Showing posts with label Oppioidea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oppioidea. Show all posts


Dorsal view of Lauroppia motasi, from here.

Belongs within: Brachypylina.
Contains: Berniniella (Berniniella), Moritzoppia (Moritzoppia), Moritzoppia (Moritzoppiella).

The Oppiellinae are a group of oppioid oribatid mites with lamellar costulae on the prodorsum and a crista on the notogaster. Members include the cosmopolitan genus Oppiella, with characteristic humeral processes on the notogaster. These processes are absent in the genus Lauroppia, found in most parts of the world except the Ethiopian and Antarctic regions.

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Lamellar costulae present, shorter than half length of prodorsum. Crista present. Setae c2 well developed. Setae ad1 in postanal position. Legs monodactyle.

Oppiellinae S04
    |--Dissorhina Hull 1916 [incl. Cosmoppia Balogh 1983] S04
    |    |--D. ornata (Oudemans 1900) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |    |--D. o. ornata (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |    |--D. o. corniculata (Paoli 1908) [=Dameosoma tricarinatum corniculatum] S04
    |    |    |--D. o. globosa (Paoli 1908) [=Dameosoma tricarinatum globosum] S04
    |    |    |--D. o. peloponnesiaca (Mahunka 1974) [=Oppia peloponnesiaca] S04
    |    |    `--D. o. tunisica (Mahunka 1980) [=Oppia tunisica] S04
    |    |--D. bolei (Tarman 1958) [=Oppia bolei] S04
    |    |--D. bulganensis Bayartogtokh 1999 S04
    |    |--D. longipilosa (Kunst 1958) [=Oppia ornata longipilosa] S04
    |    |    |--D. l. longipilosa S04
    |    |    `--D. l. carpatica (Gardeeva 1991) [=Cosmoppia carpatica] S04
    |    |--D. neotropicalis Mahunka 1998 S04
    |    |--D. signata (Schwalbe 1989) [=Oppiella signata] S04
    |    `--D. tricarinatoides (Dubinina, Sosnina et al. 1966) [=Oppia tricarinatoides] S04
    |--Berniniella Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |--B. (Berniniella) S04
    |    `--B. (Canaloppia Mahunka & Palacios-Vargas 1998) S04
    |         `--B. (*C.) borhidii Mahunka & Palacios-Vargas 1998 S04
    |--Moritzoppia Subías & Rodríguez 1988 S04
    |    |--M. (Moritzoppia) S04
    |    `--M. (Moritzoppiella) S04
    |--Lauroppia Subías & Mínguez 1986 S04
    |    |--*L. fallax (Paoli 1908) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |--L. articristata (Aoki 1988) [=Oppiella articristata] S04
    |    |--L. baetica Arillo & Subías 1996 S04
    |    |--L. breviseta Vasiliu & Ivan 1999 S04
    |    |--L. carniolica (Tarman 1958) [=Oppia carniolica] S04
    |    |--L. commutata (Gordeeva & Grishina 1991) [=Moritziella commutata] S04
    |    |--L. compositocarinata (Mihelčič 1958) [=Oppia compositocarinata] S04
    |    |--L. decempectinata (Fujikawa 1986) [=Mahunkella decempectinata] S04
    |    |--L. dentata (Golosova & Karppinen 1985) [=Oppia dentata] S04
    |    |--L. denticulata (Grishina 1980) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |--L. distincta (Vasiliu & Calugar 1981) [=Oppiella distincta] S04
    |    |--L. doris (Pérez-Íñigo 1978) [=Oppia doris] S04
    |    |--L. editae (Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 2002) [=Oppiella editae] S04
    |    |--L. falcata (Paoli 1908) [=Dameosoma falcatum] S04
    |    |    |--L. f. falcata S04
    |    |    `--L. f. marginedentata (Strenzke 1951) [=Oppia marginedentata] S04
    |    |--L. feideri Vasiliu & Ivan 1999 S04
    |    |--L. getica (Vasiliu & Calugar 1981) [=Oppia getica] S04
    |    |--L. lebedevi (Rjabinin 1975) [=Oppia lebedevi] S04
    |    |--L. maritima (Willmann 1928) [=Dameosoma falcatum maritimum] S04
    |    |    |--L. m. maritima [incl. Oppia fissurata Hammer 1952] S04
    |    |    |--L. m. acuminata (Strenzke 1951) [=Oppia acuminata] S04
    |    |    `--L. m. carinthiaca (Mihelčič 1963) [=Oppia carinthiaca] S04
    |    |--L. motasi Vasiliu & Ivan 1999 S04
    |    |--L. notabilis (Golosova & Karppinen 1983) [=Oppia notabilis] S04
    |    |--L. obscura Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 2000 S04
    |    |--L. orientalis (Wen & Bu 1988) [=Belloppia orientalis] S04
    |    |--L. quadrituberculata (Mahunka 1987) [=Hypogeoppia quadrituberculata] S04
    |    |--L. similifallax Subías & Minguez 1986 S04
    |    |--L. tenuipectinata Subías & Rodríguez 1988 S04
    |    |--L. translamellata NB-P09
    |    `--L. trapezoida (Grishina 1981) [=Oppiella trapezoida] S04
    |--Neotrichoppia Subías & Iturrondobeitia 1980 S04
    |    |--*N. (Neotrichoppia) pseudoconfinis Subías & Iturrondobeitia 1980 S04
    |    |--N. (Ancestroppia Subías & Rodríguez 1986) S04
    |    |    |--N. (*A.) berninii Subías & Rodríguez 1986 S04
    |    |    `--N. (A.) ‘confinis’ (Bernini 1973) non Dameosoma confine Paoli 1908 [=Oppia confinis] BB92
    |    `--N. (Confinoppia Subías & Rodríguez 1986) S04
    |         |--N. (*C.) confinis (Paoli 1908) [=Dameosoma confine] S04
    |         |    |--N. c. confinis S04
    |         |    `--N. c. tenuiseta Subías & Rodríguez 1986 S04
    |         |--N. (C.) adanata Iturrondobeitia & Saloña 1988 S04
    |         |--N. (C.) gibber (Mahunka 1982) [=Oppia gibber] S04
    |         |--N. (C.) hauseri (Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 2000) [=Lauroppia hauseri] S04
    |         |--N. (C.) variabilis Iturrondobeitia & Subías 1981 S04
    |         `--N. (C.) zushi (Aoki 1984) [=Oppiella zushi] S04
    |--Oppiella Jacot 1937 S04
    |    |  i. s.: O. bicarinata (Paoli 1908) S96
    |    |         O. maritima W91
    |    |           |--O. m. maritima W91
    |    |           `--O. m. acuminata W91
    |    |         O. minutissima RZ96
    |    |         O. ornata SD96
    |    |         O. subpectinata [=Oppia subpectinata] B-P91
    |    |--O. (Oppiella) S04
    |    |    |--O. (O.) nova (Oudemans 1902) S04 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |    |--O. (O.) baburini Rjabinin 1979 S04
    |    |    |--O. (O.) besucheti Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 2000 S04
    |    |    |--O. (O.) neonominata Subías 2004 [=O. distincta Rjabinin 1989 non Vasiliu & Calugar 1981] S04
    |    |    |--O. (O.) primorica (Golosova 1969) [=Oppia primorica] S04
    |    |    `--O. (O.) propinqua Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 2000 S04
    |    `--O. (Perspicuoppia Pérez-Íñigo 1971) S04
    |         |--O. (*P.) perspicua (Mihelčič 1956) [=Oppia perspicua] S04
    |         |--O. (P.) minidentata (Subías 1977) [=Perspicuoppia minidentata] S04
    |         `--O. (P.) rara Ivan & Vasiliu 1997 S04
    |--Autoppia Golosova & Karppinen 1983 S04
    |    `--*A. algicola Golosova & Karppinen 1983 S04
    |--Neostrinatina Mahunka 1979 S04
    |    `--*N. mixoppia Mahunka 1979 S04
    |--Liacaroppia Subías & Rodríguez 1986 S04
    |    `--*L. doryphoros (Balogh & Balogh 1983) [=Oppiella doryphoros] S04
    |--Abchasiella Gordeeva & Tarba 1990 S04
    |    `--*A. dentata Gordeeva & Tarba 1990 S04
    |--Kulievia Vasiliu & Ivan 1999 S04
    |    `--*K. paradecipiens (Kulijev 1962) [=Oppia paradecipiens] S04
    |--Pseudobrachioppiella Tseng 1982 S04
    |    `--*P. ramosa Tseng 1982 S04
    |--Tuberoppia Golosova 1974 S04
    |    |--*T. rotundata (Golososva 1970) [=Oppia rotundata] S04
    |    `--T. paradoxa Golosova 1980 S04
    |--Ptiloppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |--*P. bulanovae (Hammer 1968) [=Oppiella bulanovae] S04
    |    `--P. lienhardi Mahunka 2001 S04
    |--Elaphoppia Balogh 1983 [incl. Parasynoppia Aoki 1983] S04
    |    |--*E. quadripilosa (Balogh 1961) [=Oppia quadripilosa] S04
    |    |--E. lapelerii Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |    `--E. longisensillata (Aoki 1983) [=Parasynoppia longisensillata] S04
    |--Belloppia Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |--*B. wallworki Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |--B. beemanensis (Wallwork 1964) [=Oppia beemanensis] S04
    |    |--B. evansi Hammer 1968 S04
    |    `--B. shealsi Hammer 1968 S04
    |--Tripiloppia Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |--*T. aokii Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |--T. dalenii Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |--T. forsslundi Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |--T. subiasi Balogh 1982 S04 [incl. T. hammeri Balogh in Subia & Balogh 1989 (n. n.) CH98]
    |    |--T. tarraswahlbergi Hammer 1968 S04
    |    `--T. traegardhi Hammer 1968 S04
    `--Hypogeoppia Subías 1981 S04
         |--*H. terricola Subías 1981 S04
         |    |--H. t. terricola [incl. H. festoneata Moraza & Moreno 1988] S04
         |    `--H. t. salmanticensis Morell 1987 S04
         |--H. dungeri Schwalbe 1995 S04
         |--H. exempta (Mihelčič 1958) [=Oppia exempta] S04
         |--H. hypogea (Paoli 1908) [=Dameosoma hypogeum] S04
         `--H. perezinigoi Subías & Arillo 1996 S04

Dissorhina ornata (Oudemans 1900) [=Eremaeus ornatus; incl. Notaspis splendens Michael 1888 (preoc.), *Dissorhina splendens] S04

Dissorhina ornata ornata (Oudemans 1900) [incl. Dameosoma captator Hull 1915, Oppia lignivora Jacot 1939, D. tricarinatum Paoli 1908, D. vetula Hull 1914] S04

Lauroppia denticulata (Grishina 1980) [=Oppia denticulata non Belba denticulata Canestrini & Canestrini 1882 (not preoc. if in dif. gen.)] S04

*Lauroppia fallax (Paoli 1908) [=Damaeosoma fallax; incl. Oppia aligarhiensis Kardar 1976, Oppiella dubia Hammer 1962] S04

Oppiella (Oppiella) nova (Oudemans 1902) S04 [=Eremaeus novus S04, Oppia nova S75; incl. Oppiella aegyptiaca Elbadry & Nasr 1974 S04, Oppiella corrugata apicalis Jacot 1937 S04, Oppiella chistyakovi Rjabinin 1975 S04, Dameosoma corrugatum Berlese 1904 S04, Oppia corrugata CH98, *Oppiella corrugata S04, Dameosoma corrugatum intralamellatum Thamdrup 1932 S04, D. krygeri Trägardh 1931 S04, Oppiella orientata Rjabinin 1975 S04, Oppiella nova palustris Laskova 1980 S04, Oppia rossica Bulanova-Zachvatkina 1964 S04, Notaspis sculptilis Warburton & Pearce 1905 S04, Oppiella corrugata squarrosa Jacot 1937 S04, Oppia neerlandica sumatrensis Willmann 1931 S04, Dameosoma uliginosum Willmann 1919 S04, Oppia uliginosa CH98, Oppia washburni Hammer 1952 S04]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[B-P91] Behan-Pelletier, V. M. 1991. Observations on genital papillae of pycnonotic Brachypylina (Acari: Oribatida). Acarologia 32 (1): 71–78.

[CH98] Colloff, M. J., & R. B. Halliday. 1998. Oribatid Mites: A catalogue of Australian genera and species. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood.

[NB-P09] Norton, R. A., & V. M. Behan-Pelletier. 2009. Suborder Oribatida. In: Krantz, G. W., & D. E. Walter (eds) A Manual of Acarology 3rd ed. pp. 430–564. Texas Tech University Press.

[RZ96] Russell, D. J., U. Zeller, M. Kratzmann & G. Alberti. 1996. The mite fauna of continental sand dunes in the Upper Rhine Valley, Germany. In: Mitchell, R., D. J. Horn, G. R. Needham & W. C. Welbourn (eds) Acarology IX vol. 1. Proceedings pp. 75–80. Ohio Biological Survey: Columbus (Ohio).

[S96] Schatz, H. 1996. Oribatid mites (Oribatida) in alpine dry meadows (Austria, central Alps). In: Mitchell, R., D. J. Horn, G. R. Needham & W. C. Welbourn (eds) Acarology IX vol. 1. Proceedings pp. 633–635. Ohio Biological Survey: Columbus (Ohio).

[S75] Seniczak, S. 1975. Morphology of juvenile stages of some Oppiidae (Acarina, Oribatei). I. Pedobiologia 15 (4): 249–261.

[SD96] Seniczak, S., J. Dabrowski, A. Klimek & S. Kaczmarek. 1996. The mites associated with young Scots pine forests polluted by a copper smelting works in Glogow, Poland. In: Mitchell, R., D. J. Horn, G. R. Needham & W. C. Welbourn (eds) Acarology IX vol. 1. Proceedings pp. 573–574. Ohio Biological Survey: Columbus (Ohio).

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.

[W91] Weigmann, G. 1991. Oribatid communities in transects from bogs to forests in Berlin indicating the biotopes qualities. In: Dusbábek, F., & V. Bukva (eds) Modern Acarology: Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Acarology, held in České Budĕjovice, Czechoslovakia, 6–11 August 1990 vol. 1 pp. 359–364. SPB Academic Publishing: The Hague.


Dorsal (left) and ventral views of Granuloppia major, from Balogh & Balogh (1992, vol. 2).

Belongs within: Brachypylina.
Contains: Multipulchroppia, Arcoppia, Striatoppia, Karenella, Oxyoppia, Subiasella, Brachioppia, Brachioppiella, Lanceoppia, Globoppia, Setoppia, Membranoppia, Medioppia, Ramusella, Multioppia, Graptoppia, Aeroppia, Lasiobelba, Taiwanoppia, Neoamerioppia, Oppia, Autogneta, Quadroppia, Teratoppia, Suctobelbella (Suctobelbella), Suctobelbella (Flagrosuctobelba), Suctobelbella (Ussuribata), Novosuctobelba, Fenestrobelba, Allosuctobelba, Suctobelba, Suctobelbila, Banksinoma, Machadobelba.

The Oppioidea are a diverse group of oribatid mites with moniliform legs and lacking true lamellae on the prodorsum, generally recognised as the largest oribatid superfamily. Members of the Oppioidea include the Oppiidae, a diverse family of over 1000 species that mostly feed on fungi. Oppiids divided between several subfamilies, one of which was established for the Spanish species Paternoppia andalusicabulensis as recently as 2000 (Subías 2004). Of these subfamilies, the Antilloppiinae are distinctive in having the genital and anal plates particularly large, occupying almost the entire length of the ventral plate. The Pulchroppiinae have long third and fourth epimeres that reach far posteriad of the genital plates, and lack the fourth apodemata (Balogh & Balogh 1992).

The Suctobelbidae have slender, elongate chelicerae. The genera Suctobelbila and Suctobelbiloides are distinctive in the notogaster having very short setae borne on large rounded tubercles; other genera lack such tubercles and the setae are usually longer. The Holarctic genus Rhinosuctobelba has a particularly elongate rostrum, with a single pair of large lateral teeth. Geniculate rostral setae are found in the genera Novosuctobelba, Fenestrobelba and Suctobelbella (Balogh & Balogh 1992).

Other families include the Autognetidae, characterised by a deep medial incision on the rostrum and a large dorsodistal tubercle on tibia I overhanging the tarsus. The Granuloppiidae are a pantropical group characterised by the presence of costulae on the prodorsum together with the absence of apodemata IV. The Teratoppiidae have the first two pairs of tibiae expanded laterally, with apophyses (Norton & Behan-Pelletier 2009).

Characters (from Norton & Behan-Pelletier 2009): Prodorsum with or without costula; large, paired flat regions (tectopedial fields) present or absent; without genal notch. Tutorium absent. Dorsophragmata and pleurophragmata absent. Subcapitulum diarthric, eupathidium acm separate from recumbent solenidion; chelicerae and rutella normal or modified (suctobelbid) type, with chelicerae attenuate and edentate or with fine teeth distally; 2 cheliceral setae; palptarsus with 8–9 setae. Body with constriction in sejugal region. Prodorsum and notogaster separate. Notogaster often with tubercles or crista anteriorly; notoqastral setation 9–14 pairs. Posterior notogastral tectum usually absent; humeral apophysis present or absent. Circumpedal carina, custodium and discidium absent. Pedotectum I usually present, small, scale-like; pedotectum II absent. Epimera III and IV fused; coxisternal setation 3-1-3-3, or epimera III and IV neotrichous; 4–7 pairs of genital setae; ventral neotrichy absent. Preanal organ without caecum. Legs moniliform. Trochanter III with 1–2 setae; tarsus II with 2 solenidia; proral setae of tarsi II–IV short and spinelike; pretarsi monodactylous. Immatures apheredermous, unideficient, or nymphs bideficient.

Oppioidea [Trizetoidea] NB-P09
    |--Oppiidae PL17
    |    |--Paternoppia Gil-Martín, Subías & Arillo 2000 [Paternoppiinae] S04
    |    |    `--*P. andalusicabulensis Gil-Martín, Subías & Arillo 2000 S04
    |    |--Antilloppiinae S04
    |    |    |--Joboppia Ruiz, Minguez & Subías 1988 S04
    |    |    |    |--*J. dichosa (Ruiz, Minguez & Subías 1988) [=Neoppia (*Joboppia) dichosa] S04
    |    |    |    `--J. expansum (Paoli 1908) [=Dameosoma expansum] S04
    |    |    `--Neoppia Bhattacharya & Banerjee 1981 [incl. Antilloppia Mahunka 1985] S04
    |    |         |--*N. minuta Bhattacharya & Banerjee 1981 S04
    |    |         |--N. bayoumii (Al-Assiuty & El-Deeb 1983) [=Multioppia bayoumii] S04
    |    |         |--N. discreta Ruiz, Minguez & Subías 1988 S04
    |    |         `--N. schauenbergi (Mahunka 1985) [=Antilloppia schauenbergi] S04
    |    |--Pulchroppiinae S04
    |    |    |--Multipulchroppia S04
    |    |    |--Varioppia Mahunka 1985 S04
    |    |    |    `--*V. radiata Mahunka 1985 [incl. Pulchroppia curarii Franklin & Woas 1992] S04
    |    |    `--Pulchroppia Hammer 1979 S04
    |    |         |--*P. elegans Hammer 1979 S04
    |    |         |--P. amazonica Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S07
    |    |         |--P. burckhardti Mahunka 1987 S04
    |    |         |--P. granulata Mahunka 1988 S04
    |    |         |--P. malapectinata (Corpuz-Raros 1979) [=Brachioppiella malapectinata] S04
    |    |         |--P. pendula (Balogh 1970) [=Brachioppia pendula] S04
    |    |         `--P. ramifera Wang & Li 1997 S04
    |    |--Arcoppiinae S04
    |    |    |--Arcoppia S04
    |    |    |--Porrhoppia Balogh 1970 S04
    |    |    |    `--*P. crux Balogh 1970 S04
    |    |    |--Similoppia Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*S. (Similoppia) halterata Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |    |    `--S. (Reductoppia Balogh 1984) S04
    |    |    |         `--S. (*R.) espeletiae (Balogh 1984) [=Reductoppia espeletiae] S04
    |    |    |--Mimoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--M. (Mimoppia) S04
    |    |    |    |    |--*M. (M.) tenuiseta (Wallwork 1961) [=Oppia tenuiseta] S04
    |    |    |    |    `--M. (M.) dendropectinata (Woas 1986) [=Arcoppia dendropectinata] S04
    |    |    |    `--M. (Dysarcoppia Mahunka & Palacios-Vargas 1998) S04
    |    |    |         `--M. (*D.) mexicana (Mahunka & Palacios-Vargas 1998) [=Arcoppia (*D.) mexicana] S04
    |    |    |--Wallworkoppia Subias 1989 [incl. Wallworkella Balogh 1983 non Wallworkiella Hammer 1979] S04
    |    |    |    |--*W. trimucronata (Wallwork 1961) [=Oppia trimucronata] S04
    |    |    |    |--W. cervifer (Mahunka 1983) [=Oppia cervifer; incl. Arcoppia longiramosa Woas 1986] S04
    |    |    |    |--W. machadoi (Balogh 1958) [=Oppia machadoi; incl. Arcoppia granulata Mahunka 1986] S04
    |    |    |    |--W. parasensillus (Mahunka 1999) [=Arcoppia parasensillus] S04
    |    |    |    `--W. vibrissa (Mahunka 1983) [=Wallworkella vibrissa] S04
    |    |    `--Basidoppia Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |         |--*B. basidii Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |         |--B. angolensis (Balogh 1958) [=Oppia angolensis] S04
    |    |         |--B. curtispinosa (Ohkubo 1996) [=Arcoppia curtispinosa] S04
    |    |         |--B. demeteri (Mahunka 1982) [=Oppia demeteri] S04
    |    |         |--B. pocsorum Mahunka 1993 S04
    |    |         `--B. psyla Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |--Mystroppiinae S04
    |    |    |--Striatoppia S04
    |    |    |--Karenella S04
    |    |    |--Stachyoppia Balogh 1961 S04
    |    |    |    `--*S. muscicola Balogh 1961 S04
    |    |    |--Cheloppia Hammer 1971 S04
    |    |    |    |--*C. hyalina Hammer 1971 S04
    |    |    |    `--C. americana Mahunka 1985 S04
    |    |    |--Mystroppia Balogh 1959 S04
    |    |    |    |--*M. sellnicki Balogh 1959 S04
    |    |    |    |--M. dallaii Bernini 1973 S04
    |    |    |    `--M. rethejumi Krivolutsky 1971 S04
    |    |    |--Rugoppia Mahunka 1986 [incl. Mahnertella Mahunka 1997] S04
    |    |    |    |--*R. luisiae Mahunka 1986 S04
    |    |    |    |--R. boraha (Mahunka 1994) [=Brachioppiella boraha] S04
    |    |    |    |--R. lamellicornis (Warburton 1912) [=Notaspis lamellicornis] S04
    |    |    |    |--R. quadrituberculata (Mahunka 1997) [=Mahnertella quadrituberculata] S04
    |    |    |    `--R. vilagiorum Mahunka 1998 S04
    |    |    `--Corynoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |         |--*C. kosarovi (Jeleva 1962) [=Stachyoppia kosarovi] S04
    |    |         |    |--C. k. kosarovi S04
    |    |         |    `--C. k. matritensis (Pérez-Íñigo 1967) [=Stachyoppia kosarovi matritensis] S04
    |    |         |--C. andulau Mahunka 2001 S04
    |    |         |--C. foliata (Mihelčič 1957) [=Damaeolus foliatus] S04
    |    |         |--C. foliatoides Subías & Rodríguez 1986 S04
    |    |         |--C. maritima Pérez-Íñigo 1991 [=C. kosarovi maritima] S04
    |    |         `--C. papillisetigera Iturrondobeitia & Saloña 1998 S04
    |    |--Oxyoppiinae S04
    |    |    |--Oxyoppia S04
    |    |    |--Subiasella S04
    |    |    |--Mahunkella Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    `--*M. transitoria (Balogh & Mahunka 1978) [=Oppiella transitoria] S04
    |    |    |--Sacculoppia Balogh & Mahunka 1968 S04
    |    |    |    `--*S. singularis Balogh & Mahunka 1968 S04
    |    |    |--Foveolatoppia Mahunka 1988 S04
    |    |    |    `--*F. foveolata Mahunka 1988 S04
    |    |    |--Oxyoppioides Subías & Mínguez 1985 S04
    |    |    |    `--*O. decipiens (Paoli 1908) [=Dameosoma decipiens] S04
    |    |    |--Baloghoppia Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*B. dentata Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |    |    `--B. inornata Franklin & Woas 1992 S04
    |    |    |--Lineoppia Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*L. frouini Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    `--L. mastax (Balogh & Mahunka 1977) [=Oxyoppia mastax] S04
    |    |    |--Foraminoppia Subías & Arillo 1998 S04
    |    |    |    |--*F. iturrondobeitiai Subías & Arillo 1998 S04
    |    |    |    `--F. salonae Subías & Arillo 1998 S04
    |    |    |--Fossoppia Mahunka 1994 S04
    |    |    |    |--*F. calcarata Mahunka 1994 S04
    |    |    |    `--F. pirata Mahunka 1994 S04
    |    |    |--Oxybrachioppia Subías 1989 S04
    |    |    |    |--*O. barbata (Choi 1986) [=Brachioppiella ctenifera barbata] S04
    |    |    |    |--O. ctenifera (Golosova 1970) S04 [=Oppia ctenifera S04, Brachioppiella ctenifera C86]
    |    |    |    `--O. glabriseta Wang & Shen 1999 S04
    |    |    |--Separatoppia Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*S. africana (Evans 1953) [=Oppia africana] S04
    |    |    |    |--S. acutipes (Warburton 1912) [=Notaspis acutipes] S04
    |    |    |    |--S. gracilis Mahunka 1997 S04
    |    |    |    `--S. robusta Mahunka 1997 S04
    |    |    `--Acroppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |         |--*A. processigera (Balogh & Mahunka 1967) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |         |--A. amazonica (Balogh & Mahunka 1969) [=Stachyoppia amazonica] S04
    |    |         |--A. antillensis Mahunak 1985 S04
    |    |         |--A. curvispina (Mahunka 1983) [=Stachyoppia curvispina] S04
    |    |         |--A. monstruosa (Mahunka 1989) [=Stachyoppia monstruosa] S04
    |    |         `--A. translamellata (Balogh & Mahunka 1966) [=Stachyoppia translamellata] S04
    |    |--Brachioppiinae S04
    |    |    |--Brachioppia S04
    |    |    |--Brachioppiella S04
    |    |    |--Setuloppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    `--*S. newelli (Hammer 1968) [=Oppia newelli] S04
    |    |    |--Ctenoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*C. variopectinata (Balogh & Mahunka 1975) [=Oppia variopectinata] S04
    |    |    |    `--C. eupectinata (Balogh & Mahunka 1975) [=Oppia eupectinata] S04
    |    |    |--Trapezoppia Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
    |    |    |    |--*T. longipectinata Balogh & Mahunka 1969 [=Tanzoppia longipectinata] S04
    |    |    |    `--T. nova Franklin & Woas 1992 S04
    |    |    |--Austroppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--A. crozetensis (Richters 1908) S04 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |    |    `--A. petrohuensis (Hammer 1962) [=Brachioppiella petrohuensis] S04
    |    |    |--Leptoppia Mahunka 1997 S04
    |    |    |    |--*L. procera Mahunka 1997 S04
    |    |    |    `--L. benyovszkyi Mahunka 1996 S04
    |    |    |--Pletzenoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*P. pletzenae (Kok 1967) [=Oppia pletzenae] S04
    |    |    |    |--P. aseta Mahunka 1986 S04
    |    |    |    `--P. inclinata (Hammer 1962) [=Oppia inclinata] S04
    |    |    |--Gittella Hammer 1961 S04
    |    |    |    |--*G. punctata Hammer 1961 S04
    |    |    |    |--G. flagellata (Mahunka 1983) [=Pulchroppiella flagellata] S04
    |    |    |    |--G. insularis Mahunka 1998 S04
    |    |    |    |--G. maxima (Balogh & Mahunka 1981) [=Multioppia maxima] S04
    |    |    |    `--G. variabilis Ermilov et al. 2013 PL17
    |    |    |--Brassoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--B. (Brassoppia) S04
    |    |    |    |    |--*B. (B.) brassi (Balogh 1981) [=Oppia brassi] S04
    |    |    |    |    `--B. (B.) lamellata Balogh & Balogh 1986 S04
    |    |    |    `--B. (Plaesioppia Balogh 1983) S04
    |    |    |         `--B. (*P.) puellaensis (Hammer 1962) [=Brachioppiella puellaensis] S04
    |    |    `--Kokoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |         |--*K. longisetosa (Kok 1967) [=Brachioppia longisetosa] S04
    |    |         |--K. dendricola (Jeleva & Vu 1987) [=Cryptoppia dendricola] S04
    |    |         |--K. dudichi (Balogh 1982) [=Oppia dudichi] S04
    |    |         |--K. euramosa (Balogh & Mahunka 1969) [=Oppia euramosa] S04
    |    |         |--K. gracilis (Woas 1986) [=Arcoppia gracilis] S04
    |    |         |--K. pectinata (Kok 1967) [=Brachioppia pectinata] S04
    |    |         `--K. rafalskii (Hammer 1968) [=Brachioppiella rafalskii] S04
    |    |--Lanceoppiinae [Basiloppiinae, Cycloppiinae, Globoppiinae] S04
    |    |    |--Lanceoppia S04
    |    |    |--Globoppia S04
    |    |    |--Setoppia S04
    |    |    |--Membranoppia S04
    |    |    |--Trematoppia Balogh 1964 S04
    |    |    |    `--*T. cristipes Balogh 1964 S04
    |    |    |--Loboppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    `--*L. covarrubiasi (Hammer 1968) [=Oppia covarrubiasi] S04
    |    |    |--Operculoppia Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |    `--*O. kunsti Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |--Basiloppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    `--*B. hexatricha (Balogh & Mahunka 1975) [=Oppia hexatricha] S04
    |    |    |--Laminoppia Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |    `--*L. blocki Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |--Pustuloppia Mahunka 1994 S04
    |    |    |    `--*P. madagasica Mahunka 1994 S04
    |    |    |--Otoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*O. midas (Balogh 1964) [=Oppia midas] S04
    |    |    |    `--O. spinipes (Mahunka 1994) [=Lanceoppia spinipes] S04
    |    |    |--Polyoppia Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |    |--*P. baloghi Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |    `--P. magnum (Sellnick 1924) [=Dameosoma magnum] S04
    |    |    |--Drepanoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*D. falxa (Kok 1967) [=Oppia falxa] S04
    |    |    |    `--D. koki Mahunka 1993 S04
    |    |    |--Acutoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*A. crassiseta (Balogh 1968) [=Operculoppia crassiseta] S04
    |    |    |    `--A. jelevae (Hammer 1968) [=Operculoppia jelevae] S04
    |    |    |--Geminoppia Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*G. papineaui Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--G. ansifera (Mahunka 1985) [=Tectoppiella ansifera] S04
    |    |    |    `--G. velata (Franklin & Woas 1992) [=Globoppia velata] S04
    |    |    |--Processoppia Balogh 1983 [incl. Rhaphoppia Balogh 1983] S04
    |    |    |    |--*P. oudemansi (Hammer 1968) [=Oppia oudemansi] S04
    |    |    |    |--P. mihelcicana (Ohkubo 2003) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |    |    `--P. sphagnicola (Balogh & Balogh 1986) [=Rhaphoppia sphagnicola] S04
    |    |    `--Cycloppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |         |--C. restata (Aoki 1963) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |         |--C. latisternum Balogh & Balogh 1986 S04
    |    |         `--C. szentirmayi (Balogh 1970) [=Oppia szentirmayi] S04
    |    |--Medioppiinae S04
    |    |    |--Medioppia S04
    |    |    |--Rhinoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    `--*R. nasuta (Moritz 1965) [=Oppia nasuta] S04
    |    |    |--Miroppia Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |    `--*M. zealandica Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |--Multimedioppia Subías 1991 S04
    |    |    |    `--*M. mirena Subías 1991 S04
    |    |    |--Paramedioppia Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 2000 S04
    |    |    |    `--*P. helvetica Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 2000 S04
    |    |    |--Congoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*C. deboissezoni (Balogh & Mahunka 1966) [=Oppia deboissezoni; incl. C. extrema Mahunka 1987] S04
    |    |    |    `--C. ramisetosa (Sanyal & Bhaduri 1989) [=Oppia ramisetosa] S04
    |    |    |--Ramuloppia Balogh 1961 S04
    |    |    |    `--*R. ramiseta (Balogh 1959) [=Oppia ramiseta] S04
    |    |    |         |--R. r. ramiseta S04
    |    |    |         `--R. r. atypica (Wallwork 1961) [=Oppia atypica] S04
    |    |    |--Microppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*M. minus (Paoli 1908) S04 [=Damaeosoma minus S04, Oppiella minus CH98]
    |    |    |    |    |--M. m. minus S04 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |    |    |    `--M. m. longisetosa Subías & Rodríguez 1988 S04
    |    |    |    `--M. arcuata Gordeeva & Tarba 1990 S04
    |    |    |--Medioxyoppia Subías 1989 S04
    |    |    |    |--*M. yuwana (Aoki 1983) [=Oppia yuwana] S04
    |    |    |    |--M. actirostrata (Aoki 1983) [=Oppia actirostrata] S04
    |    |    |    |--M. acuta (Aoki 1984) [=Oxyoppia acuta] S04
    |    |    |    |--M. mastigophora (Golosova 1970) [=Oppia mastigophora] S04
    |    |    |    `--M. nagoyae Ohkubo 1991 S04
    |    |    |--Serratoppia Subías & Mínguez 1985 S04
    |    |    |    |--*S. serrata (Mihelčič 1956) [=Oppia serrata] S04
    |    |    |    |--S. duffyi (Evans 1954) [=Oppia duffyi] S04
    |    |    |    |--S. guanicola Subías & Arillo 1996 S04
    |    |    |    |--S. intermedia Subías & Rodríguez 1988 [incl. S. toletana Muñoz-Mingarro 1987 (n. d.)] S04
    |    |    |    |--S. minima Subías & Rodríguez 1988 S04
    |    |    |    `--S. mitrofanovi (Gordeeva & Karppinen 1988) [=Berniniella mitrofanovi] S04
    |    |    |--Solenoppia Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |    |--S. (Solenoppia) S04
    |    |    |    |    |--*S. (S.) grandjeani Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |    |    |--S. (S.) taberlyi Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |    |    `--S. (S.) travei Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |    `--S. (Campbelloppia Luxton 1985) S04
    |    |    |         |--S. (*C.) diaphora (Wallwork 1964) [=Oppia diaphora] S04
    |    |    |         `--S. (C.) pernettyae Balogh & Balogh 1988 S04
    |    |    `--Discoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |         |--*D. (Discoppia) limae (Balogh & Mahunka 1974) [=Oppia limae] S04
    |    |         `--D. (Cylindroppia Subías & Rodríguez 1986) S04
    |    |              |--D. (*C.) cylindrica (Pérez-Íñigo 1965) S04 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |              |    |--D. c. cylindrica (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |              |    `--D. c. rostroincisa Subías & Rodríguez 1986 S04
    |    |              |--D. (C.) minus BB92 [=Oppia minus W91]
    |    |              |--D. (C.) pentasetata Subías & Rodríguez 1986 S04
    |    |              `--D. (C.) tenuis (Hammer 1958) [=Oppia tenuis] S04
    |    |--Multioppiinae S04
    |    |    |--Ramusella S04
    |    |    |--Multioppia S04
    |    |    |--Graptoppia S04
    |    |    |--Octoppia Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
    |    |    |    `--*O. irmayi Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
    |    |    |--Helioppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    `--*H. sol (Balogh 1959) [=Oppia sol] S04
    |    |    |--Cubaoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    `--*C. fusisetosa (Balogh & Mahunka 1980) [=Oppia fusisetosa] S04
    |    |    |--Intermedioppia Subías & Rodríguez 1987 S04
    |    |    |    `--*I. alvarezi (Pérez-Íñigo 1982) [=Oppia alvarezi] S04
    |    |    |--Javieroppia Minguez & Subías 1986 S04
    |    |    |    `--*J. cervus Minguez & Subías 1986 S04
    |    |    |--Ramuselloppia Subías & Rodríguez 1986 S04
    |    |    |    `--*R. anomala Subías & Rodríguez 1986 S04
    |    |    |--Pararamusella Mahunka & Palacios-Vargas 1998 S04
    |    |    |    `--*P. disjuncta Mahunka & Palacios-Vargas 1998 S04
    |    |    |--Pulchroppiella Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*P. plurisetosa (Mihelčič 1956) [=Oppia plurisetosa] S04
    |    |    |    `--P. littlewoodi Subías 1989 S04
    |    |    |--Uroppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*U. akusiensis (Wallwork 1961) [=Oppia akusiensis] S04
    |    |    |    `--U. kenyaensis Mahunka 1986 S04
    |    |    |--Ramonoppia Morell 1990 S04
    |    |    |    |--*R. amparoae Morell 1990 S04
    |    |    |    `--R. aequiseta (Pérez-Íñigo 1990) [=Multioppia aequiseta] S04
    |    |    |--Cryptoppia Csiszár 1961 S04
    |    |    |    |--*C. elongata Csiszár 1961 S04
    |    |    |    |--C. brevisetiger Wen, Aoki & Wang 1984 S04
    |    |    |    `--C. mahunkai (Wang & Li 1997) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |    |--Condyloppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--*C. condylifer (Hammer 1979) [=Oppia condylifer] S04
    |    |    |    `--C. pilosella (Balogh 1959) [=Oppia pilosella] S04
    |    |    |         |--C. p. pilosella S04
    |    |    |         `--C. p. longiseta (Wallwork 1964) [=Oppia pilosella longiseta] S04
    |    |    |--Anomaloppia Subías 1978 S04
    |    |    |    |--*A. canariensis Subías 1978 S04
    |    |    |    |--A. chitinofincta (Kulijev 1962) [=Oppia chitinofincta] S04
    |    |    |    |--A. differens Mahunka & Topercer 1983 S04
    |    |    |    |--A. dispariseta (Hammer 1958) [=Oppia dispariseta] S04
    |    |    |    |--A. iranica Bayartogtokh & Akrami 2000 S04
    |    |    |    |--A. madeirensis Arillo & Subías 1990 S04
    |    |    |    |--A. manifera (Hammer 1955) [=Oppia manifera] S04
    |    |    |    |--A. ozkani Ayyildiz 1989 S04
    |    |    |    `--A. peregovitsi (Mahunka 1986) [=Insculptoppia peregovitsi] S04
    |    |    `--Pseudoamerioppia Subías 1989 [incl. Minoricoppia Pérez-Íñigo 1991] S04
    |    |         |--*P. paraguayensis (Balogh & Mahunka 1981) S04 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |         |--P. ankae (Mahunka 1974) [=Amerioppia ankae] S04
    |    |         |--P. balearica (Pérez-Íñigo 1991) [=Minoricoppia balearica] S04
    |    |         |--P. barrancensis (Hammer 1961) [=Oppia barrancensis] S04
    |    |         |--P. circumciliata (Balogh 1959) [=Oppia deficiens circumciliata] S04
    |    |         |--P. floralis (Ohkubo 1990) [=Ramusella floralis] S04
    |    |         |--P. javensis (Hammer 1979) [=Amerioppia javensis] S04
    |    |         |--P. lamellata (Wallwork 1961) [=Oppia deficiens lamellata] S04
    |    |         `--P. minuta (Ewing 1917) [=Damaeus minutus] S04
    |    `--Oppiinae [Dameosominae] S04
    |         |--Aeroppia S04
    |         |--Lasiobelba S04
    |         |--Taiwanoppia S04
    |         |--Neoamerioppia S04
    |         |--Oppia S04
    |         |--Tanzoppia Mahunka 1988 S04
    |         |    `--*T. triseta Mahunka 1988 S04
    |         |--Exanthoppia Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |         |    `--*E. ornatissima Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |         |--Laroppia Subías 1989 S04
    |         |    `--*L. petiolata (Wallwork 1977) [=Oppia petiolata] S04
    |         |--Pluritrichoppia Subías & Arillo 1989 S04
    |         |    `--*P. insolita Subías & Arillo 1989 S04
    |         |--Niloppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |         |    `--*N. sticta (Popp 1960) [=Oppia sticta] S04
    |         |--Xenoppia Mahunka 1982 S04
    |         |    `--*X. brevipila Mahunka 1982 S04
    |         |--Oligoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |         |    `--*O. octocoma (Hammer 1973) [=Amerioppia octocoma] S04
    |         |--Lemuroppia Mahunka 1994 S04
    |         |    `--*L. helleri Mahunka 1994 S04
    |         |--Sphagnoppia Balogh & Balogh 1986 S04
    |         |    |--*S. biflagellata Balogh & Balogh 1986 S04
    |         |    `--S. durhamensis (Metz & Sharma 1975) [=Oppia durhamensis] S04
    |         |--Amerioppia Hammer 1961 S04 [=Amenoppia (l. c.) CH98]
    |         |    |--*A. rudentigera Hammer 1961 S04
    |         |    |--A. barrancensis (Hammer 1961) C-R79
    |         |    `--A. meruensis (Balogh 1961) [=Oppia meruensis] S04
    |         |--Fusuloppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |         |    |--F. neonominata Subías 2004 (see below for synonymy) S04
    |         |    `--F. fusuligera (Balogh 1962) [=Oppia fusuligera] S04
    |         |--Quinquoppia Tseng 1982 [incl. Damaeoppia Ohkubo 1995] S04
    |         |    |--*Q. nobilis Tseng 1982 S04
    |         |    `--Q. formosana (Ohkubo 1995) [=Damaeoppia formosana] S04
    |         |--Tectoppia Wallwork 1961 S04
    |         |    |--*T. nigricans Wallwork 1961 S04
    |         |    |--T. costulata Mahunka 1988 S04
    |         |    `--T. longisetosa Mahunka 1974 S04
    |         |--Heteroppia Balogh 1970 S04
    |         |    |--*H. globigera Balogh 1970 S04
    |         |    |--H. orthodactyla (Willmann 1931) [=Oppia orthodactyla] S04
    |         |    `--H. pauciseta (Hammer 1971) [=Globoppia (Aeroppia) pauciseta] S04
    |         |--Erioppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |         |    `--*E. problematica (Balogh 1966) [=Multioppia problematica] S04
    |         |         |--E. p. problematica S04
    |         |         `--E. p. pacifica Balogh & Balogh 1986 S04
    |         |--Goyoppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |         |    |--*G. sexpilosa (Balogh 1961) [=Oppia sexpilosa] S04
    |         |    |--G. longissima (Wen 1987) [=Oppia longissima] S04
    |         |    `--G. sagami (Aoki 1984) [=Oppia sagami] S04
    |         |--Aethioppia Balogh 1983 S04
    |         |    |--*A. bacilligera (Balogh 1962) [=Oppia bacilligera] S04
    |         |    |--A. oligochaeta (Mahunka 1984) [=Xenoppia oligochaeta] S04
    |         |    `--A. ‘spinipes’ (Balogh 1964) [=Oppia spinipes non Banks 1906] S04
    |         `--Paroppia Hammer 1968 S04
    |              |--*P. lebruni Hammer 1968 S04
    |              |--P. breviseta (Balogh 1962) [=Oppia breviseta] S04
    |              |--P. flagellata Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |              `--P. hawaiiensis Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |--Autognetidae S04
    |    |--Eremobodes Jacot 1937 S04
    |    |    `--*E. pectinatus Jacot 1937 S04
    |    |--Austrogneta Balogh & Csiszár 1963 S04
    |    |    |--*A. multipilosa Balogh & Csiszár 1963 S04
    |    |    `--A. quadridentata Hammer 1966 S04
    |    |--Parautogneta Golosova 1974 S04
    |    |    |--*P. silvatica Golosova 1974 S04
    |    |    `--P. golosovae Rjabinin 1975 S04
    |    |--Conchogneta Grandjean 1963 S04
    |    |    |--*C. dalecarlica (Forsslund 1947) [=Autogneta dalecarlica; incl. Oppia talischica Kulijev 1962] S04
    |    |    `--C. traegardhi (Forsslund 1947) [=Autogneta traegardhi] S04
    |    |--Raphigneta Grandjean 1960 NB-P09, S04
    |    |    |--*R. numidiana Grandjean 1960 [=Autogneta (*Rhaphigneta) numidiana] S04
    |    |    `--R. flagellata Mahunka 1977 [=Autogneta (Rhaphigneta) flagellata] S04
    |    |--Cosmogneta Grandjean 1960 S04
    |    |    |--*C. impedita Grandjean 1960 S04
    |    |    |--C. cassolai Bernini, Baratti & Avanzati 1991 S04
    |    |    `--C. kargi Grandjean 1963 S04
    |    `--Autogneta S04
    |--Machuellidae [Machuellinae] S04
    |    |--Gredosella Gil-Martín, Arillo & Subías 2000 S04
    |    |    |--*G. fraternalis Gil-Martín, Arillo & Subías 2000 S04
    |    |    `--G. capitata (Kulijev 1967) [=Machuella capitata] S04
    |    `--Machuella Hammer 1961 S04
    |         |--*M. ventrisetosa Hammer 1961 S04
    |         |    |--M. v. ventrisetosa [incl. M. hellenica Mahunka 1982, M. hippy Niemi & Gordeeva 1991] S04
    |         |    |--M. v. bilineata Weigmann 1976 S04
    |         |    |--M. v. plicata Hammer 1979 S04
    |         |    |--M. v. pyriformis Hammer 1968 S04
    |         |    |--M. v. robusta Hammer 1971 S04
    |         |    `--M. v. zehntneri Mahunka 1977 S04
    |         |--M. draconis Hammer 1961 [incl. M. africana Mahunka 1978] S04
    |         `--M. lineata Hammer 1973 S04
    |--Quadroppiidae [Quadroppiinae] S04
    |    |--Borhidia Balogh & Mahunka 1974 [Borhidiidae] S04
    |    |    |--*B. cubana Balogh & Mahunka 1974 S04
    |    |    `--B. andina Balogh 1988 S04
    |    `--Quadroppia S04
    |--Sternoppia Balogh & Mahunka 1968 [incl. Synoppia Balogh & Mahunka 1969; Sternoppiidae] S04
    |    |--*S. mirabilis Balogh & Mahunka 1968 S04
    |    |--S. boliviana Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
    |    |--S. brasiliensis Franklin & Woas 1992 S04
    |    |--S. incisa Balogh & Mahunka 1977 S04
    |    |--S. minor Balogh & Mahunka 1980 S04
    |    |--S. quadriseta (Balogh & Mahunka 1969) [=Synoppia quadriseta] S04
    |    |--S. reticulata Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
    |    |--S. sphaerodendron Balogh & Mahunka 1979 S04
    |    |--S. striata Mahunka 1983 S04
    |    `--S. vicina Balogh & Mahunka 1980 S04
    |--Granuloppiidae S04
    |    |--Bornemiszaella Balogh 1994 S04
    |    |    |--*B. fournieri Balogh 1994 S04
    |    |    |--B. ramirezi Balogh 1994 S04
    |    |    `--B. salasi Balogh 1994 S04
    |    |--Hammerella Balogh 1983 [incl. Interoppia Mahunka 1987, Woasella Balogh & Balogh 2002] S04
    |    |    |--*H. gracilis (Hammer 1977) [=Brachiopiella gracilis] S04
    |    |    |--H. mirabilis (Mahunka 1987) [=Interoppia mirabilis] S04
    |    |    |--H. pinnatifilis (Canestrini 1898) (n. d.) [=Belba pinnatifilis] S04
    |    |    |--H. rostroreticulata (Ohkubo, Aoki & Hu 1993) [=Interoppia rostroreticulata] S04
    |    |    `--H. sufflata (Franklin & Woas 1992) [=Pulchroppia sufflata] S04
    |    |--Senectoppia Aoki 1976 [incl. Macrosoma Hammer 1979] S04
    |    |    |--*S. rugosa Aoki 1976 S04
    |    |    |--S. complicatum (Paoli 1908) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |    |--S. kerangas Mahunka 2001 S04
    |    |    |--S. multisulcatum (Berlese 1913) S04 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |    `--S. pectinata Aoki 1983 S04
    |    `--Granuloppia Balogh 1958 [incl. Pocsoppia Mahunka 1984] S04
    |         |--*G. congoensis Balogh 1958 S04
    |         |--G. conflata Mahunka 1974 S04
    |         |--G. extrema (Mahunka 1984) [=Pocsoppia extrema] S04
    |         |--G. ghanensis Wallwork 1961 [=G. congoensis ghanensis] S04
    |         |--G. kamerunensis Mahunka 1974 S04
    |         |--G. major Balogh 1958 S04
    |         |--G. neonominata Subías 2004 [=Dameosoma megacephalum Berlese 1905 non Berlese 1901] S04
    |         |--G. nuda Wallwork 1961 [=G. major nuda] S04
    |         `--G. stigmata (Hammer 1979) [=Oppia stigmata] S04
    |--Teratoppiidae S04
    |    |--Granuloteratoppia Balogh 1988 S04
    |    |    `--*G. annulata Balogh 1988 S04
    |    |--Leoppia Pérez-Íñigo 1983 S04
    |    |    `--*L. longicoma Pérez-Íñigo 1983 S04
    |    |--Brasiloppia Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1986 S04
    |    |    `--*B. flechtmanni Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1986 S04
    |    `--Teratoppia S04
    |--Suctobelbidae [Suctobelbides, Suctobelbini] S04
    |    |--Parisuctobelba Higgins & Woolley 1976 S04
    |    |    `--*P. septenia Higgins & Woolley 1976 S04
    |    |--Rhinosuctobelba Woolley & Higgins 1969 S04
    |    |    `--*R. dicerosa Woolley & Higgins 1969 S04
    |    |--Sucteremaeus Golosova & Krivolutsky 1975 S04
    |    |    `--*S. makartzevi (Krivolutsky & Golosova 1974) [=Rhinosuctobelba makartzevi] S04
    |    |--Suctobelbiloides Mahunka 1988 S04
    |    |    `--*S. armatus Mahunka 1988 S04
    |    |--Helvetobelba Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 1999 S04
    |    |    `--*H. dichotoma Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 1999 S04
    |    |--Neosuctobelba Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
    |    |    |--*N. transitoria Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
    |    |    `--N. xena Mahunka 1978 S04
    |    |--Serratobelba Mahunka 1984 S04
    |    |    |--*S. multidentata (Mahunka 1983) [=Suctobelbila multidentata] S04
    |    |    `--S. rugosa Mahunka 1984 S04
    |    |--Persuctobelba Mahunka 2000 S04
    |    |    |--*P. divisa Mahunka 2000 S04
    |    |    `--P. monster Mahunka 2000 S04
    |    |--Condylobelba Mahunka 2001 S04
    |    |    |--*C. agathis Mahunka 2001 S04
    |    |    |--C. bruneiensis Mahunka 2001 S04
    |    |    `--C. sculpturata Mahunka 2001 S04
    |    |--Zeasuctobelba Hammer 1966 S04
    |    |    |--*Z. quinquenodosa Hammer 1966 S04
    |    |    |--Z. arcuata Hammer 1968 S04
    |    |    |--Z. diceros (Mahunka 1980) [=Suctobelba diceros] S04
    |    |    `--Z. trinodosa Hammer 1966 S04
    |    |--Suctobelbella Jacot 1937 S04
    |    |    |  i. s.: S. subcomplexa (Balogh & Mahunka 1968) M01
    |    |    |--S. (Suctobelbella) S04
    |    |    |--S. (Flagrosuctobelba) S04
    |    |    `--S. (Ussuribata) S04
    |    |--Suctobelbata Gordeeva 1991 [incl. Unicobelba Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 1999] S04
    |    |    |--*S. nova Gordeeva 1991 S04
    |    |    |--S. prelli (Märkel & Meyer 1958) [=Suctobelba prelli] S04
    |    |    |--S. truncicola (Forsslund 1941) [=Suctobelba truncicola] S04
    |    |    `--S. ypsilonsignata (Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 1999) [=Unicobelba ypsilonsignata] S04
    |    |--Rhynchobelba Willmann 1953 S04
    |    |    |--*R. inexpectata Willmann 1953 S04
    |    |    |--R. altaica Krivolutsky 1971 S04
    |    |    |--R. machadoi Pérez-Íñigo 1976 S04
    |    |    |--R. ornithorhyncha (Willmann 1953) [=Suctobelba ornithorhyncha] S04
    |    |    `--R. simplex (Fujikawa 1972) [=Allosuctobelba simplex] S04
    |    |--Rhynchoppia Balogh 1968 S04
    |    |    |--*R. sedlaceki Balogh 1968 S04
    |    |    |--R. azaisi Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    |--R. capillata (Balogh 1963) [=Suctobelbila capillata] S04
    |    |    |--R. hauseri (Mahunka 1976) [=Suctobelba hauseri] S04
    |    |    |--R. malakipinae (Corpuz-Raros 1979) [=Suctobelba malakipinae] S04
    |    |    `--R. widagdoi Mahunka 1989 S04
    |    |--Novosuctobelba S04
    |    |--Fenestrobelba S04
    |    |--Allosuctobelba S04
    |    |--Suctobelba S04
    |    `--Suctobelbila S04
    |--Platyameridae NB-P09
    |    |--Platyamerus Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |    `--*P. peculiaris Balogh & Balogh 1983 S04
    |    |--Cristamerus Hammer 1977 S04
    |    |    |--*C. spinosus Hammer 1977 S04
    |    |    `--C. yunnanensis Aoki & Yamamoto 2000 S04
    |    `--Defectamerus Aoki 1984 S04
    |         |--*D. crassisetiger Aoki 1984 S04
    |         |    |--D. c. crassisetiger S04
    |         |    |--D. c. australis Aoki 1991 S04
    |         |    `--D. c. coreanus Choi & Aoki 1985 S04
    |         |--D. conformis Fujikawa 2002 S04
    |         |--D. fuscus Fujikawa 2002 S04
    |         |--D. soonkii Choi & Aoki 1985 S04
    |         `--D. sungohi Choi 1994 S04
    |--Trizetes Berlese 1904 [Trizetidae] S04
    |    `--*T. pyramidalis Berlese 1904 S04
    |--Nosybelba Mahunka 1994 [Nosybelbidae] S04
    |    `--*N. oppiana Mahunka 1994 S04
    |--Enantioppia Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04 [Enantioppiidae NB-P09]
    |    `--*E. multituberculata Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
    |--Hexoppia Balogh 1958 S04 [Hexoppiidae NB-P09]
    |    `--*H. heterotricha Balogh 1958 S04
    |--Luxtonia Mahunka 2001 S04 [Luxtoniidae NB-P09]
    |    `--*L. hauseri Mahunka 2001 S04
    |--Tuparezetes Spain 1969 [Tuparezetidae] S04
    |    |--*T. christineae Spain 1969 S04
    |    `--T. philodendrus Spain 1969 S04
    |--Cuneoppia Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04 [Cuneoppiidae NB-P09]
    |    |--*C. laticeps Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
    |    `--C. dogmai Corpuz-Raros 1979 S04
    |--Chavinia Hammer 1961 S04 [Chaviniidae NB-P09, Chaviniinae]
    |    |--*C. paradoxa Hammer 1961 S04
    |    `--C. similis Balogh 1984 S04
    |--Papillonotus Wallwork 1961 [Papillonotidae] S04
    |    |--*P. maculatus Walwork 1961 S04
    |    |--P. granulosus Wallwork 1961 S04
    |    |--P. hauseri Mahunka 1988 S04
    |    `--P. tricarinatus Sarkar & Subías 1983 S04
    |--Thyrisomidae NB-P09
    |    |--Banksinoma S04
    |    `--Gemmazetes Fujikawa 1979 NB-P09, S04
    |         |--*G. crosbyi (Berlese 1908) BB92, S04 [=Oribella crosbyi S04, Oribellopsis crosbyi S04]
    |         |    |--G. c. crosbyi S04
    |         |    `--‘Oribellopsis’ c. maoershanensis Wen 1992 S04
    |         `--G. clavatus WN84
    |--Lyroppia Balogh 1961 [Lyroppiidae] S04
    |    |--*L. scutigera Balogh 1961 S04
    |    |--L. anareolata Balogh & Mahunka 1981 S04
    |    |--L. delicata Wang & Lu 1995 S04
    |    |--L. neotropica Balogh & Mahunka 1974 S04
    |    `--L. similis Balogh & Mahunka 1977 S04
    |--Machadobelbidae [Rioppiidae] NB-P09
    |    |--Machadobelba S04
    |    |--Ramogneta Karppinen 1966 S04
    |    |    `--*R. lamottei Karppinen 1966 S04
    |    `--Rioppia Balogh & Mahunka 1977 S04
    |         |--*R. nodulifera Balogh & Mahunka 1977 S04
    |         `--R. comteae Mahunka 1985 S04
    `--Epimerellidae S04
         |--Enisella Ayyildiz & Luxton 1989 S04
         |    `--*E. turcica Ayyildiz & Luxton 1989 S04
         `--Epimerella Kulijev 1967 S04
              |--*E. smirnovi (Kulijev 1962) [=Oppia smirnovi] S04
              |    |--E. s. smirnovi S04
              |    `--E. s. longisetosa Kulijev 1967 S04
              |--E. distenta Ayyildiz & Luxton 1989 S04
              |--E. puzanovi Gordeeva & Karppinen 1988 S04
              `--E. rubeni Khanbekjan & Gordeeva 1991 S04

*Acroppia processigera (Balogh & Mahunka 1967) [=Stachyoppia processigera; incl. A. papua Balogh & Balogh 2002] S04

Austroppia crozetensis (Richters 1908) S04 [=Notaspis crozetensis S04, Oppia crozetensis W63; incl. Oppia crozetensis anareensis Dalenius 1958 S04, O. magellanis Hammer 1962 S04, *Austroppia magellanis S04, Lanceoppia (Baioppia) magellanis BB92]

Cryptoppia mahunkai (Wang & Li 1997) [=Pulchroppia mahunkai; incl. P. elegans Mahunka 1988 non Hammer 1979, P. mahunkarum Balogh & Balogh 2002] S04

Cycloppia restata (Aoki 1963) [=Oppia restata; incl. Lanceoppia simplex Suzuki 1973, *Cycloppia simplex] S04

Discoppia (*Cylindroppia) cylindrica (Pérez-Íñigo 1965) S04 [=Oppia minus cylindrica S04, D. minus cylindrica BB92]

Discoppia (*Cylindroppia) cylindrica cylindrica (Pérez-Íñigo 1965) [incl. O. agricola Fujikawa 1982, O. bifidus Bayoumi & Al-Khalifa 1985, O. casuarina Abdel-Hamid, Hussein et al. 1983, O. sitnikovae Shereef 1976 non Kulijev 1962] S04

Fusuloppia neonominata Subías 2004 [=Oppia simplex Balogh 1964 nec O. minus simplex Jacot 1938 nec O. simplex Mihelčič 1956, *F. simplex] S04

Microppia minus minus (Paoli 1908) S04 [incl. Oppia minutissima Sellnick 1950 S04, M. minutissima CH98, O. minus simplex Jacot 1938 S04]

Processoppia mihelcicana (Ohkubo 2003) [=Rhaphoppia mihelcicana; incl. Oppia mihelcici Hammer 1968 non Pérez-Íñigo 1965] S04

*Pseudoamerioppia paraguayensis (Balogh & Mahunka 1981) S04 [=Oppia barrancensis paraguayensis S04, P. barrancensis paraguayensis BB92]

Senectoppia complicatum (Paoli 1908) [=Dameosoma complicatum; incl. Ptiloppia castagnoliae Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp 1995, Dameosoma corrugatum Berlese 1905 non Berlese 1904] S04

Senectoppia multisulcatum (Berlese 1913) S04 [=Dameosoma multisulcatum S04; incl. S. hammerae Aoki 1983 S04, *Macrosoma rugosa Hammer 1979 non S. rugosa Aoki 1976 BB92, S04]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[C86] Choi, S. S. 1986. The oribatid mites (Acari: Cryptostigmata) of Korea (5). On new and unrecorded species of the family Oppiidae. Acta Arachnologica 34: 61–67.

[CH98] Colloff, M. J., & R. B. Halliday. 1998. Oribatid Mites: A catalogue of Australian genera and species. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood.

[C-R79] Corpuz-Raros, L. A. 1979. Philippine Oribatei (Acarina). I. Preliminary list of species and descriptions of forty new species. Philippine Agriculturist 62 (1): 1–82.

[M01] Mahunka, S. 2001. Oribatids from Brunei III (Acari: Oribatida). (Acarologica Genavensia XCI). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 108 (2): 317–349.

[NB-P09] Norton, R. A., & V. M. Behan-Pelletier. 2009. Suborder Oribatida. In: Krantz, G. W., & D. E. Walter (eds) A Manual of Acarology 3rd ed. pp. 430–564. Texas Tech University Press.

[PL17] Pachl, P., A. C. Lindl, A. Krause, S. Scheu, I. Schaefer & M. Maraun. 2017. The tropics as an ancient cradle of oribatid mite diversity. Acarologia 57 (2): 309–322.

[S07] Schatz, H. 2007. Biogeography of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) from the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica and Panama. In: Morales-Malacara, J. B., V. M. Behan-Pelletier, E. Ueckermann, T. M. Pérez, E. G. Estrada-Venegas & M. Badii (eds) Acarology XI: Proceedings of the International Congress pp. 151–167. Instituto de Biología and Faculdad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Sociedad Latinoamericana de Acarología: México.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.

[W63] Wallwork, J. A. 1963. The Oribatei (Acari) of Macquarie Island. Pacific Insects 5 (4): 721–769.

[WN84] Walter, D. E., & R. A. Norton. 1984. Body size distribution in sympatric oribatid mites (Acari: Sarcoptiformes) from California pine litter. Pedobiologia 27: 99–106.

[W91] Weigmann, G. 1991. Oribatid communities in transects from bogs to forests in Berlin indicating the biotopes qualities. In: Dusbábek, F., & V. Bukva (eds) Modern Acarology: Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Acarology, held in České Budĕjovice, Czechoslovakia, 6–11 August 1990 vol. 1 pp. 359–364. SPB Academic Publishing: The Hague.

Last updated: 24 February 2019.