Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts


Scanning electron micrograph of colony of Fibrobacter succinogenes, from here.

Contains: Neobacteria, Protoarchaea, Eukaryota, Crenarchaeota, Reitlingerellidae, Fusobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, Chromatibacteria, Geovibriales, Clostridea, Actinobacteria, Deinococci, Cyanobacteria, Chlorobacteria, Togobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chlorobi, Planctobacteria, Spirochaetes, Epsilonproteobacteria.

The total group of living organisms can be divided for convenience between eukaryotes, in which the greater part of the cell's genetic material is contained within a nuclear membrane, and the prokaryotes which lack a distinct nucleus. It is generally agreed that the prokaryotes are paraphyletic with regard to the monophyletic eukaryotes.

LIFE [Algae, Monera, Monodermata, Mychota, Prokaryota, Thallophyta, Unibacteria]
    |--Neomura (see below for synonymy) C-S02
    |    |--Methanopyrus Kurr, Huber et al. 1992VP SS15, GH01b [Methanopyraceae, Methanopyrales, Methanopyri]
    |    |    `--*M. kandleri Kurr, Huber et al. 1992VP GH01b
    |    `--+--Neobacteria SS15
    |       `--+--+--+--Candidatus Micrarchaeum acidiphilum SS15
    |          |  |  `--Candidatus Iainarchaeum RS13 [Diapherotrites SS15]
    |          |  |       `--I. andersonii RS13
    |          |  `--+--+--Candidatus Nanoarchaeum Huber, Hohn et al. 2002 HH02 [Nanoarchaeota RS13]
    |          |     |  |    `--*N. equitans Huber, Hohn et al. 2002 HH02
    |          |     |  `--Candidatus Parvarchaeum [Parvarchaeota] SS15
    |          |     |       `--P. acidophilus RS13
    |          |     `--+--Candidatus Aenigmarchaeum [Aenigmarchaeota] RS13
    |          |        |    `--A. subterraneum RS13
    |          |        `--Nanohaloarchaeota RS13
    |          |             |--Candidatus Nanosalina RS13
    |          |             |--Candidatus Nanosalinarum RS13
    |          |             `--Candidatus Haloredivivus RS13
    |          `--+--Protoarchaea SS15
    |             `--+--+--Eukaryota WF13
    |                |  `--Candidatus Lokiarchaeum [Lokiarchaeota] SS15
    |                `--+--Candidatus Korarchaeum WF13 [Korarchaeota SS15]
    |                   |    `--K. cryptofilum WF13
    |                   `--+--Crenarchaeota WF13
    |                      `--+--Candidatus Caldiarchaeum [Aigarchaeota] RS13
    |                         |    `--C. subterraneum RS13
    |                         `--Thaumarchaeota RS13
    |                              |--Candidatus Nitrososphaera gargensis SS15
    |                              `--+--Cenarchaeum Preston et al. 1996 RS13, C-S02 [Cenarchaeales]
    |                                 |    `--C. symbiosum RS13
    |                                 `--+--Nitrosopumilus maritimus RS13
    |                                    `--Nitrosoarchaeum SS15
    |                                         |--N. koreensis SS15
    |                                         `--N. limnia WF13
    `--Bacteria (see below for synonymy) C-S02
         |  i. s.: Albidovulum Albuquerque, Santos et al. 2003VP IJSEM03
         |           `--*A. inexpectatum Albuquerque, Santos et al. 2003VP IJSEM03
         |         Oceanobacillus Lu, Nogi & Takami 2002VP IJSEM02
         |           `--*O. iheyensis Lu, Nogi & Takami 2002VP IJSEM02
         |         Sneathia Collins, Hoyles et al. 2002VP IJSEM02
         |           `--*S. sanguinegens Collins, Hoyles et al. 2002VP IJSEM02
         |         Marinitoga MiKo03
         |           |--M. camini MiKo03
         |           `--M. piezophila MiKo03
         |         Geobacillus JC08
         |           |--G. kaustophilus (Priest et al. 1989) Nazina et al. 2001 JC08
         |           |--G. stearothermophilus (Donk 1920) Nazina et al. 2001 JC08
         |           |--G. thermodenitrificans (Manachini et al. 2000) Nazina et al. 2001 JC08
         |           |--G. thermoglucosidasius (Suzuki et al. 1984) Nazina et al. 2001 JC08
         |           `--G. thermoleovorans (Zarilla & Perry 1988) Nazina et al. 2001 JC08
         |         Reitlingerellidae X04
         |         Salome hubeiensis Zhang 1986 X04
         |         Polytrichoides Hermann 1974 X04
         |           `--P. lineatus X04
         |         Nannococcus vulgaris X04
         |         Nitrocystis oceanus PHK96
         |         Beneckea natriegens PHK96
         |         Microcyclus flavus PHK96
         |         Branhamella catarrhalis PHK96
         |         Siderocapsaceae PHK96
         |           |--Siderocapsa PHK96
         |           |--Naumanniella PHK96
         |           |--Siderococcus PHK96
         |           `--Ochrobium PHK96
         |         Pelonemataceae PHK96
         |           |--Pelonema PHK96
         |           |--Achroonema PHK96
         |           |--Peloploca PHK96
         |           `--Desmanthos PHK96
         |         Schismatispaeridium kumauni T84
         |         Trachysphaeridium decorum T84
         |         Bryantella Wolin, Miller et al. 2004VP non Britton 1957 (ICZN) IJSEM04
         |           `--*B. formatexigens Wolin, Miller et al. 2004VP IJSEM04
         |         Megasphaera BJ07
         |           |--M. inornata BJ07
         |           `--M. ornata X04
         |         Parapandorina raphospissa BJ07, G02
         |         Asaia siamensis Katsura et al. 2001 JC08
         |         Trichlorobacter thiogenes De Wever et al. 2001 JC08
         |         Anaerococcus JC08
         |           |--A. octavius (Murdoch et al. 1997) Ezaki et al. 2001 JC08
         |           `--A. prevotii (Foubert & Douglas 1948) Ezaki et al. 2001 JC08
         |         Carboxydibrachium pacificum JC08
         |         Desulfotignum balticum Kuever et al. 2001 JC08
         |         Dorea formicigenerans (Holdeman & Moore 1974) Taras et al. 2002 JC08
         |         Gallicola barnesae (Schiefer-Ullrich & Andreesen 1986) Ezaki et al. 2001 JC08
         |         Marinibacillus marinus (RĂ¼ger & Richter 1979) Yoon et al. 2001 JC08
         |         Olsenella JC08
         |           |--O. profusa Dewhirst et al. 2001 JC08
         |           `--O. uli (Olsen et al. 1991) Dewhirst et al. 2001 JC08
         |         Peptoniphilus JC08
         |           |--P. asaccharolyticus (Distaso 1912) Ezaki et al. 2001 JC08
         |           |--P. harei (Murdoch et al. 1997) Ezaki et al. 2001 JC08
         |           |--P. indolicus (Christiansen 1934) Ezaki et al. 2001 JC08
         |           `--P. ivorii (Murdoch et al. 1997) Ezaki et al. 2001 JC08
         |         Nitrosolobus multiformis PHK96
         |         Candidatus Saccharobacterium [Saccharobacteria] RS13
         |           `--S. alaburgensis RS13
         |         Rhodopirellula baltica SS15
         |         Liberobacter asiaticum BJ02
         |--+--Fusobacteria MiKo03
         |  `--Proteobacteria [Thiobacteria] RS13
         |       |  i. s.: Accumulibacter phosphatis ZS03
         |       |         Epulopiscium fishelsoni C-S02, PHK96
         |       |         Bacteriovorax stolpii IJ03
         |       |--Deltaproteobacteria MoKi03
         |       `--Rhodobacteria [Athiorhodaceae, Hydrogenophilaceae, Hydrogenophilales] C-S02
         |            |--Alphaproteobacteria MoKi03
         |            `--Chromatibacteria MoKi03
         `--+--+--+--Candidatus Aminicenans [Aminicenantes] RS13
            |  |  |    `--A. sakinawicola RS13
            |  |  `--Acidobacteria [Acidobacteriaceae, Acidobacteriales] RS13
            |  |       |--Acidobacterium capsulatum HP98
            |  |       `--+--Holophaga foetida HP98
            |  |          `--Geothrix fermentans HP98
            |  `--+--Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera RS13
            |     `--Nitrospirae [Nitrospiraceae, Nitrospirales] RS13
            |          |--+--Candidatus Magnetobacterium Spring, Amann et al. 1993 GH01c
            |          |  |    `--Candidatus *M. bavaricum Spring, Amann et al. 1993 GH01c
            |          |  `--Thermodesulfovibrio Henry, Devereux et al. 1994VP GH01c
            |          |       `--*T. yellowstonii Henry, Devereux et al. 1994VP GH01c
            |          `--+--Nitrospira Watson, Bock et al. 1986VP GH01c
            |             |    `--*N. marina Watson, Bock et al. 1986VP GH01c
            |             `--Leptospirillum (ex Markosyan 1972) Hippe 2000VP GH01c
            |                  |--*L. ferrooxidans (ex Markosyan 1972) Hippe 2000VP GH01c
            |                  `--L. thermoferrooxidans Hippe 2000VP GH01c
            `--+--Geovibriales RS13
               `--+--+--Terrabacteria [Eobacteria] RS13
                  |  |    |--Clostridea RS13
                  |  |    `--+--+--Actinobacteria RS13
                  |  |       |  `--+--Deinococci RS13
                  |  |       |     `--Armatimonadetes RS13
                  |  |       `--+--+--Pyrenomonas salina MP95
                  |  |          |  `--Cyanobacteria RS13
                  |  |          `--+--Chlorobacteria RS13
                  |  |             `--Thermodesulfobium Mori, Kim et al. 2004VP MoKi03, IJSEM04 [Thermodesulfobiaceae]
                  |  |                  `--*T. narugense Mori, Kim et al. 2004VP IJSEM04
                  |  `--+--Synergistes Allison, Mayberry et al. 1993VP GH01d [Synergistetes RS13]
                  |     |    `--S. jonesii Allison, Mayberry et al. 1993VP GH01d
                  |     `--+--Candidatus Caldatribacterium [Atribacteria] RS13
                  |        |    `--C. californiense RS13
                  |        `--+--+--Togobacteria RS13
                  |           |  `--Candidatus Acetothermum [Acetothermia] RS13
                  |           |       `--A. autotrophicum RS13
                  |           `--+--Candidatus Fervidibacter [Fervidibacteria] RS13
                  |              |    `--F. sacchari RS13
                  |              `--+--Caldiserica RS13
                  |                 `--Dictyoglomus MiKo03 [Dictyoglomaceae, Dictyoglomales, Dictyoglomi RS13]
                  |                      `--D. thermophilum MiKo03
                  `--+--+--Candidatus Hydrogenedens [Hydrogenedentes] RS13
                     |  |    `--H. terephthalicus RS13
                     |  `--+--Candidatus Cloacimonas [=Cloacamonas; Cloacimonetes] RS13
                     |     |    `--C. acidaminovorans RS13
                     |     `--+--+--Gemmatimonas Zhang, Sekiguchi et al. 2003 ZS03 (see below for synonymy)
                     |        |  |    `--*G. aurantiaca Zhang, Sekiguchi et al. 2003 ZS03
                     |        |  `--Fibrobacter ZS03 (see below for synonymy)
                     |        |       |--F. intestinalis ALS95
                     |        |       `--F. succinogenes HP98
                     |        `--+--Candidatus Latescibacter [Latescibacteria] RS13
                     |           |    `--L. anaerobius RS13
                     |           `--+--Sphingobacteria C-S02
                     |              |    |--Bacteroidetes RS13
                     |              |    `--Chlorobi RS13
                     |              `--+--Caldithrix Miroshnichenko, Kostrikina et al. 2003 RS13, MiKo03
                     |                 |    `--*C. abyssi Miroshnichenko, Kostrikina et al. 2003 MiKo03
                     |                 `--Candidatus Marinimicrobium [Marinimicrobia] RS13
                     |                      `--M. atlanticum RS13
                     `--+--+--Planctobacteria RS13
                        |  `--Candidatus Omnitrophus [Omnitrophica] RS13
                        |       `--O. fodinae RS13
                        `--+--Spirochaetes RS13
                           `--+--+--Elusimicrobia RS13
                              |  `--Candidatus Aerophobus [Aerophobetes] RS13
                              |       `--A. profundus RS13
                              `--+--+--Epsilonproteobacteria RS13
                                 |  `--Desulfurellaceae [Desulfurellales] GH01a
                                 |       |--Desulfurella acetivorans MoKi03
                                 |       `--Hippea GH01a
                                 `--Patescibacteria RS13
                                      |--Candidatus Microgenomatus [Microgenomates] RS13
                                      |    `--M. auricola RS13
                                      `--+--Candidatus Paceibacter [Parcubacteria] RS13
                                         |    `--P. normanii RS13
                                         `--Candidatus Altimarinus [Gracilibacteria] RS13
                                              `--A. pacificus RS13

Life incertae sedis:
  Anabaenidium Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*A. johnsonii Schopf 1968 G79
  Animikiea Barghoorn 1965 G79
    `--*A. septata Barghoorn 1965 G79
  Antigus Butin 1959 G79
    `--*A. cusarandicus Butin 1959 G79
  Archaeogloeocapsa Reitlinger 1956 G79
    `--*A. povarovkensis Reitlinger 1956 G79
  Archaeonema Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*A. longicellularis Schopf 1968 G79
  Archaeorestis Barghoorn 1965 G79
    `--*A. schreiberensis Barghoorn 1965 G79
  Archaeosphaeroides Schopf & Barghoorn 1967 G79
    `--*A. barbertonensis Schopf & Barghoorn 1967 G79
  Archaeotrichion Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*A. contortum Schopf 1968 G79
  Calyptothrix Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*C. annulata Schopf 1968 G79
  Catinella Pflug 1966 nec Pease 1870 (ICZN) nec Stache 1877 (ICZN) G79
    `--*C. polymorpha Pflug 1966 G79
  Caudiculophycus Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*C. rivularioides Schopf 1968 G79
  Cephalophytarion Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*C. grande Schopf 1968 G79
  Chlamydomonopsis Edhorn 1973 G79
    `--*C. primordialis Edhorn 1973 G79
  Contortothrix Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*C. vermiformis Schopf 1968 G79
  Cumulosphaera Edhorn 1973 G79
    `--*C. lamellosa Edhorn 1973 G79
  Cyanonema Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*C. attenuata Schopf 1968 G79
  Entosphaeroides Barghoorn 1965 G79
    `--*E. amplus Barghoorn 1965 G79
  Eoastrion Barghoorn 1965 G79
    `--*E. simplex Barghoorn 1965 G79
  Eobacterium Barghoorn & Schopf 1966 G79
    `--*E. isolatum Barghoorn & Schopf 1966 G79
  Eoepiphyton Butin 1959 G79
    `--*E. jalgamicum Butin 1959 G79
  Eosphaera Barghoorn 1965 G79
    `--*E. tyleri Barghoorn 1965 G79
  Fibularix Pflug 1965 G79
    `--*F. funicula Pflug 1965 G79
  Filamentella Pflug 1965 G79
    `--*F. plurima Pflug 1965 G79
  Filiconstrictosus Schopf & Blacic 1971 G79
    `--*F. majusculus Schopf & Blacic 1971 G79
  Halythrix Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*H. nodosa Schopf 1968 G79
  Heliconema Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*H. australiensis Schopf 1968 G79
  Kakabekia Barghoorn 1965 G79
    `--*K. umbellata Barghoorn 1965 G79
  Millaria Pflug 1966 G79
    `--*M. implexa Pflug 1966 G79
  Montanella Pflug 1965 G79
    `--*M. beltensis Pflug 1965 G79
  Obconiphycus Schopf & Blacic 1971 G79
    `--*O. amadeus Schopf & Blacic 1971 G79
  Palaeoanacystis Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*P. vulgaris Schopf 1968 G79
  Palaeolyngbya Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*P. barghoorniana Schopf 1968 G79
  Palaeomicrocoleus Korde in Vologdin & Korde 1965 G79
    `--*P. gruneri Korde in Vologdin & Korde 1965 G79
  Palaeopleurocapsa Knoll, Barghoorn & Golubić 1975 G79
    `--*P. wopfnerii Knoll, Barghoorn & Golubić 1975 G79
  Palaeorivularia Korde 1965 G79
    `--*P. ontarica Korde 1965 G79
  Palaeoscytonema Edhorn 1973 G79
    `--*P. moorhousei Edhorn 1973 G79
  Palaeospiralis Edhorn 1973 G79
    `--*P. canadensis Edhorn 1973 G79
  Palaeospirulina Edhorn 1973 G79
    `--*P. arcuata Edhorn 1973 G79
  Partitiofilum Schopf & Blacic 1971 G79
    `--*P. gongyloides Schopf & Blacic 1971 G79
  Petraphera Nagy 1974 G79
    `--*P. vivescenticula Nagy 1974 G79
  Phanerosphaerops Schopf & Blacic 1971 G79
    `--*P. capitaneus Schopf & Blacic 1971 G79
  Polycellaria Pflug 1965 G79
    `--*P. bonnerensis Pflug 1965 G79
  Primorivularia Edhorn 1973 G79
    `--*P. thunderbayensis Edhorn 1973 G79
  Protorivularia Butin 1959 G79
    `--*P. onega Butin 1959 G79
  Ramsaysphaera Pflug 1979 G79
    `--*R. ramses Pflug 1979 G79
  Scintilla Pflug 1966 non Deshayes 1855 (ICZN) G79
    `--*S. perforata Pflug 1966 G79
  Tenuofilum Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*T. septatum Schopf 1968 G79
  Tormentella Pflug 1966 G79
    `--*T. tubiformis Pflug 1966 G79
  Tricellaria Pflug 1965 G79
    `--*T. deylensis Pflug 1965 G79
  Veteronostocale Schopf & Blacic 1971 G79
    `--*V. amoenum Schopf & Blacic 1971 G79
  Zosterosphaera Schopf 1968 G79
    `--*Z. tripunctata Schopf 1968 G79
  Agamus Vologdin 1970 G79
    `--*A. shungiticus Vologdin 1970 G79
  Aseptalia Vologdin in Vologdin & Strygin 1969 G79
    `--*A. ukrainica Vologdin in Vologdin & Strygin 1969 G79
  Asterosphaeroides Reitlinger 1959 G79
  Conferta Klinger 1968 G79
    `--*C. rara Klinger 1968 G79
  Crenulata Bertrand-Sarfati 1972 G79
    `--*C. gigantea Bertrand-Sarfati 1972 G79
  Foninia Korde 1973 G79
    `--*F. fasciculata Korde 1973 G79
  Globoidella Milstein 1970 G79
    `--*G. jusmastachica Milstein 1970 G79
  Gonamophyton Vologdin & Drozdova 1964 G79
    `--*G. ovale Vologdin & Drozdova 1964 G79
  Gorlovella Vologdin 1970 G79
    `--*G. obvoluta Vologdin 1970 G79
  Ladogaella Vologdin 1967 G79
    `--*L. variabilis Vologdin 1967 G79
  Marenita Korde 1973 G79
    `--*M. kundatica Korde 1973 G79
  Medullarites Narozhnykh in Narozhnykh & Rabotnov 1965 G79
  Nelcanella Vologdin & Drozdova 1964 G79
    `--*N. stellata Vologdin & Drozdova 1964 G79
  Protospira Vologdin in Vologdin & Strygin 1969 non Ruedemann 1916 (ICZN) G79
    `--*P. strygini Vologdin in Vologdin & Strygin 1969 G79
  Ptilophyton Vologdin 1967 G79
    `--*P. makarovae Vologdin 1967 G79
  ‘Vermiculites’ Reitlinger 1959 nec Bronn 1848 nec Rouault 1850 G79
  Vermiculus Bertrand-Sarfati 1972 G79
    `--*V. contortus Bertrand-Sarfati 1972 G79
  Vesicophyton Vologdin in Vologdin & Drozdova 1969 G79
    `--*V. punctatum Vologdin in Vologdin & Drozdova 1969 G79

Nomina invalida: Nitrospira moscoviensis Ehrich, Behrens et al. 1995 GH01c
                 Thermodesulfovibrio islandicus Sonne-Hansen & Ahring 1999 GH01c

Bacteria [Didermata, Endobacteria, Eubacteria, Eubacteriales, Eurybacteria, Exoflagellata, Firmibacteria, Geobacteria, Glycobacteria, Gracilicutes, Lipobacteria, Mastigomonera, Myxomonera, Negibacteria, Nitrobacteraceae, Photobacteria, Photomonera, Pimelobacteria, Posibacteria, Protobacteria, Schizomycetes, Schyzomycophyta] C-S02

Fibrobacter ZS03 [Fibrobacteraceae, Fibrobacterales, Fibrobacteres RS13, Fibrobacteria]

Gemmatimonas Zhang, Sekiguchi et al. 2003 ZS03 [Gemmatimonadaceae, Gemmatimonadales, Gemmatimonadetes RS13]

Neomura [Archaea, Archaebacteria, Archaeobacteria, Euryarchaeota, Eurytherma, Eurythermea, Mendosicutes, Metabacteria, Sulfobacteria] C-S02

*Type species of generic name indicated


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[BJ07] Bailey, J. V., S. B. Joye, K. M. Kalanetra, B. E. Flood & F. A. Corsetti. 2007. Evidence of giant sulphur bacteria in Neoproterozoic phosphorites. Nature 445: 198–201.

[BJ02] Becnel, J. J., A. Jeyaprakash, M. A. Hoy & A. Shapiro. 2002. Morphological and molecular characterization of a new microsporidian species from the predatory mite Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt) (Acari, Phytoseiidae). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 79: 163–172.

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