Showing posts with label Oestroidea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oestroidea. Show all posts

Sarcophaga (Liosarcophaga)

Sarcophaga dux, copyright Jean and Fred Hort.

Belongs within: Sarcophaga.

The subgenus Liosarcophaga of the genus Sarcophaga is a group of flesh flies characterised by the presence of two long lateral arms, usually bifid, on the apical plates of the paraphallus (Lopes 1959).

<==Sarcophaga (Liosarcophaga Enderlein 1928) MD13, L59
    |--‘Parasarcophaga’ (*L.) madeirensis (Schiner 1868) [=Cynomyia madeirensis] L59
    |--S. (L.) aegyptica Salem 1935 [=Parasarcophaga (L.) aegyptica; incl. P. parkeri Rohdendorf 1937] F92
    |--‘Parasarcophaga’ (L.) angarosinica Rohdendorf 1937 F92
    |--S. (L.) brevicornis Ho 1934 [=Parasarcophaga (L.) brevicornis] F92
    |--S. (L.) dux Thomson 1869 MD13 [=Parasarcophaga (L.) dux F92, S. misera dux L59]
    |--S. (L.) eta Johnston & Tiegs 1921 [=Parasarcophaga (L.) eta] L59
    |--‘Parasarcophaga’ (L.) fedtshenkoi Rohdendorf 1969 F92
    |--S. (L.) harpax Pandellé 1896 F92 [=Parasarcophaga (L.) harpax F92, S. misera var. harpax H38]
    |--‘Parasarcophaga’ (L.) hui (Ho 1936) F92
    |--S. (L.) idmais Séguy 1934 [=Parasarcophaga (L.) idmais] F92
    |--‘Parasarcophaga’ (L.) jacobsoni Rohdendorf 1937 F92
    |--‘Parasarcophaga’ (L.) jaroschevskyi Rohdendorf 1937 F92
    |--S. (L.) kitaharai Miyazaki 1958 [=Parasarcophaga (L.) kitaharai; incl. P. apiciscissa Fan 1964] F92
    |--S. (L.) kobayashii Hori 1954 [=Parasarcophaga (L.) kobayashii] F92
    |--S. (L.) kohla Johnston & Tiegs 1921 MD13 [=Parasarcophaga (L.) kohla L59]
    |--‘Parasarcophaga’ (L.) nanpingensis Ye 1980 F92
    |--‘Parasarcophaga’ (L.) pleskei Rohdendorf 1937 F92
    |--‘Parasarcophaga’ (L.) portschinskyi Rohdendorf 1937 F92
    |--S. (L.) sigma Johnston & Tiegs 1921 MD13, L59
    `--S. (L.) tuberosa (Pandellé 1896) [=Parasarcophaga (L.) tuberosa] F92

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[H38] Hallock, H. C. 1938. New Sarcophaginae (Diptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 40 (4): 95–99.

[L59] Lopes, H. de S. 1959. A revision of Australian Sarcophagidae (Diptera). Studia Ent. 2 (1–4): 33–67.

[MD13] Meiklejohn, K. A., M. Dowton, T. Pape & J. F. Wallman. 2013. A key to the Australian Sarcophagidae (Diptera) with special emphasis on Sarcophaga (sensu lato). Zootaxa 3680 (1): 148–189.


Helicophagella melanura, copyright Jinsuk Kim.

Belongs within: Sarcophaginae.
Contains: Neosarcophaga, Robineauella, Sarcophaga.

The Sarcophagini are a group of flesh flies bearing long hairs on the arista (Shewell 1987).

Characters (from Shewell 1987, as Sarcophagini + Parasarcophagini): Arista long plumose, longest rays at least as long as width of first flagellomere. Frontal rows of setae abruptly divergent at antennae. Hairs on upper part of parafacial either scattered or in single row close to eye (if latter, then gena entirely pale-haired). Prosternum narrow. Postalar wall haired in middle. Costal spine absent. Coxopleural streak absent. Cephalopharyngeal skeleton of first-instar larva with two mandibular hooks.

<==Sarcophagini [Parasarcophagini] S87
    |--Helicophagella Enderlein 1928 [Helicophagellina] F92
    |    |--*H. noverca (Rondani 1860) [=Sarcophaga noverca] F92
    |    |--H. maculata (Meigen 1835) [=Sarcophaga maculata] F92
    |    |--H. melanura (Meigen 1826) [=Sarcophaga melanura] F92
    |    `--H. rohdendorfi (Grunin 1964) [=Bellieria rohdendorfi] F92
    |--+--Harpagophalla Rohdendorf 1937 [Harpagophallina] F92
    |  |    `--H. kempi (Senior-White 1924) (see below for synonymy) F92
    |  `--+--Xanthopteriscina F92
    |     `--Sarcophaga F92
    `--+--Leucomyia Brauer & Bergenstamm 1891 [Leucomyiina] F92
       |    `--L. cinerea (Fabricius 1794) [=Musca cinerea; incl. Sarcophila alba Schiner 1868, *Leucomyia alba] F92
       |         |--L. c. cinerea F92
       |         `--L. c. dukoica Zhang & Chao 1978 F92
       `--+--Kozlovea Rohdendorf 1937 [Kozloveina] F92
          |    |--K. lopesi F92
          |    `--K. tshernovi F92
          `--+--Erwinlindneriina F92
             `--Phytosarcophagina F92

Sarcophagini incertae sedis:
  Neosarcophaga S87
  Tolucamyia sigilla S87
  Bercaeopsis S87
  Robineauella F92
  Euboettcheria volucris S87
  Paraphrissopoda S87
  Wohlfahrtiopsis utilis S87
  Neobellieria [incl. Robackina Lopes 1975, Sapromyia Roback 1954] S87
    `--N. bullata S87
  Sarcotachinella Townsend 1892 F92
    `--S. sinuata (Meigen 1826) [=Sarcophaga sinuata; incl. *Sarcotachinella intermedia Townsend 1892] F92
  Pandelleana Rohdendorf 1937 F92
    |--*P. protuberans (Pandellé 1896) [=Sarcophaga protuberans] F92
    |    |--P. p. protuberans F92
    |    `--P. p. shantungensis Yeh 1964 F92
    `--P. andaluciana Lehrer 2004 F05
  Tuberomembrana Fan 1981 F92
    `--*T. xizangensis Fan 1981 F92
  Dinemomyia Chen 1975 F92
    `--*D. nigribasicosta Chen 1975 [incl. Pierretia melania Shinonaga & Tumrasvin 1979] F92
  Burmanomyia Fan 1964 F92
    |--*B. beesoni (Senior-White 1924) [=Sarcophaga beesoni] F92
    `--B. pattoni (Senior-White 1924) [=Sarcophaga pattoni; incl. S. pilipleuris Salem 1945] F92
  Phallosphaera Rohdendorf 1938 F92
    |--*P. (Phallosphaera) konakovi Rohdendorf 1938 [incl. Sarcophaga shiroganensis Kano & Okazaki 1956] F92
    `--P. (Yunnanomyia Fan 194) F92
         |--P. (Y.) amica Ma 1964 F92
         `--P. (Y.) gravelyi (Senior-White 1924) (see below for synonymy) F92
  Kramerea Rohdendorf 1937 F92
    `--*K. schuetzei (Kramer 1909) [=Sarcophaga schuetzei] F92
  Sinonipponia Rohdendorf 1959 F92
    |--S. hervebazini (Séguy 1934) (see below for synonymy) F92
    |--S. concreata (Séguy 1934) [=Sarcophaga concreata] F92
    |--S. hainanensis (Ho 1936) [=Sarcophaga hainanensis] F92
    `--S. musashinensis (Kano & Okazaki 1956) [=Sarcophaga musashinensis] F92
  Takanoa Rohdendorf 1965 F92
    `--T. hakusana F92
  Fengia Rohdendorf 1964 F92
    `--*F. ostindicae (Senior-White 1924) [=Sarcophaga ostindicae] F92
  Horiisca Rohdendorf 1965 F92
    `--*H. hozawai (Hori 1954) [=Sarcophaga hozawai] F92
  Alisarcophaga Fan & Chen 1981 F92
    `--A. gressitti F92
  Horia Kano et al. 1967 F92
    `--*H. oitana (Hori 1955) [=Sarcophaga oitana] F92
  Hoa Rohdendorf 1937 F92
    `--*H. flexuosa (Ho 1934) [=Sarcophaga flexuosa] F92
  Iranihindia Rohdendorf 1961 F92
    |--*I. futilis (Senior-White 1924) [=Sarcophaga futilis] F92
    `--I. spinosa Li, Ye & Liu 1985 F92
  Hosarcophaga Shinonaga & Tumrasvin 1979 F92
    `--*H. serrata (Ho 1938) F92
  Phallocheira Rohdendorf 1937 F92
    `--*P. minor Rohdendorf 1937 F92
  Pterosarcophaga Ye 1981 F92
    `--*P. emeishanensis Ye 1981 F92
  Kanomyia Shinonaga & Tumrasvin 1979 F92
    `--*K. bangkokensis Shinonaga & Tumrasvin 1979 F92
  Chrysosarcophaga Townsend 1932 F92

Harpagophalla kempi (Senior-White 1924) [=Sarcophaga kempi; incl. S. (Thyrsocnema) kempioides Baranov 1931, S. sera Rohdendorf 1930, *Harpagophalla sera] F92

Phallosphaera (Yunnanomyia) gravelyi (Senior-White 1924) [=Sarcophaga gravelyi; incl. S. formosana Senior-White 1924, S. kinoshitai Hori 1954, S. longicornis Boettcher 1912 non Macquart 1843] F92

Sinonipponia hervebazini (Séguy 1934) [=Sarcophaga hervebazini; incl. Sa. erecta Ho 1934 non Engel 1924, *Sinonipponia erecta] F92

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[F05] Fernández, J. 2005. Noticia de nuevos táxones para la ciencia en el ámbito Íbero-Balear y Macaronésico. Nuevos táxones animales descritos en la península Ibérica y Macaronesia desde 1994 (IX). Graellsia 61 (2): 261–282.

[S87] Shewell, G. E. 1987. Sarcophagidae. In: McAlpine, J. F. (ed.) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1159–1186. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.


Yellow-faced blow fly Cynomya mortuorum, copyright Frank Vassen.

Belongs within: Calliphoridae.
Contains: Polleniopsis, Onesia, Bellardia, Melanomyinae, Calliphora.

The Calliphorinae are a group of blow flies that are typically metallic in coloration, though phylogenetic analysis raises the possibility they may be paraphyletic to the non-metallic Melanomyinae (Kutty et al. 2010).

Characters (from Peris & González-Mora 2004): Propleural depression, prosternum and episternal area usually hairy. Parafacials setulose in upper part. Thoracic squamula usually setulose dorsally. Costa and subcosta pilose until merger with R1. Aedeagus with numerous denticles on surface of acrophallus. Tergite 8 and epiproct mostly separated. Epiproct and cerci black, often with microtrichia.

<==Calliphorinae [Calliphorini] VW10
    |--+--+--Bellardia KP10
    |  |  `--Melanomyinae KP10
    |  `--+--Calliphora KP10
    |     `--Cynomya Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 KP10, PG-M04 (see below for synonymy)
    |          |--*C. mortuorum (Linnaeus 1761) [=Musca mortuorum, *Cynophaga mortuorum] PG-M04
    |          |--C. cadaverina Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 [=Cynomyia cadaverina, *Cynomyiopsis cadaverina] PG-M04
    |          `--C. hirte Gough 1898 [=Cynomyia hirte, *Carcinomyia hirte] PG-M04
    `--Sarconesia [Toxotarsinae] KP10
         |--S. chlorogaster (Wiedemann 1830) KP10
         `--S. versicolor Bigot 1857 KP10

Calliphorinae incertae sedis:
  Tainanina Villeneuve 1926 PG-M04
    |--T. pilisquama (Senior-White 1925) F92, PG-M04 (see below for synonymy)
    |--T. javanica Kurahashi 1978 F92
    |--T. sarcophagoides (Malloch 1931) [=Calliphora sarcophagoides] F92
    `--T. yangchunensis Fan & Yao 1984 F92
  Onesiomima Rohdendorf 1962 PG-M04
    `--*O. pamirica Rohdendorf 1962 PG-M04
  Pseudonesia Villeneuve 1924 PG-M04
    `--*P. puberula (Zetterstedt 1838) [=Musca puberula; incl. Tachina pubicornis Zetterstedt 1938] PG-M04
  Cynomyiomima Rohdendorf 1924 [incl. Chaetocynomyia Enderlein 1933] PG-M04
    `--*C. stackelbergi Rohdendorf 1924 [incl. *Chaetocynomyia latifrons Enderlein 1933] PG-M04
  Cyanus Hall 1948 PG-M04
    `--*C. elongata (Hough 1898) [=Cynomyia elongata] PG-M04
  Xenocalliphora Malloch 1924 PG-M04
    `--*X. eudypti (Hutton 1902) [=Calliphora eudypti] PG-M04
  Ptilonesia Bezzi 1927 PG-M04
    `--*P. auronotate (Macquart 1855) [=Pollenia auronotate] PG-M04
  Australocalliphora Kurahashi 1971 PG-M04
    `--*A. onesioides (Kurahashi 1971) [=Calliphora (*Australocalliphora) onesioides] PG-M04
  Mufetiella Villeneuve 1933 PG-M04
    `--*M. grisescens (Villeneuve 1933) [=Calliphora grisescens] PG-M04
  Oceanocalliphora Kurahashi 1972 PG-M04
    `--*O. bryani (Kurahashi 1972) [=Calliphora (*Oceanocalliphora) bryani] PG-M04
  Metallicomyia Röder 1886 [=Chalcomyia Röder 1886 non Willist 1885] PG-M04
    `--*M. elegans (Röder 1886) [=*Chalcomyia elegans] PG-M04
  Mufetia Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 PG-M04
    `--*M. autissiodorensis Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 PG-M04
  Pericallimyia Villeneuve 1915 (see below for synonymy) PG-M04
    |--*P. marginalis Villeneuve 1915 PG-M04
    `--‘Tachina’ westermanni Wiedemann 1819 [=*Africomusca westermanni] PG-M04
  Polleniopsis PG-M04
  Onesia PG-M04

Cynomya Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 KP10, PG-M04 [=Cyanomyia (l. c.) PG-M04, Cynomyia (l. c.) PG-M04, Cynophaga Lioy 1864 PG-M04; incl. Carcinomyia Townsend 1915 PG-M04, Cynomyiopsis Townsend 1915 PG-M04]

Pericallimyia Villeneuve 1915 [incl. Africomusca Townsend 1932, Callopisma Villeneuve 1915 (n. n.) non De Not. 1847 (ICBN)] PG-M04

Tainanina pilisquama (Senior-White 1925) F92, PG-M04 [=Pollenia pilisquama PG-M04; incl. *T. grisella Villeneuve 1926 PG-M04]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[KP10] Kutty, S. N., T. Pape, B. M. Wiegmann & R. Meier. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of the Calyptratae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) with an emphasis on the superfamily Oestroidea and the position of Mystacinobiidae and McAlpine's fly. Systematic Entomology 35: 614–635.

[PG-M04] Peris, S. V., & D. González-Mora. 2004. Clave de identificación para los géneros de Calliphoridae del mundo. Subfamilias con vena remigium desnuda y creación de una nueva subfamilia. Bol. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. (Sec. Biol.) 99 (1–4): 115–144.

[VW10] Vargas, J., & D. M. Wood. 2010. Calliphoridae (blow flies). In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1297-1304. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.


Melinda viridicyanea, copyright Michael Knapp.

Belongs within: Calliphorinae.

The Melanomyinae are a Holarctic group of blow flies whose larvae, where known, are parasitic on land snails (Shewell 1987).

Characters (from Peris & González-Mora 2004): Parafacials usually setose in upper part, without strong setae in lower part. Thorax coloration often metallic on black background. Prosternum often setulose. Hairiness tending to become reduced in preepisternal, prosternal, metasternal and postalar areas. Thoracic squamula usually bare dorsally (rarely with a small patch of setae). Anepimeron almost or entirely bare below. Ventral setulae on costal vein usually extending beyond fusion with R1. Stem vein (basal section of R) dorsally bare. Apical portion of M generally not sinuous in a smooth curve. Abdomen pruinose, not usually metallic, at most slightly apparently tan, sometimes even spotted with brownish yellow anteriorly and dorsally. Male with aedeagus without denticles on ventral surface of distiphallus; cerci short and wide, hairy. End of oviscapt in female with third tergite and epiproct fused in a structure like a small tongue.

    |--Melanomya Rondani 1856 PG-M04 [=Melanomyia (l. c.) PG-M04; Melanomyini S87]
    |    |--*M. nana (Meigen 1826) [=Dexia nana] PG-M04
    |    |--M. bicolor SC19
    |    `--M. serva BW09
    `--Angioneurini [Angioneurinae] S87
         |--Eggisops Rondani 1862 S87, PG-M04 [=Engyops Brauer & Bergenstamm 1889 PG-M04, Engyzops Scudder 1862 PG-M04]
         |    |--*E. pechiolii Rondani 1862 PG-M04
         |    `--E. petiolata PG-M04
         |--Opsodexia Townsend 1915 S87, PG-M04 (see below for synonymy)
         |    |--O. serva (Walker 1852) S87, PG-M04 (see below for synonymy)
         |    |--‘Chaetona’ flavipennis Coquillet 1902 [=*Phalacrodexia flavipennis] PG-M04
         |    `--‘Chaetona’ grisea Coquillet 1899 [incl. *Opelodexia artata Reinhard 1945] PG-M04
         |--Angioneura Brauer & Bergenstamm 1893 (see below for synonymy) PG-M04
         |    |--‘Medoria’ acerba Meigen 1838 (see below for synonymy)
         |    |--A. abdominalis (Reinhard 1929) SC19, PG-M04 (see below for synonymy)
         |    |--A. cyrtoneurina (Zetterstedt 1959) [=Tachina curtoneurina, *Angineurilla curtoneurina] PG-M04
         |    |--A. obscura (Townsend 1919) S87, PG-M04 [=*Opelousia obscura PG-M04]
         |    `--A. xinjiangensis PG-M04
         `--Melinda Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 S87, PG-M04 (see below for synonymy)
              |--M. cognata (Meigen 1830) A71, PG-M04 (see below for synonymy)
              |--M. dasysternita Chen, Deng & Fan in Fan 1992 F92
              |--M. gentilis Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 [=*Xerophilophaga gentilis] PG-M04
              |--M. gibbosa Chen, Deng & Fan in Fan 1992 F92
              |--M. gonggashanensis Chen & Fan 1992 F92
              |--M. io (Kurahashi 1965) [=Paradichosia io] F92
              |--M. maai Kurahashi 1970 F92
              |--M. nigra (Kurahashi 1965) [=Paradichosia nigra] F92
              |--M. nigrella Chen, Li & Zhang 1988 F92
              |--M. septentrionalis Xue 1983 F92
              |--*Neomelinda’ sumatrana Malloch 1927 PG-M04
              |--M. viridicyanea Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 KP10
              `--*Paurothrix’ xiphophora Bezzi 1927 PG-M04

Melanomyinae incertae sedis:
  Tricycleopsis Villeneuve 1927 [incl. Pseudocalliphora Malloch 1927] PG-M04
    `--*T. paradoxa Villeneuve 1927 [incl. Calliphora (*Pseudocalliphora) semifulva Malloch 1927] PG-M04
  Glutoxys Aldrich 1929 PG-M04
    `--*G. elegans Aldrich 1929 PG-M04
  Paradichosia Senior-White 1923 PG-M04
    |--*P. scutellata Senior-White 1923 PG-M04
    |--P. blaesostylata Feng, Chen & Fan in Fan 1992 F92
    |--P. brachyphalla Feng, Chen & Fan in Fan 1992 F92
    |--P. chuanbeiensis Chen & Fan 1992 F92
    |--P. crinitarsis Villeneuve 1927 F92
    |--P. hunanensis Chen, Zhang & Fan in Fan 1992 F92
    |--P. kangdingensis Chen & Fan 1992 F92
    |--P. nigricans Villeneuve 1927 F92
    |--P. tsukamotoi (Kano 1962) [=Melinda tsukamotoi] F92
    `--P. vanemdeni (Kurahashi 1970) F92
  Pseudopsodexia Townsend 1935 PG-M04
    `--*P. cruciata Townsend 1935 PG-M04
  Gymnadichosia Villeneuve 1927 PG-M04
    `--*G. pusilla Villeneuve 1927 PG-M04
         |--G. p. pusilla F92
         `--G. p. tribulis Villeneuve 1933 F92
  Pollenomyia Séguy 1935 PG-M04
    |--*P. sinensis Séguy 1935 PG-M04 [=Pollenia sinensis PG-M04; incl. Melinda itoi Kano 1962 F92]
    |--P. falciloba (Hsue 1979) [=Paradichosia falciloba] F92
    `--P. okazakii (Kano 1962) [=Melinda okazakii] F92

Angioneura Brauer & Bergenstamm 1893 [incl. Angineurilla Villeneuve 1924, Opelousia Townsend 1919, Opsodexiopsis Townsend 1935] PG-M04

Angioneura abdominalis (Reinhard 1929) SC19, PG-M04 [=Opsodexia abdominalis PG-M04, *Opsodexiopsis abdominalis PG-M04]

‘Medoria’ acerba Meigen 1838 [incl. Myobia vetusta Brauer & Bergenstamm 1891, *Angioneura vetusta] PG-M04

Melinda Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 S87, PG-M04 [incl. Melania Blainville 1820 non Lamarck 1799 PG-M04, Neomelinda Malloch 1927 PG-M04, Paurothrix Bezzi 1927 PG-M04, Xerophilophaga Enderlein 1933 PG-M04]

Melinda cognata (Meigen 1830) A71, PG-M04 [=Musca cognata PG-M04; incl. Mu. coerulea Meigen 1826 non Wiedemann 1819 PG-M04, *Melinda coerulea PG-M04]

Opsodexia Townsend 1915 S87, PG-M04 [incl. Phalacrodexia Townsend 1915 PG-M04, Opelodexia Reinhard 1945 PG-M04]

Opsodexia serva (Walker 1852) S87, PG-M04 [=Musca serva PG-M04; incl. Chaetona bicolor Coquillet 1898 PG-M04, *Opsodexia bicolor PG-M04]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A71] Askew, R. R. 1971. Parasitic Insects. Heinemann Educational Books: London.

[BW09] Buck, M., N. E. Woodley, A. Borkent, D. M. Wood, T. Pape, J. R. Vockeroth, V. Michelsen & S. A. Marshall. 2009. Key to Diptera families—adults. In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 1 pp. 95–156. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[KP10] Kutty, S. N., T. Pape, B. M. Wiegmann & R. Meier. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of the Calyptratae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) with an emphasis on the superfamily Oestroidea and the position of Mystacinobiidae and McAlpine's fly. Systematic Entomology 35: 614–635.

[PG-M04] Peris, S. V. & D. González-Mora. 2004. Clave de identificación para los géneros de Calliphoridae del mundo. Subfamilias con vena remigium desnuda y creación de una nueva subfamilia. Bol. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. (Sec. Biol.) 99 (1–4): 115–144.

[S87] Shewell, G. E. 1987. Calliphoridae. In: McAlpine, J. F. (ed.) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1133–1145. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

[SC19] Stireman, J. O., III, P. Cerretti, J. E. O'Hara, J. D. Blaschke & J. K. Moulton. 2019. Molecular phylogeny and evolution of world Tachinidae (Diptera). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 139: 106358.


Oriental latrine fly Chrysomya megacephala, copyright Muhammad Mahdi Karim.

Belongs within: Calliphoridae.

The Chrysomyinae are a group of blow flies characterised by the presence of a row of hairs along the posterior margin dorsally of the stem vein (the basal section of vein R), together with a haired posterior margin on the hind coxa. Though mostly scavengers, some are known to attack living animal tissue via wounds and the screwworm fly Cochliomyia hominivorax develops as an obligate parasite of large mammals. Species of Cochliomyia may be distinguished from other members of the subfamily by the reduction of the palpus which is short, slender and filiform. The genus Chrysomya is characterised by a covering of dark appressed hair over the entirety of the dorsal surface of the lower calypter (Vargas & Wood 2010).

<==Chrysomyinae VW10
    |--Hemilucilia VW10 [Hemiluciliini S87]
    |    |--H. fuscanipennis CH37
    |    |--H. segmentaria VW10
    |    `--H. semidiaphana VW10
    `--Chrysomyini VW10
         |--Chloroprocta S87
         |    |--C. idioidea [incl. C. fuscanipennis] VW10
         |    `--C. semiviridis CH37
         |--Paralucilia wheeleri S87, M90
         |--Cochliomyia [Cochliomyiini] S87
         |    |--C. aldrichi VW10
         |    |--C. americana CH37 [=Callitroga americana A71]
         |    |--C. fontanai VW10
         |    |--C. hominivorax VW10 [=Callitroga hominivorax A71]
         |    |--C. laniaria CH37
         |    |--C. macellaria WT11
         |    `--C. minima VW10
         `--Chrysomya Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 [incl. Cyaneosomyia Séguy 1928] F92
              |  i. s.: *C. (Chrysomya) regalis Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 F92
              |         C. albiceps VW10
              |         C. defixa Walker 1857 [=C. (Compsomyia) defixa] F92
              |         C. incisuralis W01
              |         C. latifrons W01
              |         C. mallochi CM70
              |         C. saffranea CM91
              |         C. varipes W01
              |--C. rufifacies (Macquart 1843) KP10
              `--+--C. putoria KP10
                 `--C. (Compsomyia Rondani 1875) F92
                      |--C. (C.) bezziana Villeneuve 1914 F92
                      |--C. (C.) chani Kurahashi 1979 F92
                      |--C. (C.) phaonis (Séguy 1928) [=Cyaneosomyia phaonis] F92
                      |--C. (C.) megacephala (Fabricius 1784) F92, KP10, F92 [=Musca megacephala F92]
                      |--C. (C.) pinguis (Walker 1858) [=Lucilia pinguis] F92
                      `--C. (C.) thanomthini Kurahashi & Tumrasvin 1971 F92

Chrysomyinae incertae sedis:
  Compsomyiops VW10
    |--C. callipes VW10
    |--C. fulvicrura KP10
    `--C. wheeleri CH37
  Ceylonomyia Fan 1965 F92
    `--*C. nigripes (Aubertin 1932) [=Chrysomyia (Microcalliphora) nigripes] F92
  Achoetandrus Bezzi 1927 F92
    |--*A. albiceps (Wd. 1819) [=Musca albiceps] F92
    |--A. rufifacies (Macq. 1843) [=Lucilia rufifacies; incl. Chrysomyia pingi Hsieh 1958] F92
    `--A. villeneuvii (Patton 1922) [=Chrysomyia villeneuvii] F92
  Microcalliphora Townsend 1916 F92

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A71] Askew, R. R. 1971. Parasitic Insects. Heinemann Educational Books: London.

[CM70] Colless, D. H., & D. K. McAlpine. 1970. Diptera (flies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers pp. 656–740. Melbourne University Press.

[CM91] Colless, D. H., & D. K. McAlpine. 1991. Diptera (flies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 717–786. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[CH37] Cushing, E. C., & D. G. Hall. 1937. Some morphological differences between the screwworm fly Cochliomyia americana C. & P. and other closely allied or similar species in North America (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 39 (7): 195–200.

[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[KP10] Kutty, S. N., T. Pape, B. M. Wiegmann & R. Meier. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of the Calyptratae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) with an emphasis on the superfamily Oestroidea and the position of Mystacinobiidae and McAlpine's fly. Systematic Entomology 35: 614–635.

[M90] McAlpine, J. F. 1990. Insecta: Diptera adults. In: Dindal, D. L. (ed.) Soil Biology Guide pp. 1211–1252. John Wiley & Sones: New York.

[S87] Shewell, G. E. 1987. Calliphoridae. In: McAlpine, J. F. (ed.) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1133–1145. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

[VW10] Vargas, J., & D. M. Wood. 2010. Calliphoridae (blow flies). In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1297–1304. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

[W01] Wallman, J. F. 2001. A key to the adults of species of blowflies in southern Australia known or suspected to breed in carrion. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 15: 433–437.

[WT11] Wiegmann, B. M., M. D. Trautwein, I. S. Winkler, N. B. Barr, J.-W. Kim, C. Lambkin, M. A. Bertone, B. K. Cassel, K. M. Bayless, A. M. Heimberg, B. M. Wheeler, K. J. Peterson, T. Pape, B. J. Sinclair, J. H. Skevington, V. Blagoderov, J. Caravas, S. N. Kutty, U. Schmidt-Ott, G. E. Kampmeier, F. C. Thompson, D. A. Grimaldi, A. T. Beckenbach, G. W. Courtney, M. Friedrich, R. Meier & D. K. Yeates. 2011. Episodic radiations in the fly tree of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 108 (14): 5690–5695.

Last updated: 17 April 2022.


Uramya halisidotae, copyright Phil Huntley-Franck.

Belongs within: Tachinidae.
Contains: Dufouriini, Dexiini.

The Dexiinae are a group of tachinid flies united by the presence of a hinge in the phallus together with close association of the postgonites with the base of the phallus. Females possess a uterus and deposit eggs containing a developed embryo (Wood & Zumbado 2010). The majority of species parasitise Lepidoptera though certain subgroups attack Coleoptera or Heteroptera. Parasitoids of adult Heteroptera form a clade including the Epigrimyiini and Euthera (Stireman et al. 2019).

<==Dexiinae [Dufouriinae, Proseninae, Voriini, Wagneriini] WZ10
    |--+--Litophasia SC19
    |  `--+--Epigrimyiini SC19
    |     |    |--Epigrimyia SC19
    |     |    |    |--E. illinoensis SC19
    |     |    |    `--E. polita W87
    |     |    `--Beskia aelops SC19
    |     `--Euthera [Eutherini] SC19
    |          |--E. setifacies SC19
    |          `--E. tentatrix WZ10
    `--+--+--+--Microsoma exigua SC19
       |  |  `--Freraea [Freraeini] SC19
       |  |       `--F. montana W87
       |  `--+--Xanthobasis angustifrons SC19
       |     `--Eutrixa exilis SC19
       `--+--+--Chaetonopsis spinosa SC19
          |  `--Stomina SC19
          `--+--+--Leptomacquartia SC19
             |  `--+--Telothyria [Telothyriini] SC19
             |     |    `--T. thecata [=Leskiopsis thecata] WZ10
             |     `--Eriothrix SC19
             |          |--E. monticola SC19
             |          `--E. penitalis W87
             `--+--Dufouriini SC19
                `--+--Phyllomya [Phyllomyina, Phyllomyini] SC19
                   |    |--P. volvulus SC19
                   |    `--P. washingtoniana W87
                   `--+--+--+--Periscepsia Gistel 1848 SC19, F92 (see below for synonymy)
                      |  |  |    |--*P. carbonaria (Panzer 1798) (see below for synonymy) F92
                      |  |  |    |--P. helymus WZ10
                      |  |  |    `--P. stylata [=Petinarctia stylata] W87
                      |  |  `--+--Myiotrixini SC19
                      |  |     |    |--Myiotrixa SC19
                      |  |     |    `--Obscuromyia SC19
                      |  |     `--Campylocheta [Campylochetini] SC19
                      |  |          |--C. plathypenae SC19
                      |  |          `--C. semiothisae WZ10
                      |  `--+--+--Muscopteryx SC19
                      |     |  |    |--M. costalis [=Websteriana costalis] W87
                      |     |  |    |--M. evexus [=Tarassophorus evexus] W87
                      |     |  |    `--M. hilaris SC19
                      |     |  `--Metopomuscopteryx tibialis SC19
                      |     `--+--Trafoia SC19
                      |        |    |--T. arctica WZ10 [=Tenuirostra arctica W87]
                      |        |    `--T. rufipalpis SC19
                      |        `--+--Micronychiops aurescens SC19
                      |           `--+--Uramya [Uramyini] SC19
                      |              |    |--U. aldrichi W87
                      |              |    |--U. halisidotae T81
                      |              |    `--U. pristis SC19
                      |              `--Thelairaporia brasiliensis SC19
                      `--Dexiini SC19

Dexiinae incertae sedis:
  Trixa A71
  Hystricodexia echinata WZ10
  Voria Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 F92
    `--*V. ruralis (Fallén 1810) (see below for synonymy) F92
  Hyleorus Aldrich 1926 [incl. Neuroplagia Townsend 1933, Steiniomyia Townsend 1932] F92
    `--*H. elatus (Meigen 1838) [incl. Tachina setosa Brischke 1885] F92
  Kirbya [incl. Coleophasia, Hesperophasia, Hesperophasiopsis; Hesperophasiini] W87
    |--K. aldrichi W87
    |--K. pacifica WZ10
    `--K. setosa WZ10
  Wagneria W87
    |--W. pacata W87
    `--W. vernata W87
  Peteina Meigen 1838 F92
    |--*P. erinaceus Fabricius 1794 F92
    `--P. hyperdiscalis Aldrich 1926 F92
  Rhynchodexia CM70
  Thelairini F92
    |--Thelaira nigripes SC19, P93
    `--Halydaia Egger 1856 [incl. Anaperistommyia Townsend 1926, Macropia Malloch 1930] F92
         |--*H. aurea Egger 1856 F92
         `--H. luteicornis Walker 1861 [incl. Anaperistommyia optica Townsend 1926] F92
  *Argyromima mirabilis WZ10, SC19, WZ10

Periscepsia Gistel 1848 SC19, F92 [incl. Phorichaeta Rondani 1861 F92, Scopolia Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 nec Forster & Forster 1776 (ICBN) non Jaquin 1764 (ICBN) F92]

*Periscepsia carbonaria (Panzer 1798) [incl. Phorichaeta fuliginaria Rondani 1861, Wagneria nigrans Meigen 1826] F92

*Voria ruralis (Fallén 1810) [incl. V. ciliata d’Aguilar 1957, V. edentata Baranov 1932, Tachina spinicosta Palm 1876] F92

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A71] Askew, R. R. 1971. Parasitic Insects. Heinemann Educational Books: London.

[CM70] Colless, D. H., & D. K. McAlpine. 1970. Diptera (flies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers pp. 656–740. Melbourne University Press.

[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[P93] Pittaway, A. R. 1993. The Hawkmoths of the Western Palaearctic. Harley Books: Colchester.

[SC19] Stireman, J. O., III, P. Cerretti, J. E. O'Hara, J. D. Blaschke & J. K. Moulton. 2019. Molecular phylogeny and evolution of world Tachinidae (Diptera). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 139: 106358.

[T81] Teskey, H. J. 1981. Key to families—larvae. In: McAlpine, J. F., B. V. Peterson, G. E. Shewell, H. J. Teskey, J. R. Vockeroth & D. S. Wood (eds) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 1 pp. 125–147. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

[W87] Wood, D. M. 1987. Tachinidae. In: McAlpine, J. F. (ed.) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1193–1269. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

[WZ10] Wood, D. M., & M. A. Zumbado. 2010. Tachinidae (tachinid flies, parasitic flies). In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1343–1417. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

Last updated: 17 April 2022.


Male Lypha setifacies, copyright Tom Murray.

Belongs within: Tachininae.

The Polideini are a group of tachinid flies known to attack a wide range of hosts, including caterpillars, scorpions, spiders, centipedes, cockroaches, earwigs and webspinners. Embryonated eggs are deposited in locations where hosts are likely to pass; the hatching larvae are heavily sclerotised to resist desiccation and wait for an opportunity to attach themselves to a host (Wood & Zumbado 2010).

Characters (from Wood & Zumbado 2010): Anepimeral bristle very large, extending posteriorly beyond middle of lower calypter; metathoracic spiracle with almost equal outgrowths of hairs (lappets) along each side of opening, with V-shaped opening between them; syntergosternite 7+8 of male characteristically enlarged, bulbous and shiny, wider than hypandrium.

<==Polideini WZ10
    |  i. s.: Pseudobombyliomyia linellii WZ10
    |         Phobetromyia dumalis WZ10
    |         Chlorohystricia cyaneiventris WZ10
    |         Eucheirophaga lugubris WZ10
    |         Mauromyia pulla WZ10, W87
    |         Exoristoides WZ10
    |--+--Dolichostoma puntarenensis SC19
    |  `--+--Ecuadorana SC19
    |     `--Hystricia SC19
    |          |--H. abrupta WZ10
    |          |--H. amoena BW09
    |          `--H. testaceiventris W87
    `--+--Dichocera SC19
       |    |--D. lyrata SC19
       |    |--D. orientalis CW09
       |    |--D. robusta W87
       |    `--D. tridens M81
       `--+--Chrysotachina SC19
          |    |--C. alcedo WZ10
          |    `--C. slossonae SC19
          `--+--Micronychia invasor SC19
             `--+--Homalactia harringtoni SC19
                `--+--Lydina areos SC19
                   `--+--Nigrilypha gnoma SC19
                      `--Lypha SC19
                           |--L. dubia SC19
                           |--L. fumipennis T81
                           |--L. harringtoni W87
                           |--L. harrisi W87
                           `--L. setifacies WZ10

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BW09] Buck, M., N. E. Woodley, A. Borkent, D. M. Wood, T. Pape, J. R. Vockeroth, V. Michelsen & S. A. Marshall. 2009. Key to Diptera families—adults. In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 1 pp. 95–156. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

[CW09] Cumming, J. M., & D. M. Wood. 2009. Adult morphology and terminology. In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 1 pp. 9–50. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

[M81] McAlpine, J. F. 1981. Morphology and terminology—adults. In: McAlpine, J. F., B. V. Peterson, G. E. Shewell, H. J. Teskey, J. R. Vockeroth & D. S. Wood (eds) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 1 pp. 9–63. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

[SC19] Stireman, J. O., III, P. Cerretti, J. E. O'Hara, J. D. Blaschke & J. K. Moulton. 2019. Molecular phylogeny and evolution of world Tachinidae (Diptera). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 139: 106358.

[T81] Teskey, H. J. 1981. Key to families—larvae. In: McAlpine, J. F., B. V. Peterson, G. E. Shewell, H. J. Teskey, J. R. Vockeroth & D. S. Wood (eds) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 1 pp. 125–147. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

[W87] Wood, D. M. 1987. Tachinidae. In: McAlpine, J. F. (ed.) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1193–1269. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

[WZ10] Wood, D. M., & M. A. Zumbado. 2010. Tachinidae (tachinid flies, parasitic flies). In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1343–1417. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

Last updated: 3 July 2021.


Bezzimyia bisecta, copyright Centre for Biodiversity Genomics.

Belongs within: Calliphoridae.

The Rhinophoridae, woodlouse flies, are a group of calyptrate flies that develop as internal parasitoids of woodlice (Pape 2010). The body of the first instar larva carries encircling tubercles that may act as pseudopods, used by the larva to wedge itself between the sternites of its host (Wood 1987a).

Characters (from Pape 2010): Small to medium-sized (body length 3.5–8 mm) calyptrate flies. Body colour mostly brown or blackish-brown, more rarely partly or almost entirely yellow. Antenna with first flagellomere varying from short to longer than eye height; concolorous with body or strongly contrasting orange; sometimes lobate in male. Male dichoptic and with neither proclinate or reclinate orbital bristles, or semi-holoptic with fronto-orbital plates almost entirely occluded at vertex but frontal stripe only moderately narrowed. Female without proclinate orbital bristles (some species with setulae that may be reduced orbitals). Head with receding vibrissal angle (i.e. head moderately or distinctly shorter at level of vibrissa than at level of antennal insertion). Vibrissa indistinct or accompanied by long genal setae. Proboscis short; length at most slightly more than greatest diameter of fore coxa. Wing membrane hyaline, darkened along veins, fumose with white wing tip, or with various patterns of fumose bands. Vein Sc normal or with indistinct or no median concavity, i.e. mostly parallel to vein R1. Vein M various, ending freely in wing membrane, reaching costa at wing margin, or joining vein R4+5 well before wing tip. One case of female aptery known, with wings reduced to halterlike stumps. Legs with foretarsus unmodivided or laterally compressed in one or both sexes. Subscutellum moderately swollen. Abdomen oval or elongate oval. Male terminalia with cerci with separate prongs, phallus with dorsolateral processes that often have free tips. Female terminalia telescopic, cerci elongate. Egg fusiform with blunt ends, flattened dorsal side and dorsomedian plastron running full length of egg. Chorion with rugged longitudinal ridges running full length of egg and entire surface pitted with small hexagons. Plastron with somewhat irregular, delicate hexagonal meshwork. First instar larva with distinct segmentation, head with long and apparently two-segmented antenna, cephalopharyngeal skeleton with long anterior rod, mouth hooks toothed, labrum absent. Most segments encircled by setae, integument encrusted with small scale-like spines. Abdominal segment 8 equipped with terminal pair of processes having broad, vesicular bases and tapering into long slender filaments.

<==Rhinophoridae [Melanophorinae, Rhinophorinae] P10
    |--+--Stevenia SC19
    |  |    |--S. atramentaria (Meigen 1824) KP10
    |  |    |--S. deceptoria SC19
    |  |    |--S. hertingi Kugler 1978 KP10
    |  |    `--S. subpellucida F92
    |  `--Rhinomorinia sarcophagina SC19
    `--+--Phyto SC19
       |    |--P. discrepans W87a
       |    `--P. melanocephala WT11
       `--+--Paykullia maculata SC19
          `--Melanophora roralis (Linnaeus 1758) SC19, L58 [=Musca roralis G20]

Rhinophoridae incertae sedis:
  Rhinophora lepida (Linnaeus 1824) W87a, KP10
  Parafeburia maculata A71
  Trypetidomima lutea P10
  Bequaertiana PG-M04
  Shannoniella cuspidata P10
  Tricogena rubricosa [=Frauenfeldia rubricosa] W87a
  Microtarsina W87a
  Cirillia angustifrons W87a
  Malayia O98
  Bezzimyia P10
    |--B. americana W87b
    |--B. bisecta P10
    |--B. hansoni P10
    |--B. lapidicina P10
    |--B. ramicornis P10
    |--B. setifax P10
    |--B. sternothrix P10
    `--B. yepezi P10

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A71] Askew, R. R. 1971. Parasitic Insects. Heinemann Educational Books: London.

[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

[KP10] Kutty, S. N., T. Pape, B. M. Wiegmann & R. Meier. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of the Calyptratae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) with an emphasis on the superfamily Oestroidea and the position of Mystacinobiidae and McAlpine's fly. Systematic Entomology 35: 614–635.

[L58] Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Laurentii Salvii: Holmiae.

[O98] Oosterbroek, P. 1998. The Families of Diptera of the Malay Archipelago. Brill: Leiden.

[P10] Pape, T. 2010. Rhinophoridae (woodlouse flies). In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1337–1341. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

[PG-M04] Peris, S. V., & D. González-Mora. 2004. Clave de identificación para los géneros de Calliphoridae del mundo. Subfamilias con vena remigium desnuda y creación de una nueva subfamilia. Bol. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. (Sec. Biol.) 99 (1–4): 115–144.

[SC19] Stireman, J. O., III, P. Cerretti, J. E. O'Hara, J. D. Blaschke & J. K. Moulton. 2019. Molecular phylogeny and evolution of world Tachinidae (Diptera). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 139: 106358.

[WT11] Wiegmann, B. M., M. D. Trautwein, I. S. Winkler, N. B. Barr, J.-W. Kim, C. Lambkin, M. A. Bertone, B. K. Cassel, K. M. Bayless, A. M. Heimberg, B. M. Wheeler, K. J. Peterson, T. Pape, B. J. Sinclair, J. H. Skevington, V. Blagoderov, J. Caravas, S. N. Kutty, U. Schmidt-Ott, G. E. Kampmeier, F. C. Thompson, D. A. Grimaldi, A. T. Beckenbach, G. W. Courtney, M. Friedrich, R. Meier & D. K. Yeates. 2011. Episodic radiations in the fly tree of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 108 (14): 5690–5695.

[W87a] Wood, D. M. 1987a. Rhinophoridae. In: McAlpine, J. F. (ed.) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1187–1191. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

[W87b] Wood, D. M. 1987b. Tachinidae. In: McAlpine, J. F. (ed.) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1193–1269. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

Last updated: 2 July 2021.


Peckia chrysostoma, copyright G. McCormack.

Belongs within: Oestroidea.
Contains: Johnsoniini, Boettcheriini, Blaesoxipha, Sarcophagini.

The Sarcophaginae are a diverse lineage of flesh flies including necrophagous, coprophagous and parasitoid forms. Most have specific diets but the New World species Sarcodexia lambens has been bred from both live and dead animals and has been known to cause human myiasis. Oxysarcodexia, a Neotropical dung-breeding genus, is characterised by the presence in males ofan apical posteroventral ctenidium of flattened bristles on the mid femur (Pape & Dahlem 2010).

Characters (from Pape & Dahlem 2010): Antennal arista usually distinctly plumose; notopleuron usually with subprimary bristles; metasternal area usually setose; hind coxa usually setose posteriorly; coxopleural streak absent; male abdominal sternites 2–4 exposed and overlapping margins of corresponding tergites.

<==Sarcophaginae [Raviniini, Sarcodexiini] PD10
    |--+--Oxysarcodexia KP10 [incl. Hybopygia Enderlein 1928 L59]
    |  |    |--O. avuncula (Lopes 1933) KP10
    |  |    |--O. cingarus S87
    |  |    |--O. timida PD10
    |  |    `--O. varia (Walker 1836) MD13 (see below for synonymy)
    |  `--+--Sinopiella rufopilosa Lopes & Tibana 1982 KP10
    |     `--Notochaetini S87
    |          |--Anolisimyia blakeae S87
    |          `--Notochaeta Aldrich 1916 KP10
    |               `--N. bufonivora [=Lepidodexia (Notochaeta) bufonivora] PD10
    `--+--+--+--Cucutomyiini F92
       |  |  `--Johnsoniini KP10
       |  `--+--Tricharaea Thomson 1868 KP10, L59 (see below for synonymy)
       |     |    |--T. brevicornis (Wiedemann 1830) (see below for synonymy) L59
       |     |    `--T. occidua (Fabricius 1794) KP10
       |     `--Sarothromyiini S87
       |          |--Sarothromyia simplex S87
       |          |--Sarcophagula occidua S87
       |          `--Sarcofahrtiopsis KP10
       |               |--S. cuneata (Townsend 1935) KP10
       |               |--S. farri S87
       |               |--S. jamaicensis BW09
       |               |--S. paterna S87
       |               `--S. thryopteronthos PD10
       `--+--+--Helicobia KP10
          |  |    |  i. s.: H. morionella PD10
          |  |    |--H. rapax (Walker 1849) KP10
          |  |    `--+--H. pilipleura Lopes 1939 KP10
          |  |       `--H. resinata (Hall 1933) KP10
          |  `--+--‘Tricharaea’ femoralis (Schiner 1868) KP10
          |     |--Boettcheriini KP10
          |     `--Engelimyia KP10
          |          |--E. bosqi PD10
          |          `--E. inops (Walker 1849) KP10
          `--+--+--+--Dexosarcophaga transita Townsend 1917 KP10
             |  |  `--+--‘Blaesoxipha’ setosa (Salem 1938) KP10
             |  |     `--Argoravinia KP10 [incl. Raviniopsis PD10]
             |  |          |--A. modesta S87
             |  |          `--A. rufiventris (Wiedemann 1830) KP10
             |  `--Protodexiini [Blaesoxiphini, Servaisiini, Tephromyiini] S87
             |       |  i. s.: Fletcherimyia fletcheri S87
             |       |         Mantidophaga S87
             |       |         Opsophyto opifera S87
             |       |         Stenaulacotheca spatulata S87
             |       |         Servaisia Robineau-Desvoidy 1863 (see below for synonymy) F92
             |       |           |--S. erythrura (Meigen 1826) (see below for synonymy) F92
             |       |           |--‘Acridiophaga’ aculeata S87
             |       |           |--S. coloradensis S87
             |       |           |--S. cothurnata (Hsue 1978) [=Blaesoxipha (Servaisia) cothurnata] F92
             |       |           |--S. fossoria (Pandellé 1896) F92
             |       |           |--S. jakovlevi Rohdendorf 1937 F92
             |       |           |--S. mixta (Rohdendorf 1928) [=Blaesoxipha mixta] F92
             |       |           |--S. rossica (Villeneuve 1911) [=Blaesoxipha rossica] F92
             |       |           `--S. subamericana (Rohdendorf 1932) [=Blaesoxipha (Servaisia) subamericana] F92
             |       |         Amblycoryphenes S87
             |       |         Agriella Villeneuve 1911 (see below for synonymy) F92
             |       |           |--*A. pandellei Villeneuve 1911 F92
             |       |           `--A. gobica (Rohdendorf 1928) [=Blaesoxipha gobica] F92
             |       |         Tephromyia Brauer & Bergenstamm 1891 F92
             |       |         Locustaevora Rohdendorf 1928 F92
             |       |--Blaesoxipha KP10
             |       `--+--Chlorosarcophaga Townsend 1919 KP10
             |          `--Spirobolomyia KP10
             |               |--S. flavipalpis (Aldrich 1916) KP10
             |               `--S. singularis S87
             `--+--+--Titanogrypa KP10
                |  |    |--T. larvicida PD10
                |  |    |--T. luculenta (Lopes 1938) KP10
                |  |    `--T. placida PD10
                |  `--Ravinia Robineau-Desvoidy 1863 KP10
                |       |--*R. striata (Fabricius 1794) [=Musca striata; incl. Sarcophaga haematodes Meigen 1826] F92
                |       |--R. acerba S87
                |       |--R. floridensis PD10
                |       `--R. querula S87
                `--+--Sarcophagini KP10
                   `--+--+--Sarcodexia KP10
                      |  |    |--S. innota S87
                      |  |    `--S. lambens (Wiedemann 1830) KP10
                      |  `--Villegasia KP10
                      |       |--V. almeidai PD10
                      |       `--V. postuncinata (Hall 1933) KP10
                      `--Peckia KP10
                           |--+--P. intermutans (Walker 1861) KP10
                           |  `--Peckiamyia minutipenis (Hall 1937) KP10
                           `--+--+--P. alvarengai Lopes & Tibana 1982 KP10
                              |  `--P. collusor (Curran & Walley 1934) KP10
                              `--+--P. chrysostoma (Wiedemann 1830) KP10
                                 |--P. gulo KP10
                                 `--P. uncinata (Hall 1933) KP10

Sarcophaginae incertae sedis:
  Tripanurga PD10
  Nephochaetopteryx PD10
  Panava inflata PD10
  Wulpisca PD10
  Pacatuba matthewsi PD10
  Tapacura PD10
  Retrocitomyia PD10
  Rettenmeyerina serrata PD10
  Thomazomyia pilipes PD10
  Emdenimyia PD10
    |--E. korytkowskii PD10
    `--E. meyersi PD10
  Malacophagula PD10
  Malacophagomyia PD10
  Comasarcophagini S87
    |--Comasarcophaga texana PD10
    `--Mecynocorpus salvum S87
  Udamopyga niagarana PD10
  Halliosca declinata PD10
  Chrysagria duodecimpunctata PD10, S87
  Oxyvinia panamensis PD10
  Hallimyia PD10
  Cistudinomyia cistudinis (Aldrich 1916) S87, K37 [=Sarcophaga cistudinis K37]
  Bellieria [Bellieriini] S87
    `--B. melanura S87
  Cucullomyia pedunculata S87
  Tylomyia S87
  Neophytoini S87
    |--Neophyto setosa S87
    `--Oppiopsis sheldoni S87
  0--Microcerella PD10 [Microcerellini F92]
  |    `--M. hypopygialis S87
  `--+--Sarcothromyiopsini F92
     `--+--Emblemasoma PD10 [incl. Colcondamyia PD10, Pessoamyia PD10; Emblemasomatini F92]
        |    |--‘Colcondamyia’ auditrix S87
        |    `--E. erro PD10
        `--Impariini F92
             |--Speciosia speciosa S87
             |--Abapa deleta S87
             `--Kellymyia kellyi S87

Agriella Villeneuve 1911 [incl. Anablaesoxipha Villeneuve 1928, Asioblaeoxipha Rohdendorf 1937] F92

Oxysarcodexia varia (Walker 1836) MD13 [=Sarcophaga varia MD13, *Hybopygia varia L59; incl. S. milleri Johnston & Tiegs 1922 MD13]

Servaisia Robineau-Desvoidy 1863 [incl. Acridiophaga Townsend 1917, Blaesoxiphomima Verves 1986] F92

Servaisia erythrura (Meigen 1826) [=Sarcophaga erythrura; incl. *Se. erythrocera Robineau-Desvoidy 1863] F92

Tricharaea Thomson 1868 KP10, L59 [incl. Euleucomyia Townsend 1934 L59, Leucoravinia Townsend 1928 L59, Mallonotum Aldrich 1925 L59, Xenagria Blanchard 1939 L59]

Tricharaea brevicornis (Wiedemann 1830) [=Tachina brevicornis, *Mallonotum brevicornis; incl. Dexia albicans Walker 1854, Sarcophaga albicans, Tricharaea albicans, *Euleucomyia australis Townsend 1934, Sarcophaga canescens Thomson 1869, *Xenagria mallogaster Blanchard 1939, Liopyga pellita Townsend 1931, *Leucoravinia quadraticephala Townsend 1928, *Tricharaea scatophagina Thomson 1869] L59

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BW09] Buck, M., N. E. Woodley, A. Borkent, D. M. Wood, T. Pape, J. R. Vockeroth, V. Michelsen & S. A. Marshall. 2009. Key to Diptera families—adults. In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 1 pp. 95–156. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[K37] Knipling, E. F. 1937. The biology of Sarcophaga cistudinis Aldrich (Diptera), a species of Sarcophagidae parasitic on turtles and tortoises. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 39 (5): 91–101.

[KP10] Kutty, S. N., T. Pape, B. M. Wiegmann & R. Meier. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of the Calyptratae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) with an emphasis on the superfamily Oestroidea and the position of Mystacinobiidae and McAlpine's fly. Systematic Entomology 35: 614–635.

[L59] Lopes, H. de S. 1959. A revision of Australian Sarcophagidae (Diptera). Studia Ent. 2 (1–4): 33–67.

[MD13] Meiklejohn, K. A., M. Dowton, T. Pape & J. F. Wallman. 2013. A key to the Australian Sarcophagidae (Diptera) with special emphasis on Sarcophaga (sensu lato). Zootaxa 3680 (1): 148–189.

[PD10] Pape, T., & G. A. Dahlem. 2010. Sarcophagidae (flesh flies). In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1313–1335. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

[S87] Shewell, G. E. 1987. Sarcophagidae. In: McAlpine, J. F. (ed.) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1159–1186. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

Last updated: 5 July 2021.


Wohlfahrtia magnifica, copyright Alvesgaspar.

Belongs within: Oestroidea.

The Paramacronychiinae are a group of sarcophagid flies combining a non-plumose arista with strong hairs on the meron. They are diverse in habits, including necrophagous species, predators of snails and parasites of other insects.

Characters (from Pape & Dahlem 2010): Head profile with convex occipital region; antennal arista not plumose; eyes not or only slightly enlarged; postocular setae alternating in size; notopleuron without subprimary bristles; metasternal area bare; hind coxa bare posteriorly; coxopleural streak present; male midfemur with apical posteroventral ctenidium of stout, flattened bristles; male abdominal sternites 2–4 partly hidden by overlapping margins of corresponding tergites, terminalia usually protruding, with tergite 6 distinctly fused to syntergosternite 7+8 at more or less right angle.

<==Paramacronychiinae PD10
    |--Chrysogramma [Chrysogrammatini] F92
    |    `--C. variabile F92
    `--+--Sarcotachiini F92
       `--+--Goniophyto Townsend 1927 [incl. Sinagria Rohdendorf in Fan 1965; Goniophytoini] F92
          |    |--*G. formosensis Townsend 1927 F92
          |    `--G. honshuensis Rohdendorf 1962 F92
          `--Paramacronychiini F92
               |--+--+--Nyctiinina F92
               |  |  `--+--Dexagriina F92
               |  |     `--Blaesoxiphellina F92
               |  `--+--Paramacronychia [Paramacronychiina] F92
               |     |    `--P. flavipalpis F92
               |     `--+--Galapagomyiina F92
               |        `--Agria Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 [Agriina] F92
               |             |--*A. punctata Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 F92
               |             |--A. housei S87
               |             `--A. xiangchengensis Chao & Zhang 1988 F92
               `--Wohlfahrtia Brauer & Bergenstamm 1889 [Wohlfahrtiina] F92
                    |--*W. magnifica (Schiner 1862) [=Sarcophila magnifica; incl. S. wohlfahrti Portschinsky 1875] F92
                    |--W. atra Aldrich 1926 F92
                    |--W. balassogloi (Portschinsky 1882) [=Sarcophila balassogloi] F92
                    |--W. bella (Macquart 1838) [=Agria bella] F92
                    |--W. cheni Rohdendorf 1956 F92
                    |--W. fedtschenkoi Rohdendorf 1956 F92
                    |--W. intermedia (Portschinsky 1887) [=Sarcophila intermedia] F92
                    |--W. meigeni (Schiner 1862) [=Sarcophila meigeni] F92
                    |--W. nuba (Wiedemann 1830) KP10
                    |--W. pavlovskyi Rohdendorf 1956 F92
                    |--W. stackelbergi Rohdendorf 1956 F92
                    |--W. trina (Wiedemann 1830) KP10
                    `--W. vigil S87

Paramacronychiini incertae sedis:
  Cattasoma PD10
  Brachicoma Rondani 1856 F92
    |--B. devia (Fallén 1820) (see below for synonymy) F92
    |--B. asiatica Rohdendorf & Verves 1979 F92
    |--B. nigra Chao & Zhang 1988 F92
    `--B. setosa PD10
  Erythandra picipes PD10, S87
  Toxonagria montanensis S87
  Sarcofahrtia ravinia S87
  Nyctia lugubris (Macquart 1843) KP10
  Sarcophila Rondani 1856 KP10
    |--*S. latifrons (Fallén 1817) [=Musca latifrons] F92
    |--S. japonica (Rohdendorf 1962) I92
    |--S. meridionalis Verves 1982 KP10
    |--S. mongolica Chao & Zhang 1988 F92
    `--S. rasnitzyni Rohdendorf & Verves 1985 F92
  Angiometopa Brauer & Bergenstamm 1889 F92
    |--*A. ruralis (Fallén 1817) [=Musca ruralis] F92
    `--A. hikosana F92
  Wohlfahrtiodes Villeneuve 1910 F92
    |--*W. nudus Villeneuve 1910 F92
    `--W. mongolicus Chao & Zhang 1988 F92

Brachicoma devia (Fallén 1820) [=Tachina devia; incl. T. nitidula Rondani 1856 non Meigen 1824, *Brachicoma nitidula] F92

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[I92] Iwahashi, J. (ed.) 1992. Reddo Deeta Animaruzu: a pictorial of Japanese fauna facing extinction. JICC: Tokyo.

[KP10] Kutty, S. N., T. Pape, B. M. Wiegmann & R. Meier. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of the Calyptratae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) with an emphasis on the superfamily Oestroidea and the position of Mystacinobiidae and McAlpine's fly. Systematic Entomology 35: 614–635.

[PD10] Pape, T., & G. A. Dahlem. 2010. Sarcophagidae (flesh flies). In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1313–1335. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

[S87] Shewell, G. E. 1987. Sarcophagidae. In: McAlpine, J. F. (ed.) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1159–1186. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

Last updated: 5 July 2021.