Showing posts with label Isopoda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isopoda. Show all posts


Idothea baltica, copyright Ecomare.

Belongs within: Valvifera.

Idothea is a genus of broad-bodied isopods that may be found living on floating vegetation (Hatch 1947).

Characters (from Hatch 1947): Eyes lateral, the sides of the head below the eyes inflexed; head margined behind eyes, without a transverse furrow defining a "neck" region; first antennae with unsegmented flagellum; fifth segment of maxillipedal palp fused with fourth; thoracic segments two to four with distinct epimera; epimera of fifth thoracic segment usually not attaining posterior margin of the segment; legs subsimilar, prehensile, the propodite not dilated; abdomen three-segmented with the lateral sutures of another partially coalesced segment.

<==Idothea Fab. 1799 [=Idotaea, Idotea Fab. 1796 (preoc.); Idoteinae] H47
    |--‘Idotea’ algirica Lucas 1846 E12
    |--‘Idotea’ angustata Lucas 1846 E12
    |--I. annulata N37
    |--I. baltica M02
    |    |--I. b. baltica PP64
    |    `--I. b. basteri PP64
    |--‘Idotea’ carinata Lucas 1846 E12
    |--I. emarginata B78
    |--‘Idotea’ entomon G20
    |--I. fewkesi H47
    |--‘Idotea’ granulosa CS77
    |--‘Idotea’ hectica PP64
    |--‘Idotea’ linearis PP64
    |--‘Idotea’ marina (Linnaeus 1758) L02, L58 [=Oniscus marinus L02]
    |--I. metallica Bosc 1802 BP03
    |--I. neglecta Sars 1897 BP03
    |--I. ochotensis [=Idotea ochotensis] H47
    |--I. pelagica BBB-S95
    |--‘Idotea’ peronii H15
    |--I. rufescens H47
    |--I. urotoma [=Idotea urotoma] H47
    `--‘Idotea’ viridis CS77

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BBB-S95] Boubezari, K., G. Bitar & D. Bellan-Santini. 1995. Structure et organisation de trois moulières (Mytilus galloprovincialis et Perna perna) de la région d'Alger. Mésogée 54: 63–72.

[BP03] Brandt, A., & G. C. B. Poore. 2003. Higher classification of the flabelliferan and related Isopoda based on a reappraisal of relationships. Invertebrate Systematics 17: 893–923.

[B78] Brusca, R. C. 1978. Studies on the cymothoid fish symbionts of the eastern Pacific (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae) II. Systematics and biology of Lironeca vulgaris Stimpson 1857. Occasional Papers of the Allan Hancock Foundation New Series 2: 1–19.

[CS77] Cramp, S., & K. E. L. Simmons (eds) 1977. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palaearctic vol. 1. Ostrich to Ducks. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

[E12] Evenhuis, N. L. 2012. Publication and dating of the Exploration Scientifique de l'Algérie: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés (1846–1849) by Pierre Hippolyte Lucas. Zootaxa 3448: 1–61.

[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

[H47] Hatch, M. H. 1947. The Chelifera and Isopoda of Washington and adjacent regions. University of Washington Publications in Biology 10 (5): 155–274.

[H15] Hedley, C. 1915. Presidential address. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 49 (1): 1–77, pls 1–7.

[L02] Latreille, P. A. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, générale et particulière des crustacés et des insectes vol. 3. Familles naturelles des genres. F. Dufart: Paris.

[L58] Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Laurentii Salvii: Holmiae.

[M02] Munroe, T. A. 2002. Wrasses. Family Labridae. In: Collette, B. B., & G. Klein-MacPhee (eds) Bigelow and Schroeder’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 3rd ed. pp. 448–466. Smithsonian Institute Press: Washington.

[N37] Nicholls, G. E. 1937. On the freshwater Idoteidae of New Zealand (Crustacea, Isopoda). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 10, 19: 113–136.

[PP64] Peres, J. M., & J. Picard. 1964. Nouveau manuel de bionomie benthique de la mer Mediterranee. Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoume, Bulletin 31 (27): 5–137.


Hanoniscus sp., from Bennelongia.

Belongs within: Crinocheta.

The Oniscidae are a group of terrestrial isopods with a well-developed frontal line across the head.

Characters (from Vandel 1973): Cephalon with strongly marked frontal line, with three projecting frontal lobes, one medial and two lateral; supra-antennal line generally well developed, sometimes reduced or absent. Pleurepimeres with ovoid glandular fields, usually small in size, rarely elongated. Pleon continuing directly into pereion without interruption; neopleura large, spreading, falciform. Antennal flagellum consisting of three articles. Endite of maxilliped without penicil. Genital apophysis simple, not bifurcated.

<==Oniscidae [Oniscinae]
    |--Oroniscus V73
    |--Strouhaloniscus V73
    |--Metoponorthus M90
    |    |--M. orientalis D01
    |    `--M. sinensis Dollfus 1901 D01
    |--Phalloniscus Budde-Lund 1908 V73, B35
    |    |--*P. punctatus (Thomson 1879) [=Oniscus punctatus] B35
    |    |--P. armatus Bowley 1935 B35
    |    |--P. chiltoni Bowley 1935 B35
    |    `--P. kenepurensis (Chilton 1901) [=Oniscus kenepurensis] B35
    |--Oniscus Linnaeus 1758 BP03
    |    |--O. asellus Linnaeus 1761 BP03 [incl. O. affinis Say 1818 H47]
    |    |--O. asilus Linnaeus 1758 L58
    |    |--O. entomon Linnaeus 1758 L58
    |    |--O. physodes Linnaeus 1758 L58
    |    `--O. scopulorum Linnaeus 1758 L58
    `--Hanoniscus Budde-Lund 1912 V73
         |--*H. tuberculatus Budde-Lund 1912 [=Phalloniscus (*Hanoniscus) tuberculatus] B35
         |--H. ashtoni Vandel 1973 V73
         |--H. monodi (Bowley 1935) V73 [=Phalloniscus (Hanoniscus) monodi B35]
         |--H. myrmecophilus (Baker 1913) [=Oniscus myrmecophilus] V73
         |--H. nichollsi (Bowley 1935) V73 [=Phalloniscus (Hanoniscus) nichollsi B35]
         `--H. orientalis Vandel 1973 V73

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B35] Bowley, E. A. 1935. A survey of the oniscoid genus Phalloniscus Budde-Lund, with a description of new species. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 21: 45–73.

[BP03] Brandt, A., & G. C. B. Poore. 2003. Higher classification of the flabelliferan and related Isopoda based on a reappraisal of relationships. Invertebrate Systematics 17: 893–923.

[D01] Dollfus, A. 1901. Isopodák [Isopodes]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 371–374. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[H47] Hatch, M. H. 1947. The Chelifera and Isopoda of Washington and adjacent regions. University of Washington Publications in Biology 10 (5): 155–274.

[L58] Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Laurentii Salvii: Holmiae.

[M90] Muchmore, W. B. 1990. Terrestrial Isopoda. In: Dindal, D. L. (ed.) Soil Biology Guide pp. 805–817. John Wiley & Sones: New York.

[V73] Vandel, A. 1973. Les isopodes terrestres de l'Australie. Étude systématique et biogéographique. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Série A, Zoologie 82: 1–171.


Dynamene bidentata, copyright David Fenwick.

Belongs within: Sphaeromatidea.
Contains: Monolistrini.

The Sphaeromatidae are a group of marine isopods capable of rolling into a compact ball (Menzies & Kruczynski 1983). They have been divided into subfamilies based on the structure of pleopods 4 and 5, with Dynameninae and Sphaeromatinae having thickened folds and ridges on the pleopods that are absent in Cassidininae, but the monophyly of these taxa is uncertain.

Characters (from Menzies & Kruczynski 1983, as Sphaeromidae): First pleonite distinct; second to fifth fused, forming vault with pleotelson containing pleopods. Males with uropodal endopod fused to peduncle; exopod movable.

<==Sphaeromatidae [Sphaeromidae]
    |--Cassidininae BP03
    |    |  i. s.: Cassidina Milne Edwards 1840 BP03
    |    |           `--C. typa Milne Edwards 1840 BP03
    |    |         Cassidinidea Hansen 1905 BP03
    |    |           |--C. korpie Bruce 1993 BP03
    |    |           |--C. lunifrons (Richardson 1900) MK83
    |    |           `--C. ovalis (Say 1818) MK83
    |    |         Paraleptosphaeroma Buss & Iverson 1981 BP03
    |    |           |--P. brucei Kussakin & Malyutina 1993 BP03
    |    |           `--P. indica Müller 1990 BP03
    |    `--Monolistrini S86
    `--+--Dynamene Leach 1814 [Dynameninae] BP03
       |    |--D. bidentata B78
       |    |--D. bifida PP64
       |    |--D. curalii Holdich & Harrison 1980 BP03
       |    |--D. dilatata H47
       |    |--D. edwardsi BBB-S95
       |    |--D. glabra H47
       |    `--D. sheareri Hatch 1947 H47
       `--Sphaeroma Bosc 1802 [Sphaeromatinae] BP03
            |--*S. serratum (Fabricius 1787) MK83, BP03 [=Oniscus serratus MK83, Talitrus serratus L02]
            |--S. globator [=Oniscus globator] L02
            |--S. hookeri PP64
            |--S. quadridentata Say 1818 [=S. quadridentatum] MK83
            |--S. quoianum Milne Edwards 1840 BP03
            |--S. rugicauda D01
            |--S. terebrans Bate 1866 [incl. S. destructor Richardson 1897] MK83
            `--S. walkeri Stebbing 1904 MK83

Sphaeromatidae incertae sedis:
  Thermosphaeroma thermophilum S86, F01
  Gnorimosphaeroma S86
  Exosphaeroma BP03
    |--E. alba Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
    |--E. amplicauda (Stimpson 1857) BP03
    |--E. chilensis HS01
    |--E. crenulata (Richardson 1902) MK83
    |--E. diminuta Menzies & Frankenberg 1966 MK83
    |--E. gigas BP03
    |--E. obtusum (Dana 1853) FZA07
    |--E. oregonensis H47
    `--E. productatelson Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
  Cymodoce Leach 1814 MK83
    |--*C. truncata Leach 1814 MK83
    |--C. faxoni (Richardson 1905) (see below for synonymy) MK83
    |--C. japonica H47
    `--C. rubropunctata PP64
  Paradynemene benjamensis Richardson 1905 MK83
  Geocerceis barbarae Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
  Cerceis carinata Glynn 1970 MK83
  Discerceis linguicauda (Richardson 1901) MK83
  Paracerceis Hansen 1905 MK83
    |--*P. caudata (Say 1818) (see below for synonymy) MK83
    |--P. edithae Boone 1930 MK83
    |--P. nuttingi (Boone 1921) MK83
    `--P. sculpta (Holmes 1904) HJ08
  Dynamenella MK83
    |--D. acutitelson Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
    |--D. angulata (Richardson 1901) MK83
    |--D. barnardi Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
    |--D. dianae (Menzies 1962) MK83
    |--D. perforata (Moore 1902) [incl. D. moorei Richardson 1905] MK83
    |--D. plicatura Glynn 1970 MK83
    |--D. quadripunctata Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
    `--D. tumidicauda Glynn 1970 MK83
  Dies barnardi Carvacho 1977 MK83
  Paradella dianae (Menzies 1962) HJ08
  Lekanesphaera teissieri (Bocquet & Lejuez 1967) BP03
  Zuzara venosa BP03

Cymodoce faxoni (Richardson 1905) [=Exosphaeroma faxoni; incl. E. antillense Richardson 1912, E. barrerae Boone 1918] MK83

*Paracerceis caudata (Say 1818) [=Naesa caudata, Ciliceae caudata, Cymodocea caudata; incl. Cy. bermudensis Ives 1892, Dynamene bermudensis, Paracerceis tomentosa Schultz & McCloskey 1967, Exosphaeroma yucatanum Richardson 1905] MK83

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BBB-S95] Boubezari, K., G. Bitar & D. Bellan-Santini. 1995. Structure et organisation de trois moulières (Mytilus galloprovincialis et Perna perna) de la région d'Alger. Mésogée 54: 63–72.

[BP03] Brandt, A., & G. C. B. Poore. 2003. Higher classification of the flabelliferan and related Isopoda based on a reappraisal of relationships. Invertebrate Systematics 17: 893–923.

[B78] Brusca, R. C. 1978. Studies on the cymothoid fish symbionts of the eastern Pacific (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae) II. Systematics and biology of Lironeca vulgaris Stimpson 1857. Occasional Papers of the Allan Hancock Foundation New Series 2: 1–19.

[D01] Dollfus, A. 1901. Isopodák [Isopodes]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 371–374. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[F01] Fashing, N. J. 2001. Morphological adaptations associated with mate-guarding behaviour in the genus Hericia (Acari: Algophagidae). In: Halliday, R. B., D. E. Walter, H. C. Proctor, R. A. Norton & M. J. Colloff (eds) Acarology: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress pp. 176–179. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.

[FZA07] Fiege, D., H. Zibrowius & P. M. Arnaud. 2007. New deep-water records of cocoons of undescribed species of Fecampiidae from Antarctica to the Bay of Biscay (Platyhelminthes, Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela). Senckenbergiana Biologica 87 (1): 1–6.

[H47] Hatch, M. H. 1947. The Chelifera and Isopoda of Washington and adjacent regions. University of Washington Publications in Biology 10 (5): 155–274.

[HS01] Hayward, B. W., A. B. Stephenson, M. S. Morley, W. M. Blom, H. R. Grenfell, F. J. Brook, J. L. Riley, F. Thompson & J. J. Hayward. 2001. Marine biota of Parengarenga Harbour, Northland, New Zealand. Records of the Auckland Museum 37: 45–80.

[HJ08] Huisman, J. M., D. S. Jones, F. E. Wells & T. Burton. 2008. Introduced marine biota in Western Australian waters. Records of the Western Australian Museum 25 (1): 1–44.

[L02] Latreille, P. A. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, générale et particulière des crustacés et des insectes vol. 3. Familles naturelles des genres. F. Dufart: Paris.

[MK83] Menzies, R. J., & W. L. Kruczynski. 1983. Isopod Crustacea (exclusive of Epicaridea). Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises 6 (1): 1–126.

[PP64] Peres, J. M., & J. Picard. 1964. Nouveau manuel de bionomie benthique de la mer Mediterranee. Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoume, Bulletin 31 (27): 5–137.

[S86] Sket, B. 1986. Isopoda: Sphaeromatidae. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 423–427. E. J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

Last updated: 29 October 2017.


Nagurus cristatus, copyright Arp Kruihof.

Belongs within: Oniscidea.
Contains: Oniscidae, Philosciidae, Armadillidae, Porcellio.

The Crinocheta are a group of terrestrial isopods characterised by an 'embolophore' type of male genitalia with the two vasa deferentia opening by separate pores on either side of the penis towards its apex (Hatch 1947, as Embolophora). They are divided between the Armadilloidea, in which the pleopods carry respiratory pseudotracheae, and the Oniscoidea in which such structures are absent.

<==Crinocheta [Embolophora] MD01
    |--Oniscoidea MD01
    |    |  i. s.: Tasmanoniscus Vandel 1973 V73
    |    |           `--*T. evansi Vandel 1973 V73
    |    |--Berytoniscidae MD01
    |    |--Olibrinus Budde-Lund 1913 JP13 [Olibrinidae MD01]
    |    |--Pudeoniscidae MD01
    |    |--Speleoniscidae MD01
    |    |--Sphaeroniscidae MD01
    |    |--Stenoniscidae MD01
    |    |--Tendosphaeridae MD01
    |    |--Oniscidae MD01
    |    |--Philosciidae MD01
    |    |--Halophiloscia PP64 [Halophilosciidae MD01]
    |    |    `--H. couchii PP64
    |    |--Australoniscus Vandel 1973 V73 [Bathytropidae MD01]
    |    |    `--*A. springetti Vandel 1973 V73
    |    |--Deto V73 [Detonidae MD01]
    |    |    `--D. marina (Chilton 1884) V73
    |    |--Rhyscotus M90 [Rhyscotidae MD01]
    |    |    `--R. texensis M90
    |    |--Platyarthrus M90 [Platyarthridae MD01]
    |    |    |--P. hoffmannseggi M90
    |    |    `--P. schoebli M90
    |    `--Scyphacidae MD01
    |         |--Scyphacella arenicola M90
    |         |--Detonella [Scyphacinae] H47
    |         |    |--D. papillicornis [=Trichoniscus papillicornis; incl. D. lohmanderi] H47
    |         |    `--D. sachalina H47
    |         `--Armadilloniscus [Armadilloniscinae] H47
    |              |--A. ellipticus M90
    |              |--A. holmesi M90
    |              |--A. lindahli M90
    |              `--A. tuberculatus [=Actoniscus tuberculatus] H47
    `--Armadilloidea MD01
         |--Atlantididae MD01
         |--Balloniscidae MD01
         |--Eubelidae MD01
         |--Periscyphicidae MD01
         |--Armadillidae MD01
         |--Cylisticus M90 [Cylisticidae MD01]
         |    |--C. convexus M90 [incl. C. convexus var. confluentus H47, Porcellio glaber H47]
         |    `--C. rotabilis D01
         |--Armadillidium M90 [Armadillidiidae MD01]
         |    |--A. (Armadillidium) vulgare [incl. Armadillo pilularis Say 1818] H47
         |    `--A. (Pseudosphaerium) nasatum H47
         |--Actaecia Dana 1853 V73 [incl. Cylloma Budde-Lund 1885 V73; Actaeciidae MD01]
         |    |--A. euchroa Chilton 1901 NB26
         |    |--A. opihensis Chilton 1901 NB26
         |    `--A. pallida Nicholls & Barnes 1926 V73
         |--Porcellionidae MD01
         |    |--Porcellio S77
         |    |--Agabiformius lentus (Budde-Lund 1885) V73
         |    `--Porcellionides Miers 1877 JP13
         |         `--P. pruinosus (Brandt 1833) JP13 [=Metoponorthus pruinosus M90; incl. P. immaculatus H47]
         `--Trachelopodidae [Trachelipidae] MD01
              |--Trachelipus [incl. Tracheoniscus] M90
              |    `--T. rathkei M90 (see below for synonymy)
              `--Nagurus Holthuis 1949 [incl. Nagara Budde-Lund 1908 (preoc.), Nagaroides Wahrberg 1922] V73
                   |--N. aegaeus Schmalfuss 1977 S77
                   |--N. carinatus [incl. N. hermonensis Vandel 1955] S77
                   |--N. cristatus (Dollfus 1889) V73
                   |--N. declivus (Wahrberg 1922) V73
                   |--N. gracillimus (Wahrberg 1922) V73
                   |--N. longiflagellatus (Wahrberg 1922) V73
                   |--N. rhodiensis S77
                   `--N. tumidus (Wahrberg 1922) V73

Nomen nudum: Australoniscus alticolus Vandel 1973 V73

Trachelipus rathkei M90 [incl. Porcellio dorsalis H47, P. lateralis H47, P. limatus H47, P. limbalis H47, P. marginatus H47, P. mixtus H47, P. multiguttatus H47, T. rathkei var. ochraceus H47, Porcellio variegatus H47, T. rathkei var. varius H47]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[D01] Dollfus, A. 1901. Isopodák [Isopodes]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 371–374. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[H47] Hatch, M. H. 1947. The Chelifera and Isopoda of Washington and adjacent regions. University of Washington Publications in Biology 10 (5): 155–274.

[JP13] Judd, S., & G. Perina. 2013. An illustrated key to the morphospecies of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea) of Barrow Island, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 83: 185–207.

[MD01] Martin, J. W., & G. E. Davis. 2001. An updated classification of the Recent Crustacea. Natural History Museum Los Angeles County, Science Series 39: 1–124.

[M90] Muchmore, W. B. 1990. Terrestrial Isopoda. In: Dindal, D. L. (ed.) Soil Biology Guide pp. 805–817. John Wiley & Sones: New York.

[NB26] Nicholls, G. E., & H. M. Barnes. 1926. A description of two new terrestrial isopods from Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 12 (17): 149–159.

[PP64] Peres, J. M., & J. Picard. 1964. Nouveau manuel de bionomie benthique de la mer Mediterranee. Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoume, Bulletin 31 (27): 5–137.

[S77] Schmalfuss, H. 1977. Eine neue Nagurus-Art aus der Süd-Agäis (Crustacea: Isopoda: Oniscoidea: Trachelipidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 57 (4–6): 359–365.

[V73] Vandel, A. 1973. Les isopodes terrestres de l'Australie. Étude systématique et biogéographique. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Série A, Zoologie 82: 1–171.

Last updated: 29 October 2017.


Sea slater Ligia oceanica, photographed by Mark Robinson.

Belongs within: Scuticoxifera.
Contains: Synocheta, Crinocheta.

The Oniscidea contain the terrestrial isopods, the familiar woodlice. Characters supporting this group include a minute antenna I, and pseudotracheal pleopods (Brandt & Poore 2003). Some members of the group are amphibious or littoral, but most are fully terrestrial. Tylos are supra-littoral isopods distinguished by the ability to roll into a ball, and the presence of a well-developed process on the front of the head. The Ligiidae, rock slaters, are found on rocky shores and are characterised by a long second antenna with ten or more flagellar articles, and very long and slender uropod rami (Muchmore 1990).

<==Oniscidea [Cloportides, Oniscides, Oniscodea, Oniscoida]
    |--Tylos Latreille 1826 BP03 [Tylinae, Tylidae, Tylomorpha MD01]
    |    |--*T. latreillei B94
    |    |--T. australis Lewis & Bishop 1990 BP03
    |    |--T. europaeus PP64
    |    |--T. neozelanicus V73
    |    |--T. niveus M90
    |    |--T. nudulus V73
    |    |--T. punctatus M90
    |    `--T. sardous PP64
    `--Ligiamorpha MD01
         |--+--Synocheta MD01
         |  `--Crinocheta MD01
         `--Diplocheta MD01
              |--Mesoniscus M78 [Mesoniscidae MD01]
              |    `--M. alpicola M78
              `--Ligiidae MD01
                   |--Euphiloscia elrodii H47
                   |--Ligioides Wahrberg 1922 V73
                   |    `--L. intermedius Wahrberg 1922 V73
                   |--Ligidium M90
                   |    |--L. elrodii M90
                   |    |--L. (Ligidium) gracile H47
                   |    |--L. longicaudatum H47
                   |    `--L. splendidum Strouhal 1940 BWW93
                   `--Ligia Fabricius 1798 JP13 [incl. Ligyda MK83]
                        |--L. australiensis Dana 1853 [=L. gaudichaudii var. australiensis] V73
                        |--L. exotica Roux 1828 V73
                        |--L. italica PP64
                        |--L. novaezelandiae HS01
                        |--L. oceanica H47
                        `--L. (Ligia) pallasii H47

Oniscidea incertae sedis:
  Mexiconiscus Schultz 1964 [incl. Xilitloniscus Bowman 1965] S86
    `--M. laevis (Rioja 1956) S86
  Lucasius pallidus [=Porcellio pallidus] S77
  Trichorhina [Squamiferidae] M90
    |--T. australiensis Wahrberg 1922 V73
    |--T. heterophthalma M90
    |--T. tomentosa M90
    `--T. triocis M90
  Alloniscus Dana 1854 [Alloniscidae] JP13
    |--A. nicobaricus Budde-Lund 1885 V73
    |--A. oahuensis Budde-Lund 1885 V73
    |--A. pallidulus Budde-Lund 1885 V73
    `--A. perconvexus H47

*Type species of generic name indicated


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Last updated: 21 May 2019.