccarton, Canterbury. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 693-696.

[M27] Meyrick, E. 1927. Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 697-702.

Philpott, A. 1926. List of New Zealand species of Borkhausenia (Oecophoridae: Lepidoptera), including new species. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 56: 399-413.

[P27a] Philpott, A. 1927a. New Zealand Lepidoptera: Notes and descriptions. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 703-709.

[P27b] Philpott, A. 1927b. The maxillae in the Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 721-746.


Caterpillar of Ethmia bipunctella, photographed by Svdmolen.

Belongs within: Gelechioidea.

The Ethmiinae are a group of moths with larvae feeding on Boraginaceae. Infestation with Ethmia heliomela has been known to cause defoliation of its host Ehretia acuminata (Nielsen & Common 1991).

Characters (from Nielsen & Common 1991, as Ethmiidae): Small to medium sized; head smooth scaled; ocelli absent; antennae usually without pecten on scape; maxillary palps usually four-segmented, folded over base of proboscis; labial palps recurved; epiphysis present; hind tibiae with long filiform scales; fore wing without pterostigma, R4 and R5 stalked, R5 to costa or apex, CuP present at least towards margind; hind wing with Rs and M1 well separated at base, divergent, M2 not arising nearer to M3 than M1, CuP present; frenulum in female with three bristles; abdomen not spined; male genitalia with uncus often bifurcate or reduced, gnathos sometimes absent, valva usually deeply divided. Larva usually with some secondary setae at least in SV groups, crochets in bi- or uniordinal circle, mesoseries or mesal penellipse; usually beneath light webbing on Boraginaceae. Pupa with a pair of ventral, leg-like processes on abdominal segment 9, each with a series of hooked apical setae.

<==Ethmiinae [Ethmiidae]
    |--Dasyethmia Danilevsky 1969 K07
    |    `--*D. hiemalis Danilevsky 1969 K07
    `--Ethmia K07
         |--E. afghana Sattler 1967 K07
         |--E. bipunctella (Fabricius 1775) K07
         |--E. cirrhocnemia (Lederer 1870) K07
         |--E. clytodoxa NC91
         |--E. comitella K07
         |    |--E. c. comitella K07
         |    `--E. c. steppella Dubatolov & Ustjuzhanin 1997 K07
         |--E. defreinai Ganev 1984 K07
         |--E. derbendella Sattler 1967 K07
         |--E. distigmatella K07
         |--E. elimatella Danilevsky 1975 [=E. simatalla Danilevsky 1980 (n. n.)] K07
         |--E. euphoria Kun 2007 K07
         |--E. hakkarica Koçak 1986 K07
         |--E. heliomela NC91
         |--E. hemadelpha NC91
         |--E. infelix Meyrick 1914 [incl. E. kurdistanella Amsel 1959] K07
         |--E. interposita Sattler 1967 K07
         |--E. iranella (Zerny 1940) K07
         |--E. kabulica Amsel 1969 K07
         |--E. lecmima K07
         |    |--E. l. lecmima K07
         |    `--E. l. amsel Kemal & Koçak 2005 K07
         |--E. pagiopa Sattler 1967 K07
         |--E. percisa Kun 2007 K07
         |--E. quadrinotella K07
         |    |--E. q. quadrinotella K07
         |    `--E. q. heratella Amsel 1969 K07
         |--E. sattleri Kun 2007 K07
         |--E. sibirica Danilevsky 1975 K07
         |--E. similis Sattler 1967 K07
         |--E. soljanikovi Danilevsky & Zagulajev 1975 K07
         |--E. sphaerosticha NC91
         |--E. suspecta Sattler 1967 K07
         |--E. thoraea NC91
         |--E. turkmeniella Dubatolov & Ustjuzhanin 1997 K07
         |--E. vidua K07
         |    |--E. v. vidua K07
         |    `--E. v. flavilaterella Danilevsky 1975 K07
         `--E. wurtseri Amsel 1956 K07

*Type species of generic name indicated


[K07] Kun, A. 2007. Studies on Palaearctic Ethmia Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae). Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 99: 101–114.

[NC91] Nielsen, E. S., & I. F. B. Common. 1991. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 817–915. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

Last updated: 2 March 2021.


Eriogenes cossoides, copyright CSIRO.

Belongs within: Obtectomera.
Contains: Agapalsini, Blastobasinae, Borkhausenia, Gymnobathra, Oecophorinae, Xyloryctinae, Stathmopodinae, Depressaria, Gelechiidae, Cosmopteriginae, Ethmiinae.

The Gelechioidea is a hyperdiverse group of moths, generally characterised by the presence of a densely scaled proboscis. Approximately 16,500 species are known within the clade, with a correspondingly high diversity of lifestyles, with larvae being phytophagous, detritivorous or even parasitic (Grimaldi & Engel 2005). Over half the species of gelechioids are included in the family Oecophoridae, larvae of which mostly tunnel in stems or other plant parts, or inhabit retreats constructed by joining leaves or among detritus. The Elachistidae, grass-miner moths, are mostly leaf or stem miners in Poales. The ecologically diverse Cosmopterigidae are commonly characterised by asymmetrical genitalia in the males. The Coleophoridae are very small moths with two longitudinal patches on spines on each abdominal tergite that are not obscured by scales (Nielsen & Common 1991).

See also: The butterflies get all the glory (Taxon of the Week: Gelechioidea).

Characters (from Nielsen & Common 1991): Ocelli present or absent; chaetosemata absent; scape often with pecten; proboscis with dense, imbricated scales towards base, rarely reduced; maxillary palps small, mostly 4-segmented, folded over base of proboscis, rarely reduced; labial palps usually recurved, apical segment often exceeding vertex, usually tapering, acute; epiphysis usually present; spurs 0-2-4; fore wing with M rarely present in discal cell, chorda vestigial or absent, retinaculum in female often subcubital; hind wing with venation sometimes reduced, CuA rarely with basal pecten of hairs, CuP often absent, female frenulum usually with three bristles; S2 of tineid type; abdomen often with prominent dorsal spines. Larva with 3 L setae on prothorax, crochets in a circle, penellipse, or rarely in two transverse rows, abdominal setae L1 and L2 approximated; concealed feeders, case-bearing, tunnelling in stems or fruits, gall-forming, leaf-ming, joining foliage, or feeding beneath silken shelter. Pupa usually with labial palps and fore femora concealed, without dorsal abdominal spines, usually segments 5-7 movable in male, 5-6 in female; usually in larval shelter, not protruded from shelter or cocoon at ecdysis.

    |--+--Depressariidae KP19
    |  |    |--Depressaria GE05
    |  |    `--Psilocorsis reflexella KP19
    |  `--+--Gelechiidae KP19
    |     `--+--Autostichinae [Autostichidae] KP19
    |        |    |--Autosticha KP19
    |        |    `--Procometis NC91
    |        |         |--P. bisculcata NC91
    |        |         `--P. hylonoma P27c
    |        `--Cosmopterigidae O94
    |             |  i. s.: Glaphyristis marmarea P27c
    |             |         Trachydora droserodes P27c
    |             |         Euclemensia GE05
    |             |         Morphotica mirifica ZS10
    |             |         Thectophila Meyrick 1927 M27
    |             |           `--*T. acmotypa Meyrick 1927 M27
    |             |--Antequerinae NC91
    |             |--Walshiinae C70
    |             |--Cosmopteriginae NC91
    |             `--Chrysopeleiinae NC91
    |                  |--Chalotis semnostola NC91
    |                  `--Ithome lassula NC91
    `--Elachistidae GE05
         |  i. s.: Cosmiotes NC91
         |           |--C. aphanta C70
         |           |--C. archaeonoma M83
         |           `--C. synethes NC91
         |         Elachista Treitschke 1833 BR17
         |           |--E. archaeonoma P27c
         |           |--E. exaula P27c
         |           |--E. megerleella F92
         |           |--E. ombrodoca P27c
         |           `--E. thallophora P27c
         |         Ptilochares Meyrick 1887 M87
         |           `--*P. trissodesma Meyrick 1887 M87
         |         Castorura Meyrick 1887 M87
         |           `--*C. chrysias Meyrick 1887 M87
         |         Elachistites inclusus RJ93
         |         Anybia P92
         |         Microperittia P92
         |         Palaeoelachista P92
         |         Praemendesia P92
         |--Ethmiinae K07
         `--Stenomatinae [Stenomatidae] E03
              |--Antaeotricha schlaegeri KP19
              |--Agriophara Rosenstock 1885 E03
              |    |--*A. cinerosa E03
              |    |--A. confertella P27c
              |    `--A. platyscia NC91
              `--Eriogenes Meyrick 1925 E03
                   |--*E. mesogypsa Meyrick 1925 E03
                   |--E. cossoides (Butler 1882) [=Phanaca cossoides; incl. E. meyricki Duckworth 1973] E03
                   `--E. nielseni Edwards 2003 E03

Gelechioidea incertae sedis:
  Metachandidae DS73
  Anomologidae DS73
  Pterolonchidae DS73
  Physoptila [Physoptilidae] C74
  Blastodacnidae NC91
  Symmocidae NC91
    |--Symmoca C70
    `--Oegoconiites borisjaki Kuznetsov 1941 P92
  Holcopogonidae NC91
  Mompha WRM02 [Momphidae NC91, Momphinae]
    `--M. cephalonthiella WRM02
  Agonoxena [Agonoxenidae] NC91
    |--A. argaula NC91
    `--A. phoenicia NC91
  Hypertrophidae NC91
    |--Eupselia satrapella NC91
    `--Hypertropha M87
         |--H. chlaenota Meyrick 1887 M87
         `--H. tortriciformis (see below for synonymy) M86
  Batrachedra [Batrachedridae] NC91
    |--B. agaura P27c
    |--B. arenosella NC91
    |--B. microtoma NC91
    |--B. psithyra L27
    `--B. stegodyphobius R13
  Lecithoceridae [Timyridae] NC91
    |--Lecithocera micromela NC91
    `--Crocanthes NC91
         |--C. perigrapta P27c
         |--C. prasinopis NC91
         `--C. sidonia ZS10
  Scythrididae NC91
    |--Scythropites balticella Rebel 1936 P92
    |--Eretmocera NC91
    |    |--E. dioctis NC91
    |    `--E. flavicincta P27c
    `--Scythris NC91
         |--S. epistrota P27c
         |--S. rhabducha NC91
         `--S. scopolella KP19
  Coleophoridae [Eupistidae] GE05
    |  i. s.: Coleophora YS10
    |           |--C. alcyonipennella NC91
    |           |--C. frischella B88
    |           |--C. laricella F62
    |           |--C. lusitanica Baldizzone & Corley 2004 F05
    |           |--C. malivorella G05
    |           |--C. ochroneura C70
    |           |--C. parthenica G05
    |           `--C. serinipennella NC91
    |         Multicoloria YS10
    |           |--M. eucoleos YS10
    |           `--M. singreni YS10
    |         Corythangela NC91
    |--Agapalsini F05
    |--Blastobasinae AH96
    `--Systrophoecini F05
         |--Systrophoeca Falkovitsh 1972 F05
         |--Orghidania F05
         `--Suireia F05
  Oecophoridae [Cryptolechiadae] GE05
    |  i. s.: Tingena DGH93
    |         Borkhausenia P27a
    |         Petalanthes M27
    |         Gymnobathra P27b
    |         Eulechria baryptera P27c
    |         Nymphostola galactina P27c
    |         Ochlogenes advectella P27c
    |         Machaeritis aegrella P27c
    |         Oxythecta acceptella P27c
    |         Coeranica isabella P27c
    |         Saropla philocala P27c
    |         Protomacha chalcaspis P27c
    |         Chezala conjunctella P27c
    |         Lophopepla igniferella P27c
    |         Zonopetala clerota P27c
    |         Callithauma pyrites P27c
    |         Eutorna pabulicola P27c
    |         Thudaca obliquella P27c
    |         Endorsis lactella P27c
    |         Schiffermuelleria orthopanes P27c
    |         Leptocroca meselectra P27c
    |         Euchersadaula lathriopa P27c
    |         Euthictis chloratma P27c
    |         Thamnosara sublitella P27c
    |         Telanepsia AY04
    |         Thyrocopa O94
    |         Opisina arnosella [incl. Nephantis serinopa] YS10
    |         Hoplomorpha abalienella ZS10
    |         Euchaetis ZS10
    |         Habroscopa iriodes ZS10
    |         Corocosma Meyrick 1927 M27
    |           `--*C. memorabilis Meyrick 1927 M27
    |         Agonopterix P04
    |           |--A. alstromeriana P04
    |           |--A. arenella I92
    |           |--A. heracliana RD77
    |           |--A. muricolorella (Busck 1902) [=Depressaria muricolorella] C52
    |           |--A. oregonensis Clarke 1941 C52
    |           `--A. rosaciliella (Busck 1904) [=Depressaria rosaciliella; incl. A. r. echinopanacis] C52
    |         Piloprepes ZS10
    |           |--P. antidoxa ZS10
    |           `--P. lophoptera P27c
    |         Hierodoris H04
    |           |--H. atychioides H04
    |           `--H. frigida P27c
    |         Proteodes M27
    |           |--P. carnifex P27c
    |           `--P. melagrapha Meyrick 1927 M27
    |         Lathicrossa M27
    |           |--L. leucocentra P27c
    |           `--L. prophetica Meyrick 1927 M27
    |         Machimia P27c
    |           |--M. carnea P27c
    |           `--M. zatrephes P27c
    |         Cryptolechia P27c
    |           |--C. liochroa P27c
    |           |--C. radiosella P27c
    |           `--C. tentoriferella RD77
    |         Coesyra P27c
    |           |--C. apora P27c
    |           |--C. dichroella P27c
    |           `--C. paulinella P27c
    |         Atomotricha P27c
    |           |--A. chloronota P27c
    |           |--A. exsomnis P27c
    |           `--A. ommatias L27
    |         Trachypepla M27
    |           |--T. anastrella L27
    |           |--T. aspidephora L27
    |           |--T. conspicuella L27
    |           |--T. contritella P27c
    |           |--T. euryleucota T27
    |           |--T. indolescens Meyrick 1927 M27
    |           `--T. photinella M27
    |         Izatha P27c
    |           |--I. attactella L27
    |           |--I. convulsella L27
    |           |--I. epiphanes P27c
    |           |--I. mira L27
    |           |--I. peroneanella L27
    |           |--I. picarella L27
    |           `--I. planetella L27
    |         Peritornenta circulatella NC91
    |         Pedois NC91
    |         Tonica effractella NC91
    |         Enchocrates glaucopis NC91
    |         Placocosma resumptella [=Oecophora resumptella; incl. P. hephaestea Meyr. 1883] M86
    |         Antidica pilipes (Butl. 1882) [=Latometus pilipes; incl. A. eriophora Meyr. 1883] M86
    |         Gonionota pyrobola Meyrick 1887 M87
    |         Peritorneuta C70
    |         Cormotypa fascialis C70
    |         Sphaerelictis hepialella C70
    |         Borkhausenites bachofeni RJ93
    |         Depressarites P92
    |         Epiborkhausenites P92
    |         Glesseumeyickia P92
    |         Microsymmocites P92
    |         Neoborkhausenites P92
    |         Palaeodepressaria P92
    |         Paraborkhausenites P92
    |         Symmocites P92
    |         Tubuliferola P92
    |--Oecophorinae NC91
    |--Xyloryctinae NC91
    `--Stathmopodinae NC91

Hypertropha tortriciformis [=Heliodes tortriciformis; incl. Orosana desumptana, Anthoecia divitiosa, Hypertropha thesaurella Meyr. 1880] M86

*Type species of generic name indicated


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Last updated: 2 March 2021.