Showing posts with label Gunneridae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gunneridae. Show all posts


Parrot's feather Myriophyllum aquaticum, copyright Harry Rose.

Belongs within: Hamamelidaceae.

The Haloragaceae are a group of often aquatic plants that are most diverse in the Southern Hemisphere (Hickman 1993).

Characters (from Hickman 1993): Annuals, perennials or shrubs, generally monoecious, generally aquatic. Leaves cauline, opposite, alternate, or whorled; submersed blades with pinnate, thread-like divisions; aerial leaves simple, entire to divided. Inflorescence a panicle, raceme, or spike; flowers 1 or clustered, short-pedicelled to more or less sessile. Flowers generally unisexual, small, biradial; calyx tube short, fused to ovary, lobes 2-4; petals generally 2-4; stamens 4 or 8, filaments generally short; ovary inferior, chambers 1-4, styles 2-4, separate, stigmas generally plumose. Fruit fleshy or nut-like, dehiscent or not. Seeds generally 1 per chamber.

Haloragaceae [Haloragales]
    |--Laurembergia YY22
    |--Haloragodendron glandulosum G04b
    |--Hippuridella stacheana Edwards 1932 CBH93
    |--Proserpinaca palustris CBH93, M83
    |--Glischrocaryon RL05
    |    |--G. aureum RL05
    |    |    |--G. a. var. aureum G04b
    |    |    `--G. a. var. angustifolium G04b
    |    `--G. flavescens G04a
    |--Gonocarpus LK14
    |    |--G. aggregatus W91
    |    |--G. chinensis LK14
    |    |--G. cordiger GK00
    |    |--G. hexandrus GK00
    |    |    |--G. h. ssp. hexandrus GK00
    |    |    `--G. h. ssp. integrifolius GK00
    |    |--G. implexus LK14
    |    |--G. leptothecus LK14
    |    |--G. nodulosus G04a
    |    |--G. paniculatus GK00
    |    `--G. pithyoides GK00
    |--Myriophyllum Linnaeus 1753 A61
    |    |--M. alterniflorum C55
    |    |--M. aquaticum [incl. M. brasiliense] H93
    |    |--M. callitrichoides LK14
    |    |    |--M. c. ssp. callitrichoides LK14
    |    |    `--M. c. ssp. striatum LK14
    |    |--M. costatum LK14
    |    |--M. crispatum LK14
    |    |--M. dicoccum LK14
    |    |--M. drummondii GK00
    |    |--M. elatinoides Gaud. 1825 A61
    |    |--M. exalbescens B97
    |    |--M. filiforme LK14
    |    |--M. heterophyllum H63
    |    |--M. hippuroides H93
    |    |--M. limnophilum GK00
    |    |--M. pedunculatum Hook. f. 1847 A61
    |    |--M. propinquum Cunn. 1839 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |    |--M. robustum Hook. f. 1864 A61
    |    |--M. sibiricum H93
    |    |--M. spicatum H06
    |    |--M. tenellum V72
    |    |--M. tillaeoides GK00
    |    |--M. trachycarpum LK14
    |    |--M. verrucosum LK14
    |    |--M. verticillatum D03
    |    `--M. votschii Schindler 1905 A61
    `--Haloragis Forster & Forster 1776 A61
         |  i. s.: H. aspera NDA05
         |         H. asperrima A61
         |         H. brownii GK00
         |         H. depressa (Cunn.) Walp. 1843 (see below for synonymy) A61
         |           |--H. d. var. depressa C06
         |           `--H. d. var. serpyllifolia [=Gonicarpus serpyllifolius; incl. G. vernicosus] C06
         |         H. exalata A61
         |         H. gossei KM08
         |         H. incana (Cunn.) Walp. 1843 (see below for synonymy) A61
         |         H. laevis A61
         |         H. masafuerana Skottsberg 1922 A61
         |         H. masatierrana Skottsberg 1922 A61
         |         H. micrantha (Thunb.) Br. ex Siebold & Zucc. 1843 (see below for synonymy) A61
         |         H. procumbens Cheesem. 1910 (see below for synonymy) A61
         |         H. salsoloides H87
         |         H. serra NDA05
         |         H. tetragyna A61 [=Goniocarpus tetragynus C06]
         |         H. trigonocarpa A61
         `--H. subsect. Cercodia A61
              |--H. cartilaginea Cheesem. 1897 [=H. alata var. cartilaginea Cheesem. 1906] A61
              |--H. colensoi Skottsberg 1922 A61
              `--H. erecta (Banks ex Murr.) Eichl. 1878 (see below for synonymy) A61

Haloragis depressa (Cunn.) Walp. 1843 [=Goniocarpus depressus Cunn. 1839; incl. H. aggregata Buchan. 1872, H. depressa var. aggregata (Buchan.) Kirk 1899, H. bibracteolata Col. 1890, H. uniflora var. bibracteolata (Col.) Schindler 1905, H. spicata Petrie 1887, H. depressa var. spicata (Petrie) Schindler 1905, H. uniflora Kirk 1877, H. depressa var. uniflora (Kirk) Cheesem. 1910] A61

Haloragis erecta (Banks ex Murr.) Eichl. 1878 [=Cercodia erecta Banks ex Murr. 1781; incl. H. alata Jacquin 1781, C. alternifolia Cunn. 1839, H. caprae Chiovenda & Vaccari 1933] A61

Haloragis incana (Cunn.) Walp. 1843 [=Cercodia incana Cunn. 1839, H. tetragyna var. incana Kirk 1899] A61

Haloragis micrantha (Thunb.) Br. ex Siebold & Zucc. 1843 [=Gonocarpus micranthus Thunb. 1783; incl. G. citriodorus Cunn. 18739, Haloragis minima Colenso 1886, H. tenella Brong. 1829 (preoc.)] A61

Haloragis procumbens Cheesem. 1910 [incl. H. tetragyna var. diffusa Hook. f. 1852, H. diffusa (Hook. f.) Ckn. 1909 non Diels 1904] A61

Myriophyllum propinquum Cunn. 1839 [=M. propinquum var. tenuifolium Schindler 1905; incl. M. propinquum var. genuinum Schindler 1905, M. intermedium Kirk 1899 (preoc.), M. variaefolium Hook. f. 1840] A61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[B97] Brown, K. M. 1997. Temporal and spatial patterns of abundance in the gastropod assemblage of a macrophyte bed. American Malacological Bulletin 14 (1): 27–33.

[C55] Candolle, A. de. 1855. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[CBH93] Collinson, M. E., M. C. Boulter & P. L. Holmes. 1993. Magnoliophyta (‘Angiospermae’). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 809–841. Chapman & Hall: London.

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In: Scott, W. B. (ed.) Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 vol. 8. Botany pp. 1–34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[G04a] Gibson, N. 2004a. Flora and vegetation of the Eastern Goldfields Ranges: part 6. Mt Manning Range. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (2): 35–47.

[G04b] Gibson, N. 2004b. Flora and vegetation of the Eastern Goldfields Ranges: part 7. Middle and South Ironcap, Digger Rock and Hatter Hill. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (2): 49–62.

[GK00] Gibson, N., & G. J. Keighery. 2000. Flora and vegetation of the Byenup-Muir reserve system, south-west Western Australia. CALMScience 3 (3): 323–402.

[H87] Haviland, E. 1887. Flowering seasons of Australian plants. No. I—List of plants indigenous in the neighbourhood of Sydney, flowering during July. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (4): 1049–1051.

[H63] Heard, W. H. 1963. Reproductive features of Valvata. Nautilus 77 (2): 64–68.

[H06] Henderson, L. 2006. Comparisons of invasive plants in southern Africa originating from southern temperate, northern temperate and tropical regions. Bothalia 36 (2): 201–222.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[KM08] Keighery, G. J., & W. Muir. 2008. Vegetation and vascular flora of Faure Island, Shark Bay, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 75: 11–19.

[LK14] Lyons, M. N., G. J. Keighery, L. A. Gibson & T. Handasyde. 2014. Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 205–244.

[M83] Myers, R. L. 1983. Site susceptibility to invasion by the exotic tree Melaleuca quinquenervia in southern Florida. Journal of Applied Ecology 20: 645–658.

[NDA05] Nickrent, D. L., J. P. Der & F. E. Anderson. 2005. Discovery of the photosynthetic relatives of the "Maltese mushroom" Cynomorium. BMC Evolutionary Biology 5: 38.

[RL05] Rafferty, C., & B. B. Lamont. 2005. Selective feeding by macropods on vegetation regenerating following fire. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (4): 155–165.

[V72] Voss, E. G. 1972. Michigan Flora. Part I. Gymnosperms and Monocots. Cranbrook Institute of Science and University of Michigan Herbarium.

[YY22] Yampolsky, C., & H. Yampolsky. 1922. Distribution of sex forms in the phanerogamic flora. Bibliotheca Genetica 3: 1–62.


Iowa golden saxifrage Chrysosplenium iowense, copyright Tab Tannery.

Belongs within: Hamamelidaceae.
Contains: Heuchera, Saxifraga.

The Saxifragaceae are a diverse group of perennial herbs and subshrubs that are most diverse in temperate and boreal regions.

Characters (from Hickman 1993): Perennial or subshrub from caudex or rhizome, generally more or less hairy. Stem often more or less leafy on lower half, rarely trailing and leafy throughout. Leaves generally simple, basal or sometimes cauline, generally alternate, generally petioled; veins more or less palmate. Inflorescence a panicle, generally more or less scapose. Flowers generally bisexual, generally radial; hypanthium free to more or less fused to ovary; calyx lobes generally 5: petals generally 5, free, generally clawed, generally white; stamens generally 5 or 10; pistils 2 and simple or 1 and compound (chambers 1-2, placentas 2-4, axile or parietal), ovary superior to inferior, sometimes more superior in fruit, styles generally 2. Fruit 2 follicles or 2—4-valved capsule. Seeds generally many, small.

Saxifragaceae [Saxifragoideae]
    |--Saxifragella albowiana NDA05
    `--+--+--Astilbe [Astilboideae] NDA05
       |  |    `--A. taquetii NDA05
       |  `--+--+--Tanakaea radicans NDA05
       |     |  `--Leptarrhena pyrifolia NDA05
       |     `--+--+--Telesonix heucheriformis NDA05
       |        |  `--Jepsonia NDA05
       |        |       |--J. heterandra [=J. parryi var. heterandra] H93
       |        |       |--J. malvifolia H93
       |        |       `--J. parryi NDA05
       |        `--+--Sullivantia oregana NDA05
       |           `--+--Bolandra NDA05
       |              |    |--B. californica H93
       |              |    `--B. oregana NDA05
       |              `--Boykinia NDA05
       |                   |--B. intermedia NDA05
       |                   |--B. major H93
       |                   |--B. occidentalis [incl. B. elata] H93
       |                   `--B. rotundifolia NDA05
       `--+--+--+--Tolmiea menziesii NDA05
          |  |  `--Bensoniella oregona NDA05 [=Bensonia oregana H93]
          |  `--+--Elmera racemosa NDA05
          |     `--+--Tiarella NDA05
          |        |    |--T. polyphylla O88
          |        |    `--T. trifoliata H93
          |        |         |--T. t. var. trifoliata H93
          |        |         `--T. t. var. unifoliata H93
          |        `--+--Heuchera NDA05
          |           `--+--Tellima grandiflora NDA05
          |              `--Mitella NDA05
          |                   |--M. breweri H93
          |                   |--M. caulescens H93
          |                   |--M. diversifolia NDA05
          |                   |--M. nuda NDA05
          |                   |--M. ovalis H93
          |                   |--M. pentandra NDA05
          |                   `--M. trifida H93
          `--+--+--+--Astilboides tabularis NDA05
             |  |  |--Darmera peltata NDA05 [=Peltiphyllum peltatum H93]
             |  |  `--Rodgersia pinnata NDA05
             |  `--+--Mukdenia rosii NDA05
             |     `--Bergenia NDA05
             |          |--B. cordifolia JK80
             |          `--B. purpurascens O88
             `--+--Saxifraga NDA05
                `--+--Peltoboykinia tellimoides NDA05
                   `--Chrysosplenium Linnaeus 1753 NDA05, KC01
                        |--C. carnosum O88
                        |--C. forrestii O88
                        |--C. glechomifolium H93
                        |--C. iowense NDA05
                        |--C. nepalense O88
                        |--C. nudicaule O88
                        |    |--C. n. var. nudicaule O88
                        |    `--C. n. var. intermedium O88
                        |--C. tenellum O88
                        `--C. uniflorum O88

Saxifragaceae incertae sedis:
  Broussaissia YY22
  Jurraniodendron YY22
  Dedea YY22
  Suksdorfia ranunculifolia H93
  Lithophragma H93
    |--L. affine [incl. L. affine ssp. mixtum, L. tripartita] H93
    |--L. bolanderi [incl. L. scabrella] H93
    |--L. cymbalaria H93
    |--L. glabrum [incl. L. bulbiferum] H93
    |--L. heterophyllum H93
    |--L. maximum H93
    |--L. parviflorum H93
    |    |--L. p. var. parviflorum H93
    |    `--L. p. var. trifoliatum H93
    `--L. tenellum [incl. L. breviloba, L. rupicola] H93
  Saxifragopsis fragarioides [=Saxifraga fragarioides] H93
  Saxifragispermum spinosissimum Reid & Chandler 1933 CBH93
  Elmeria Ridl. 1905 KC01
  Adenanthemum P92
  Stephanostemon P92
  Micranthes BGS05
    |--M. engleri (Dalla Torre) Galasso, Banfi & Soldano in Banfi, Galasso & Soldano 2005 (see below for synonymy) BGS05
    |--‘Saxifraga’ gageana WO88
    |--‘Saxifraga’ pallida WO88
    `--M. stellaris (L.) Galasso, Banfi & Soldano in Banfi, Galasso & Soldano 2005 (see below for synonymy) BGS05
  Cascadia BGS05
  Oresitrophe BGS05

Micranthes engleri (Dalla Torre) Galasso, Banfi & Soldano in Banfi, Galasso & Soldano 2005 [=Saxifraga engleri Dalla Torre 1882, S. stellaris ssp. engleri; incl. S. stellaris ssp. alpigena, S. stellaris ssp. robusta] BGS05

Micranthes stellaris (L.) Galasso, Banfi & Soldano in Banfi, Galasso & Soldano 2005 [=Saxifraga stellaris L. 1753] BGS05

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BGS05] Banfi, E., G. Galasso & A. Soldano. 2005. Notes on systematics and taxonomy for the Italian vascular flora. 1. Atti Soc. It. Sci. Nat. Museo Civ. Stor. Nat. Milano 146 (2): 219–244.

[CBH93] Collinson, M. E., M. C. Boulter & P. L. Holmes. 1993. Magnoliophyta (‘Angiospermae’). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 809–841. Chapman & Hall: London.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[JK80] John, J., & K.-P. Kolbe. 1980. The systematic position of the “Theales” from the viewpoint of serology. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 8: 241–248.

[KC01] Kirk, P. M., P. F. Cannon, J. C. David & J. A. Stalpers. 2001. Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi 9th ed. CAB International: Wallingford (UK).

[NDA05] Nickrent, D. L., J. P. Der & F. E. Anderson. 2005. Discovery of the photosynthetic relatives of the "Maltese mushroom" Cynomorium. BMC Evolutionary Biology 5: 38.

[O88] Ohba, H. 1988. The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 19–46.

[P92] Poinar, G. O., Jr. 1992. Life in Amber. Stanford University Press: Stanford.

[YY22] Yampolsky, C., & H. Yampolsky. 1922. Distribution of sex forms in the phanerogamic flora. Bibliotheca Genetica 3: 1–62.


California wild grape Vitis californica, from Wikimedia Commons.

Belongs within: Gunneridae.

The Vitaceae are a pantropical group of flowering plants including the grapes of the genus Vitis and related taxa. Most are woody vines with tendrils opposite the leaves except for the genus Leea, species of which are herbs or trees.

Characters (from Hickman 1993): Woody vines; tendrils opposite leaves; flowers sometimes unisexual. Leaves generally many, cauline, simple or compound, alternate, petioled, deciduous; stipules generally deciduous. Inflorescence a cyme or panicle, generally opposite leaf, peduncled. Flowers radial; sepals generally reduced, generally fused, lobes 5 or absent; petals generally 5, free, reflexed and falling individually (or adherent at tips, more or less erect, and falling as unit), reddish or yellowish; stamens generally 5, opposite petals; nectaries absent or between stamens as more or less free glands; ovary 1, superior, chambers generally 2(—4), style 1 or absent, stigma inconspicuous or head-like. Fruit a berry. Seeds 1-6, large.

<==Vitaceae [Ampelideae, Vitales, Vitineae]
    |  i. s.: ‘Tricolporopollenites’ marcodurensis Gruas-Cavagnetto 1978 CBH93
    |--Ampelopsis YY22
    |    |--A. hederacea C55
    |    `--A. heterophyla T72
    |--Clematicissus YY22
    |--Landukia YY22
    |--Pteresanthes YY22
    |--Quinaria YY22
    |--Cayratia LK14
    |    |--C. japonica DD73
    |    |--C. pedata DD73
    |    `--C. trifolia LK14
    |--Ievlevia dorofeevii Samylina 1976 CBH93
    |--Lagenula Lour. 1790 KC01
    |--Parthenocissus P93
    |    |--P. quinquefolia BT87
    |    |--P. tricuspidata BTA75
    |    `--P. vitacea H93
    |--Leea [Leeaceae, Leeoideae] WM09
    |    |--L. acuminata DD73
    |    |--L. asiatica BB07
    |    |--L. bracteata DD73
    |    |--L. edgeworthii P03
    |    |--L. guineensis WM09
    |    |--L. indica DD73
    |    |--L. robusta DD73
    |    `--L. umbraculifera DD73
    |--Ampelocissus LK14
    |    |--A. acetosa LK14
    |    |--A. barbata DD73
    |    |--A. latifolia P03
    |    `--A. tomentosa P03
    |--Cyphostemma CV06
    |    |--C. bainesii CV06
    |    |--C. currorii CV06
    |    |--C. juttae CV06
    |    `--C. omburense CV06
    |--Tetrastigma DL07
    |    |--T. bracteolatum DD73
    |    |--T. dichotomum A78
    |    |--T. diepenhostii K03
    |    |--T. dubium DW04
    |    |--T. hypoclaucum DW04
    |    |--T. lanceolarium A78
    |    |--T. leucostaphylum NDA05
    |    |--T. mutabile A78
    |    |--T. nitens M04
    |    |--T. obovatum NDA05
    |    |--T. papillosum A78
    |    |--T. pergamaceum [=Vitis pergamacea] A78
    |    |--T. rumicisperma DD73
    |    `--T. serrulatum D07
    |--Cissus LK14
    |    |--C. adenocaulis H91
    |    |--C. adnata LK14
    |    |--C. antarctica [=Vitis antarctica; incl. V. baudiniana, Cissus glandulosa] H97
    |    |--C. assamica DD73
    |    |--C. dissecta J87
    |    |--C. hypoglauca WO92
    |    |--C. palmata F11
    |    |--C. reniformis LK14
    |    |--C. repanda KJ05
    |    |--C. sisyoides BT87
    |    |--C. sterculiifolia WO95
    |    `--C. verticillata J87
    `--Vitis [Vitoideae] TE00
         |--V. aestivalis Michx. 1803 CD07
         |--V. californica H93
         |--V. forestdalensis Traverse 1955 CBH93
         |--V. girdiana H93
         |--V. labrusca TE00
         |--V. munsoniana WD91
         |--V. oblongata H97
         |--V. papillosa A78
         |--V. riparia TE00
         |--V. rupestris CGW91
         |--V. shifunensis A78
         |--V. sterculifolia H97
         |--V. trifolia K03
         |--V. vinifera WM09
         `--V. vitiginea KJ05

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A78] Ananthakrishnan, T. N. 1978. Thrips galls and gall thrips. Zoological Survey of India, Technical Monograph 1: 1–69, 26 pls.

[BB07] Baishya, A. K., & P. J. Bora. 2007. Cross community ethno-medico botany of Dibru-Saikhowa Biosphere Reserve, Assam. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49: 121–154.

[BT87] Baker, E. W., & D. M. Tuttle. 1987. The false spider mites of Mexico (Tenuipalpidae: Acari). United States Department of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin 1706: 1–237.

[BTA75] Baker, E. W., D. M. Tuttle & M. J. Abbatiello. 1975. The false spider mites of northwestern and north central Mexico (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 194: 1–23.

[C55] Candolle, A. de. 1855. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[CGW91] Carver, M., G. F. Gross & T. E. Woodward. 1991. Hemiptera (bugs, leafhoppers, cicadas, aphids, scale insects etc.) In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers vol. 1 pp. 429–509. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[CD07] Cantino, P. D., J. A. Doyle, S. W. Graham, W. S. Judd, R. G. Olmstead, D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis & M. J. Donoghue. 2007. Towards a phylogenetic nomenclature of Tracheophyta. Taxon 56 (3): E1–E44.

[CBH93] Collinson, M. E., M. C. Boulter & P. L. Holmes. 1993. Magnoliophyta (‘Angiospermae’). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 809–841. Chapman & Hall: London.

[CV06] Craven, P., & P. Vorster. 2006. Patterns of plant diversity and endemism in Namibia. Bothalia 36 (2): 175–189.

[D07] Dash, S. S. 2007. Useful plants of Kabi Sacred Grove, Sikkim. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49: 79–88.

[DL07] Davis, C. C., M. Latvis, D. L. Nickrent, K. J. Wurdack & D. A. Baum. 2007. Floral gigantism in Rafflesiaceae. Science 315: 1812.

[DW04] Davis, C. C., & K. J. Wurdack. 2004. Host-to-parasite gene transfer in flowering plants: phylogenetic evidence from Malpighiales. Science 305 (5684): 676–678.

[DD73] Deb, D. B., & R. M. Dutta. 1973. Contribution to the flora of Tirap Frontier Division. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 69 (3): 547–573.

[F11] Fraga, R. M. 2011. Family Icteridae (New World blackbirds). In: Hoyo, J. del, A. Elliott & D. A. Christie (eds) Handbook of the Birds of the World vol. 16. Tanagers to New World Blackbirds pp. 684–807. Lynx Edicions: Barcelona.

[H97] Hamilton, A. G. 1897. On domatia in certain Australian and other plants. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 21 (4): 758–792, pl. 57.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[H91] Hokkanen, H. M. T. 1991. Trap cropping in pest management. Annual Review of Entomology 36: 119–138.

[J87] Judd, W. S. 1987. Floristic study of Morne La Visite and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum—Biological Sciences 32 (1): 1–136.

[KJ05] Katewa, S. S., A. Jain, B. L. Chaudhary & P. Galav. 2005. Some unreported medicinal uses of plants from the tribal area of Southern Rajasthan. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 47: 121–130.

[KC01] Kirk, P. M., P. F. Cannon, J. C. David & J. A. Stalpers. 2001. Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi 9th ed. CAB International: Wallingford (UK).

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[M04] Mound, L. A. 2004. Australian long-tailed gall thrips (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripinae, Leeuweniini), with comments on related Old World taxa. Australian Journal of Entomology 43: 28–37.

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[P03] Paul, T. K. 2003. Botanical observations on the Purulia pumped storage hydropower project area, Bagmundi Hills, Purulia district, West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 45: 121–142.

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[TE00] Tibbetts, T. J. & F. W. Ewers. 2000. Root pressure and specific conductivity in temperate lianas: exotic Celastrus orbiculatus (Celastraceae) vs. native Vitis riparia (Vitaceae). American Journal of Botany 87: 1272–1278.

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[WD91] Walter, D. E., & H. A. Denmark. 1991. Use of leaf domatia on wild grape (Vitis munsoniana) by arthropods in central Florida. Florida Entomologist 74 (3): 440–446.

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[WM09] Wang, H., M. J. Moore, P. S. Soltis, C. D. Bell, S. F. Brockington, R. Alexandre, C. C. Davis, M. Latvis, S. R. Manchester & D. E. Soltis. 2009. Rosid radiation and the rapid rise of angiosperm-dominated forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 106 (10): 3853–3858.

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Last updated: 7 June 2022.

Epilobium section Lysimachion

Epilobium cinereum, copyright Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz.

Belongs within: Onagraceae.

The section Lysimachion of the genus Epilobium includes annual and biennial willowherbs in which the calyx is more or less tubular and the corolla is regular.

<==Epilobium sect. Lysimachion A61
    |--E. ser. Dermatophyllae A61
    |    |--E. brevipes Hooker 1855 non E. nummularifolium var. brevipes Hooker 1852 A61
    |    |--E. crassum Hook. f. 1855 A61
    |    |--E. dawbinii Allan 1961 A61
    |    |--E. erubescens Haussknecht 1884 [incl. E. erubescens var. suberecta Kirk 1899] A61
    |    |--E. forbesii Allan 1961 A61
    |    |--E. glabellum Forst. f. 1786 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |    |--E. gracilipes Kirk 1895 A61
    |    |    |--E. g. var. gracilipes A61
    |    |    `--E. g. var. concinnum Allan 1961 A61
    |    |--E. krulleanum Haussknecht 1884 A61
    |    |--E. matthewsii Petrie 1921 [incl. E. arcuatum Petrie 1913 non Lév. 1907] A61
    |    |--E. melanocaulon Hook. 1848 A61
    |    |    |--E. m. var. melanocaulon [incl. E. m. var. typicum Ckn. & Allan 1926] A61
    |    |    `--E. m. var. viride Ckn. & Allan 1926 non E. pedunculare var. viride Ckn. 1918 A61
    |    |--E. microphyllum Rich. 1832 A61
    |    |    |--E. m. var. microphyllum A61
    |    |    `--E. m. var. prostratum Petrie 1912 non E. prostratum Warb. 1893 A61
    |    |--E. novae-zelandiae Haussknecht 1884 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |    |--E. polyclonum Haussknecht 1884 [=E. melanocaulon var. polyclonum (Haussknecht) Cheesem. 1906] A61
    |    |--E. porphyrium Simpson & Thomson 1945 A61
    |    |--E. pycnostachyum Hauss. 1879 A61
    |    |--E. rostratum Cheesem. 1896 A61
    |    |    |--E. r. var. rostratum A61
    |    |    `--E. r. var. pubens Petrie 1913 non E. pubens Rich. 1832 A61
    |    |--E. rubro-marginatum Ckn. 1916 A61
    |    |--E. simulans Allan 1961 A61
    |    `--E. vernicosum Cheesem. 1896 A61
    |--E. ser. Microphyllae A61
    |    |--E. alsinoides Cunningham 1839 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |    |--E. antipodum Petrie 1914 A61
    |    |--E. chloraefolium Hauss. 1879 [incl. E. chloraefolium var. verum Ckn. 1918] A61
    |    |    |--E. c. var. chloraefolium A61
    |    |    `--E. c. var. kaikourense Ckn. 1918 A61
    |    |--E. cockaynianum Petrie 1909 A61
    |    |--E. confertifolium Hook. f. 1844 A61
    |    |--E. elegans Petrie 1897 A61
    |    |--E. findlayi Allan 1961 [incl. E. confertifolium f. laxa] A61
    |    |    |--E. f. var. findlayi A61
    |    |    `--E. f. var. pubescens Allan 1961 A61
    |    |--E. hectori Hauss. 1884 A61
    |    |--E. insulare Haussknecht 1884 A61
    |    |--E. perplexum Kirk 1899 A61
    |    |--E. pictum Petrie 1896 A61
    |    |--E. rotundifolium Forst. f. 1786 A61
    |    |--E. tasmanicum Haussknecht 1884 A61 [=E. confertifolium var. tasmanicum C06]
    |    |--E. tenuipes Hook. f. 1852 [=E. confertifolium var. tenuipes Hook. f. 1864; incl. E. nanum Colenso 1894] A61
    |    |--E. thymifolium Cunningham 1839 A61
    |    `--E. wilsonii Petrie 1923 A61
    |         |--E. w. var. wilsonii A61
    |         `--E. w. var. pallidum Simpson & Thomson 1940 A61
    |--E. ser. Similes A61
    |    |--E. billardierianum Sér. in DC. 1828 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |    |--E. chionanthum Hauss. 1879 A61
    |    |--E. cinereum Rich. 1832 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |    |--E. erectum Petrie 1902 [incl. E. junceum var. macrophyllum Haussknecht 1884, E. junceum f. macrophylla] A61
    |    |--E. hirtigerum Cunn. 1839 A61 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |--E. pallidiflorum Sol. ex Cunn. 1839 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |    `--E. pubens Rich. 1832 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |         |--E. p. var. pubens A61
    |         |--E. p. var. astonii Allan 1961 A61
    |         `--E. p. var. strictum Allan 1961 A61
    `--E. ser. Sparsiflorae A61
         |--E. caespitosum Haussknecht 1884 A61
         |--E. linnaeoides Hook. f. 1844 A61
         |--E. macropus Hook. 1852 A61
         |--E. nerterioides Cunn. 1839 (see below for synonymy) A61
         |    |--E. n. var. nerterioides A61
         |    |--E. n. var. angustum Cheesem. 1925 [=E. nummularifolium var. angustum Cheesem. 1906] A61
         |    `--E. n. var. minimum (Kirk) Ckn. 1909 [=E. nummularifolium var. minimum Kirk 1899] A61
         |--E. nummularifolium Cunn. 1839 (see below for synonymy) A61
         |--E. pedunculare Cunn. 1839 (see below for synonymy) A61
         |    |--E. p. var. pedunculare A61
         |    |--E. p. var. brunnescens Ckn. 1918 A61
         |    |--E. p. var. minutiflorum Ckn. 1918 A61 [=E. brunnescens var. minutiflorum W91]
         |    `--E. p. var. viride Ckn. 1918 A61
         |--E. pernitens Ckn. & Allan 1926 A61
         `--E. purpuratum Hook. f. 1864 A61

Epilobium alsinoides Cunningham 1839 [incl. E. atriplicifolium Cunningham 1839, E. haloragifolium Cunningham 1839] A61

Epilobium billardierianum Sér. in DC. 1828 [incl. E. billardierianum f. major, E. billardierianum f. simplex, E. tetragonum Hook. f. 1852] A61

Epilobium cinereum Rich. 1832 [=E. junceum f. cinerea Haussknecht 1884; incl. E. junceum var. campestre ms, E. junceum f. canescens Haussknecht 1884, E. confertum Cunningham 1839, E. junceum f. glabrescens Haussknecht 1884, E. incanum Cunningham 1839, E. junceum Sprengel 1825 (n. d.), E. puberulum, E. junceum f. teucriifolia Haussknecht 1884, E. virgatum Cunningham 1839] A61

Epilobium glabellum Forst. f. 1786 [incl. E. glabellum f. major non E. billardierianum f. major, E. glabellum f. minor] A61

Epilobium hirtigerum Cunn. 1839 A61 [=E. junceum var. hirtigerum Hook. f. 1852 A61; incl. E. brasiliense Haussknecht 1879 R77, E. junceum var. limosum ms A61]

Epilobium nerterioides Cunn. 1839 [=E. nummularifolium var. nerterioides (Cunn.) Hook. f. 1852; incl. E. pedunculare var. aprica Hauss. 1884, E. komarovianum Lév. in Fedde 1908] A61

Epilobium novae-zelandiae Haussknecht 1884 [incl. E. parviflorum Simpson & Thomson 1943 non Schreb. 1771, E. pratense Simpson 1952] A61

Epilobium nummularifolium Cunn. 1839 [incl. E. nummularifolium var. brevipes Hooker 1852, E. nummularifolium f. umbrosa] A61

Epilobium pallidiflorum Sol. ex Cunn. 1839 [incl. E. macranthum Hook. 1840; incl. E. pallidiflorum f. laxa non E. confertifolium f. laxa, E. pallidiflorum f. stricta non E. pubens var. strictum Allan 1961] A61

Epilobium pedunculare Cunn. 1839 [=E. nummularifolium var. pedunculare (Cunn.) Hook. f. 1852; incl. E. pedunculare var. laxa nec E. confertifolium f. laxa nec E. pallidiflorum f. laxa] A61

Epilobium pubens Rich. 1832 [incl. E. pubens f. major nec E. billardierianum f. major nec E. glabellum f. major, E. pubens f. minor non E. glabellum f. minor] A61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[R77] Raven, P. H. 1977. Onagraceae. Flora Malesiana, Series I—Spermatophyta, Flowering Plants 8 (2): 98–113.

[W91] Williams, P. A. 1991. Subalpine and alpine vegetation of granite ranges in western Nelson, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 29: 317–330.


Mountain hard pear Olinia emarginata, copyright H. Robertson.

Belongs within: Melastomatineae.

Olinia is an African genus of trees and shrubs bearing paniculate inflorescences with branches ending in clusters of three flowers.

<==Olinia [Oliniaceae]
    |  i. s.: O. acuminata SB09
    |         O. cymosa SB09
    |         O. emarginata SB09
    |         O. ventosa SB09
    |--O. capensis SB09
    |--O. micrantha SB09
    |--O. radiata SB09
    `--+--O. usambarensis Gilg ex Engl. 1894 (see below for synonymy) SB09
       `--+--O. huillensis Welwitsch ex Fern. & Fern. 1962 [=O. rochetiana ssp. huillensis] SB09
          |    |--O. h. ssp. huillensis SB09
          |    |--O. h. ssp. burttdavii Sebola in Sebola & Balkwill 2009 SB09
          |    `--O. h. ssp. discolor (Mildbr.) Sebola in Sebola & Balkwill 2009 (see below for synonymy) SB09
          `--+--O. vanguerioides Baker 1911 SB09
             `--+--O. rochetiana de Jussieu 1846 (see below for synonymy) SB09
                `--O. ruandensis Gilg 1914 [incl. O. macrophylla Gilg 1914] SB09

Olinia huillensis ssp. discolor (Mildbr.) Sebola in Sebola & Balkwill 2009 [=O. discolor Mildbr. 1932, O. rochetiana ssp. discolor] SB09

Olinia rochetiana de Jussieu 1846 [=Tephea aequipetala Delile 1846, O. aequipetala (Delile) Cufod. 1959; incl. O. abyssinica Engl. 1921 (n. n.), O. ternata Gilg ex Engl. 1921 (n. n.)] SB09

Olinia usambarensis Gilg ex Engl. 1894 [=O. rochetiana ssp. usambarensis; incl. O. volkensii Gilg ex Engl. 1895] SB09

*Type species of generic name indicated


[SB09] Sebola, R. J., & K. Balkwill. 2009. Numerical phenetic analysis of Olinia rochetiana sensu lato (Oliniaceae). Kew Bulletin 64 (1): 95–121.


Estuary seablite Suaeda esteroa, photographed by Anthony Valois.

Belongs within: Chenopodiaceae.

Suaeda, seablites and seepweeds, is a cosmopolitan genus of herbs and shrubs found growing in saline and alkaline soils (Hickman 1993).

Characters (from Hickman 1993): Annuals, perennials, or shrubs, glabrous to hairy. Leaves generally alternate; blade entire, sometimes cylindric or upper surface flat, fleshy, generally glaucous, tip acute or pointed. Inflorescence a cyme; clusters sessile, generally arrayed in compound spikes; bracts leaf-like or reduced, bractlets subtending flowers 1–3, minute, membranous; flowers 1–12. Flowers generally bisexual; calyx radial or bilateral, lobes 5, rounded, hooded, keeled, horned, or wing-margined; ovary more or less lenticular, rounded, conic or with a neck-like extension, stigmas 2–4. Fruit an utricle, enclosed in calyx. Seed horizontal or vertical, lenticular or flat.

<==Suaeda Forsskal ex Scopoli 1777 (nom. cons.) [Suaedeae] W84
    |--S. sect. Heterosperma H93
    |    |--S. calceoliformis [incl. S. depressa var. erecta] H93
    |    `--S. esteroa H93
    `--S. sect. Limbogermen H93
         |--S. californica H93
         |--S. moquinii [incl. S. torreyana var. ramosissima, S. torreyana] H93
         `--S. taxifolia [=S. californica var. taxifolia; incl. S. californica var. pubescens] H93

Suaeda incertae sedis:
  *S. vera W84
  S. aegyptiaca (Hasselq.) Zoh. 1957 (see below for synonymy) W84
  S. arbusculoides Smith 1969 W84
  S. articulata CV06
  S. australis (Br.) Moq. 1831 (see below for synonymy) W84
  S. baccifera Pallas 1803 W84
  S. corniculata CS77
  S. divaricata O06
  S. linifolia Pallas 1803 W84
  S. maritima [=Chenopodium maritimum Linnaeus 1753] A61
  S. monoica HSS13
  S. novae-zelandiae Allan 1961 (see below for synonymy) A61
  S. palaestina GR98
  S. salina CV06
  S. suffrutescens RH96

Suaeda aegyptiaca (Hasselq.) Zoh. 1957 [=Chenopodium aegyptiacum Hasselq. 1757, Enchylaena aegyptiaca (Hasselq.) Sprengel 1824; incl. Suaeda baccata Forsskal ex Gmelin 1791] W84

Suaeda australis (Br.) Moq. 1831 [=Chenopodium australe Br. 1810, Chenopodina australis (Br.) Moq. in DC. 1849, Lerchea maritima var. australis (Br.) Kuntze 1891, Schoberia australis (Br.) Meyer ex Steudel 1841, Suaeda maritima var. australis (Br.) Domin 1921; incl. Chenopodium insulare Black 1945] W84

Suaeda novae-zelandiae Allan 1961 [=Su. australis var. nova-zelandica MacKay & Chapman 1954; incl. Salsola fruticosa Forst. f. 1786 non Linnaeus 1763] A61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[CS77] Cramp, S., & K. E. L. Simmons (eds) 1977. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palaearctic vol. 1. Ostrich to Ducks. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

[CV06] Craven, P., & P. Vorster. 2006. Patterns of plant diversity and endemism in Namibia. Bothalia 36 (2): 175–189.

[GR98] Greuter, W., & T. Raus (eds.) 1998. Med-Checklist Notulae, 17. Willdenowia 28: 163–174.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[HSS13] Hirschfeld, E., A. Swash & R. Still. 2013. The World's Rarest Birds. Princeton University Press: Princeton (New Jersey).

[O06] Outes, F. F. 1906. Instrumentos y armas neolíticos de Cochicó (Provincia de Mendoza). Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, serie 3, 6: 277–286.

[RH96] Remaudière, G., & S. E. Halbert. 1996. American species of the genus Brachyunguis Das (Homoptera: Aphididae), including two new species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 98 (2): 249–255.

[W84] Wilson, P. G. 1984. Chenopodiaceae. In: George, A. S. (ed.) Flora of Australia vol. 4. Phytolaccaceae to Chenopodiaceae pp. 81–317. Australian Government Publishing Service: Canberra.


Greater plantain Plantago major, copyright Robert Flogaus-Faust.

Belongs within: Plantaginaceae.

Plantago, plantains, is a cosmopolitan genus of wind-pollinated herbs.

Characters (from Hickman 1993): Annual or perennial. Stem decumbent to erect. Leaves simple with longitudinal ribs; stipules absent. Inflorescence a spike; flowers each subtended by a bract. Flowers generally bisexual; calyx deeply four-lobed; corolla radial, sometimes bilateral, lobes 4, scarious, persistent; stamens colorless, alternate corolla lobes, epipetalous; ovary superior, ovules several per chamber, style 1, stigma long, hairy. Fruit a capsule, circumscissile more or less at or below middle. Seeds 2–many, gelatinous when wet.

<==Plantago Linnaeus 1753 A61
    |--P. afra PT98
    |--P. albicans Y98
    |--P. aristata H93
    |--P. asiatica MH98
    |--P. aucklandica Hooker 1844 A61
    |--P. barbata A61
    |--P. bellardii BR65
    |--P. coronopus BR65
    |--P. cretica PT98
    |--P. debilis GK00
    |--P. elongata [incl. P. bigelovii, P. elongata ssp. pentasperma] H93
    |--P. erecta [incl. P. bigelovii ssp. californica, P. hookeriana var. californica, P. erecta ssp. rigidior] H93
    |--P. eriopoda H93
    |--P. erosa O88
    |--P. exilis GK00
    |--P. hirtella C06
    |--P. hispidula G04
    |--P. indica H93
    |--P. lagopus PT98
    |--P. lanceolata OP01
    |--P. lanigera Hooker 1864 [incl. P. lanigera var. petriei Cheeseman 1906] A61
    |--P. major [incl. P. major var. pilgeri, P. major var. scopulorum] H93
    |--P. maritima (see below for synonymy) H93
    |--P. media HS98
    |--P. montana C55
    |--P. muelleri A61
    |--P. novae-zelandiae Moore in Allan 1961 A61
    |--P. ovata [incl. P. insularis var. fastigiata, P. insularis] H93
    |--P. patagonica [incl. P. purshii var. oblonga] H93
    |--P. picta Colenso 1890 [incl. P. viridis ms] A61
    |--P. psyllium BR65
    |--P. pusilla H93
    |--P. (sect. Mesembrynia) raoullii Decne in DC. 1852 [incl. P. dasyphylla Colenso 1892] A61
    |--P. rigida RJ11
    |--P. spathulata Hooker 1854 A61
    |--P. subnuda [incl. P. hirtella var. galeottiana] H93
    |--P. subulata C74
    |--P. tasmanica A61
    |--P. tibetica SS72
    |--P. (sect. Microcalyx) triandra Bergg. 1877 [incl. P. hamiltoni Kirk 1879, P. masonae Cheeseman 1921] A61
    |--P. triantha Spreng. 1825 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |--P. truncata H93
    |    |--P. t. ssp. truncata H93
    |    `--P. t. ssp. firma H93
    |--P. uniflora Hooker 1854 [=P. triantha var. uniflora (Hooker) Pilger 1937] A61
    |--P. varia BR65
    |--P. virginica [incl. P. rhodosperma] H93
    `--P. weldenii PT98

Plantago maritima [incl. P. maritima var. californica non P. bigelovii ssp. californica, P. maritima var. juncoides] H93

Plantago triantha Spreng. 1825 [incl. P. brownii Rapin 1827, P. carnosa Br. 1810 non Lam. 1791, P. subantarctica Cockayne 1928] A61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[BR65] Black, J. M., & E. L. Robertson. 1965. Flora of South Australia. Part IV. Oleaceae–Compositae. W. L. Hawes, Government Printer: Adelaide.

[C55] Candolle, A. de. 1855. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 1. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[C74] Coineau, Y. 1974. Éléments pour une monographie morphologique, écologique et biologique des Caeculidae (Acariens). Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, nouvelle série, Série A, Zoologie 81: 1–299, 24 pls.

[G04] Gibson, N. 2004. Flora and vegetation of the Eastern Goldfields Ranges: part 6. Mt Manning Range. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (2): 35–47.

[GK00] Gibson, N., & G. J. Keighery. 2000. Flora and vegetation of the Byenup-Muir reserve system, south-west Western Australia. CALMScience 3 (3): 323–402.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[HS98] Husband, B. C., & D. W. Schemske. 1998. Cytotype distribution at a diploid-tetraploid contact zone in Chamerion (Epilobium) angustifolium (Onagraceae). American Journal of Botany 85: 1688–1694.

[MH98] Morikawa, H., A. Higaki, M. Nohno, M. Takahashi, M. Kamada, M. Nakata, G. Toyohara, Y. Okamura, K. Matsui, S. Kitani, K. Fujita, K. Irifune & N. Goshima. 1998. More than a 600-fold variation in nitrogen dioxide assimilation among 217 plant taxa. Plant, Cell and Environment 21: 180–190.

[O88] Ohba, H. 1988. The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 19–46.

[OP01] Olmstead, R. G., C. W. dePamphilis, A. D. Wolfe, N. D. Young, W. J. Elisons & P. A. Reeves. 2001. Disintegration of the Scrophulariaceae. American Journal of Botany 88 (2): 348–361.

[PT98] Panitsa, M., & D. Tzanoudakis. 1998. Contribution to the study of the Greek flora: flora and vegetation of the E Aegean islands Agathonisi and Pharmakonisi. Willdenowia 28: 95–116.

[RJ11] Rising, J. D., A. Jaramillo, J. L. Copete, P. G. Ryan & S. C. Madge. 2011. Family Emberizidae (buntings and New World sparrows). In: Hoyo, J. del, A. Elliott & D. A. Christie (eds) Handbook of the Birds of the World vol. 16. Tanagers to New World Blackbirds pp. 428–683. Lynx Edicions: Barcelona.

[SS72] Singh, V., & H. Singh. 1972. A contribution to the flora of Gangolihat block in Pithoragarh District. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 69 (2): 352–368.

[Y98] Yannitsaros, A. 1998. Additions to the flora of Kithira (Greece) I. Willdenowia 28: 77–94.


Celery Apium graveolens, copyright Adam Grubb and Annie Raser-Rowland.

Belongs within: Apiaceae.
Contains: Mulineae, Bupleurum, Pleurospermeae, Perideridia, Scandiceae, Smyrnieae, Aciphylla, Anisotome, Pyramidoptereae, Heracleum, Peucedaneae, Cymopterus, Lomatium.

The Apioideae are a major subgroup of apiaceous plants in which the flowers are pedicelled in umbers, with styles arising from stylopodia, and fruits are distinctly ribbed (Allan 1961).

<==Apioideae [Ammineae, Apieae] DK-DW00
    |--Heteromorpheae DK-DW00
    |    |--Heteromorpha DK-DW00
    |    |    |--H. arborescens DK-DW00
    |    |    `--H. papillosa CV06
    |    `--+--Glia prolifera DK-DW00
    |       `--Anginon DK-DW00
    |            |--A. rugosum DK-DW00
    |            `--A. streyi CV06
    `--+--Bupleurum DK-DW00
       `--+--Pleurospermeae DK-DW00
          `--+--+--Komarovia anisosperma DK-DW00
             |  |--Parasilaus asiaticus DK-DW00
             |  `--‘Hansenia’ Turcz. 1884 nec Karst. 1879 nec Zopf 1883 DK-DW00, KC01
             `--+--Erigenia bulbosa DK-DW00
                `--+--Oenantheae DK-DW00
                   |    |  i. s.: Berula erecta DK-DW00, H93
                   |    |         Neogoezia DK-DW00
                   |    |         Cynosciadium DK-DW00
                   |    |         Lilaeopsis Greene 1891 DK-DW00, A61
                   |    |           |--L. lacustris Hill 1927 [incl. Crantzia lineata Hooker 1853 non Nutt. 1818] A61
                   |    |           |--L. masonii H93
                   |    |           |--L. novae-zelandiae (Dand.) Hill 1927 (see below for synonymy) A61
                   |    |           |--L. occidentalis H93
                   |    |           |--L. orbicularis Hill 1928 A61
                   |    |           `--L. polyantha GK00
                   |    |         Helosciadum DK-DW00
                   |    |           |--H. leptophyllum C55a
                   |    |           `--H. nodiflorum C55b
                   |    |--Perideridia DK-DW00
                   |    `--+--+--Cryptotaenia japonica DK-DW00
                   |       |  `--+--Oxypolis occidentalis DK-DW00
                   |       |     `--Sium DK-DW00
                   |       |          |--S. latifolium DK-DW00
                   |       |          `--S.suave [incl. S. cicutaefolium, S. lineare] C52
                   |       `--+--Oenanthe DK-DW00
                   |          |    |--O. crocata C52
                   |          |    |--O. pimpinelloides H93
                   |          |    `--O. sarmentosa H93
                   |          `--Cicuta DK-DW00
                   |               |--C. douglasii H93
                   |               |--C. maculata H93
                   |               |    |--C. m. var. maculata H93
                   |               |    |--C. m. var. angustifolia [incl. C. occidentalis, C. valida] H93
                   |               |    `--C. m. var. bolanderi H93
                   |               `--C. virosa Linnaeus 1753 UP03
                   `--+--Scandiceae DK-DW00
                      |--+--‘Ligusticum’ canadense DK-DW00
                      |  |--‘Ligusticum’ porteri DK-DW00
                      |  `--Conioselinum DK-DW00
                      |       |--*C. tataricum DK-DW00
                      |       |--C. chinense DK-DW00
                      |       |--C. pacificum H93
                      |       `--C. scopulorum DK-DW00
                      |--+--Smyrnieae DK-DW00
                      |  `--Aciphylleae DK-DW00
                      |       |--Aciphylla DK-DW00
                      |       |--Anisotome DK-DW00
                      |       |--Gingidia DK-DW00
                      |       |--Lignocarpa DK-DW00
                      |       `--Scandia DK-DW00
                      |            |--S. geniculata P04
                      |            `--S. rosifolia W96 (see below for synonymy)
                      `--+--Aegopodium clade DK-DW00
                         |    |  i. s.: Aegokeras [incl. Olymposciadium] DK-DW00
                         |    |         Rhabdosciadium DK-DW00
                         |    |         Grammosciadium DK-DW00
                         |    |         Cyclospermum leptophyllum DK-DW00, K10
                         |    |--Aegopodium DK-DW00
                         |    |    |--A. alpestre DK-DW00
                         |    |    `--A. podagraria HM07
                         |    `--+--Falcaria vulgaris DK-DW00
                         |       `--+--Fuernrohria setifolia DK-DW00
                         |          `--Carum DK-DW00
                         |               |--C. carvi O88
                         |               |--C. multiflorum S98
                         |               `--C. petroselinum C06
                         |--+--+--Conium maculatum DK-DW00
                         |  |  |--+--Prangos pabularia DK-DW00
                         |  |  |  `--+--Smyrniopsis aucheri DK-DW00
                         |  |  |     `--Opopanax hispidus DK-DW00
                         |  |  `--Pimpinella DK-DW00
                         |  |       |--P. anisum KSM06
                         |  |       |--P. peregrina DK-DW00
                         |  |       |--P. saxifraga WH02
                         |  |       `--P. tibetanica O88
                         |  `--+--Capnophyllum dichotomum DK-DW00
                         |     `--+--+--Anethum L. 1753 DK-DW00
                         |        |  |    `--A. graveolens L. 1753 L95
                         |        |  `--+--Ridolfia segetum DK-DW00
                         |        |     `--Foeniculum Mill. 1754 DK-DW00, L95
                         |        |          |--F. officionale BM76
                         |        |          `--F. vulgare Miller 1768 (see below for synonymy) L95
                         |        `--Apium Linnaeus 1753 DK-DW00, A61
                         |             |--A. annuum GK00
                         |             |--A. australe Thouars 1804 (see below for synonymy) A61
                         |             |    |--A. a. var. australe A61
                         |             |    |--A. a. var. angustisectum Wolff 1927 A61
                         |             |    `--A. a. var. latisectum Wolff 1927 A61
                         |             |--A. dulce TG88
                         |             |--A. filiforme (Rich.) Hooker 1852 (see below for synonymy) A61
                         |             |--A. graveolens Linnaeus 1753 CanDoy07
                         |             `--A. nodiflorum CS77
                         `--+--Pyramidoptereae DK-DW00
                            `--+--Arafoe aromatica DK-DW00
                               |--Coriandrum L. 1753 DK-DW00, L95
                               |    `--C. sativum L. 1753 L95
                               |--+--Thyselium palustre DK-DW00
                               |  `--‘Ferula’ assa-foetida DK-DW00
                               |--+--Cnidiocarpa alaica DK-DW00
                               |  |--Cnidium silaifolium DK-DW00
                               |  |--'Ligusticum’ ferulaceum DK-DW00
                               |  `--'Ligusticum’ physospermifolium DK-DW00
                               |--Heracleum clade DK-DW00
                               |    |--Heracleum DK-DW00
                               |    |--Zosima orientalis DK-DW00
                               |    `--Tordylium DK-DW00
                               |         |--T. aegaeum PT98
                               |         |--T. aegyptiacum DK-DW00
                               |         |--T. apulum PT98
                               |         |--T. maximum H91
                               |         `--T. parviflora C55b
                               `--+--Peucedaneae DK-DW00
                                  |--Chymsydia colchica DK-DW00
                                  |--Imperatoria ostruthium DK-DW00 [=Peucedanum ostruthium C55b]
                                  |--+--Endressia castellana DK-DW00
                                  |  `--Seseli DK-DW00
                                  |       |--S. diffusum [incl. S. indicum] VS73
                                  |       |--S. krylovii DK-DW00
                                  |       `--S. libanotis DK-DW00
                                  |--Rocky Mountain umbellifers DK-DW00
                                  |    |  i. s.: Cymopterus DK-DW00
                                  |    |         Lomatium DK-DW00
                                  |    |         Musineon DK-DW00
                                  |    |         Neoparrya DK-DW00
                                  |    |         Podistera nevadensis DK-DW00, H93
                                  |    |         Taenidia DK-DW00
                                  |    |--Shoshonea pulvinata DK-DW00
                                  |    `--+--Zizia aurea DK-DW00
                                  |       `--Thaspium pinnatifidum DK-DW00
                                  `--Arracacia clade DK-DW00
                                       |  i. s.: Dahliaphyllum DK-DW00
                                       |         Donnellsmithia DK-DW00
                                       |         Enantiophylla DK-DW00
                                       |         Coaxana DK-DW00
                                       |         Mathiasella DK-DW00
                                       |--+--'Arracacia’ brandegei DK-DW00
                                       |  |--Coulterophytum laxum DK-DW00
                                       |  |--Prionosciadium turneri DK-DW00
                                       |  `--Rhodosciadium argutum DK-DW00
                                       `--+--Myrrhidendron donnell-smithii DK-DW00
                                          `--Arracacia Bancroft 1828 DK-DW00, L95
                                               |--A. nelsonii DK-DW00
                                               `--A. xanthorrhiza Bancroft 1825 [incl. A. esculenta DC. 1830] L95

Apioideae incertae sedis:
  Tana bojeriana LWT03
  Diplaspis T00
  Dichosciadium T00
  Klotzschia T00
  Stilbocarpa Gray 1854 T00, A61
    `--S. polaris (Homb. & Jacq.) Gray 1854 [=Aralia polaris Homb. & Jacq. ex Hooker 1844] A61
  Azilia eryngioides DK-DW00
  Cortia depressa DK-DW00
  Karatavia kultiassovii DK-DW00
  Lithosciadium multicaule DK-DW00
  Phlojodicarpus popovii DK-DW00
  Spermolepis DK-DW00
    |--S. echinata H93
    `--S. inermis DK-DW00
  Sphaenolobium tianschanicum DK-DW00
  Tommasinia verticillaris DK-DW00
  Mulineae T00
  Coxella Cheesem. & Hemsl. 1911 A61
    `--C. dieffenbachii (Muell.) Cheesem. & Hemsl. 1911 (see below for synonymy) A61
  Ammi AGF98
    |--A. majus AGF98
    `--A. visnaga H93
  Echinophoreae DK-DW00
    |--Echinophora spinosa DK-DW00, C74
    |--Dicyclophora DK-DW00
    `--Pycnocycla DK-DW00
  Deverra triradiata DK-DW00
  Naufraga balearica DK-DW00
  Petroselinum Hill 1756 DK-DW00, L95
    |--P. crispum (Mill.) Nyman ex Hill (see below for synonymy) L95
    |--P. sativum MH98
    `--P. segetum TG88
  Oligocladus CalDow07
  Annesorhiza CalDow07
  Lichtensteinia CalDow07
    |--L. obscura CalDow07
    `--+--L. lacera CalDow07
       `--L. trifida CalDow07

Apium australe Thouars 1804 [incl. A. prostratum Labill. 1804, Petroselinum prostratum DC. 1830] A61

Apium filiforme (Rich.) Hooker 1852 [=Petroselinum filiforme Rich. 1832, A. prostratum var. filiforme Kirk 1899] A61

Coxella dieffenbachii (Muell.) Cheesem. & Hemsl. 1911 [=Gingidium dieffenbachii Muell. 1864, Aciphylla dieffenbachii Kirk 1899, Angelica dieffenbachii Benth. & Hooker 1867, Ligusticum dieffenbachii Hooker 1867] A61

Foeniculum vulgare Miller 1768 [incl. Anethum funiculum L. 1753, F. funiculum (L.) Karsten 1882] L95

Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae (Dand.) Hill 1927 [=Crantzia novae-zelandiae Gandoger 1918] A61

Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nyman ex Hill [=Apium crispum Mill. 1768; incl. A. petroselinum L. 1753, Wydleria portoricensis DC. 1829] L95

Scandia rosifolia W96 [=Angelica rosaefolia Hooker 1843 W96, Anisotome rosaefolia Hooker 1853 A61; incl. Ligusticum aromaticum Banks & Solander ms non Hooker 1864 W96]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AGF98] Abd El-Ghani, M. M., & A. G. Fahmy. 1998. Composition of and changes in the spontaneous flora of Feiran Oasis, S Sinai, Egypt, in the last 60 years. Willdenowia 28: 123–134.

[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[BM76] Bohart, R. M., & A. S. Menke. 1976. Sphecid Wasps of the World. University of California Press: Berkeley.

[CalDow07] Calviño, C. I., & S. R. Downie. 2007. Circumscription and phylogeny of Apiaceae subfamily Saniculoideae based on chloroplast DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (1): 175–191.

[C55a] Candolle, A. de. 1855a. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 1. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

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[CanDoy07] Cantino, P. D., J. A. Doyle, S. W. Graham, W. S. Judd, R. G. Olmstead, D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis & M. J. Donoghue. 2007. Towards a phylogenetic nomenclature of Tracheophyta. Taxon 56 (3): E1–E44.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[C52] Clarke, J. F. G. 1952. Host relationships of moths of the genera Depressaria and Agonopterix, with descriptions of new species. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 117 (7): 1–20.

[C74] Coineau, Y. 1974. Éléments pour une monographie morphologique, écologique et biologique des Caeculidae (Acariens). Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, nouvelle série, Série A, Zoologie 81: 1–299, 24 pls.

[CS77] Cramp, S., & K. E. L. Simmons (eds) 1977. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palaearctic vol. 1. Ostrich to Ducks. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

[CV06] Craven, P., & P. Vorster. 2006. Patterns of plant diversity and endemism in Namibia. Bothalia 36 (2): 175–189.

[DK-DW00] Downie, S. R., D. S. Katz-Downie & M. F. Watson. 2000. A phylogeny of the flowering plant family Apiaceae based on chloroplast DNA rpl16 and rpoC1 intron sequences: towards a suprageneric classification of subfamily Apioideae. American Journal of Botany 87 (2): 273–292.

[GK00] Gibson, N., & G. J. Keighery. 2000. Flora and vegetation of the Byenup-Muir reserve system, south-west Western Australia. CALMScience 3 (3): 323–402.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[HM07] Honek, A., & Z. Martinkova. 2007. A field method for quantifying the grazing activity of slugs, with particular reference to Arion lusitanicus (Mollusca). Malacologia 49 (2): 273–281.

[H91] Hubálek, Z. 1991. Biogeographic indication of natural foci of tick-borne infections. In: Dusbábek, F., & V. Bukva (eds) Modern Acarology: Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Acarology, held in České Budĕjovice, Czechoslovakia, 6–11 August 1990 vol. 1 pp. 255–260. SPB Academic Publishing: The Hague.

[K10] Keighery, G. 2010. The naturalised vascular plants of the Pilbara region, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 78 (1): 299–311.

[KSM06] King, R. C., W. D. Stansfield & P. K. Mulligan. 2006. A Dictionary of Genetics 7th ed. Oxford University Press.

[L95] Liogier, H. A. 1995. Descriptive Flora of Puerto Rico and Adjacent Islands: Spermatophyta-Dicotyledoneae vol. 4. Melastomataceae to Lentibulariaceae. Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico.

[LWT03] Liu, M., B-E. van Wyk & P. M. Tilney. 2003. The taxonomic value of fruit structure in the subfamily Saniculoideae and related African genera (Apiaceae). Taxon 52: 261–270.

[MH98] Morikawa, H., A. Higaki, M. Nohno, M. Takahashi, M. Kamada, M. Nakata, G. Toyohara, Y. Okamura, K. Matsui, S. Kitani, K. Fujita, K. Irifune & N. Goshima. 1998. More than a 600-fold variation in nitrogen dioxide assimilation among 217 plant taxa. Plant, Cell and Environment 21: 180–190.

[O88] Ohba, H. 1988. The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 19–46.

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