Showing posts with label Cyclocystoidea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyclocystoidea. Show all posts


Fossilised slab with Nicholsodiscus anticostiensis and smaller indeterminate cyclocystoids, from Glass et al. (2003).

Belongs within: Echinodermata.

The Cyclocystoidea are a Middle Cambrian to Middle Devonian group of flattened echinoderms with a disc-shaped body lacking arms or other appendages. The lifestyle of cyclocystoids remains uncertain, though they may have taken organic matter off their substrate (Glass et al. 2003).

Characters (from Ubaghs 1978): Disk-shaped body with submarginal frame of thick, ornamented plates, enclosing central areas covered by thinly plated membranes, and with skirt of small plates around margin; sutural pores present on one central area; submarginal plates providcd with large cuplike pores and small inner canals leading to interior of body.

    |  i. s.: Monocycloides GAC03
    |         Savagella Foerste 1920 K67
    |--Cyclocystoididae GAC03
    |    |--Actinodiscus Smith & Paul 1982 B01
    |    |--Nicholsodiscus Glass, Ausich & Copper 2003 GAC03
    |    |    `--*N. anticostiensis Glass, Ausich & Cooper 2003 GAC03
    |    |--Cyclocystoides Salter & Billings 1858 B01
    |    |    `--C. latus Smith & Paul 1982 B01
    |    `--Zygocycloides Smith & Paul 1982 GAC03
    |         |--*Z. variabilis Smith & Paul 1982 GAC03
    |         |--Z. blairi (Smith & Wilson 1995) GAC03
    |         |--Z. magnus (Miller & Dyer 1878) GAC03
    |         |--Z. marstoni (Smith & Paul 1982) GAC03
    |         `--Z. raymondi (Foerste 1920) [=Narrawayella raymondi, Cyclocystoides raymondi] GAC03
    `--Apycnodiscidae B01
         |--Narrawayella Foerste 1920 B01
         |--Apcynodiscus Smith & Paul 1982 B01
         |    `--A. salteri (Hall 1866) B01
         |--Linguacycloides Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |    `--*L. trapes Bozarowski 2001 B01
         |--Neocyclocystoides Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |    `--*N. neocyclocystoides Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |--Smithocycloides Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |    `--*S. paulii Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |--Platycycloides Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |    `--P. foraminis Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |--Apparatocycloides Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |    `--*A. satanus Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |--Paradoxocycloides Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |    `--*P. planus Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |--Brutocycloides Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |    `--*B. cerebrum Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |--Chimaerocycloides Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |    `--*C. chimaerus Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |--Minicycloides Haude & Thomas 1994 B01
         |    `--M. carbonicus Haude & Thomas 1994 B01
         |--Diastocycloides Smith & Paul 1982 B01
         |    |--D. nitidus (Faber 1886) B01
         |    `--D. stauromorphus Smith & Paul 1982 B01
         |--Polytryphocycloides Smith & Paul 1982 B01
         |    |--P. depressus (Billings 1858) B01
         |    `--P. lindstroemi (Regnéll 1945) B01
         |--Concavocycloides Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |    |--*C. givetiensis Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |    |--C. eifeliensis Boczarowski 2001 B01
         |    `--C. frasniensis Boczarowski 2001 B01
         `--Sievertsia Smith & Paul 1982 B01
              |--S. concava Smith & Paul 1982 B01
              |--S. devonica (Sieverts-Doreck 1951) B01
              |--S. gotus (Prokop 1980) B01
              `--S. tartas (Prokop 1980) B01

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B01] Boczarowski, A. 2001. Isolated sclerites of Devonian non-pelmatozoan echinoderms. Palaeontologia Polonica 59: 1-219.

[GAC03] Glass, A., W. I. Ausich & P. Copper. 2003. New cyclocystoid (phylum Echinodermata) from Anticosti Island, Quebec, and its bearing on cyclocystoid life modes. Journal of Paleontology 77: 949-957.

[K67] Kesling, R. V. 1967. Cystoids. In Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt. S. Echinodermata 1. General characters. Homalozoa-Crinozoa (except Crinoidea) (R. C. Moore, ed.) vol. 1 pp. S85-S267. The Geological Society of America, Inc., and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

Ubaghs, G. 1978. Classification of the echinoderms. In Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt. T. Echinodermata 2. Crinoidea (R. C. Moore & C. Teichert, eds) vol. 1 p. T359-T367. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).